
Presidential Power Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"I think the Supreme Court is going to establish that the president of the United States, any president, is immune from criminal prosecution for his official acts."
"I alone can fix it people should snicker not at him but at the idea that any president can alone fix it."
"I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone."
"The president's power continues into his fourth year. He has the power, the right, nay, the responsibility to appoint a justice to the Supreme Court."
"Presidents are not Kings and Donald Trump is not the president."
"The president has the ear of the nation in a way that no other elected representative does."
"Mueller found evidence of obstruction of justice and abuses of power by the president."
"The cheat sheet raises the question of just who is calling the shots, who is exercising Presidential Power. Somebody is telling and what to say, and we're expected to just lap it up for another 18 months. That's not right."
"Nobody named Donald Trump or any other occupant of the presidency has absolute presidential immunity to commit crimes while in office."
"The notion that a president could say, 'I'm declassifying it all'... is absurd."
"The president may not exercise that authority alone."
"It's not the job of Joe Biden, nor is it for the most part within his authority, to dictate what they can or cannot do."
"Did you even consider presidential immunity?"
"No one is above the law, not even the president of the United States."
"Abuse of power. There's not a president who has served in the Oval Office who couldn't be impeached for abuse of power."
"We're not benefiting from it, but what I'm saying is he's showing that all these ideas about what a president can't do, he's shown in a way that no president before him has shown in the time that I've been alive."
"This president believes he is above the law, beyond accountability."
"The authority of the President of the United States is total."
"If we live in a nation where a president can break the law, we will live in a nation where presidents break the law."
"The president can't do whatever he or she wants."
"What Barr has said is something no responsible constitutional scholar in our history has ever adopted which is the idea that the president on his own can basically run the government and be immune from any sort of second-guessing or criticism."
"We have strong arguments on both, the notion of criminally prosecuting a president does not exist is a shocking ruling."
"The president asserting privileges is not a game, it's been done by every single president."
"A former president is indeed subject to criminal prosecution."
"We cannot permit him or anybody in the administration to dictate the manner in which we function... We will make sure that no president becomes a monarch."
"If we allow a president to obstruct justice... that will set a precedent that generations to come will regret and lament."
"He's going to just shred it from day one say with executive privilege he has the right to do this and if you want take it to the sue me let's take it to the Supreme Court."
"In America, the president is not able to do what a king does because in America, the president is a spokesperson for who he's elected to speak for — the people."
"Judge Meta's ruling was a sweeping and systemic rebuke of the President's claims that he is above the law and not susceptible to congressional oversight."
"The president is the most powerful man in the world, but he's not more powerful than the Constitution."
"If we cannot impeach a president who abuses his office for personal advantage, we no longer live in a democracy."
"The president is subject to the law like everyone else."
"I think it's ridiculous to be like, 'Oh, both sides' arguments are, 'Should presidents be above the law?'"
"When Congress lets the president write his own laws, he's not a president, he's a prince."
"Now presidents are not kings and the plaintiff is not president." - A U.S. federal judge
"He's tried to influence cases where no other president has tried to exert that type of influence."
"Trump's people say the president has absolute immunity from Criminal prosecution for actions performed within the Outer Perimeter of His official responsibility."
"A rule of absolute immunity for the president will not leave the nation without sufficient protection against misconduct."
"Vigilant oversight by Congress may serve to deter presidential abuses of office."
"She says we hold that portions of the real Donald Trump accounts."
"The President of the United States has plenary power to declassify anything he wants."
"The president has a lot of power over what we import so if he was to put a freeze on a lot of things he could basically drive a lot of the gun industry out of business."
"The president intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power."
"The risk of allowing the president to continue to use the services during this period are too much."
"With such an operation with Presidential Decision Directive 25, the Congress specifically is certainly bypassed, and the president is able to go ahead and commit any number and type of military personnel."
"He was so brilliant at using the apparatus of the presidency."
"That bleak scenario would result in a weak and hollow president and would thus be ruinous for the American political system."
"It cannot be the case that a president of the United States can attempt to overturn an election and seize power."
"No matter how powerful, no president will ever have dominion over objective reality."
"The idea that the president of the United States is saying he wants to open up libel laws to sue the media for publishing negative stories about him, that's like an easy like yeah, that's horrible anybody should be able to admit that readily."
"No president now or in the future can lead an insurrection against the US government."
"If you destroy the presidency and make it an errand boy for Congress, we're gonna be much weaker."
"The president's discretionary acts are only politically examinable."
"The Court affirmed that the president is not above the law."
"The president's power is limited, it's supposed to be."
"The president cannot just give a speech and mandate to the country what to do."
"So if it sounds like President Trump has a lot of power, he does."
"The president rightfully in our system does just not have this power he doesn't."
"For most presidents, the only thing they get to do that outlasts their presidency is appoint Supreme Court justices."
"It is not the job of the president who set tariffs; it is the job of the legislature."
"Words have power and influence, especially from the president of the United States."
"The president has to have some implicit power to do great things for the country."
"There are limits of what we allow even people who get to be the president of the United States what they're allowed to do."
"I think it's pretty obvious to most people that a president cannot have absolute immunity and can do anything they want."
"If Congress doesn't bring fairness to big tech... I will do it myself with executive orders." - President Trump
"The presidency is actually the weakest of the branches because he can be overridden by Congress."
"It's not about the presidency. Our whole system of government is designed to keep power out of the hands of the president."
"That is the single most dangerous thing that a president could do to the country."
"The imperial presidency I think is a really interesting thing."
"Trump's independence stance put him at odds with the Deep State."
"Canceling student debt is the single most powerful thing the President can do all on his own to help close the black-white wealth gap."
"Taking away the president's ability to act quickly and decisively in the event of insurrection might be a mistake in the long run."
"A president can't require millions of federal employees to undergo a medical procedure."
"I bet people don't like the idea of the president being able to kill them."
"The president used the powers of his office for personal political gain."
"I have the absolute right to declare a national emergency. The lawyers have so advised me. I’m not prepared to do that yet, but if I have to I will. If this doesn’t work out, probably I will do it. I would almost say definitely."
"The American people have the check on this president."
"The suggestion by this Attorney General that the President of the United States could shut down an investigation because he perceives it to be unfair is ridiculous."
"They were asking me to overturn the election, I had no right to overturn the election." - Mike Pence
"What vested Authority does the Constitution grant a sitting president regarding matters of national security?"
"Abraham Lincoln, one of the most respected presidents in the history of this country, suspended habeas corpus during the Civil War to deal with Confederate sympathizers. This is basic American history."
"Edith Wilson's role as effectively the unelected president of the United States remains one of the biggest controversies of the office."
"No president can order assassinations of their Rivals."
"If the potential for criminal liability is taken off the table, wouldn't there be a significant risk that future presidents would be emboldened to commit crimes with abandon while they're in office?"
"Pardons are one of the most powerful tools available to a President and they have been used controversially in the past."
"The President shall have the power to pardon in all cases, except impeachment."
"Lincoln's basic approach to Reconstruction, when and if they could end the war, win the war and stop it, was to make Reconstruction as fast as possible, as lenient as possible, and as much as possible under presidential authority, not Congress."
"Under no circumstance would we ever be true to the preservation of the powers of the Office of the President to permit any investigator a fishing free reigning fishing Expedition into the vital discussions that occur in the president's office."
"The American people should not ever have to live in fear of retribution from a president of the United States or a former president."
"The President under the Constitution has the power to recommend legislation but no authority to interfere in congressional deliberations."
"...a president who rules by executive order is heedless of constitutional constraints poses a danger to our constitutional order."
"The president can also employ the pocket veto."
"The president can't declare war; that power belongs to Congress."
"The first informal power of the president is bargaining and persuasion."
"An executive order is a directive from the president that has the force of federal law."
"The presidency was especially hard for the framers to figure out because they wanted an office more powerful than the existing Governors."
"Missile firing orders can come only from the President and will be acted upon only after absolute confirmation."
"The voters are the ultimate check on the president's exercise of power."
"The President... will not make war but when the nation will support it."
"The words of a president matter, no matter who he is."
"The Constitution is greater than any president. End of story."
"The president has no right to pronounce on the guilt or innocence of an American citizen; that, Your Honor, is the business of the court."
"The President shall have the power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except for cases of impeachment."
"The era saw growth in presidential power and the use of that power to enact progressive reforms."