
Political Struggle Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"The Palestinian people are screaming for liberation, screaming for freedom."
"Corruption allegations are often made...mainly as a mechanism of political and even bureaucratic struggle."
"As many people have said, it's a struggle for the soul of America."
"This is a battle for the soul of our nation."
"This is the fight of our lives for our democracy."
"American democracy and the justice system are caught between a rock and a hard place."
"We will still continue the fight in such uphill battle even nowadays the judicial system is under hardline control from Beijing."
"The battle for the soul of America is not over."
"This is now a multi-decade, multi-generational struggle, and Donald Trump just happens to be the fulcrum point of all of it."
"Suffice to say, Democrats are drawing near the bottom of the well at this point."
"To the people of Hong Kong, their fight is about freedom and human rights."
"Kevin McCarthy has this crazy caucus. He went through how many rounds of humiliation to try to get this job."
"The Palestinian people have carried out their most powerful tool of resistance: continuing to exist."
"Maybe we'll come up short, but we don't have any other choice but to fight it."
"Gravity is on our side. They're the ones with the uphill fight, not us."
"We are in the battle for the soul of this nation."
"God is in control, President Trump can't fight the swamp by himself."
"This is bigger than just one fight in Ukraine... autocracy against democracy."
"The New Republic’s struggle to emerge from a devastating conflict, the political gridlock and instability that followed, the bad hand it was dealt, we’ve seen these sorts of things time again here on Earth."
"We should make our tax system more fair but we're going to have to keep fighting this fight to get things across the finish line." - White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki
"The Rebel Alliance is fighting to restore a political branch that actually gives a damn about its people."
"Okay, we are in this existential struggle to survive right now after we win however we will still have to do a lot of soul searching and reform to democratize and and make uh Ukrainian."
"A battle between democracy and autocracy, between liberty and repression."
"When you get down to it, the heroes were often just fighting one authoritarian regime in order to prop up a different authoritarian regime."
"The fight for Ukraine is the fight for democracy itself."
"People like Nina Turner out there fighting, getting attacked by corporate democrats. And are they helping Nina Turner? No."
"We're not just taking on Republicans, we are taking on the greed and corruption of the corporate elite."
"The struggle against apartheid would define South African politics throughout the 20th century."
"We are playing for keeps. It is a battle over keeping our country, which means to continue to build our country or tearing our country down completely."
"They're losing, they're scared, they're flailing, keep fighting everyone."
"They're fighting an uphill battle right now because they're getting more and more out of their mind"
"The fight for Ukraine is a fight for democracy, a fight for freedom."
"We are fighting Fascism and authoritarianism right now. We lose everything if we lose our democracy."
"His situation does not seem to be as bad now... but the disease has been compounded by a bad political phase."
"Solidarity is the most powerful weapon we have against the oppressor."
"He's trying to save Mexican democracy from the corrupt right-wing corporate oligarchs."
"This is a fight for the soul of democracies, not just one democracy." - Rula
"The reign of terror both intentionally and not would gradually eliminate rival revolutionaries."
"Know that we are winning and that is why they are afraid."
"This is an existential battle for the future of democracy in the United States."
"This is not a battle for territory, this is a battle for ideology."
"We fought against big politics, lies, corruption, and deceit."
"You cannot take anything for granted in politics. You have to fight every inch in life. It's not just politics, in life, you have to fight for everything."
"There is a struggle for the soul of America underway."
"It's been a cavalcade of defeats for the left in general."
"Struggle for a democracy in its original definition."
"I think it's a war back and forth and we're losing just because you know the left's a minority but they're in power."
"But like any time a king dies, there's a power struggle, so other rivals have returned to try to claim the throne."
"We will not defeat the left and we will not destroy what they're trying to do without every single person in this room sacrificing some form of comfort. It's that simple."
"It's not just a political battle it's a moral one."
"The swamp is trying to fight back. Don't worry, we will win."
"The truth is on your side, but it doesn't mean you'll be rewarded for it. What you need to do is realize they did this because of all the hard work that you did and that it worked."
"Russia's identity that Putin has been fighting for will end."
"The struggle must have at its center the fight against racism, the fight against racism is the key element for the rest of the political class struggle."
"It's people grasping and struggling for a sense of minimal empowerment, a sense of political agency, and nothing that they reach for seems to have trust or solidity about it."
"One of the big stories of the coming years is the struggle for a new settlement."
"I am pushed to the fringes, made politically mute and hunted, but I survive. The dream of a Russian democracy survives with me."
"What we are fighting for is not Trump; it is the constitutional republic in which our rights reside."
"This is what conservatives today fight to conserve and this is what the progressive left today fights to overthrow."
"What do you do I don't think Donald Trump is going to be able to win because it's not just Donald Trump it's the whole machine he's... fighting against."
"Either the oligarchs are defeated, as we did in the 60s and as we did in the nineteen thirties, or the oligarchs turn a nation into a police state."
"They're literally dying for the right to vote."
"It's power, it's video game politics, no wonder they struggle to secure passage to Doma."
"Here we are fighting for democracy in Europe."
"Your Victory is temporal and evaporative we will upturn that stolen mandate and the battle to salvage Nigeria from this economic cancer worms and financial scavengers from these demons in power for us is a battle of no retreat no surrender."
"The Palestinian people have never surrendered and as long as you never surrender you are not defeated."
"This is a fight for the soul and the future of America."
"It's not over America is still worth fighting for."
"We can't be naive about how ruthless the ruling elites will be the moment we get some traction."
"We're in this moment of wrenching social and political struggle in 2024 to defeat a movement of authoritarianism, racism, fascism, anti-semitism, anti-immigrant bigotry."
"Politics is a process of struggle for power that involves defining enemies and winning friends to seize sovereign state power."
"That's what we're fighting for, democracy."
"If Parliament was defeated just once, they would all be hanged and their families disinherited."
"There is no other path for the people of the South but the path of Revolution."
"Maybe they'd be martyrs for political convenience, but damn it, they'd do it with their eyes open."
"These differences are irreducible; they define the very field of political struggles for the progress of the rights of man and of democracy."
"I've fought Society, the Prince of Wales, I fought Gladston at the head of a huge majority."
"Dance of the Dragons is the closest thing to Game of Thrones we have in terms of political struggle."
"Democracies and autocracies are waging a global battle... yet the outcome of the contest will hinge significantly on culture."
"Expanding the right to vote is going to be a fight of his presidency."
"What's really going on is a political struggle, a struggle between the workers and the capitalists."
"These are the fights against the regime."
"This is a fight over the soul of our country, this is a fight over what will be the moral values that will define who we are as a people and what we stand for."
"This country is going through a repetition of Jackson's fight with the Bank of the United States, only on a far bigger and broader basis."