
Legal Principle Quotes

There are 383 quotes

"If you can show lying to the court, then that's the ball game."
"All parties are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."
"It's better that 10 guilty persons escape than one innocent person suffer."
"A courtroom is not a theater, it is not a public broadcast, and it is not a political platform; it is a court of laws and evidence and rules of procedure."
"No one is above the law, but nobody is below the law either."
"In the court of law, he is innocent until proven guilty."
"Constitutional rights don't stop being constitutional rights even in a time of emergency."
"It is better that 10 guilty persons go free than one innocent suffer."
"The essence of rule of law is to ask what will be the impact on society over the long run if the action we are taking, or the principle we are applying in a given circumstance, was universalized."
"The presumption of innocence is not a loose guideline; it's a foundational principle of the American criminal justice system."
"Presidents are not Kings and Donald Trump is not the president."
"The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
"The burden is on the state; the defense need only one reasonable doubt."
"The First Amendment requires that we protect some falsehood in order to protect speech that matters." - Haley
"Ignorance of the law is not an excuse." - Derek
"Innocent until proven guilty... it's colossal, it's crazy."
"The burden is on the state to prove my guilt. I am innocent until proven guilty. You [__] need to prove the case."
"Copyright infringement is a strict liability offense."
"Everybody's innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."
"Innocent until proven guilty, right? But seriously, Portland's got deep-seated issues."
"Innocent until proven guilty. It doesn't look good but it's also none of our business."
"Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty."
"Nobody has an expectation of privacy in public. That's law."
"Innocent until proven guilty. Remember, UK is totally different to us."
"Better ten guilty go free than one innocent be wrongly confined."
"Innocent until proven guilty, but there's a serious problem here."
"Even if this stuff sounds bad I still stand with the presumption of innocence."
"An innocent man is innocent until proven guilty."
"It's better to let a thousand guilty go than imprison one innocent."
"Nullifying jury nullification is disregarding the law."
"Better 10 guilty men go free than one innocent be punished."
"No one is above the law and all actions have consequences."
"Actual Prejudice is not needed when the extraordinary length of delay raises a presumption of actual Prejudice." - Grizzard V State 301 Georgia appeals 613
"Not all accused people actually give evidence."
"Innocent until proven guilty. I don't care any time."
"The Supreme Court said liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt."
"The only thing that in this country you are innocent until proven guilty."
"Innocent until proven guilty, always." - Video narrator
"You're presumed to be innocent and the government has to demonstrate proof beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The law excludes improperly obtained evidence, regardless of guilt."
"Jurors cannot make a decision based on sympathy."
"The Constitution still applies in this case."
"Aaron is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and until the police have enough evidence to bring him to that court of law, probably nothing's going to happen there."
"What the Commission case said was that nobody in this country is above the law."
"Remember, even though he may be a billionaire, he also deserves a presumption of innocence."
"All people have the presumption of innocence until proven guilty according to the law, but for police officers it's especially so because they are called to a place to help someone or to help something."
"We always must err on the side of the presumption of innocence."
"No person is above the law, regardless of their status in society, regardless of their wealth, regardless of their fame."
"At the end of the day, they're entitled to be presumed innocent until proven guilty."
"Possibilities are not what we are here for. The prosecution does not deal in possibilities."
"It's a very exciting time, a very important time for science in terms of looking at the links between how the ocean is influencing the rest of our planet."
"The law applies to the President of the United States as well as everybody else in this country, you're not above the law."
"Nobody is in fact above the law, at least they're not supposed to be."
"Accusations are not evidence. Accusations are accusations; evidence backs up the accusations."
"Innocent until proven guilty still applies." - Leonard French
"Everybody is innocent and entitled to that innocence until proven guilty."
"Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in my world."
"There is no justice if there's not equal justice."
"It's on the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Every vote must be protected from the diluting effect of illegal ballots."
"He should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise, not tried in the court of public opinion."
"He's innocent until proven guilty, it's just facts until it's seen in court."
"Tristar had a fiduciary duty, a proposition which as a matter of law is axiomatic."
"You cannot commit a crime without intent. It's a requirement."
"All parties coming before this court must be treated equally."
"Better that a hundred guilty persons escape than that one innocent man should suffer."
"The law presumes the defendant to be innocent of all charges. Miss Maxwell does not have to prove her innocence. It is always the government's burden to prove each of the elements of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Every defendant is presumed to be innocent; the state must prove the crime Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"Every fair inference that may be drawn from the pleadings must be resolved in the plaintiff's favor."
"The state must convince you by evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty of the crime charged the defendant has no obligation to prove innocence the defendant has the right not to testify."
"Innocent until proven guilty, always important."
"No human is illegal when it's not affecting them."
"He was innocent until he was guilty and that's how it should be."
"It's the accused who is supposed to be presumed innocent in a court of law."
"Innocent until proven guilty because you can't just have an accusation destroy someone's life."
"A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law."
"Equal justice under law" is not just a fancy idea, we actually have to mean it.
"Innocent until proven guilty ev in the court of law right now brian laundry is is is completely innocent."
"Innocent until proven guilty is a wise and fair Maxim."
"Our system of justice requires the government to prove your guilt Beyond it to the exclusion of every Reasonable Doubt."
"You must believe in a strong criminal defense."
"Our society is shaped not only by the rights it declares, but also by its willingness to protect and enforce those rights." - Attorney General Merrick Garland
"I think it's a bad idea to find the person and then find the crime. Do the investigation and see where it goes from there."
"This is about Reasonable Doubt. The state has to prove Beyond A Reasonable Doubt that Lori is guilty."
"Due process is a core of American jurisprudence."
"To tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
"The default in my opinion should be we let them out, they're still innocent."
"Presumption of innocence reigns supreme, which means that should carry over when you are still innocent unless or until you're proven guilty."
"There's a well-known legal principle that it's better to acquit a hundred murderers than to falsely convict one innocent person."
"No one, not even the President, is above the law."
"There should be equal justice under the law."
"Innocent until proven guilty is a very underrated principle in American law."
"The presumption of innocence must apply, that is a principle I observed in my former professional life, it is the one I insist upon now."
"The null hypothesis is really the same thing as the presumption of innocence."
"If the jury have a doubt, then the law says they should find them not guilty."
"Innocent until proven guilty always because I think it could be false."
"A court of equity has not jurisdiction to enjoin acts only because they are attempted or threatened under color of an unconstitutional or void statute or ordinance."
"If there is a scintilla of Reasonable Doubt you must have the courage to speak up and say so."
"Fraud has no statute of limitation no matter how many generations."
"The burden of proof: they have to prove to you."
"If you don't commit crimes and you tell the truth, it's not hard to prove it."
"Innocent until proven guilty is so important."
"Detached reflection cannot be expected in the presence of an uplifted knife." - U.S. Supreme Court
"You're presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt." - Legal standard
"Why is lying to law enforcement agents illegal? Because it impedes the search for evidence and the truth."
"Obstruction of justice obstructs justice. It's right there in the title."
"Invoke the natural law rights over your own property."
"There is a massive amount of demand for people who have these skills."
"No matter how suspicious the circumstances, he is presumed innocent."
"Just apply the law to the facts. Don't make up anything. We don't need to go looking for things to make up or people to target."
"Preponderance of the evidence means, in fact, more complete true than not true."
"The waiver of this immunity may not be inferred but must be expressed and unequivocal."
"You have a right to carry in public that cannot be premised on showing a special need."
"You're presumed innocent until proven guilty."
"Upholding the rule of law means applying the law evenly."
"No person is above the law including Donald Trump." - Congressman Andy Levin
"Nobody's Above the Law. I work with these other people they're good people surely they believe like I do, right?"
"If there's no victim, there should be no crime."
"No person is above the law, not even the president of the United States."
"I genuinely believe that until the Trials come in we should always always assume everyone is innocent until proven guilty."
"Rule of law means that unless proven guilty you cannot sentence people."
"Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech or of the press."
"The primary duty of a prosecutor is to follow the law."
"Justice is blind. Remember, Justice is blind."
"The presumption of innocence even applies to cops, and this concept of reasonable doubt."
"There's always the presumption of innocence."
"Once you give a gift, you can't take it back." - Judge Lake
"If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable."
"Fraud vitiates everything; if it's fraudulent, it nullifies everything."
"Presumption of innocence... it is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent person suffer."
"An unconstitutional act is not law; it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it." - US Supreme Court
"If the thief be found, he shall restore double."
"Justice must prevail, whether you like it or not."
"Infringement is an infringement is an infringement."
"An ex-president is above the law" — the Constitution does not provide an iota of information of context of content that suggests that an ex-president is above the law truly, no president is actually above the law.
"The presumption of innocence: no principle more firmly established."
"Innocent until proven guilty, this is what we expect and what we all deserve."
"Nobody is above the law in the United States of America."
"The burden of proof is on he who asserts, not he who denies."
"Judge McNight is innocent unless the Commonwealth can prove otherwise Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"In our country, justice Thurgood Marshall said the most protected value that we have is the presumption of innocence."
"The First Amendment does not allow the state to compel speech ever, period."
"The Supreme Court wants to find a principle of federal law that will make for a uniform set of outcomes in the states."
"The right by which all other rights are secured."
"I almost gotta just default to innocent until proven guilty."
"Probable cause is the foundation of our administration of justice."
"Attempting to make a government of laws, not of men."
"Nobody has an expectation of privacy in public at all."
"Law should not only be done, it should be seen to be done."
"I'd give the devil the benefit of law for my own safety's sake."
"I've been a police officer for 15 years, and I firmly believe that every citizen is innocent until proven guilty."
"No man is above the law, including the President of the United States."
"You are seen as innocent until proven guilty."
"In the U.S Criminal Justice System the accused is presumed to be innocent unless and until in the absence of a plea agreement their guilt is established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt in a court of law."
"We begin with the presumption of innocence... unless he talks us out of that position."
"You're innocent until proven guilty, which means from the outset you're innocent."
"Innocent until proven guilty is a phrase that has lost a lot of significance as of recent."
"Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."
"The presumption of innocence is the foundational structure of the entire legal code of Western civilization."
"Stare decisis literally means it will stand by previous decisions."
"Under the law, if two charges are identical in nature, you cannot place me in jeopardy of life and limb twice."
"Every defendant is presumed to be innocent."
"The state must prove the crime Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"A Reasonable Doubt is not mere possible or imaginary doubt; it's a doubt based on reason and Common Sense."
"Cases can be solved with evidence; they can be solved with lack of evidence, and when there's lack of evidence, the law calls it not guilty."
"Remember the principle: 'you don't need to remember case names, just remember the principle.'"
"...innocent until proven guilty for a reason."
"The key here to remember about 801 D-2 is it's a very easy rule, it's simple, it's just one sentence, but it's extremely important."
"If it can get taken from you, it's not a right."
"...I'm not knowledgeable enough to go into the ins and outs and the intricacies of the whole thing with you and defend in that way but I'll defend our right to innocence until proven guilty that's essentially it"
"If you have a reasonable doubt you should find the defendant not guilty if you have no Reasonable Doubt you should find the defendant guilty"
"If a law violates a constitutional right, it's unconstitutional and has to be struck down."
"You're innocent until proven otherwise."
"...the common law mirror image rule has the benefit of being a very easy, straightforward analysis..."
"The equal protection clause does not guarantee that every single person is going to be treated the exact same in all situations."
"The defendant bears the burden of proving that a warrant is insufficient probable cause or not sufficiently particular."
"We presume innocence. We don't guess."
"The evidence needs to be relevant. What does that mean? The specific piece of evidence that you're presenting, it should increase or decrease the probability of the truth of a fact."
"A reasonable doubt is a fair, honest doubt growing out of the evidence or lack of evidence. It is not merely an imaginary or possible doubt, but a doubt that is based on reason and common sense."
"Presumption is a principle that we all must follow. We must presume him innocent, and we must keep that presumption unless and until the state proves every element of every charge beyond a reasonable doubt."
"No more than being a drunken driver is a defense to a hit-and-run accident."
"Presume that the defendant is innocent."
"Presume innocence until proven guilty."
"The defendant in a criminal action is presumed to be innocent unless guilt is proved Beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Surely Justice not only has to be done, it has to be seen to be done."
"I only say he was alleged because he was never put on trial and proven guilty."
"Justice has to be seen to be done."
"Evidence must be taken in the light most favorable to the defendant."
"Reasonable Doubt is just that, a doubt based on reason and common sense."
"How do you really make a judge independent?"
"The rule of law does distinguish our country."
"Special counsel should operate independently; that's the whole purpose of a special counsel."
"There is a presumption of innocence in this country."
"The burden of proof typically lies on the accuser, the people that's making the accusations."
"Justice is no longer blind; there's no blindfold so that Justice will be blind to all considerations except the case."
"You are presumed innocent until you are proven guilty."
"The nice thing about the eggshell plaintiff charge is that it makes clear that you can't compensate plaintiffs for pre-existing... the plaintiff chose not to put any of that evidence on."
"Truth and justice should not be delayed."
"It should always be a case of someone being innocent until proven guilty."