
Moral Complexity Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"In the world of anime, the line between hero and villain is often blurred, creating characters who are compellingly human in their complexity."
"The moral landscape is a landscape of peaks and valleys."
"What makes this such a bold idea is the overt departure from the idea of the Federation being the unquestioned good guys."
"The lasting import of great philosophers isn't in telling us to put the toilet seat down and send thank you notes. It's identifying the ethical questions we need to be asking ourselves when we experience life's infinite moral complexities."
"With dark tourism, despite its name, very few things are actually black and white."
"Some things are hard, and some things are right, and some things are both. This is one of those things."
"I'm very reluctant to condemn people who are in a position or in a condition such that were I in that position or condition, I'm not sure what I would do."
"He was a complicated individual, showing us that the world — and indeed, history — is full of people who do the wrong things for the right reasons."
"The main hero goal of the movie is for Diana to accept that humankind is both evil and good, and thus worth saving."
"Villains don't need to operate on the same morals as your everyday person. In fact, most of the time, villains that go against the moral standards often stand out more in our minds because they break from the norm."
"People were evolving beyond the basic good vs evil story."
"The villains make the story of boku no hero more than just a one-dimensional tale about good guy heroes defeating generic bad guys who are just bad for the sake of being bad."
"It's not black and white, it's shades of grey."
"Joel's actions continue to be highly debated, but many can sympathize with his decisions."
"Caesar's Legion, despite being basically awful, the more you learn about them, the more you understand why they're like this."
"What seems to be evil or good, it's actually what must be done in order to maintain the balance."
"The line between good and evil runs through every human heart."
"He is obviously a hero character and a representation of good, sure, but he also does certain things which your average hero wouldn't do and is fine with it."
"The new campaign makes the imperials the good guys."
"We've all got both light and dark inside us."
"He’s ambitious, intelligent, morally complex, and, yes, narcissistic."
"Honestly, it's a kind of moral complexity that passed the final season of 'Game of Thrones' by completely."
"Is V a hero? Yes, he is, but a flawed one, a man who flirts with villainy but only for the sake of a cause that he believes will set humanity on the path to peace and prosperity."
"Not everything is 100% dead and ugly and evil or 100% good and Angelic and unadulterated."
"Max Payne always shows himself to be a well-intentioned man in a foul cruel world."
"Looking at the facts, Ultron's final determination that humans and superheroes are what make the world such a dangerous place makes its own twisted kind of sense."
"I know that she was a terrible roommate and kind of a terrible person sometimes and that one big grand gesture doesn't make up for centuries of what's essentially murder but she was my terrible roommate and she made the big gesture for me."
"A system that lacks ambiguity where every choice can be boiled down to clear right or wrong can hardly be considered a game at all."
"With moral situations, it's never a binary situation."
"Stability is hard-won and someone's hands are bound to get dirty in the process."
"Few things in life are truly black and white."
"Even though the character has a skin, doesn't mean they're evil."
"He saved them not because he was... noble, moral, and the like, but because on a very deep level, he developed a human attachment to these people." - Michael Berenbaum
"How often must the scoundrel prove himself the hero before he believes it himself?"
"People aren't bad because they do bad things, good people do bad things and bad people do good things."
"Sometimes people we have loved and admired do horrible things. It's tough to accept, but we have to if we say we support victims."
"No matter how evil somebody is, there's some good in all the evil people."
"The good people are not always all that good and the bad people oftentimes are not always all that bad."
"There's no such thing as bad guys, or good guys. We're all just guys who do good stuff sometimes, and bad stuff sometimes. And all we can do is try to do less bad stuff and more good stuff."
"There are no good and evil people there are just people who do good and evil things and the best you can do for yourself is try and do a good thing maybe for someone around you."
"I love movies that give you great moral dilemmas."
"Marcy's betrayal is really messed up even though you understand why she did it."
"My favorite comic book character of all time is Magneto and he's a villain but I feel like he does things for righteous causes he's fighting for the purity of the mutant race he doesn't like the way the mutants are getting oppressed."
"History rarely gives us purely good victims nor purely evil perpetrators, and the satanic panic bears this out."
"I think there's something about a sympathetic killer in horror, not in real life but like in a horror movie where you just think man, something went so horribly wrong here and you, at the character, you just want to save them."
"Is somebody more guilty than others? I don't really want to look at it that way. It's not black and white. It's obviously very complicated."
"I attract everything and everyone I want, what did I say? You will get everything that you want."
"Embrace how bad of a person she is. You don't need to say everything she did was justified to say she was awesome. That's just not how fiction works."
"Pray for the devil, for devils have no reason."
"The show continues its exploration of having complex feelings about seemingly bad people."
"Maruki did some undeniably terrible things, but he is not a bad person."
"You're allowed to have good memories of bad people."
"It's not black and white. The show is very morally gray."
"There are no bad guys, just different groups of people with different perspectives and motivations."
"He's not a saint, but nor is he the sinner that people would like him to be."
"Sadie’s kindness doesn’t come from a place of total purity, but it’s still pure kindness."
"Ellie starts as a compassionate kind soul, an echo of what the late Joel becomes, that drains away slowly under the weight of her guilt."
"I don't want you to agree with what these superheroes do, but I want you to understand why they're doing it."
"Angron likely contained the aspect of the Emperor's morality, empathy, and honor."
"The point is that it's not so much about Good and Evil here as it is about The Human Condition."
"The world hasn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside of us. Are you sure about that?"
"The fandom's concept of Slytherin evolves and is actually more complex and morally grey than the canon reality of Slytherin."
"Naruto's destiny subject is not black and white."
"Whether you choose to see his ambitions through to the end or bash him over the head with a golf club, Mr. House will ever remain one of the most morally intriguing characters."
"It was really hard sometimes to make people as bad as they really are, do you know what I mean? No, it's hard sometimes, or it was for me, to make anybody be that evil."
"For something a concept and a topic that is so vast you can't just say 'oh it was absolutely evil all the way through or that it was absolutely justified all the way through.'"
"The best and most compelling villains are the ones who think they're the good guys."
"He writes morally gray complicated not good guys like no one else can."
"Oppenheimer was many things in life... the destroyer of worlds."
"Even if Mary was a victim, it doesn't make her not guilty of her actions."
"I think it's a reminder that the world is not black or white."
"People capable of heinous acts are also capable of doing the most beautiful and godly work."
"No one is truly good and no one is truly evil, all of us are flawed characters that need to reconcile with our own flaws in order to work on them for improvement's sake."
"Thanos is this incredible character who you're like, 'I see where he's coming from.'"
"He's like a character, like a Disney character. But when you break all that down, man, he's actually a good guy."
"It's far more interesting when you have to pick from lots of kind of horrible factions."
"There is no black or white in this story... It's all gray."
"He did so much in his lifetime for better for worse."
"Perhaps I have been wrong. And I say Zangief, you are bad guy, but this does not mean you're bad guy."
"Just as we are almost about to judge Glenn for being as ruthless as Rick normally is, this show makes sure to remind us that these people, the Saviors, they kind of deserve this."
"Most choices in the realm of power are between evils. There are very frequently no good options."
"The reality is the world is a lot more gray than we think."
"They may never be full-on good guys... but the bond between them matters more to me than whatever they share with any of these other characters."
"The factions themselves are genuinely morally ambiguous, there's not really a clear-cut case of who is in the right per se."
"Empathy is important. Everyone, say the morals of the show out loud. Everything's gray, everything comes in different shades of grey."
"Thanos may have been trying to save the universe, but underneath all the horror that is his plan and actions, he might have been a genuinely good person."
"Nothing is evil in the beginning, even Sauron was not so."
"The world is a mixture of both good and bad."
"Doing bad things doesn't necessarily make someone a bad person."
"Fallout New Vegas feels more authentic, more mature, and more morally gut-twisting."
"The show mostly avoids labeling good guys and bad guys."
"Emily as a morally gray protagonist is showing us how mlms not only do the worst things to us but also bring out the worst in us."
"He isn't the hero, but what we've been exploring from the beginning is that there's dark and light in everybody and everybody can also be redeemed."
"Life isn't black and white and people aren't either good or evil, there are shades of grey in between and that's where the likeable sociopath lives."
"Nothing's necessarily completely black and white."
"People are not good or bad, they're not black or white, everything is gray."
"We all are kind person we all are angry we all are crazy people we all him we all can do everything like both good and bad observer humans that what you can be God."
"It dares you to feel something for someone who in any other context would simply be a villain deemed unworthy of empathy."
"He's certainly not a hero. There are no heroes in A Clockwork Orange."
"Namor is at times presented as a flat-out villain and other times as a prickly antihero."
"Many people behave as if being vocally not racist, sexist, and transphobic makes you morally flawless. It doesn't. You can still be insufferable, destructive, and ignorant without being prejudiced."
"I don't have a problem pulling some of the dick-Johnny Lawrence, but we don't want to eliminate the fact that this... you know, he's still the bully."
"Just because you're a good guy doesn't mean you can't play the edgy cards."
"Heroes don't kill people, and he's like I do, a bunch of heroes, everybody does."
"There are shades of grey in life, black-and-white is an extreme view."
"The moral dilemmas and conflicts are just so fascinating."
"Avatar never beats you over the head with a black and white philosophy... they do a fantastic job of showing you the grey scale."
"The bad guys actually have a good point in this game even though they're all murdering slavers their system of order works very well even though everyone's fucking miserable and gets crucified all the time."
"Not all of us are bad and not all of us are good, there's in between, there's a gray area."
"Sometimes you've got to do the wrong thing for the right reasons."
"It's a lot of complex morality going on with this."
"Despite it being tempted to write something awful as just pure evil, a human connection is required to understand."
"The plot in this game is special, not only does it scrap the whole traditional view of good and evil and dark and light, it provokes thought after every action you make."
"Instead of making all our heroes and villains gritty flawed Moral Gray Areas, we could start throwing in some characters that are dangerously certain that they're doing the right thing."
"The robin hood legend sort of attracts us in that he's a bad boy with a heart of gold."
"The Mass Effect series emphasized the impact of players choices and with that the gray nature of morality."
"Shanks definitely sucks. People need to realize that liking Luffy and having morally questionable goals are two different things."
"Life doesn't necessarily work that way... things might not necessarily be that black and white."
"Throughout scripture, there's just not bad people and good people."
"Choices that you make in the outer worlds are not the typical good versus evil option instead you have two choices which cause separate outcomes."
"Sometimes good people do bad things... Are we happy moving on?"
"Jarhead captures the true moral ambiguity of the wars"
"Joker's got some morals y'all, not many but some."
"You don't have to be a saint to be an effective war leader."
"There is some sadistic enjoyment to be had from this."
"In squid game all the players aren't quote-unquote good people, but again they don't need to be perfect victims to have our sympathy."
"That doesn't make them not bad it just makes you understand sort of why they do what they do doesn't make their actions justifiable."
"The moral ambiguities of all this is really... compelling."
"Even though Zerus was a murderer whatever happened to him changed him because at one point he reformed and built the orphanage to expiate his crimes."
"It wasn't only your comrades. I've suffered thousands of fingers from fellow subjects of Ymir. I've created countless titans for men, women, and children. All the while telling myself it was for Eldia."
"Spies, secret agents, and the intelligence community will always capture our imagination, especially when their activities appear to be outside of the boundaries of our accepted morality."
"David's life as we've seen is a testament to both the heights of Godly obedience and the depths of moral failure."
"Once we get to the end, it's not going to be so obvious that taking down these Celestial Dragons is the right answer."
"Zihark may be a soldier, but he's no hero on the wrong side of the war."
"Selena Kyle challenges his perspective. She's not a bad person, and Batman wrestles with this concept."
"Even the damned are capable of doing some good."
"It's a really morally grey ending in both cases and it makes for a great mission. The gameplay is lacking a bit in some places which is why it's not higher but it's still a damn good story and a very fine conclusion for the character of Ra's."
"That's so trash, I fire it because she's a villain, but they also make you feel her pain."
"I am what you have made me. I am choice and I am tyranny. I am evil and I am flesh. I am beauty and I am chaos. I am the worm."
"There is a good within the evil and there is an evil within the good."
"Most of the awards that we got or recognition that we've got was for The Witcher being a real RPG... and it's all based on morality."
"Good and evil isn't so black and white. It's more of a gray zone."
"Adventure Time doesn't demonize characters for making bad decisions."
"It's been beautiful, it's been wonderful, what a time to be alive."
"Michael B Jordan, he's evil, he's a bad guy, but he's absolutely right."
"All of the good things that Don Corleone accomplished and all of these admirable traits don't really matter all too much when they're used as a cover for malicious actions."
"George writing Mell one was a great way to kind of give her humanity... and show that what she is doing she thinks is right."
"There are gray areas, it's not all black and white."
"There is no one bad who is ever truly bad, and no one good who is ever totally good."
"She was willing to kill to catch him. It wasn't about anyone else. Ransom, I honestly believe, wanted to get his crew home and was willing to do whatever it took, and Janeway would ultimately do the same thing."
"Good people do bad things. A person who excels in one area of life can be awful in another area."
"Good people make bad decisions, good people get people hurt."
"He doesn't look at what he's doing as exterminating half of every living race in the universe."
"His understanding and respect for both the Aedra and the Daedra gives him a totally unique set of morals and beliefs."
"No one is 100% good or bad. Taking some ownership and accountability isn't to be celebrated but is to be called out."
"A villain can be a hero and a hero can be a villain."
"Final Fantasy XV is a captivating Adventure about the deepest Shades of Gray and the morality that drowns in that Madness."
"Its a strange thing to say that you feel happy for someone whos being told his son will spend the rest of his life in prison. But given the alternative, this is the best you can hope for."
"Good people do bad actions based on circumstances."
"The paradox of the human race: so great, so wicked at the same time."
"So it is pretty fair to say that Ar-Pharazôn is truly Tolkien's darkest king."
"This man is at the center stage of one of the best scenes in the whole show, where it's just a monologue about him revealing the truth of the Mad King and exposing how being a knight isn't black and white."
"Interest in these characters comes from the fact that sometimes morally gray questions need to be asked."
"By placing you in the criminals' shoes, the authors generate ambivalence and twist our emotions, rather than letting us simply dismiss in disgust."
"Actual moral complexity makes you feel sick because there's no obvious right choice."
"Heroes will just go to very dark places to get the job done."
"I did it for you. And even if it makes me a scoundrel for doing that, I won't regret it or say I'm sorry. Because right now and back then, my feelings are the same. Just for you, kitty cat."
"There is no certitude in life. There is very rarely moral absolutism in real life."
"However, for all of Dracula’s many, MANY faults, we still can’t put him too far down if only because of the heroics he’ll do to try and make up for his awful deeds."
"Putting people into nice neat little boxes of good and evil just isn’t that simple."
"Nothing is just simply good or bad, it's always a mixture of the two."
"Not everybody is good, not everybody is bad."
"There's more to morality than harm and fairness. Conservatives tend to have a broader moral palate, receptive to issues related to group loyalty, respect for authority, and traditions."
"That's why we grabbed those Nazis, we were like if we don't get them the Russians I get it I get it."
"It's Ahsoka who's seeking out Thrawn and it's Ahsoka who will be able to look past the dogmatic view of good and bad."
"Piccolo himself has proved that things could come from evil that didn't have to be evil."
"His descent into depravity makes Griffith one of the most captivating characters in anime history."
"Every action has consequences and even if you do something with the noblest of intentions, your actions can still cause destruction and suffering."
"Punisher is not meant to be this superhero-like flawless guy. He's very flawed, he does a lot of killing, he has this dark past. He's not meant to be the squeaky-clean hero."
"His strength combined with his grey morality really makes him right for the job."
"It's not good versus bad, it's good and bad, and you have both because we all have both."
"In a world of heroes and villains, they stand vigil, watching over us. For better or worse, good and evil, order and chaos."
"Unfortunately, terrible people can still be capable of making great art."
"When war and desperation have a way of making people think a bad guy is a good guy."
"Make them human, make them vulnerable, give them struggles, give them imperfections but also qualities that we can admire."
"Being an anti-hero Is Not a Bad Thing despite hell it may sound."
"Everyone in Jojolion is some shade of grey, heroes and antagonists alike."
"Life is not so black and white, and good and evil aren't always so black and white."
"Humans are caught in their lives, in their thoughts, in their hungers and ambitions, in their greediness and cruelty, and in their kindness and generosity too, in a net of good and evil. There is no other story."
"Life is not black and white, life is very gray."
"The moral dichotomy between good and evil can be easily blurred into a grey area where a person who is supposed to represent a hero commits action not befitting of its role."
"Every country on Earth, every single one, has elements in it that are good and that are bad."
"Their story proves anyone's capable of great good and great evil. Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation, have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance."
"Grimdark fiction often has characters, protagonists, and antagonists with a lot of depth."
"No one is all good or all bad. Things are never black and white."
"Julian Fellowes writes from a default position that people try to be good, even if they do bad things."
"This is just one of many examples throughout Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad that emphasizes how difficult it is to actually take a human life."
"I don't want the Goro say to just be 'yes they are evil because they are evil.'"
"It's legitimately downright refreshing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to have a hero who wants to not only not kill the villains but try to save them."
"Johnny Lawrence is Cobra Kai sometimes shows mercy... life's not black and white more often than not it's gray."