
Open Discussion Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Helping people get past the societal stigma of talking about death is a really important part of this whole process."
"We're just not allowed to debate it, so really, whether it works or not isn't the issue. The issue here is, can we have open and honest debate?"
"We have to start talking about this stuff. I'll take one for the team. I'll say it how it is."
"Really appreciate the post. I think it's really great that we have a place that we can talk about this kind of stuff without resorting to toxic communities."
"I could discuss anything I want. That's the beauty of not working for anyone."
"I actually like getting these subjects out in the open 'cause I feel like if we can discuss them honestly, openly, and fairly, we're gonna make the best impact on the healthcare community, starting right here on this YouTube channel."
"The free market of ideas and actually discussing these ideas that apparently nobody really talks about is pivotal."
"Discuss death, and don't sweep it under the carpet."
"Let's have a civil discussion and see what everyone thinks."
"The public interest is in free and open discussion."
"Welcome to the Megyn Kelly Show, your home for open, honest, and provocative conversations."
"There's nothing I think more dangerous than not talking about stuff. Bad ideas survive when people don't refute them by talking about them."
"It's okay to have a conversation about this."
"Whatever it is that they don't want us talking about we should be talking about."
"The way my new friends accept different opinions by discussing them rather than turning them into a witch-hunt has made me feel so at home."
"The more we can share about our experiences with schizophrenia without shame, the better we're going to be able to shirk this negative stigma."
"I believe in an open, free marketplace of ideas."
"Talking about stuff that like people don't usually let me talk about for an hour. It was amazing."
"Tolerance in society is lacking; we need more open discussion."
"We cannot properly analyze these disparate outcomes unless we do talk about this subject openly."
"People don't open up about how hard marriage is enough."
"This is a platform for us to have open and candid conversations about children who are being taken advantage of by people who are in charge of protecting them."
"All questions should be allowed to be asked. There is no such thing as a question that can't be asked."
"I treasure the fact that we're growing up in a world where we can talk about all the different elements of birth."
"We should be allowed to speak about it openly and honestly."
"You don't win by shutting other people down, you win by opening debate, challenging people."
"Let's make this normal. Let's normalize all of the ways that we're experiencing this that we don't want to talk about."
"This is purely my opinion. It's fine if you disagree with it. In fact, I want to hear what you have to say down in the comments."
"Fuck that you gotta be honest kind of controversial but some of you guys may disagree with me and if you do I want to hear your opinion."
"Live in a world where you can't be afraid from having these discussions."
"Feel free to disagree, I’d love to hear your own thoughts on this fascinating character!"
"Is this really the message that we want to send to people who are new to veganism?"
"Ultimately, I don't think people should be afraid to talk about their struggles with veganism."
"This is a real window when we can get beyond the propaganda and actually have a discussion of ideas."
"You have to be able to talk about it openly without fear of repercussions."
"Whatever your own thoughts and opinions happen to be, I'd love to hear them."
"I just want to get that out of the way: I'm not saying that they're bad, I just haven't found any personally that worked for me."
"Suicide and depression has such a stigma associated with them and we all need to be willing to talk about these subjects openly."
"We must deal with that offense and not suppress it and pretend that it's somehow evil to mention these obvious parallels in history."
"The premise of my channel is so we can have these conversations that we would normally not openly have."
"We should be able to discuss everything... thoughts... disagreement... that's the nature of humanity."
"Simply asking the question shouldn't necessarily be taboo."
"It's okay for us to have a different opinion on this hot topic."
"We don't claim to be perfect, we don't claim to have all the answers, but we do claim to be interested in engaging in the conversation about what some of those answers might look like."
"We have to be able to talk about these issues in the open regardless of the color of our skin."
"For science to work, you have to have an open exchange of ideas." - Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
"I would want to hear these people and why they think what they think even if it's unedited and not interrupted."
"I actually love it... it opens up a lot of dialogue... we're having open discussions that's moving people forward."
"It's not hurting anyone to have a conversation."
"An open development of ideas... your opinions."
"That's my verdict. You don't have to agree with it. That's the beauty of React Court."
"If you disagree, there's nothing wrong with that. We shouldn't all agree on the same thing, right?"
"The best way to fight propaganda is to have an open debate."
"Why can't we all debate these things and have a difference of opinion and then we get at the truth?"
"Open dialogue and open conversation usually fixes that because the truth always prevails in an environment where you can speak to each other."
"It's becoming normal now to talk about the elephant in the room."
"We need to talk about it because we talk about hard things on legal AF."
"I'm not here to say I'm right and you're wrong. I just want to share what I've gathered and let each person make up their own mind."
"I think it's good to have fights about policy and message out in the open."
"I think that Vivek Rama Swami handled himself really well you guys let me know how you think he handled himself I want to thank you guys um you know for coming through and once again uh I would love you know to hear a difference of opinion."
"I want to hear your automation ideas, no matter how crazy or far-fetched they seem."
"Encourage sharing, the free flow of information, and people being able to just talk about what they want to talk about."
"The phenomenon cannot be ignored any longer and taboos regarding it must be dropped and it must be openly talked about."
"You can openly question stuff and it's like, it's okay, it's back in the Overton window now."
"Everyone's got their own different pieces of what they're trying to get at it but we're all essentially here to openly discuss and expose a lot of the truth."
"Feel free to disagree with this list. I wouldn't expect anything less."
"There is already so much shame out there when it comes to periods so I really want to create a safe space here where I can find something that will work for you and we can talk about periods unfiltered."
"Nobody is ramming anything down your throats. It's all up to you to take from what you will, to leave it. But at least you get the chance to hear from everybody, no matter what."
"All of these are my opinions. What are yours?"
"The only solution is open discussion. Sunlight is the greatest disinfectant."
"No innovation can happen if we can't have honest conversations and bring different opinions to the table."
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Shine it down, talk about it. All you gotta do is expose it, and the rest of it will sort itself out."
"We need to discuss it openly, honestly, patiently, and without the attitude."
"It does mean a lot to me that my community is able to talk and kind of talk to feel like you know you have opinions right."
"If everybody talks about money more... I think people would just be more financially aware."
"I think that the more that we can talk about that which we have been programmed to not talk about, the easier it will be to move through this massive shift in Consciousness."
"We should be able to talk about this openly and not take it as a personal attack."
"I think we're going to open this up to folks who are ready to talk."
"The more we talk about something, the less power it has over us."
"Nobody should be barred from investigating the origins of the virus."
"It's good that we have others, but if you have a religious friend or if you are a religious person who wants to call in, we're chill. We want to talk. So please, please call in if you have a great topic."
"If I say something in a scientific forum and a young graduate student pops up in the audience and has an argument that demonstrates that my interpretation of the data is wrong, that person will be heard and I will change my opinion."
"I just want the content and that's why, whatever you say about the red pill dudes, they were willing to go with the content, they were willing to have a conversation."
"Yeah, I want to live in a society where each and every idea is freaking criticized, dissected. Criticize my ideas, dissect what I believe in, yeah I'm open to it."
"Alternative analysis and differing viewpoints should be welcomed."
"There's no cancelling of anybody, let's just talk about it honestly."
"This is a place for us to spread our wings and speak freely of everything."
"It's vitally important we be able to discuss these subjects not with just the young, but show it's okay to discuss them with adults too."
"I'm a 90s liberal in a way... let's discuss all the ideas."
"We see value in this and we're not going to cut you out for asking questions damn straight or coming to different conclusions."
"Creating an environment where everyone is free to speak their mind."
"What is the problem in saying I believe this but I might be wrong... let's discuss it if you get that call us next week tell us what you believe and why we can have a discussion about it."
"Girls talk empowers us to be honest, to question the world around us, to take action, and to strive for diverse, inclusive representation, equality, and positive change."
"Shame dies in the sunlight when we face it and talk about it."
"Honestly periods should be such a light topic to talk about."
"I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic."
"I would love to hear what you all have to say."
"Our goal is that this meeting we'll have a fair and open Forum to discuss these issues and that individuals can express their views without interruption."
"Just interrupt me if you have a question or a thought. I just enjoy that a lot."
"At the base of everything that we do is to try to be good people and have an open honest discussion about things."
"How do you talk about suicide? The most important thing is talk about it."
"Taboo subjects should be discussed so they aren't taboo; if nobody is getting hurt, someone else's discomfort is really your problem."
"We need to get back to the old idea of a really good debate and hearing all sides."
"It's just a very real topic that I feel like a lot of people don't talk about."
"Let's from all sides try to have a productive conversation."
"It's possible to disagree on these things."
"I'm not afraid to talk about it, and I wish that more people would get involved in the discussion."
"This video is just completely my opinion, of course, if you disagree with any of this, absolutely let me know in the comments."
"We're talking about everything; nothing's off limits."
"If it provokes an open discussion about sex with their parents, I think this is a really good thing."
"As always, what are your thoughts on this? Feel free to share."
"It's important to talk about it... you do need a community of people that you could talk to."
"Let's let people have their say first without us clouding the debate any more than we already have."
"Now let's candidly and openly talk about dog anxiety and separation anxiety."
"Approach it with an open mind, share different opinions in a respectful and productive way down in the comments."
"It's important to talk about it, get it out in the open."
"These are just my opinions, I'd love to know what you think."
"We should feel free as Americans to discuss and discuss openly."
"When it comes to stress, I think that we need to speak really openly about what some people struggle with."
"There's no dumb answers here, so let's get started."
"This is a place where we come to chat about things, share our opinions, and have different views, and that's okay as long as we're respectful."
"If you have to shut down the opposite side to win an argument, then your position isn't very strong."
"I think this project helps to have an open discussion about mental health."
"This is the opportunity for people to ask questions; there is no restriction on the topic."
"We have to start talking about things like this and just being open about it."
"I truly believe in having a platform for and an open forum for varied discussion."
"Let's just make talking about finances more normalized because I really wish I had people who talked openly about finances growing up."
"The strength of an idea is in the crucible of open debate."
"I really want to talk about adult mental wellness... it's okay to talk about it."
"It's a pleasure being here and it's a pleasure that you given us the opportunity to even express and discuss these things in a manner that's not argumented but it's a decent, educational discussion."
"Discussing salary shouldn't be a taboo; it's hard to know what jobs or industries are worth trying to get into."
"I believe in Bigfoot, do you? I want to hear everyone's opinions on this."
"We try to have all of our discussions on closure library discuss about what we're planning on doing next."
"I'm perfectly happy to be proven wrong or to at least have a debate with someone who's got strong views that don't necessarily tally with mine."
"I welcome your comments; you want to chime in and give some feedback."
"Let us discuss without reserve about what to do."