
Professional Networking Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"This year, I've done a really good job at making new friendships, at making new professional contacts."
"We have 10 million doctor profiles out of the 15 million doctors in the world, kept up to date every single day with everything about them, and it's really changing the way the healthcare ecosystem connects with each other."
"LinkedIn still somehow managed to carve out its own island of users by combining the two holy grails of adulthood: the office and meaninglessness."
"Talking with him over that Computex was so helpful in a bunch of ways. It was super productive for me in ways that I did not expect."
"Ask people who are in business, not necessarily handyman business."
"Thank you, Tim, for coming in, a pleasure for recommending you share this with us."
"Never underestimate the power of networking."
"I have friends over at 343. I'd be interested in anything you guys are interested in."
"The reason why LinkedIn is such a great tool for us recruiters is that we can narrow down exactly what we're looking for and find the perfect match."
"We're doing work for some of the top contemporary artists today."
"If you have any questions about what we've talked about today or pbn insiders in general please feel free to contact klaus at plantation used org and I'd love to connect."
"I think everyone needs to start getting on LinkedIn and creating content."
"LinkedIn is incredibly valuable for lead generation."
"For over 600 million professionals, that's LinkedIn."
"Helping sales professionals find, connect, and engage with prospects."
"Enabling every member of LinkedIn to control their economic destiny."
"One of the best ways to get this information is either on forums or on blogs industry professionals are all over those places."
"LB knows how to foster relationships, and he can still play."
"Networking is key, the power of a network is incredibly important."
"Networking is only sleazy when you're trying to get something out of the connection, rather than giving."
"Building connections is a long game. It's about sustainable networking."
"Networking is super super important for banking."
"Be around people that actually understand that market."
"Start having conversations with Realtors, building relationships with them, and finding out if they have anything coming to Market."
"Do you think I'll do another interview with Elon Musk? I really enjoyed that." - Shannon
"You can get paid to play and write about your favorite games, connect with fellow Gamers and Industry professionals, and stay up to date on the latest video game news."
"This trip was very much about building connections, meeting the actual brand's founders, people that are on like the PR teams, to create relationships that I can take back with me."
"Mercury retrograde can bring career opportunities from the past back to you, colleagues and co-workers from the past by email, phone calls making contact with you again."
"I have been wanting to have you here... I used to be a retail broker... your name usually comes up... very influential... former Merill guys... within 10 minutes... your name comes up... he was in my group for a while."
"High-level networking: Serve others and create value."
"It's a lot easier to get hired when a recruiter is reaching out to you than trying to convince them to take a look at your resume among a sea of thousands of other people."
"Skillshare really does provide that kind of connection with professionals at every level."
"Use that time to say okay this is what I have let me focus on that and not focus on what I don't have okay so I'm gonna contact my artists I'm gonna contact my clients I'm gonna see what I can do to expand how can I improve my rig"
"Messaging apps have four major functions: instant messaging, group discussions, sharing content, and developing professional networks."
"If you can help people you will get more back and your reputation will also follow from that."
"If you do gear up again and you need a model maker please call me."
"It's all about talking to people, networking, actually just building strong connections with the acquisitions people from publishers."
"Create these badges... people can kind of get them attributed to them when they're part of the future pro group."
"Networking is the key to get to the next level."
"Relationships, networking, and skill sharing are integral elements for your success."
"Your ability to build a network of personal and professional relationships is the most important asset in your portfolio."
"It's a great way to meet like-minded professionals."
"LinkedIn is a place where you can showcase what you're good at, your specialties."
"Now is the time to start making those connections a little bit more solid. Work together."
"Here you can describe some of the fun facts about you or about your team."
"We're really starting to get to know the key players in the industry."
"The more I talk about the stuff that I do, the more I've found myself surrounded with smarter and smarter people."
"It's nice to talk to someone else face to face who is doing what you do and going through the things that you're going through."
"Where else could you go to talk to a CEO or CMO and get your opinion out there?"
"Your network is the most invaluable resource."
"Networking, imagine that, people face to face, meeting in real time."
"This is more important, like people like Reese. This is how I get my opportunities, people like you."
"Over 90 percent of the time a hiring manager or a recruiter will go directly to your LinkedIn profile after seeing your CV or resume to check you out."
"Linkedin is important, kind of important right? It's one of the main, actually it's probably the main place to find a job now."
"Network, network, network because that's how you yield your net worth."
"Delirious called me one day he said I found a guy named QT Martial down in Florida."
"When a student comes into my class for the first time and their work doesn't look like student work, it looks like a synchro level work, that's what's gonna make me think, 'Wow, this person, I want to get their contact.'"
"LinkedIn is powerful. It's much more impactful these days than a resume or a traditional CV."
"Would you pay $50,000 just to attend a conference?"
"It's really about networking across; who's next to you, who's struggling, who's in the trench with you, who's just as hungry as you are."
"The best part of my experience in the YouTube hustle course was being surrounded and connected by a community of hustlers and goal getters who are just like me and want to win."
"I want to create an environment of give first."
"Thank you for connecting with me and I'm looking forward to connecting with you all on the next part vision."
"Thanks to Marina over at The Piano Keys who played one of those last songs for me. She's a professional musician and a music teacher too. She's really good at playing the piano and she can give you lessons, so hit her up too."
"Networking: meeting someone, sharing value, building connections."
"It's all about networking and building connections."
"John is fantastic and he's opened a lot of doors for us."
"Why do some companies reach out... LinkedIn algorithm back then."
"LinkedIn is serious, it's best for business-to-business and building professional profiles."
"LinkedIn is one of the biggest platforms professional recruiters use to find their candidates."
"LinkedIn is an incredibly valuable platform."
"LinkedIn is the business version of TikTok."
"Start with building a strong LinkedIn profile, it's your digital resume."
"So when your business is ready to make that next hire, find the right person with LinkedIn Jobs."
"LinkedIn is still an incredible tool for client acquisition."
"Everybody on LinkedIn is there for a reason. So don't be so awestruck by their [ __ ] resumes."
"For very little effort, you can get a lot out of LinkedIn."
"Getting to know good book dealers is a wonderful way to learn the field and to handle books."
"We'll be able to generate a public link that you can share on LinkedIn or share on your portfolio site."
"Networking is extremely important, not only in getting into residency but also for getting research."
"LinkedIn is your friend for sure."
"Networking is really powerful and it's really important to meet with other people, even your direct competitors."
"Networking is the strongest way of getting your resume out."
"A huge way to find internships and jobs is networking."
"Emily is amazing and she has a direct line to the coordinator for Snapchat."
"LinkedIn is such a powerful platform that if you're not on there, you're missing out a lot."
"LinkedIn is all about genuine connections and networking with people in your industry and potential clients."
"Networking is something that you can really do to help your application."
"Connect with experts and peers, share blogs and ideas."
"LinkedIn is a classic example of how society has implanted a particular behavior in modern life."
"You're connecting with very highly motivated, like-minded producers when you join Sync Academy."
"Networking is a really big thing if you want to achieve those internship and jobs."
"Having a good LinkedIn profile is important because oftentimes the interviewers will even look at your LinkedIn profile as well."
"LinkedIn is the world's largest professional social network and it is no surprise that it is used every day by most, if not all, recruiters."
"LinkedIn is not just a place for you to post your resume online; it's a billboard or a living advertisement optimized for sales."
"You have to get online. I would recommend using LinkedIn for sure, just to be a thought leader."
"Think of LinkedIn as your personal sales page."
"LinkedIn is great and why people use LinkedIn a lot. It's a lot easier for the brain to digest."
"LinkedIn is the number one platform where you can get jobs."
"Running a brokerage is different; it's hard work, preparedness, and networking that will continue to drive your success."
"Network with the HR managers, the HR directors, the recruiters."
"Don't be afraid to send professional messages to people on LinkedIn."
"The business intelligence chapter is just one of many virtual chapters hosted by PASS."
"Job titles are a very popular type of targeting on LinkedIn."
"Thank you for keeping me in your Rolodex, Fender."
"Completing LinkedIn profile will demonstrate your professional skills."
"Using LinkedIn, I've closed multiple six-figure deals, secured high-paying jobs, and built an effective personal brand on the platform."
"Three people are hired using LinkedIn every single minute from the 55 million companies that are using the platform."
"LinkedIn has a feature that most people don't know about."
"Networking opportunities are like really good here."
"If you want to work with me, my portfolio is linked down below. It shows all of my past work and my contact email that you can reach out to me, and maybe we can work out a deal together as well."
"Networking is such a prime opportunity to meet the director, talk to the gallery staff."
"Having a website is crucial to be found by sponsors, by brands, by potential clients."
"I used a website for math freelancers and reached out directly to a highly qualified professor."
"LinkedIn is a very powerful tool and it's a social media network that is more oriented around business."
"Our goal is to really foster this amazing community of Turkish professionals in the Bay Area and do a lot of activities that hopefully will give more opportunities for networking and create value for everyone."
"Networking in your field is very important."
"Loop Red Blue Pro is a platform for you to get social about the projects you're working on."
"It's really about the networking."
"You have to have the relationship with the decision makers to get promoted."
"Building a team slide can help an audience connect and think of you when they want to hire someone in the future."
"Serious networking for serious workloads."