
Curriculum Quotes

There are 220 quotes

"The best program ever devised for real social justice is a school that has a coherent, knowledge-based curriculum that gives less advantaged students the knowledge and the tools that their more advantaged peers pick up at home."
"Try being human because it's all the curriculum. It's an exquisite curriculum."
"Does discussing scientific evidence that might conflict with the paradigm of naturalism equate with teaching religion in a science course?"
"What frightens me is in our curriculum in schools across the country, what we're not seeing is the history we should be proud of."
"Are you concerned about what your children are being taught?"
"It's all curriculum-based, they're teaching almost very similar things."
"We believe coding should be a required language in all schools."
"We want the education in the school to just simply be factual."
"Our schools are now teaching our students what to think instead of how to think."
"Why are you so scared that we might find out what you're teaching our children?"
"This syllabus was a string of teachings that were given to all people everywhere."
"Curriculum is not a marketplace of ideas; it's a very important thing."
"Parkour pro trainer offers a full curriculum, a development plan, and insurance for its coaches."
"We can set up an educational system and curriculum that will take our children from the kindergarten to college."
"The whole system of American school is set up for farmers' children. There's a wide range of stuff you should learn."
"Schools are here for one, excuse me, two reasons: one of those is to teach academics... It is not the job of the school or the board to teach culture, or to teach sex, or to teach race relations from a loaded curriculum to children."
"Things they don't teach you in school, but they definitely should"
"Corpora help inform materials development, including course books."
"Let's look at what we're going to cover in this first module."
"I think it needs to be taught in schools everywhere."
"Lessons are designed by real teachers."
"Art should be on the curriculum. It is absolutely necessary."
"School needs to be teaching critical thinking within their current curriculum."
"...educational system should still use the same kind of curriculum in terms of like subjects to cover but just use a different approach of teaching more holistic ways of achieving certain goals."
"Course objectives include the introduction to OWASP, the API Security Project, and the changes from the 2019 to the 2023 version."
"Financial literacy should be a part of every school's curriculum."
"It's important for everyone to get to see that because to be inspired right beyond what they see in the curriculum and to be inspired it's important to talk about what inspired you."
"Basic finance is not taught in schools, alongside an awful lot of other things that would be useful."
"I don't think we should be putting kids in ancient Greek and Roman setting for school. To get that out of schools, yeah."
"We are still a long way from implementing a proper curriculum that will make a positive impact on our future generation."
"Are the books fourth and fifth graders are required to read still stuck in time?"
"Teaching of American history has been systematically removed from schools for decades now so that they don't have any sense of the history of this country."
"I knew that this book was going to have plenty of scripture, enough density with it that it could actually be curriculum."
"Instead in school we're taught the Pythagorean theorem and not things that are actually useful for our lives"
"Even though curriculum doesn't seem familiar to us, that doesn't mean it's wrong."
"We need to demand that understanding artificial intelligence is a fundamental part of every student's education."
"Financial literacy should be a high school level 11th grade math class."
"You just saw how awesome that curriculum is. When I used it with my fifth graders they first of all loved it."
"Ratburn didn’t hide his distaste for meaningless enforcement through prizes and did his best not to dumb down his curriculum."
"We eliminated critical race Theory and we now have American Civics in the constitution in our schools."
"You can graduate from any college in the United States today without having taken an American history course."
"They were teaching mathematics, philosophy, science, medicine, all of the different things that make any modern curriculum."
"I feel like a basic understanding of law should be taught in school."
"How can we communicate and build a curriculum that shares and shows the love of God?"
"We don't go over the linear differential equation that will be for the differenti differential equation course."
"We've built the most streamlined online curriculum for aspiring content creators."
"The 101 curriculum is the best curriculum in the game today."
"...hopefully you've been learning a lot as we've covered four lessons so far we have three lessons left here and right now let's go ahead and focus on lesson five."
"The curriculum should be designed around someone's strengths so that they can have a head start in life rather than feeling like they're always being pulled back by this subject or that subject."
"Spiral curriculum widens and deepens, revisiting old content for full understanding."
"We should have more education on world religion in schools for all children, public and private, and in homeschooling. It should be factual, not evaluative, and not proselytizing."
"Full syllabus for what we call today value education, spiritual education, moral education for all students at all levels."
"'That class shouldn’t be an elective — it should be a required course.'"
"Teachings were then integrated into the National Education System becoming not just required reading but the central component of the curriculum."
"I think it's rather sad that the 17th century, particularly the Civil Wars, are not even taught in schools here very much anymore."
"They also vowed to create a new curriculum in schools to focus on spiritual education and teaching the preciousness of life."
"I actually think that our educational system prioritizes classics over modern stuff, to the detriment of students."
"...the structure of the curriculum forces artists to learn Anatomy, perspective, form, lighting and Shadow, and composition completely independent from whatever they're working on in their own art."
"...you can make your own curriculum made up only of things you actually need to learn for your desired career."
"Curriculums are a mile wide and an inch deep."
"Wish my school taught me about taxes."
"Financial literacy should be a part of every curriculum in schools, like, you know what I mean? That's it; it's something that's vitally important."
"Why aren't all first-year economic students taught these ideas?"
"Curriculum views come about from the history of curriculum and the modern understanding of the concept."
"Curriculum is a process focused on collective human well-being."
"Your curriculum content should be self-sufficient, significant, valid, evidence-based, utilizable, learnable, visible, and have continuity."
"But how about let's have civics classes at all, let's teach history and geography and American political system and the Constitution."
"With this full online course from Smart Edition Academy, check out what you get: all the subjects reading, math, science, English and language usage, full-length practice exams, practice question bank by topic, and flashcards."
"This should be taught in schools."
"I don't think you should be allowed to get a bachelor's degree in any major without having part as part of a Core Curriculum a serious study of probability and statistics."
"The 1619 Project is just used to supplement. Educators should be teaching students to think critically, to analyze text, to read, to question."
"Brown is really well known for the open curriculum."
"The objective of curriculum planning is to give each student a background in the needs and methods of civil defense."
"For all the children out there, you know what I mean, like K through 12, let's focus more on actual English, math, and life skills instead of gender studies."
"I began developing a curriculum that would help ninth graders in their transition to high school. So based on the arts, I would meet with all the high school's freshman students weekly."
"These new subjects will put in place historic step that will equip children and young people with the knowledge they need to meet safe, healthy, and happy lives."
"The curriculum is great, it's thorough, we like it."
"One thing I never want to see happen is schools that are just teaching to the test. Because then you're not learning about the world, you're not learning about different cultures, you're not learning about science, you're not learning about math."
"Just do it. Don't be tied to a curriculum."
"The primary focus of the ESL class is the simultaneous development of second language skills and content area knowledge."
"It's just so crazy how this curriculum was so much more affordable."
"Wow! This is a pretty all-inclusive curriculum he's asking them to become experts in."
"Finland decided to systematically build fact-checking into the school curriculum."
"We go to school...they teach us about geology and biology, but they don't teach us how to live."
"Humility is never listed as an objective in your state curriculum."
"Integrating changes in the curriculum at an early stage of education is essential."
"Language is the vehicle that drives the curriculum in any school setting."
"Formal education describes the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum."
"The curriculum of mindfulness is boundless, it's infinite."
"Computer science isn't just for coders; computer science is foundational, and every public school should offer it as part of the curriculum."
"I'm most happy about having a curriculum to teach people more than anything that I've ever done."
"In our homeschool, our children could take between nine and ten courses a year."
"We believe that education works best when curriculum, teaching, learning, and assessment align."
"Sometimes actually going outside of the scope of your curriculum to understand stuff that's inside is actually going to save you a lot of time."
"Every school should teach kids the four R's: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and Self-Regulation Awareness."
"Why were we not taught about all of this stuff in high school?"
"It's part of the dialogue; it's part of the curriculum."
"The Montessori three to six curriculum... has been worth every penny and I am so incredibly glad that I did."
"I feel like you need a lot of diversification not only in school staff and schools themselves but also school material."
"South Dakota State University prides itself on having a curriculum that centers around students and experiential learning."
"Lingoda's curriculum focuses on teaching real language which is exactly what the IELTS examiner wants to hear."
"Look at your children's strengths and weaknesses, assess where they're at, and then you can be able to pick a curriculum that fits them with where they're at."
"I'm creating a fictional curriculum targeted at middle schoolers."
"They have literary selections suggestions to go along with the topics that you're covering, and that is really nice."
"We provide core curriculum in things like math, science, social studies, geography... we present it through Indigenous perspectives."
"Writing curriculum is very similar to songwriting; it's got to be good, it's got to be engaging, it can't be boring."
"Curriculum teaching and learning is the bread and butter of what we know how to do well."
"I'm now going to walk you through the five years of medicine at King's."
"English, math, and science are mandatory."
"This is probably my favorite idea because not only can you create a curriculum that is relatable... you can also solve a huge problem by closing the gap in access to affordable world-class education in the country of Kenya."
"People laugh, but it's a pretty vigorous curriculum; it has a heavy overlap with the engineering programs."
"We must decolonize our education system and revolutionize our curriculum."
"The fact that you're striving to do something outside of your curriculum shows that you have a passion for what you're doing."
"Sometimes you find that curriculum that is just like your soulmate, your best friend that you didn't know you had."
"We learn a lot of things at school, but sometimes there are extremely important things that are for some reason left out of the curriculum."
"Curriculum development is extremely research-based."
"Even as a curriculum developer, you will still have an impact on the lives of students."
"The reception year is about creating and making the magic happen around a broad and varied and rich curriculum for those reception children."
"Promoting equality and eliminating discrimination when setting the curriculum."
"Curriculum is everything that's within the learning experience."
"If you don't have the beginning, what do we need, what do we have, you're not going to be able to build the syllabus or the curriculum in any successful way."
"Emotional health and emotional intelligence be part of a yearly curriculum."
"Public School teachers should adhere to the curriculum set by educational authorities and teach subjects that are appropriate and beneficial for the student's academic growth and personal development."
"The curriculum is deeply knowledge based and knowledge is universal."
"The curriculum is the top level view we take of everything that we want children to experience, know, and be able to do by the end of their time with us in the early years."
"The first step of curriculum development is formulation of educational objectives."
"While preparing the curriculum, you should identify what are the needs of the learner."
"The National Curriculum is white, middle-class, the languages are mainly European, and history focuses on British history."
"We've created a new minor in performance science."
"Curriculum includes the permanent subjects or the traditional subjects offered in the basic education up to the tertiary education."
"We eventually want to work with people in our school of Education to develop K through 12 curriculum so that really the way people think in this country is going to change because they will imagine history in a different way."
"Gather 'Round Homeschool includes all of your subjects except for math."
"Security comes from boring routine, boring safe curriculum every day."
"It amazes me how Gospel Project can create their curriculum to point back to Jesus every single Sunday."
"There are 30 lessons, and you go through one lesson per week, so 30 weeks of instruction."
"Master Books is a well-loved curriculum, especially with Charlotte Mason leaning homeschool families."
"The first thing that attracted me to Master Books was the fact that it is a Charlotte Mason inspired curriculum."
"I'm so excited about today's video because I'm finally going to be sharing with you guys my homeschool curriculum picks."
"We're going to have this discussion because it's helpful for cadets to understand what this arc of curriculum that they're experiencing over multiple semesters is leading toward and all of the factors that go into it."
"The best writing curriculum is really embedded in your everyday work, all day long."
"The curriculum really mentions the client and the duties of trust and transparency and priority."
"We are a family that uses the Good and the Beautiful and Classical Conversations together, and I have found that they cover everything."
"Over the past five years, Longview Prep has not changed its curriculum by shifting the primary focus from imparting knowledge to development of critical thinking and research skills."
"We all deal with money... how's that not a school subject?"
"I am here today to show you a few of my very favorite top picks of curriculum that we've used over the years."
"The fundamental knowledge and skills you select to build this route plan for learning can be called your curriculum."
"Integrative learning is a learning theory describing a movement toward integrated lessons helping students make connections across curricula."
"Curriculum is a sequence of potential experiences set up in the schools for the purpose of disciplining children and youth in group ways of thinking and acting."
"A good curriculum has to be planned."
"Implementation of new curriculum requires open-mindedness of the teacher."
"A curriculum is always dynamic, hence it keeps changing."
"The success of the recommended, well-maintained, and planned curriculum depends on the implementation."
"All decisions about pedagogy and assessment flow from this curriculum intent."
"Teaching can help people to learn new information best when it focuses on important content and concepts that we've identified in our curriculum."
"An ambitious curriculum will build up pupils' knowledge to that level of richness and complexity that allows them to write really meaningful and successful historical arguments."
"Texas new curriculum standards are the last best hope for American education."
"The program has a fair mix of courses from foundational to advanced topics."
"The program has a mix of different kinds of courses like foundational courses, disciplinary courses, project type courses."
"I really like this test, and I like many of the problems on it because it allows us to hit many of the big points that are in the geometry curriculum."
"Curriculum learning is an important idea which we haven't really talked about, but it seems like it's certainly essential to human learning."
"They're actually learning quite a bit of history through this curriculum."
"There's no perfect scope and sequence; there's a lot of overlap."
"Nowadays in the states, at least, typically every year of high school, most schools require you to learn about a different region of the world."
"Adding DOE courses also allows you to add some more statistical thinking to your curriculum."
"I'm excited about our school year. I think we've got some good curriculum."
"The main purpose of curriculum is to increase the contents of long-term memory."
"A knowledge rich curriculum and improved teacher pedagogical skill are likely to have a bigger impact on student achievement."
"We love the good and the Beautiful's handwriting."
"The experiences of the learners become the starting point of the curriculum."
"What knowledge will open the most doors to them now and later? These are important questions to consider when thinking about the knowledge to teach in PE."
"What must come first is the curriculum, only then can we consider the activities and pedagogy that might best lend themselves to teaching the content and ensuring it is remembered in the long term."
"The curriculum should build pupils' knowledge over time."
"We teach so that pupils will remember the key content through a well-constructed, organized, and sequenced curriculum."
"Curriculum care practices should promote and support children's emotional security and the development of their character."
"Content related validity evidence is best understood in terms of your curricular aim."
"For the curriculum to be the progression model, it is not enough that the curriculum is taught; it must also be learned."
"Curriculum lies at the heart of education."
"Schools have the flexibility to choose their own curricular approaches as long as there's been sufficient thought to its content, structure, sequencing, and implementation."
"I love how the curriculum is actually very related to me and what I'm doing and what I want to keep getting into."
"It's just really solid, very sweet curriculum; we're enjoying it for this year, and it saved our homeschool this year."
"I think he does an extraordinary job really going through the entire curriculum."
"Never skip subjects... anything in the CFAI curriculum is fair game."
"It's a great company and it's a really solid curriculum."
"I want this to be a part of our school curriculum."
"The curriculum shapes and determines what learners of all ages will get out of their educational experience."
"A high quality curriculum is constructed with thought and care, it outlines clear curricular goals."
"Every student from the second to the fourth grade learns how to play chess."
"IB Biology by far has the best syllabus."
"That's my heart for homeschool, and I love the gather around curriculum."
"It's a great curriculum, I definitely recommend it."
"For us, curriculum is everything that happens in the day."
"Pupils get better at a subject when they learn what the curriculum intended them to know and do."
"Curriculum is meant to be an aid and a tool to help us educate our children in the way that we think is best."
"The depth that you choose to go into the curriculum is far more important than the breadth."
"You could essentially get those two core subjects completely for free and they are complete year-long curriculums."
"I would say it's more important than any of the curriculum we do."
"It's not about the teacher itself, it's about the curriculum within the system."
"The combination of practice and theories in the UK curriculum will help build up your employability skills."
"This is a full 34-week kindergarten curriculum."
"Especially for our older children, if they have input into it, they're much more excited to do the curriculum."