
Character Creation Quotes

There are 333 quotes

"The best way to develop character is to write the character."
"Kubo is a master at creating mysterious characters who we gradually learn more about over the course of the story."
"Character creation in Morrowind can be a little intimidating."
"Created by writer George Gladir and artist Dan De Carlo, Sabrina was originally meant to be a one-off character."
"One of the design notes I recall reading was just, 'Make everyone hot.'"
"We're becoming the snow hashida yukino, and yukino is this guy I made up in the game."
"In a 2018 interview with Weekly Shounen Jump Magazine, Togashi revealed that with Gon he originally planned to create a sort of good-boy type of character that would, and I quote, win every ‘character I would want for a son’ competition."
"My name is Eso, and today we're doing a deep dive into Starfield's character creation."
"And if your first Original Character happens to be you with better hair, then whatever, man, you do you."
"Sometimes the thing that is fun isn't being the best; it's having a unique character that makes you laugh."
"What makes great cartoon characters is a creator who has a strong vision for what his character is, and Steve Hillenburg was really the guiding light."
"The concept and creation of Nora Fries is a good one. There's something compelling about her and she works quite well as what she was initially created for."
"Stories are kind of like a magician with an illusion - you're taking these artificial characters and events and making them feel real."
"Just roll up my character and out of that, create character creation experience."
"Character creation is not just something we get through in order to play the game, it is actually a big part of what a lot of us enjoy about the game."
"Making a new character out of scratch that can live up to the expectations set by the pantheon of dope-ass characters, but Marvel and DC and every other comic book company that have come before them is [__] difficult."
"The character design looks great, including the hair."
"Visual clarity is essential in character design for games like League of Legends."
"This is a cool way of doing the character creation, there's a lot of options here."
"Gimmick allows you to create someone instantly recognizable and that has a clear and defined presence in the campaign as soon as your party members meet you."
"Knowledge is power. Your journey in Night City begins by creating your V."
"We've all done it, designed a brand new character, spent hours meticulously designing their outfit and their backstory, and then forgetting about them."
"Plan a session 0 for your new campaign to make characters."
"We've got these ideas for characters, their backstories, what we can do in terms of video games, card games, graphic novels, film, and all that stuff."
"The Miis were a perfect pairing with a console like the Wii and a game like Wii Sports."
"You don't understand the importance of this moment. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created Agatha Harkness."
"Popular characters are always successful, because the author put a ton of blood, sweat and tears into creating them."
"You've got one person who's part spirit, one person who's all human, and when you bring them together, they make the next avatar."
"I had this opportunity to create this character with Sergio Leone that was very mythical, a very mysterious kind of character."
"Creating life: fashioning memorable characters."
"Master Chief and the Spartans were created for the singular purpose of winning this war."
"It's heartwarming to think that a little Japanese shop gave life to all these characters and that Rankin and Bass influenced so many viewers around the world with the work they put into these specials."
"Create your characters... they should act as guidelines, not limitations."
"My Method and techniques for Designing characters."
"Oda loves adding new groups and characters, it's just fun for him."
"Who the hell came up with this lore? Oh, this guy again."
"The Character Creator in Diablo 4 is impressive."
"Marvel found its foothold in creating characters and concepts that DC hadn't done before."
"Is there a character creator, or we is there like one title? There is it, there is a catch, yeah, that's this just keeps getting better."
"Telepathic feat: good, with fun roleplay applications and versatility in character creation."
"Stan and Steve came together, neither could have done it alone to make this character."
"The process of creating a new and unique character from start to finish is a fun and organic process."
"A glitch was responsible for making the character in the first place."
"Haunted elevator introduced the world to a new Halloween icon in David S. Pumpkins."
"Brilliant characters were created all of them in that film."
"It's rare that you see a style of comedy that can make any character memorable, but Hell of a Boss pulls it off perfectly."
"We deserve bad-ass characters that are created with us in mind and not created to pander to us."
"Fire Pro's entire roster is made up pretty much of fictional characters."
"You're the artist, but you're still thinking about that character that you've created in that song."
"The amazing part about this game is the attributes. I really enjoy rolling a super rare one like a diamond or a legendary."
"You kind of create heroes but not just willy-nilly."
"Charles has created hundreds of entertaining characters on camera for video and film with over 400 Corporate videos to his credit."
"Soulcalibur 3 featured a character creation aspect which was a first for the series and I spent way too much time in that mode crafting nonsensical characters."
"It's a great story, good solid robust character creation."
"Stan was always on the go to create new characters."
"Disney doesn't create role models, it creates characters." - Nick Jonas
"The Stormcast Eternals are what happens when Sigmar finally had enough of chaos hogging all the fantasy power armor."
"The creation of Wonder Woman came by way of Marsten's wife Elizabeth's suggestion of making the hero a woman resonated with both Marston himself and DC Comics."
"A character written by two Jewish immigrants who actually had a lot to say about the current state of the world."
"They provided a broad range of video games with memorable characters."
"This is how a kid saving his allowance to pay for video games became the man who created one of gaming's most iconic mascots."
"I couldn't have made a more appropriate Giga Chad myself."
"Josuke's creation came about as a result of the positive forces of miracles."
"She is believed to have been the influence for Charles Dickens when he came to creating the character of Miss Havisham in one of his most acclaimed novels, Great Expectations."
"Once upon a time there was an onion called Funny Onion..."
"Abrams made a movie with new, compelling characters."
"We have together you and I have turned a fictional created character in a video game into like an entity you know I mean like Chris danger has become a thing."
"Her name and her characters had become a guarantee of sales."
"Another winner by Taylor Jenkins Reed... just really good at creating famous people that feel so real."
"It's hard to get that perfect character but it happens sometimes."
"The Sonic Forces custom character creator... it was honestly what a lot of fans had always wanted."
"These actors, they put their heart and their soul into this, creating characters that we will love through the test of time."
"Creating an empathetic main character is the foundation for all of the above tips."
"Starfield is set to have one of the most in-depth character creators in modern gaming."
"It's good that they've put in the names of the people that you're probably going to want to create."
"You not only have matched what undertale meant for a lot of people but in many ways I think you exceeded it myself and thousands upon thousands upon thousands of other people fell in love with the new characters that you made."
"I've been creating Sonichu since 2000, combining Sonic and Pikachu."
"It's time to create a new build. Check for head scan data. No, I'm gonna make a big dog. I literally... I'm making him big dog."
"The intention behind making a character and situation like this is definitely worthwhile."
"The Punisher was the creation of comic book writer Jerry Conway who also co-created the first Miss Marvel."
"Poliwag's design was inspired by the intestines of tadpoles."
"Sometimes, you know, when you create a character for DC or Marvel you let go of it and it just becomes it like it was your baby."
"If you don't understand editing, you're not going to be able to create the character."
"Create the characters that you want to make, not the characters that min/max optimize the best."
"But let me play my world-famous character, Grub Sock the DBaller Hobgoblin Shaman."
"He only seemed to make up one fictitious character throughout this entire ordeal to kind of solidify his identity."
"Oswald the lucky rabbit was actually made before mickey mouse and was basically going to be the mickey mouse before mickey mouse."
"Some of his character design that goes unnoticed is how dense this world is."
"Dungeon Master's love when players involve them in the character creation process."
"Takashi displays a supreme ability to conjure something sinister which is an all-day difficult thing to pull off properly."
"It meant that even though Cloud Strife & Aerith Gainsborough were the first two characters who were conceived in an official capacity, for the next batch of characters Nomura decided to take some risks."
"There's something fascinating about when you create yourself and your family members or your friends."
"Gordon Freeman's name came about after writer Mark Laidlaw combined elements from his favorite scientists."
"Bray's got one of those outliers in WWE in that he created two characters that were legitimately all-time wrestling characters."
"Make a character at the beginning of their journey."
"Holman Jenkins would be a good name for that character... it should be, you know what, Holman Jenkins the third."
"Don't worry about vegetarian and non-vegetarian, be a 'Dr. Palarian'."
"I had this sin who ended up looking a lot like me and I named her lil Sims II."
"Eventually, it all got sorted out and we ended up with the legends we know and love today."
"Kirby's story throughout the series is about growth..."
"While you can of course absolutely create villains who possess any attribute...you've just got to bear in mind that your heroes can also bear any and all of those same traits too."
"Creating characters in Pathfinder feels like an almost limitless playground."
"What are some of the questions that we want to ask ourselves when we're creating our barbarian? Why are you so angry man?"
"Hack number 11: Create a character that can fit into the world you created in your story."
"To praise Sam Fisher is to praise the writer who created him, JT Petty, but also the performer behind him, legendary veteran actor Michael Ironside."
"I just became immersed in something that was completely invented and these characters it was a similar thing I we weren't thinking of anybody they were just these characters"
"Luck is its own ability score! And every character is created with a unique lucky sign."
"So when you first start making your character there is a short intro cut scene that you can thankfully skip even if you're having your first time playing through."
"Make an interesting character, not the best one."
"Pick an appearance that you like and then pick the class based on that, whichever class is available to that race."
"Creating a cool character who was inspiring and heroic with cool powers..."
"How do you invent a character... that is infallible?"
"Eureka! If I want to make a scary villain, I should base it off of Cruella because she's a scary villain."
"Charles created Wonder Woman because he wanted a strong positive role model that was a woman for young girls and boys to look up to."
"You must live the characters and to draw them you must feel the Motions in your mind."
"Larry David is without a doubt one of the greatest creations HBO has ever had."
"It's a brand new character, not just for Galaxy, it's a brand new character for the Star Wars universe at large."
"This character is inspired by the ocean, mermaids, fallen angels, creepy brides, basically just every Halloween costume in the discount shop linked together into one horrifying character."
"Samus and the Metroids were created by the Chozo."
"Our great gift is to get in the heads of bad people."
"Blessed! Oh, what are their genders? Speckle is non-binary and Freckle is a girl."
"I think I'm gonna go with an insanely paranoid ghost."
"I love that they create characters simply through the amount of movement in their face."
"Making a good character and entering the world that the DM has made I think is super important."
"Sometimes, good characters come from combining disparate elements."
"With Franky, Oda has created a truly amazing character and by accident he might have made the Rock join the straw hats."
"Adventure mode lets you design and control a single character I love how crowman chinchilla man eagle man peach-faced lovebird man intelligent wilderness creature character that can interact with influence and shape the world."
"Hi, my name is Bob, I just spent three hours for a character that I'm not too sure about."
"This was the birth of one of the most beloved and also populist species within the Forgotten Realms: the half-elf."
"I want to create a easily franchisable character, something that children will dream about in the night times."
"Simple shapes always go for the simple shapes, that's how you make your characters animatable."
"I think whenever I first imagined what detective tits McGillicuddy was sipping, this is it."
"The story begins in 1962 when Stan Lee wanted to create a character that could identify with a teenage audience."
"For true creators, putting a piece of their soul into every character is just how the process goes."
"If you want to play ADOM first you need to make a character."
"Chris Chan: creator of Sonichu, an amalgamation of Sonic and Pikachu."
"If you enjoy creating characters in D&D almost as much as playing the actual game itself, then welcome home."
"Our warm and friendly rabbit character is finally ready to see the sunlight."
"The Character Creator is bloody brilliant."
"This is how you make a badass female character."
"Not so that I can tell you the right way or the best way to play a character but to explore one potential way to create and build and play a character in D&D."
"Choose strength or dex for your top two ability scores."
"What race you choose has an incredible impact on the effectiveness of your fighter."
"Back in the early '70s Marvel writer Jim Starin was inspired to create a monster villain of his own after reading DC's fourth world featuring dark side as the comic's primary antagonist."
"To create dynamic characters, you can't just stick actors inside the photogrammetry Dome."
"That moment of inspiration had led to that character who would eventually be known as Walter White."
"If you enjoy creating characters for your RPGs almost as much as you enjoy playing the actual game itself or if you're just looking for tips or ideas on how to build a particular character you're thinking about playing then welcome home."
"but the criteria that I personally kept in mind while working on my own genin character concepts were"
"If I don't create a character off of you then maybe you're just not that influential to me, you know what I'm saying, or influential to the world."
"Stan Lee actually created She-Hulk because of the Incredible Hulk TV show."
"Mario but green and thus Luigi was born."
"The launch of the GPT store by OpenAI a couple of days ago has provided the opportunity to find GPTs that could help us create consistent characters in a matter of seconds."
"If you enjoy character creation in Dungeons and Dragons almost as much as you enjoy playing the actual game, then welcome home."
"I think you should err on the side of telling people more rather than less about the one-shot because it's so easy for someone to build a character that's not suited to it."
"I really like Barkley, and he's one of the few characters that I've ever created who is based on a living model."
"Once you have all of your settings dialed in, it's time to enter the prompt and create our character."
"Building a character can be a huge undertaking... but I also think you can get connected to a character by getting to make some of your choices about it."
"Rigging is a massive, vast world of possibilities, and it's all just to bring characters to life."
"So, yeah, even made this, uh, this creepy-looking, uh, blend shape chart basically of all the things that I made for, uh, my various characters."
"Once the Frederik Zoller character was developed the rest of the story fell into place by bringing the Nazi high command together in the cinema and having the characters all converge on that point."
"You always have to approach a character as if you're creating a human being."
"That solving aspect of character creation is one of my favorite things."
"...self-insert OCS...developed a reputation for being weird cringe uncreative and just generally bad practice for creating characters."
"If you really want to have a female spy that kicks ass, then just write a new character for her."
"I don't want to make a hexblade, and it's not only because I make a ton of hexblades and I'm kind of tired of them and I want to be a hipster, though admittedly that is part of the reason."
"Creating characters for D&D is just as fun as playing the game itself."
"If you can create a brilliant character and if you treat it with enough attention and Care you can that character can last forever."
"Write a new movie for her. Give her a new. She could be the face of this new character. She's just a new. She's the new Snow White."
"I'll be showing you how I created this character in Adobe Illustrator."
"Can elves be Wizards? You could be anything you want to be in D&D. That's the point."
"His character was inspired and crafted not by some sophisticated scientific calculation but rather, according to Christian, it was based on Thurston Howell III from Gilligan's Island. He even took the accent from that character."
"If you enjoy character creation as much as playing the game, welcome home."
"We're not here to tell you the right way to have fun. We're here to try and take a character concept that is fun for you hopefully and a lot of other people and make it as powerful as possible."
"Spawn was a character that he created when he was just 16 years old and with the first issue released in 1992, the character found immediate success with that first issue selling 1.7 million copies."
"Luffy was inspired by one of the biggest anime characters in the world and of course that character is none other than Goku."
"...Toriyama is definitely not an idiot when it comes to creating these characters. You can say a lot of things about the man all you want to but he's a very intelligent man."
"I kind of want to be Becknow. My friend created him. He looks like he could be makeup, actually, the makeup artist from Sabrina. Her husband created Becknows."
"Jonathan truly, single-handedly created the character of Dr. Zachary Smith that we know and love to hate."
"A game character is created in a bunch of different steps, I will go over the following parts:"
"For new players, humans are an excellent choice because as human beings ourselves, they are an immediately relatable ancestry to choose."
"He's the worst. Actually, he's the worst. You know, Jacob, you set out to make a custom character with no middle sliders and you I think nearly accomplished it. I think I got there."
"...the swords bard this was the first and maybe only still to date uh character that I've done..."
"I highly recommend that you guys try this and just see how designing a character knowing a lot about them first can really change the way that you make choices for them."
"If you want to create a character even near as iconic, have your character embody your movie's central thematic message so strongly that they become one and the same."
"Wonder Woman was a particularly interesting character, created by a psychologist, Dr. William Moulton Marston, as a way to go after the girl audience."
"Writing was also a release... He lived with his characters."
"Let's create a character because he was using default when you can make one."
"...it's important to understand the lens and priorities that a writer might be focusing on when creating a character."
"Riddlecraft struck gold when she decided to make Thomas the show's main character and I love him dearly."
"How would I make Aragorn as a playable character from a player point of view in DND?"
"...and I begin to recall my own d d character she's a halfling fighter technically an Eldritch Knight but yeah she's goofy homicidal yeah I don't play D D that much."
"Enjoy creating characters for D&D almost as much as you enjoy playing the game itself? Or looking for tips or ideas on a character you're thinking about playing? Then welcome home, this is where you belong."
"I'm playing D&D now and when it came character creation time, someone explained to me, 'Here's what you do. You think of a character in literature or a movie or something that you like and you make yourself that character.'"
"She's my D&D character. She's a human fighter Rune Knight."
"I just created those characters out of whole cloth. They had nothing to do with my own psychology."
"The players are all creating their characters at the same time around the table, and as they're going through their various life path creation systems, there's going to be stuff that happens to those characters."
"You can't really roll a bad character here."
"My characters are basically combination everybody says, 'Well, is that based on this person or that person?' And it really isn't. It's based on a combination of four or five people. And, like most writers, some of yourself comes gets in it, you know?"
"Johnny Depp is identified with, he is the original pirate. He created the character."
"Superman was a big inspiration for why he made Spider-Man."