
Brevity Of Life Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"We're here for a fun time, not here for a long time."
"Life is short, we got to be kind to each other."
"Life is short. You know what, I should definitely."
"Life is short. 2020, if anything, showed us it's like life can go on standstill for a year."
"Life's too short, we're all going to [__] die."
"Life is so short and I know it's the most generic thing to say but it really is."
"Life is too short to be all like, indulge me."
"Quit wallowing, quit suffering, enough. Life is too short."
"Life is really short. You never know what's going to happen, or what can happen."
"Life is short, appreciate the people in your life who are close to you and appreciate them because life is short."
"Chase your dreams man because life is short."
"Life's very short, we're not promised anything."
"Life is short and it's pretty incredible what happens when things work out."
"Just literally knowing that life is so damn short."
"Life is short, like what are what are you talking about?"
"Use your energy for valuable things, and life is short."
"Life is short and it's too short to be anything but happy."
"Life's too short to live a life that you don't enjoy."
"Chase your dreams. Life's too short."
"Life is so short and the fact that you can find things like this to make you happy put a smile on your face."
"Life is short, and we want to maximize our moments."
"This life truly is so short, so being able to make the most of it is definitely something that I constantly want to do."
"Life is too short and there's too many unknowns."
"Life is just too short sometimes, so why not?"
"Life is too short, and I just cherish my friendships."
"Be grateful for every day because this is that short."
"Life is too short to hold grudges, and we should practice forgiveness because no one is perfect."
"Life is not that long since I met you for the first time."
"Life is very short, make sure that we have many days where we enjoy life and live on."
"Bury hatchets. Life is too short to live with unforgiveness in your heart."
"Life is too short to be sitting here being miserable."
"Life is just so full of rich experiences, and life is so short."
"Life is too short, I laugh so much every single day."
"Our life is too short to hold grudges."
"Tell somebody you love them; life is too short not to."
"Enjoy life, it's very short. Even if you live 100 years, it's still short."
"Life is short and you've only got one."
"Life's too short, yeah. Don't screw it up."
"Life is short, you gotta appreciate life while you have it."
"Life is not a dress rehearsal; life is short, have fun."
"The world is too small, our wisdom too limited, our time here too short to waste any more of it."
"We're only here for a short amount of time, a little perspective."
"There's so much enjoyment to be had and this life is so short."
"You have to do what's best for you; you get one life and this thing is real short."
"Life is short, life is really, really short."
"Life is way too short to be unhappy."
"Life is very short and it goes by very, very quickly."
"Life is too short, I've been through too many hard barriers in my life."
"Life is too short... you just never know sometimes."
"Life is too short to live miserable."
"Life is short, man, life is really, really short, and we're all blessed to be here."
"Life is too short to just wonder."
"Life's too short, I think, so that's my outlook on most things."
"Life as far as I am concerned is too short."
"Life is just so short, we're literally like on a floating rock in the middle of outer space."
"We here for a short time, not a long time."
"Life is short, gotta experience a little bit of everything."
"Life is short, the guy loves you."
"It's all happening anyway, you might as well enjoy the ride because it's just so short."
"Life is truly short, definitely make sure you make it sweet."
"Life is short and we should enjoy it."
"Life is too short and you should not be unhappy for too long."
"Life's too short, let's let this go."
"Life's too short. You've got to build in experiences like that in your life."
"I think life is short; we just want to be happy, you know, in whatever ways that we can."
"Life is short. The only way to have assurance for the salvation of our sins is through Jesus Christ."
"Life is short and I really love you."
"Life is too short not to fight for what you believe in."
"Life is too short, you know the whole little line people say and all other [__]."
"Life is way too short to sit around and ignore your passions."
"Life's too short, find something else."
"Appreciate life, enjoy yourself, life is so short."
"Life is feeling really short these days, and if I had one piece of advice for everybody, it's just to go out and enjoy it while you can."
"Life is short, we should all love one another."
"Life is so short, and you should do what you want to do."
"Life's too short, you need to enjoy your life."
"Life is so short, just don't be a dick."
"Life is short and we need to live it."
"Life is so short, and it's way too short not to be happy."