
Family Pride Quotes

There are 268 quotes

"I worked hard to try to win it, and not only for Daddy. I'm proud of him going to the Hall of Fame, and he would be proud of this, I'm sure."
"Family always keeps the upper hand. No one is going to best us; it's a pride thing."
"I bought my first estate at 30 years old. It felt so good to be the first one in my family to do something like that."
"My mother has worked as an advocate for many good organizations across the country, and I am proud of the work that she's done."
"Every time I step on the pitch, I want to make my family proud."
"I'd be lying if I knew what I wanted to be when I grow up, but I know that I just want to make my grandparents happy and most importantly, my parents proud."
"I am a good mother, and yes, I do have a daughter, and I'm really proud of her."
"I love going over to visit my mom's side of the family and seeing a strong black middle class emerging from a country that literally used to be the most racist place on earth."
"We want the world to know how beautiful our daughter is."
"He was our first child and we've had other children since and I'm proud." - "He made by whole life."
"Success means making my family proud, being recognized by my peers, and inspiring others."
"My son was in Iraq. He spent a year there. He got the bronze star. He got the conspicuous service medal. He was not a loser. He was a patriot."
"There isn't a parent in this audience today who wouldn't be honored - honored - to have Dana as your son, he's such a good person."
"As we stand here today, I promise you the same. Your mom was so proud of the man that you are."
"I'd like to be someone they're proud of. I think just doing the things they would've wanted me to do and would've liked me to have done."
"That's my boy, that's my son. That's my son, Leif!"
"Drake commented, 'Imagine your son makes the league and all you can do is be elated and competitive.'"
"These are nice, decent, good human beings. I mean, I'm so proud of my daughter and her wife."
"Oh my gosh, we did it! Skylar's grades are up."
"Son, the sight of you saving the whole world like a hero was wonderful."
"Guess what? I had two strapping sons, and you know what they grew up with for two decades? A Toyota Corolla 1981 four-door."
"I'm not arguing about none of that man I'm just glad my brothers didn't get to shine."
"Is there a better feeling than when your kid is proud of you?"
"Wow that's not real you should be so proud of that oh my god I died be quiet we love you dad you'll be like she has a million subscribers."
"Make your family proud of you where they don't have to pass the hat around to bury you."
"I wanted to empower my family. If my little cousin sees my restroom in the hood, I want him to be proud, his name on that."
"Is there ever going to be a group with with your kids rather you know saying I'll tell you what man thank you she'll do it they're talented kids they're beautiful kids and then I love those kids I've been around them my whole life."
"You're a dog, you're a walking highlight. Congrats to your family, man. No, your father's smiling down right now."
"Even on the evil playthrough, he still says he's proud of him."
"My kids, my little boy, my little girl, are the two things that I'm most proud of."
"They are the shine of the house and we are so proud."
"I'm not ashamed to be a LeBaron anymore. I'm proud of my family."
"He dared himself to face the challenge and make his family proud."
"And this is how two gnomes are made, oh my goodness, look at this mom would be proud."
"Your grandchildren gonna talk about you, your great-great-grandchildren gonna talk about you."
"Her kids are just so proud of her for the changes that she's making."
"Essentially the best way I can summarize our relationship is by saying that she was very proud of me and loved to talk about my accomplishments."
"Landed a Spitfire without any flaps, my parents are so proud of me."
"I just think it's dope when you see your last name on TV, you know what I'm saying?"
"It was the call bro, it was the call and like uh yeah bro for whatever reason man like uh I get really pumped like knowing that I made my loved ones like really proud."
"Their skills shine on the stage and earn them a standing ovation, not to mention the parents of the otaku girls are finally proud of them."
"He's the only person in my family who was actually self-made."
"All the babies, all three of those kiddos that I have had dentist appointments this morning and they did so good, I'm so proud of them."
"She is indeed a winner in all aspects of life for having an enviable family career fortune and social status."
"Who would be basking for the most pride and happiness over the success of the men in her family? Well, it was Violet of course."
"I'm certainly proud and very fortunate to have had my father; he allowed for all four of the people in his immediate family to live a life that allowed them to be excellent."
"I'm amazed that someone as ordinary as me could be the father of someone as extraordinary as you."
"The choices Sakamo made when he was alive, and he is proud to be his son."
"Being able to show the movie to my dad... my proudest moment."
"We're gonna work our hardest to make our mom proud, we know she's watching us from somewhere."
"How cool is this going to be for all the athletes when they show their grandkids that stuff?"
"I would definitely serve this to my grandma, I think she'd be very proud."
"Thank you chef, my daughters would be very proud of me right now."
"I'm incredibly proud of the Gobby-o family and the other families."
"I need optic to outgrow me. I want my great-grandchildren to say, you know what's crazy, my great-grandfather built that thing they were watching."
"I got promoted to shop assistant, and I'm like, 'Mom, Dad, I got a promotion!'"
"I did it, mom, I don't know if you're watching, mom, but I did it."
"You make your moms proud of you homie, you make your kids proud of you homie."
"We're never on bottom, the Faulton family stays on top."
"Being able to make my family proud, even though they're not physically there for me every day..."
"Lin Dong would eventually become the most shining star of their family."
"My dad would be ecstatic to see me now; he would be so proud."
"Oh, you mean after I die, right? Yeah, that's when his name has to carry on."
"I feel like I have made my ancestors and my family so proud."
"Wow, grandpa, it's incredibly beautiful. I can't believe how easy it was for you to make this."
"Seeing my little one grow up and now even beating me at matches makes me proud."
"I knew that he'd be proud of me and my mom and the rest of my family..."
"Son know that I am very proud of you and your blender."
"My dad put in work so he's earned the right to if he wants to get my name tattooed on him I wouldn't have I'd be like oh snap okay."
"Congratulations to Joe that's huge that's huge I told him he was balling he didn't want to believe me he thinks we're just being parents."
"My sole purpose in life was always make my mom proud."
"Just proud, proud of myself, proud of getting them words from my mother saying Claire you're doing me proud."
"Seeing dad so happy and dedicated on stage made me feel warm inside."
"Patrick and Alex are the wind beneath my wings. This is an awesome drawing of me that my son did because he's awesome."
"He swore that he would do well in this world to make his parents proud."
"My mother raised seven boys, so I need you to watch the F-bomb. Like my mother, she was one of them single mothers."
"Hard work definitely pays off and I'm very proud of my kids, you know so if someone attacks my kids that is going to be a problem."
"I'm so proud of my father... it was insane to see this guy who was just like a Good Time Charlie end up being like a Sanctified member of our family."
"Nobody effs with a Biden, okay, got it? Nobody."
"I'm a winner I'm a winner look daddy we're all winners."
"How shocked were you? I was blown away to find out my son, without me knowing, had gone and got his commercial helicopter license."
"You're gonna have the coolest grandma in town."
"A proud papa moment, my hands crossed, you've built a great plane kiddo."
"I always wanted to make you proud as a husband and my mom as a proud son."
"At the end of the day, I'm so proud of who I am, and I'm so grateful for the mom that I have."
"It's rad that his son is working, and he was in Paul Thomas Anderson's new movie, 'Pizza Paul Thomas.'"
"I want to get out and make my mom proud."
"All I want to be able to do is like be earning a straight bit of money like I'm doing, have a mortgage and have an house and let the kids be proud of me."
"Your family is proud of your progress and admires your maturity."
"I'm going to be the best version of myself and my children are going to be so proud of me and my husband is going to be like, 'You look good, baby.'"
"I want my kids to be proud of me."
"I know when we recently posted your incredible results, your dad commented on our Facebook and Instagram post how proud he was."
"Your mom and your family are proud of you, girl."
"I think if Toby and I had to quantify something that we're really proud of it was bringing our two daughters into this world and the way our family unit and network was. Very positive, very loving, very happy home."
"To her witchcraft was the wealth and pride of the family...it was the reason powerful men and women from all over the country came to her seeking for power."
"Went to my brother's graduation and saw a little girl taking pictures of her dad who had just graduated too. It was just them two. I was crying, she was so proud of him."
"... powered by Erling Haaland, watched on by his proud father as he scores four Premier League goals for the first time."
"A man who has no pride or interest in his family is no man at all."
"You are the first black male in your family to graduate from college, you doing it big, boy."
"My brother turned his life - he's a legend."
"To see my sister just run down to see the new basement-- she came down there with, like, so much pride, knowing that she was able to do it."
"The man that he is, and that's the most that I'm most proud of."
"And bring pride back into their homes."
"Good job, son. Couldn't have done it without you."
"I'm trying to tell you the facts of life," Atticus persevered. "Your aunt has asked me to try and impress upon you and Jean Louise that you are not from run-of-the-mill people. You are the product of several generations' gentle breeding."
"I'm so proud of our moms, I think we're both so proud of our moms, they did an amazing job."
"It was just such a mad moment to represent our families on a platform that we've both dreamt of."
"'Most people would be overjoyed their daughter found a nice guy with a career as a lawyer.'"
"Margaret's letters were reportedly a source of great pride for her father."
"I'm so proud of the doves that you've raised over up with these years."
"You have a responsibility to live up to the name of Thomases, you have a responsibility to give back to your grandmother and continue to make her proud as I hope that I have made you proud here tonight."
"I am the daughter of our Li family. You trust me. I'm sure I can do it on my own. To make achievements."
"My daddy gave me a great last name; now it's up for me not to screw it up."
"What made it worth it, I would say, when my dad was very proud of me."
"I'm proud of the fact that she so beautifully wants to honor her father."
"Your mother would be very proud the fact that you've actually had this restored."
"I'm thrilled. I am really delighted. I just know mom and dad would have been very happy."
"People in this family, we are very beautiful, we have good skin, we have fine shape."
"All of us dead, all of us rotting in the ground, it's the family name that lives on."
"I did it, Grandpa! I scored a goal!"
"It's one of the highlights of the year for my father, supporting the Anzac spirit."
"I'm here to win this deal and make my dad proud."
"Proud day for me and my family, mom would have been in her element but she was definitely there at heart."
"Being the first in my family to own a set of cattle, it would make me feel just proud."
"She was the first one in the family to go to college; everybody was proud of her."
"A big part of me just having the courage to keep going and try to make my family and my babies proud of me is a lot of my strength comes from you all."
"It made me realize the responsibility of being the wife of someone from such an incredible family, and I resolved to be a wife who wouldn't embarrass them."
"I'm so thrilled for my brother and for the Wood Brothers and that whole crowd."
"Whenever you feel overwhelmed, remember whose daughter you are and straighten your crown."
"Son, you saved us. Mom, Dad, we are so proud of you."
"I'm here to bring joy to my family, to make them proud, and to give them as much to look forward to as humanly possible."
"We've done it again, we have a best-selling author in the family."
"I'm part of the Rhodes family, and that means a lot to me."
"And somewhere, you know his grandfather is aware of what Noah has done, that was the punctuation mark, a lot of hard work to get there but a nice moment for him."
"This moment is an incredible achievement for me, in my entire family and my entire community."
"I never cared about the money or fame, I'm just proud that I have your last name."
"Layer after layer, I will continue to build character through working towards my dream and making my parents proud."
"With pleasure and pride, we have seen her growing, fill our hearts with love and joy."
"It's the best part of it, knowing that your family is so proud that you're representing them as well."
"They were proud of their little family."
"One of the greatest accomplishments is to make your parents proud."
"I'm very proud of both of my mother and father."
"Sustaining Thorfin through his ordeal are his pride in his family and his dreams of a fertile westward land, a land without war or slavery, the land that Leif called Vinland."
"She's a proud mommy, and she's beautiful."
"I imagine he would be very happy and proud of their children, their grandchildren."
"Maybe I'll do just that after all, I couldn't have asked for a better son."
"I became the best of my family by winning the Olympic gold medal."
"More than anything, he wanted his family to be proud of him."
"You've really outdone yourself this time; you made our family proud, son."
"That was one of the happiest days in my life, why? Because I had made my mother proud."
"I'm kind of proud, your parents proud? My parents are very proud."
"That's like Asian parents winning the lotto, the Harvard."
"You just want to start off by telling them how fortunate you were to have one awesome kid, as in me."
"I'm so freaking proud of my parents; I've seen how hard they've worked, so I just want to make them proud."
"I would love to be on the championship tour because I would just like to make my family proud and just win."
"The people of the Chen family would rather die in battle than live in mediocrity."
"It's a blessing that this kind of talent appears in our clan."
"We have three boys; they're all military guys."
"He is the best dad and a Malmedy champion to see one now four championships out of five tries."
"I'm trying to put on for our last name, you know, take it to another level."
"Our parents are looking down with pride at the things that my brother and I have created."
"My daughter is the best, and my grandson is growing up fine."
"Your family is your tribe, your legacy, and you're proud of it."
"I am it. This is the highest education anyone in my family... has ever gotten to. It's me."
"A rejuvenating evolution, grandmother would be thrilled."
"Be the one family, be it with pride, love it, relish it, you've always been it."
"I hope you are warmed by this, I hope you're inspired by a family that is working so hard to still make a living but also be proud of what they're doing."
"I'm my father's daughter, and I say that proudly."
"I'm so proud of my son for everything he's gone through and overcome."
"I'm just trying to make my parents proud."
"This title, I've been coming to these pro racing since I was two weeks old, you know, for my dad, man, for my sister, and my family."
"You should be so proud, look at what your family's done and accomplished. We came from a small town and now everybody's fascinated by the good and especially the bad."
"It's a good feeling, it makes my dad proud, my mom proud, makes my whole family like, 'Oh wow'."
"Thousands of people seen it, tens of thousands, and I know you're embarrassed, but they love you because you gave birth to me."
"My dad would be over the moon to see it."
"The time had come for her to declare the true strength of her own family and stand up against this unfair treatment."
"Megan Elizabeth, she was our stunning tomboy, a natural beauty, athletic, loving mother, and of course, daddy's little girl."
"I feel very happy to see my family proud of me, to see my mom crying, my sister, my dad, that part I think pays everything in my life."
"I'm building something that my kids can be proud of."
"I am definitely not ashamed of my dad. I'm not ashamed of anybody in my family."
"Their two kids were happy, successful, and poised to do huge things in life."
"We were his pride and joy, and everybody knew it."
"The man is extremely proud of his daughter as she is the first in the family to graduate from college."
"Son, you carry on the family tradition. Your grandfather was a hero, and you will be by all means."
"It's a thing you can do and be proud of with your family."
"What they have built these past 40 years is just unbelievable and I am incredibly proud to be your son."
"So you know, my fathers and my uncles, I'm sure they're looking down at my brother and I really proud, and it means a lot."
"I think now I'll save up to make Mom proud."
"When your kid scores the soccer goal, they're gonna be very proud of it and they're gonna turn to their family first."
"I can make my family proud. That was a main goal, just being able to show them that one of us is going to be able to do it."
"I just want to say 'kay' as second chance so I can get out and finish school and I can make my mom proud."
"That's a keeper right there, we're putting that one on the refrigerator."
"Papa said that Miguel was very smart and brave."
"Oh my God, to see my father there, it was just a dream come true."
"She is participating in that music competition to make her father feel proud."
"I think grandma would be proud, don't you?"
"No matter what, I want my kids to be able to say, 'You know what? My dad was that guy.' That's what I want."
"Both my boys are doing great, and my daughter, my angel, is getting ready to go to the University of Arizona for international finance."
"You guys did amazing, you guys did good, and mom was happy."
"You proved me wrong, you know." "How?" "I always thought you the weakest among all my sons. But when it truly mattered you stood up for the clan, your family, your brothers, and even me. You sacrificed your honor for all of us."