
Narrative Quality Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"Assassin's Creed Revelations is full of brilliant storytelling."
"Secret Empire is one of the best Captain America stories ever written."
"Good stories create a very good world, and problematic stories create a very problematic world."
"It's a good thing to want more when it's all over, and I can't stress how well done this game's writing is at its highest points."
"Aiden's relationship with Jackson is the best thing bloodline does."
"To me, it comes down to the simple fact of storytelling. If you tell a good story, they will come."
"I like that, it makes the world a lot more believable."
"Destiny's narrative was utterly incredible, it was exquisitely written, brilliantly creative, deeply philosophical, and all around one of the best sci-fi universes ever created."
"There's a difference between characters being problematic and the writing being problematic"
"It wasn't a perfect story but it was pretty damn close."
"I almost think the quality of writing's gone down due to the focus on the cinematic Hollywood experience."
"I truly think that the Shibuya arc is one of the best of all time and needs to be thrown into that conversation."
"The writing is just from beginning to end incredible they don't miss."
"We have to tell better stories. Truer stories."
"It's truly a good enough treatment that if they wanted to film it the day after handing it in, they could have, and it still would have been an excellent film."
"It's on the line of realism but doesn't step over it into 'there's no way that would ever happen' territory."
"The Last of Us ultimately tells one of the most hauntingly human stories in the genre to date."
"The narrative complexity, breadth of characters, and exploration of socio-economic aspects set The Wire apart."
"For all we know, the next 60 minutes might be crap... but the first 20 minutes were real good."
"The level of detail is extraordinary, and I don't mean in the Jordan sense of just like describing rooms and rooms and rooms."
"Well-written and well-understood lore fiction is much more appealing than bonkers theories."
"Forget what medium it is, it is just good storytelling."
"The dialogue in this game is so far beyond any other video game."
"All I want is for characters to be consistent."
"I just gotta give the Roses to the storytelling here."
"This series has some of the best characterization in shonen period."
"Thor: The God Butcher is really one of the greatest stories ever told."
"Cyberpunk 2077's narrative gameplay storytelling and immersion are just better in Night City."
"There's lots of flavor text in this game. The writing is impeccable."
"The plotting: immaculate. The pacing: absolutely breakneck."
"I like Bloodborne for its good atmosphere, the concept for characters, and the adult and serious story behind it."
"Abby's arc is fundamentally different because it shows an evolution that we don't see out of Ellie."
"Honestly, I was loving the structure, the narrative quality, and the writing so much."
"If you fail at making the fighting interesting in a series that centers around combat resolving conflict then you aren't likely to be all that enjoyable."
"Midnight: Mind-blowingly good... the sparkling diamond of the Russell T Davies era."
"But I thought that like generally the storyline was great."
"It feels like they do a pretty good job of having diverse main and side characters."
"For its story, a six-year wait for a sloppy, confusing, and unfinished narrative."
"I think overall it was a very, very well-told season. The story was very compelling start to finish."
"Surely you can't sit there and tell me that a game set on this ring isn't like the highest thing ever at least in terms of narrative."
"When the villain dies and you feel bad, that's the sign of a great character."
"The female characters are extraordinarily well drawn."
"Overlong battle scene, thin on plot, character, and style." - The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
"Your party’s writing and character and development runs laps around 'Kingmaker'."
"Howling Fjord, an amazing zone. Not even a question."
"This one was probably one of the best. I really appreciated that it was a full-on story."
"It really hits this nice mix of unexpected while also just delivering a really solid narrative... some of the highlights of this game."
"Truly one of the best games to come out of this year and one of the best game narratives I've ever played."
"This game is fantastic. The story is gripping and amazing."
"But references alone don't make a fight enjoyable or understandable."
"Final Fantasy XIV offers players the best narrative in an MMO."
"It's a genuinely great story with interesting fights and dynamics."
"Payback has the best racing game story in years."
"This was so, so good, so entertaining, the writing is so good."
"I think this is definitely some of the best storytelling in destiny."
"We're reminded once again that Joel is a Broken Man."
"The manga has the superior narrative by an absolute mountain."
"The core campaign that I was going through was well paced."
"As long as it takes its time to execute a good enough ending."
"It's a deep movie, this isn't just fan service."
"I am going to give this a five because of how unique the story was."
"Breath of the Wild provides a beautiful narrative."
"Many of these games have stories and mechanics that are so well developed that some of them eclipsed their contemporaries."
"By the time this video is done I hope you will see as I do why this games story stands alongside some of the greatest stories ever told in the history of the gaming medium."
"Like all the titles to come from Supergiant Games, this game has beautiful visuals, a great soundtrack, good storytelling, great voice acting. It just fires on all cylinders."
"Far Cry 3 had the best story in the series, and one of the most unique and creative stories in gaming."
"Campaigns aren't everything. Quality storytelling always wins."
"I want characters to feel smart, not do stupid things."
"Ragnarok is the best overall best narrative."
"The tightly written narrative boasts fully realized characters, genuine emotional arcs, and a complex main villain."
"The narrative design overall here was really top tier."
"The narrative was quite good in my eyes, even if the way it was presented could have been taken in a different direction."
"This is a great moment. It's great storytelling."
"Narrative and thematic consistency that is unparalleled in most other media."
"Stand with me in awe of this incredibly well-written series."
"A compelling, interesting three-dimensional character."
"Halo 2 brought the storytelling to a level that the series has since never reached."
"Horror still needs all the things that make stories great."
"The most emotional and just wonderfully cyclical, they're fantastic."
"The heart of the movie, I think there's a really good story."
"No dumb jealousy plots, no unnecessary miscommunications."
"The jerk protagonist story was done really well in this case."
"Mass Effect 2 in my opinion is still one of the best role-playing games of all time."
"The Walking Dead isn't a game with a lot of gameplay but it has one of the best written stories I've ever seen in a video game."
"A good story Foster's intelligent discussion. A good story makes you come back to it. A good story doesn't spoon-feed you the significance of every single friggin interaction like we're idiots."
"There's just so much amazing writing in this game."
"Rockstar was at their best when writing this, while relatively short it's an awesome and spooky take on the Wild West."
"There's some cool replay value in there too."
"It's an incomplete story it's a crime against good writing that what they did here which is also frustrating."
"This entire scene between tetus inject is one of the best written interactions in the entire game."
"Being well-written and being overpowered Done Right are two completely different things."
"Overall it is a captivating story that is realized to its full potential by absolutely remarkable execution."
"Characters not behaving in manner that is internally consistent but in the manner that is necessary in order to move the plot forward - that is bad writing."
"Anthem's story has been the best one I've experienced so far."
"The imperfection brings genuine authenticity to the characters and story."
"It's masterful storytelling and writing which are the hearts and the soul of any great RPG."
"It's not a great story... it's just pure humor."
"Holy Sister for me is the best. It's rare to see a fantasy series where the ending is the best because a lot of fantasy authors flub their endings."
"Every story is masterfully written, so much so that even as you’re reading the backstory of a chef who asked you to find mushrooms for his cooking, you’re sitting there like-"
"Ichigo versus Ulquiorra round two is nearly perfection in my opinion."
"From a storytelling perspective, it's hard to imagine what they could have done any better."
"If you surrender to the fact that we are storytellers no matter our skin color then you have a good story on your hands." - Lupita Nyong'o
"Every character always feels like a real living person who's acting the way they are acting for internal really understandable reasons."
"Man props to the writers of star force 3 it's moments like these that push this game above the rest as one of the best mega man rpgs ever made."
"She's written like a person, not like a child or a cartoon."
"Between all that and then like the conversation in the orchard about like the orphanage, it's some of the best slice of life I've ever experienced."
"Deia's story quest in general is what I hope every character story quest would be."
"The sheer quality of the world-building really holds this whole thing together."
"The story here is quite literally outstanding – elevated far from the usual stuff you see in video games."
"While it certainly doesn't stand toe-to-toe with contemporaries like Dead Space or Gears of War, I was really impressed with the atmosphere and genuinely engrossing story..."
"Silent Hill 4's story is fantastic in not only its concept but its delivery of said story."
"I guarantee you that if you give a shorter, more densely packed game a go over a bloated AAA mess, you’ll find a much richer experience, and a much better narrative arc waiting for you inside."
"The main story energy is cranked up to 11, the tone, the flow, the character interaction all click very well."
"The stories are very, very good, with all of them being well-done, including how they come together at the end."
"I don't think we've had a good narrative in World of Warcraft for years."
"The storytelling in this match between Io and Shayna inside the cage is one of the best of 2019 for WWE."
"That's what the strength of the show is really, the writing."
"The game's story actually does live up to the Lord of the Rings franchise."
"Oh, this is like definitely the most replayable game. Oh yeah, it is. So replayable and there's so many intra. It's so well-written, it's great, yeah."
"The characters remarkably well drawn and supported and written with great spirit as well as vigor."
"Gosford Park is a biting heartbreaking perfectly crafted film."
"The storytelling and dialogue is incredible."
"Execution is key when it comes to telling not only a good story but a compelling one."
"Following the highly praised Titanfall 1 the sequel added a single player campaign that honestly is some of respawn's finest storytelling to date."
"Super Paper Mario easily has one of the best stories of any Mario game I've ever played."
"This is absolutely award-winning quality when it comes to characterization and surprises."
"The storytelling and the pacing of said story is excellently handled."
"Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is a once-in-a-lifetime game. It's the best written Mario title ever created."
"I loved what this story was and I think it stands out as one of the most compelling narratives in the history of the Sonic franchise."
"Season three of Star Wars rebels, what an amazing season!"
"The writing is so good for these characters that even if I don't guess what they're gonna do, everything they do feels right."
"A powerful story with deep rich characters that makes it stand apart."
"The emotion, the action, the loss, the hope - it's all there and it's a gut punch of excellent game storytelling."
"It's an interesting concept, I'll definitely say that much, and I can definitely say that it's very well written."
"Thronebreaker Witcher Tales... From the story to choices to management, it is fantastic."
"One of the best prologues I've ever seen in any video game."
"The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt does everything nearly perfectly."
"If a game’s narrative is barely worth telling once, it probably won’t be better on the second run, no matter what you do."
"It's a solid game about two brothers with their own conflicts, it's very well done."
"I thought the story was really well told, the surprises with the characters, and how they lean into the world with all their different perspectives helps diversify them."
"The Last of Us... really compelling storyline with phenomenal graphics and just like really I don't know what I would say about the gameplay."
"The heroes felt real. Everyone in this show has a level of depth to them, even the worst of them."
"Sometimes the writing aspects annoy me because we all know they could write this a bit better."
"It's incredibly well done, everything about it fits together, the story that it tells is phenomenal."
"The character writing in this game is just on some next level."
"True Detective season one is an all-time story."
"Okay, here's like the second good thing to come out of the modern-day plot."
"The writing in this game and everything is amazing, the game itself is just incredible."
"This story is so unbelievably stupid that it's painful for me to read it's painful for me to read because it's so [__] stupid like it's painfully stupid okay so we need monkey man remember all names are chosen from our patreon."
"It's a beloved story told in a way that feels modern, human, and heartfelt."
"Yakuza zero is one of the best narrative experiences I have ever had while playing a video game."
"I've always believed that this is one of the best games ever from a storytelling standpoint."
"Barbie and the Diamond Castle: The story of this one is pretty solid."
"The endings of Silent Hill 2 are almost as good as the game itself."
"Modern Warfare's campaign was hailed as one of the best in the series."
"I have no preference when it comes to which way they go with Peter or miles I want a good game I want a good story if that's a story with miles or if that's a story with Peter then so be it."
"If it ends up being a Destiny-like game but with a high quality Bioware story on top of it count me in."
"Stories are a lot like jokes, because the quality of every single factor is entirely dependent on the way that it’s delivered."
"The story piles on the mystery early on and actually delivers on that mystery, which doesn't often happen in video games." - "Horizon Zero Dawn delivers on its sci-fi mystery throughout."
"Halo 3: ODST was a fantastic package, a marvelous action-packed campaign that succeeded in telling a more human story."
"Rogue Squadron is a great Star Wars game with a pretty memorable plot and tons of inspiration drawn from the movies."
"This Saga possesses genuine greatness with numerous standout moments and a satisfying conclusion."
"The writing in the game is top notch, with very cool lore to explore."
"They took the time to develop the characters really well."
"A strong concept and overall I thought was really well done."
"The story of this game is stellar and absolutely worth playing."
"The Vegas story is probably one of the best in gaming."
"LMG nerfs have been requested since season four of last year."
"The Last of Us turns its attention towards what becomes an outstanding plot."
"And the final product is a narrative game with dialogue that competes against the heaviest hitters in the industry today."
"A visually stunning and emotionally charged story."
"I would much rather see these scenes where people are talking that has a purpose and moves the story forward than just pointless filler action just for the sake of blood and gore."
"Overall, the writing tends to be stronger in GTA IV than in previous entries."
"There's a soul here, there is a creativity in regards to the story... there's a purity there that really works."
"What an incredible storyline, and when it comes to single-player games, you just don't get single-player games like this anymore."
"The only thing that I care about anymore is good characters, good writing, good stories."
"The only thing I care about anymore is good characters, good writing, good stories."
"Wow, I can only imagine how meticulously written this thing must be!"
"Some are done so well... it's actually a romance and like this is an actual plot to it."
"Everything about the Greed Island arc is perfect but I believe that it certainly holds up as an excellent story arc."
"I love the writing--which is largely unparalleled in the video game industry--and I love going on adventures with Nate and co."
"Storytelling in games is just as good as movies... with the resurrection and Renaissance of the industry."
"Crafted another consistently exciting roller coaster ride and the best story of the series yet."
"It's a competently written story mode that understands the characters."
"From the moment I loaded this game I was amazed: the great storyline, the atmosphere, and immersion."
"Fable 2 was living in a better written story."
"Great movies come from great stories, great characters, great dialogues."
"They've destroyed storytelling with intersectionalism it just it doesn't fit."
"This game offered one of the most fantastically personal and engaging stories."
"The ending was surprisingly good for a game that has had some trouble keeping me immersed from the start."
"The way he can tell a good story is top notch."
"From the mythology, the storytelling, the character dynamics, the character's journey, it's a superior movie man, I just love this movie."
"We actually care about these characters we like these characters the writing and all of that is good enough that we are content to see their story"
"Ultimately, you cannot take away from the story itself, which is absolutely amazing so far. It's super engaging and keeps me pulling, like it keeps me coming back."
"The writing, and surprisingly excellent English dub really do a lot to carry the story."
"Are you saying Batman's never had bad stories? See, look at the bat, look at all the great stories that have been written. See, look at that, Gary knows what's up."
"The narrative is so, so good. It just needs more."
"Cyberpunk 2077 actually is a pretty good game...with a great story, great characters."
"Dragon Ball GT's ending just like all of its arcs end well some arcs having sloppy starts but GT always knew how to end its arcs on a high note and even merge into the next Arc nicely."
"More of that please, I'm such a fan of great storytelling."