
Social Activity Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Money making is a social activity, and success is shared."
"Nobody plays Pokemon anymore? This could simply be disproven by just making you go outside to see all the people playing Pokemon Go this very second."
"It's about taking part, it's about being there, it's about getting out the house and doing things with your mates."
"A fun place to just kind of go relax for a little bit and chill and I don't know maybe play a game of cards right with a cinnamon roll sure why not."
"We do recommend if you're confident enough to come out and do things by yourself."
"Betrayal, at least the version of the game that I played, is a rubbish horror experience. But it was a fun board game to crack open with my friends both on and off camera."
"Wow is this your ice castle yes this is our spot wow and everyone hop in a boat oh yeah I'm swerving oh my God Los the control oh my gosh Luke this is lit."
"There couldn't be a better way to spend a Saturday night."
"Let your hair down, have fun, laugh your ass off."
"I spent so many hours at University playing this game, playing it with my friends, and just being inside the UFC and the world of mixed martial arts."
"Take vitamin C, D, E, and throw in some B12. Go outside, live again, gather together with your loved ones for a barbecue, get some coffee, go sit in a park with friends, live, just live."
"TV is something you do at the same time. Games are something you do together."
"I just really like the game and I play with a bunch of my friends and I would love to at least be gold like the rest of them."
"It just really takes me back to those nights when you have you know the Latin rhythm going on and then the beautiful Latina ladies get up there and just start getting into it."
"Going to the theaters is always such a great experience."
"Sit this year out if you're too old for games."
"Thank you all so much for watching it means the world. Later this week I've got my wife's here I think we're going to go to the gym and try to be you know productive members of society."
"I like kickin' it with my boys and us going out and going to the Stetson store and picking out some classy ass hats."
"Just get vaccinated so we can get back to playing Magic."
"Let's have fun this weekend, all right folks?"
"Sometimes I go picking with my boyfriend, sometimes it's my best friend Sue, and sometimes it's my kids."
"The takoyaki was absolutely delicious. We should eat here again sometime."
"Challenge number seven: we have to go on a certified date."
"When people get scared, that's when people accidentally get shot."
"Get their mega pints in, ladies and gents! Go, go, go!"
"I love these things... I love them because they be playing Lil Jon, I'll be dancing."
"It was fun. I want people to go see it. I would tell friends to go see it."
"We were learning how to play poker together, so it would just be four of us."
"I'm paying to see that and bring all my friends."
"Stop being a bum, go outside, make connections, make friends."
"Let's find another game, let's find another game."
"Constantly playing it with friends and family, ripping it out at parties, and it's still fun to this day."
"We got our samies we're stopping for lunch Cal brought the switch and I got a lot of board games and we're going to practice Blackjack for Vegas for Vegas"
"Do most hunters go out with a group of other people?"
"Four guys is just very fun and it's the game we need right now."
"Absolutely incredible, we're going to go golfing, any more senior citizens want to go golfing with me right now?"
"It's great to see a lively community right now."
"I used to think there was such a thing as loving someone too much and it scared them... my love was actually like emotional abuse."
"Wow, that was so funny, oh my God, my stomach hurts, we gotta do that again."
"'Old' is the type of movie that you gather a bunch of your friends together to hate-watch."
"A big year planned, guys! We're gonna paint each other's faces, be on a billboard, and more!"
"Now go outside with your friends, family... and look up into the sky together."
"Full coverage is like a way for us to hang out and have fun." - Manny
"Let's just enjoy the ride. Let's have fun with this."
"The people mover is the perfect vehicle for people watching."
"Go to karaoke it's cheap fun and or you can drink."
"It was so so worth it and we had a cheeky little cocktail."
"We smoked a bunch of bowls on the side of Shawn's house because his mom's not home."
"Playing cards with Fizz and his biggest fan member Chanel, that's war."
"You might feel a bit more but also it's exciting as I said you can be socially quite active you can um some very revolutionary ideas in the air."
"Rocket League is one of those games that, no matter if you're a hardcore gamer, a casual gamer, or you never played a video game at all, it's a game that you can immediately pop on when you have a bunch of friends over."
"Will rank the Primark cocktails when we try them. I'm an expert cocktail try so we'll see how it goes."
"I want to go dancing with She-Hulk, plus, the dark night club has interesting characters."
"We don't typically make it out twice a day but... we found this event and we thought you know what let's go check it out."
"This is one of the best events of the year and it's definitely worth playing with friends."
"Dinner and drinks on the beach, we sit and watch the sunset."
"We're still young and cool, we could go clubbing couldn't we?"
"Towerborn is a good example of classic beat-em-up games that I love playing together with friends and family."
"I had the absolute best shopping spree with Sophie."
"I watched 'Wrath of Man' with my friend, which was fun."
"We're going to watch a late-night movie. Let's watch a scary movie."
"Let's take a photo for Teddy Playgroup's album. Say cheese!"
"We're all taking photos on our balconies right now. The photos are turning out so freaking cute."
"I might be going to this young adults ministry tonight."
"Had so much fun today, I think we should do it again tomorrow."
"Gaming is becoming a first-class social activity."
"We're gonna do like a makeup and facial beauty type thing."
"I really struggled to get up this morning I was about to cancel but I was like Brooke pull it together you have plans for once in your life like we're going this is the most social I've been in so long."
"We cooked and [__] like, what did you cook? Uh, we did like a chick chicken tikka masala with rice and uh, roccolini, yeah, bro, I went to that chicken masala right?"
"Welcome to the party: having a quick coffee before diving back into reading."
"You'd rather have Vladimir Putin run the United States of America over President Biden, that is how they're trained and conditioned."
"Instead of being in lockdown, let's go out in the streets, let's hop, let's have a party."
"The fun is maximized by like a hundred times when you go out and you share the experience with somebody else."
"We basically wanted to do this just because we like getting out and supporting small businesses."
"Why don't we try that new virtual reality game?"
"Don't isolate yourself, stay busy and social."
"It's the perfect idea for a date night with your special someone, a great way to have fun with friends over drinks, or it can even be done solo if you're the renegade detective type."
"You have two straight hours of just cleaning with a friend."
"Let's go to the Cantina and show off those new dance moves."
"I played a bunch of Warhammer with my buddies, it was freaking awesome."
"I genuinely think opening nightclubs is the craziest thing."
"She makes me really happy because when i come home from work she's always happy to see me and helps me get out more and do some runs and meet more people at the dog path so it's really good."
"If you like sip and paints if you like painting parties if that's something you are currently excited about or are thinking about doing this is going to be very much set up like that."
"Hello one, hello all, we are doing a thrift haul."
"If someone hits one of those ships, we have to take a drink. So if you hit my ship, I take a drink. Simple as that."
"That went well, they got along, but we did something with my folks that I had done one other time. Axe-throwing, oh yeah."
"...gambling is now a social activity. A lot of my friends, pretty much all of them, talking about gambling, pretty much all my friends in fantasy sports as well."
"Traditionally we can also see government zones located next to the port and the special economics Zone which allowed the government to be a key player in the city's Commerce cultural and social activity."
"Thank you so much for joining me today to watch this movie."
"We had so much fun making pizza with you."
"I had a good time. Yeah, I had a blast. Congrats. That was enjoyable. I kind of wish we'd seen that in theaters."
"Roller rink parties really were a big thing in the 90s."
"I want to start a book club. It also gives us reason to organize something, have a girls night, catch up."
"I wasn't going to go because I felt like I had so much I needed to do and it doesn't I have to say bingo doesn't excite me as much."
"This is a movie that you can only enjoy if you're riffing on it with somebody else possibly with alcohol involved."
"I'd rather fellowship with Moses, David, Isaiah, and Paul than go to nightclubs."
"It's Secret Santa, where a group of people come together, and everyone has to buy a gift for someone else, but you don't know who is getting your gift, your present."
"We are going to go to a movie today. I have not been to a movie...I think it's been at least nine or ten months, I would say at least for sure. And probably the case for most of you if you don't live in Utah."
"Nothing brings people together or makes friends so fast as bowling."
"We opened it, yeah. Oh, y'all ready to play game night?"
"Let’s go over there and enjoy some Carbonara."
"Super happy with this. Let's go ahead and grab some boba."
"We just said, 'Oh, you know, we have to start a club,' so we did that."
"I like to cook with friends and have a nice dinner."
"We stand out everywhere we go at garage sales."
"Just having the time out without Covid restrictions because we haven't been able to do that."
"Oh, just grab your partner then run or once or twice; you'll find the polka will help you break the ice."
"Karaoke for two hours with my friends and my sister, and it was just a joy."
"It's the new rock and roll. Roll means all, all the fellas and gals are out bowling."
"Maybe this group of Little Women have been at each other's throats, so we decided to take the mechanical bull by its horns and blow out some steam."
"We love going to movies by the way, that's one of our favorite things to do to hang out."
"The perfect spot for an evening pre-dinner cocktail and just maybe a little people watching."
"I actually enjoy it, it's social, and I feel really fresh and rejuvenated after exercise."
"It's much funner to go for a ride and be able to talk at the same time."
"Every time I mention a dead homie or man in jail, you have to take a superior drink."
"It's nice to do something with people you like."
"Have there be something other than the market to determine our social activity, for the love of God, demarcatize some things, return to us our unalienated lives to some degree."
"Make portraits of each other while having a glass of wine or sparkling grape juice if you're underage, listening to classical music, and talking classy as if you're from the 1800s."
"This is a very fun craft if you have kids and want to do something or even just a quick little easy craft night with friends."
"Everyone get in the car, we're going to Starbucks and Target."
"Let's go get a celebratory coffee."
"I think karaoke is an experience everyone should have."
"I was playing eight ball pool with my friends."
"I'm so excited; we picked up ourselves some coffees."
"It's the ultimate day drink, you got that right."
"Everyone loves a really good brunch, but part of the fun for me is wearing something cute and possibly taking photos."
"Oh, that lovely thing that humans do together to try and connect and bond and have a good time with and not feel so alone."
"Let's go out, let's go and grab a coffee, have a little peruse around some bookshops."
"We rejoice over tea, we grieve over tea, we brainstorm ideas over tea, we pass our time over tea."
"If you're ever in the mood for an afternoon high tea, check out its lobby."
"How about we play Murder Mystery too?"
"After we've done with exam, I'm planning to go to the beach with my friend."
"This is just backcountry bocce, and when I'm out on comfort trips, especially with other people, I like to bring games."
"Skydiving is a real social endeavor; it's a beautiful thing."
"Let's go have some delicious food, shall we?"
"Grocery shopping and meal prepping with you is so much more fun than doing it by myself."
"Are you guys down for some more games of Wordle?"
"It's fun, we're also doing like we're trying to do something every Friday."
"I'm gonna have a proper chilled out evening, I am so ready. Right, let's go gang!"
"Tomorrow's busy, we booked a workout, all of us girls are going to go to spin, I'm excited."
"The square is just a really lively place, you know, restaurants surrounding it, a lot of music going on, lots of activity in general."
"Have a paint night with friends or by yourself... you can actually go to a place where they do paint nights and there's an instructor there."
"Bop it, twist it, pull it, pass it, get your friends together and bop it!"
"Cookies and movie night? Yes, movie night!"
"We're getting ready to leave now, I'm so excited, we're gonna go to the movies and go out to eat, it's gonna be fun."
"I've been so craving karaoke since COVID ended."
"I love to hear when you're thrifting together with friends, with family, sisters, husbands, kids."
"You can just pack a picnic and go to a park with friends."
"It's just the cars are kept at a distance from the city centre, which is reserved for social and economic activity as it really should be."
"Eating is generally a social event."
"What makes everyone happy? Go out for lunch or dinner."
"I'd rather be out playing football with Dave and the rest of the guys."
"Brew day is best with friends and family."
"Let's go out for a meal on Friday."
"I'm so excited, it's gonna be my first time doing that with my friends, not with my daughters or my husband."
"When I started doing more road stuff and hanging around with people like Chris Hall, you do as many coffee stops as possible, and then it's all of a sudden a lot more enjoyable."
"There's no use biking alone in the park, bike with a friend today."
"This is an awesome, fun game for 3 or 4 players."
"We joined in the quiz night... we didn't do very well but it was a lot of fun."
"It's been a great walk, and all great walks should end in a pub."
"We underestimate the extent to which walking is a profoundly social activity."
"Calisthenics is fun, moving your body in a way that you've not tried before maybe you're around a bunch of friends."
"It's very common for people to relax and just smoke shisha and hang out and socialize."
"I'm gonna go to a farmer's market with my friends."
"People seem to like karaoke. I don't at all like it, but people do like karaoke."
"Everybody loves a good board game, especially when it's raining or you're on a group date."
"Individuals can achieve healthy aging through continued or new social activity."
"Hey, you guys want to sit down for a lightning round of Monopoly?"
"I love love it because you can celebrate it with friends, yourself, so many different ways."
"I'm gonna figure out my outfit and then I'll see you guys when I'm at the mall."
"I'm gonna start doing this more often; this is fun."
"We could go to movie theaters if people are responsible and wash hands."
"Knit alongs are a great way to find community and buddies in the knitting world."
"We did catch up with our friends and finished our hike around the lake."
"I think that I would prefer to be in nature with friends doing something interesting."
"Game night is one of my favorite things because you can't help but laugh, you're going to have a good time."
"Playing Mario Party alone is boring; with a group of people, it's fun."
"Dancing makes people happy, whether it's performing on stage or with your friends at a wedding."
"It's a really fun game, you should try it with your friends."
"This is great, this is the kind of thing I do with my friends."
"If you want to go to a piano bar and sing show tunes with old people, there's that group of people."
"Now where we going? Going out to eat."
"We just took some shots, um, wellness shots, we laughed, I cried, I took a shot, a different kind of shot."
"I'm excited that we get to go to a convention."
"I hope you had fun going to the mall with me today, I had fun taking you along."
"I'm really excited I haven't been to brunch in a while."