
Open Communication Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"You should be able to share anything, hopefully without judgment, and feel pretty open and comfortable doing that."
"Please, I want you to know that I'm super open about my disability... I would rather you ask and know the facts than assume and be wrong."
"There is no age too young to talk about pretty much anything. If they know about it, they're ready to learn about it."
"Secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society... the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it."
"A lot of the things that we're sharing is this is just our process. We're not saying it's necessarily what you have to do. We're not saying we're right about everything."
"Talk openly to people who are older and wiser about relationships."
"I always want you guys to be comfortable sharing your concerns with me."
"I just want to be somebody you can feel safe talking to."
"You need to be completely open and have communication."
"Open communication helps you understand your friend inside and out."
"I think the most important thing is you have to create an environment where a person feels like they can say anything without being super judged."
"You want to talk to us? No worries, whatever you want."
"We should all be able to have a conversation, you should be able to tell me the facts."
"Open rebuke is better than love kept secret."
"Communication are open so we can if we have differences or don't understand each other."
"Open communication: Get the weight off your chest, be cup with love, and be heard."
"People don't open up about how hard marriage is enough."
"Overall highly recommended and my DMs are open Cornelius."
"Just talk about honestly whatever the [ __ ] you want."
"It's good to have dialogue. I don't mind answering any questions."
"Trust him. Trust her. Communicate with him. Communicate with her."
"The mic is open to anybody, and anyone can get a chance to come say whatever they want to say."
"If people might speak with me via messages, feel free. I seriously want to get to the bottom of this."
"YouTube is an open platform where anyone can share ideas without gatekeepers."
"If you love it tell me, if you don't love it tell me."
"It's so important that we have these open conversations."
"It's great that people are feeling that they can talk about things right now."
"Just talking about this, and I know it can be scary, but being a partner and being like, I am open to talking about anything just to make you happy and feel safe, is the best thing you can do."
"This is about us coming together, talking to one another, answering any questions that you have. If we have the answer, we'll tell you. If we don't have the answer, we'll tell you we don't know."
"If you disagree with me let me know why because I do like hearing from you and I'm not the kind of person who sits here and thinks I'm right everybody else fucking stupid."
"You got to have that type of relationship with your kids where they can open up and tell you anything."
"Vulnerability means the willingness to raise your hand and say I made a mistake."
"You have to be able to talk about it openly without fear of repercussions."
"It is an open company and an environment where it is easy to express one's opinion."
"Level of the totem pole, the only thing I'll say to that though is I think what makes Barstool Barstool is that like you've always said people can like walk right in your office and call you out or write a blog and say what they feel."
"We have to stop expecting to be offended and instead start truly, openly, and sincerely listening."
"I encourage people to bring up anything and everything in the room."
"I would want to hear these people and why they think what they think even if it's unedited and not interrupted."
"Don't close off any potential opportunities for communication."
"Trust your intuition, communicate openly, and break free from unhelpful patterns."
"When you love someone and you can come to the table to have an open discussion about trying to understand each other, it's not about winning or losing. It's having a deeper level of compassion and understanding."
"The fact that they were choosing their platform over telling the truth, there's one side that's right and one side that's wrong."
"They develop influence by challenging other people and they demonstrate courage by sharing their real thoughts, feelings, dreams, visions, ambitions, and needs with other people."
"The thing that I really love about you guys is that you are completely fearless about saying what you're thinking."
"The more we can talk about this stuff... the more we can break down the stigma."
"I want people to be able to come to me and have an open dialogue and we speak about it and show the person I really am."
"The path to authentic emotional intelligence involves not only professing the importance of open communication but also actively practicing it."
"This person wants movement forward and it's to do with being open, being honest, communicating their truth, being victorious, cutting the ties to anything that's blocks your connection in the past."
"If we're not willing to talk about this to have the courage to talk about, nothing's ever going to change."
"Unconditional love, those are the moments of being real parents."
"Communication... surprise heart-to-heart conversations."
"I encourage everybody to be open about how you feel but be respectful of the other party that's conversing with you."
"Unload your stress, get it out, and talk to someone with a completely unbiased view about your life."
"A child can question anything, including you, if you allow that in a healthy way."
"Keep a healthy relationship by not being afraid to talk about anything."
"We should all be having those conversations about our desires, our jealousy, you know, whatever it is."
"We have to open our mouths and we have to speak the truth about everything that's going on out there."
"Having that kind of open door policy gives us credibility in that idea Marketplace."
"We need to normalize this and make it okay to talk about and make people feel okay to share their stories without feeling ashamed or feel guilty."
"My kids are allowed to question me because sometimes I'm wrong in this house I say I'm sorry I apologize because I don't get it right all the time."
"If you're going through something, it's definitely more than alright to talk about it with somebody."
"It's not just about one player here. It's hopefully allowing the opportunity for people and players to talk about it and not be judged."
"I didn't feel like we had any kind of confidentiality about anything."
"I hope that this open letter might help bring people together."
"Friends that you can tell something hard to tell and be receptive of it, like they're not someone that you're afraid to tell things."
"I've always been honest and I just feel like it's just too messy not to be. So I'm an open book. Ask me, I'll tell."
"We just tell the truth and the chips will land where they land."
"Men, do not be afraid to let your women know because listen, she knows."
"He's a fantastic guy with a fantastic character very open very friendly and he has top quality in analyzing games and giving his opinion."
"Have the uncomfortable conversations, man [__] it."
"Sometimes the answers aren't always what we want but we need to have open conversations."
"Positive or negative doesn't matter, I want to hear everything just as long as it's not a rage or rant post."
"It's not just about reading their intention, but about opening up so they understand yours."
"Encouraging questions and conversations for sure."
"When you have an open door policy, it promotes trust."
"We have a lot of those conversations too, and if you are bold about confessing your doubts and your concerns, you will be absolutely shocked by the percentage of your fellow citizens who are also possessing of doubts."
"Hold space and just checking in and saying, 'What do you think about that?'"
"It's okay not to be okay. It's good to talk."
"It's helpful, man. Ain't nothing wrong with talking to somebody."
"Just be honest with them about how you feel and how you are, and don't try and belittle yourself in any way."
"Talking about my problems is honestly one of my favorite ways to really get out my stress and get the feedback from people I trust."
"She lets me talk about things without judging."
"I believe in authenticity and open communication."
"The number one benefit is just honesty, bringing up the sorts of conversations that we have but you know we hadn't had conversations like we did in the video."
"I want to be a really honest parent. I want to be like listen these things happen in the real world I'd rather you tell me that you go through these things let's talk about it back and forth like honest parent."
"Tell people how you feel about them, problem solved."
"You have to be very open, Robbie and I talk about everything, anything."
"When you start talking freely, you find the truth."
"I think people want open dialogue, I think people want to have honest debates."
"Somebody is willing to talk to you, open honest communication, and put work into it."
"When I say open, we're very honest. There are no secrets."
"It's not about you agree it's about you having a willingness to have an actual conversation."
"If we talk about it it will really just save so many people from so much hurt."
"I want to make sure that this channel is open and free and we could talk about anything without us getting judged."
"You create a space in which both of you guys can freely communicate your thoughts and emotions."
"Just say so because they will be open and respectful."
"Isn't it a shame that you can't just openly talk about an experience like that with anyone that you want to without fear of being ridiculed?"
"Padme and Anakin were extremely open with each other creating a Sacred Space of intimacy between the two of them."
"Being open, honest, and just kind of finding a common ground."
"You want to have open communication with your spouse and you want to let them know here's why I want to leave, here's what I see for the future."
"We're happy to talk with you and answer questions."
"Communication is vital in any relationship, and I'm glad we can talk about these things openly."
"You'll be able to tell each other everything, try to understand each other; it is not as difficult as you think."
"If I ever piss you off, please come tell me so I can fix the issue."
"If you want me to be the best me as I can be, you need to give me what's going on in your head."
"I love that dynamic; I like that she gets along with her mom and she can discuss anything she wants to with her mom."
"Everything's going to be in question after that, but you come to me with anything, always tell me the truth, no matter what."
"Give people in your life permission to speak into your life."
"Let's be crystal clear what a trusting team is: where we have psychological safety to say out loud 'I made a mistake' or 'I need help' without any fear of humiliation or retribution."
"The more I talk about this, the more someone else feels like they can talk about something being wrong and figuring out how to do better."
"Open-ended empowering questions are gold when it comes to helping your teenager think about situations from different perspectives."
"If my daughter is going through that and experiencing things, I would rather her feel comfortable to include me in the conversation."
"We're talking about everything; nothing's off limits."
"I'm always here if you need to talk to me."
"We should talk about everything because the idea of not talking about what's actually happening is a stupid concept."
"How does a couple feel close to each other? They care about each other, they're open with each other, they express love for each other."
"I always appreciate your honesty and willingness to answer any questions that I throw at you."
"Just make sure that you're having that one-on-one time to give them an opportunity to connect and talk and open up."
"Being in communication and like a vulnerable, honest, and transparent state with the people that I have around me, that's the only way to make it through life."
"We should talk about that more, we should totally, more openly."
"Friendship means honesty; you can talk to me."
"Keep talking to people too, like if you're feeling anxious, depressed, whatever it may be, make sure you verbalize that and talk to people."
"We need to be able to talk about anything and everything."
"If you have any questions, please let me know. I'm happy to share as much information as I can."
"I'm your best friend and your boyfriend, you can talk to me about anything."
"It's very healthy to talk about your emotions; it's very healthy to talk about things that are bothering you."
"Home is where you want your kids to feel free and to feel comfortable to talk about everything that's going on in this world."
"We have to be honest with each other, no more secrets."
"I still do believe in the possibility of having a healthy open relationship that has trust, communication, and boundaries."
"We were open and honest with each other about our daily experiences."
"Open up a dialogue with your partner and be honest with each other; that is the only thing that works."
"It's all about trust, honesty, transparency."
"If we can't talk about these things, we can't talk about the whole situation."
"I want you to just speak uninterrupted and just get whatever you have to say off of your chest."
"If you have any question, just let me know, feel free to shoot me an email or meet me during office hours."
"We're trying to bring them in, we're trying to get them to share their thinking and their understanding in the most honest and open way possible."
"Have healthy open conversations... in a supportive neutral voice tone that lets them know that you're there to hear and listen."
"Communication needs to be an open line."
"Talk about money and making it not a taboo subject creates a much healthier relationship with money down the road."
"If you have more questions about this, feel free to email me."
"I'm gonna respond to you, so if you want to reach out to me, you're more than welcome."
"Work on yourself, work on your mind, body, soul, and be open to communication."
"If you think it's a bad idea, I'd prefer you to speak your mind."
"I'm sending you lots and lots of love and my DMs are always open if you need to chat."