
Personal Appearance Quotes

There are 288 quotes

"Being more physically fit and dressing nicer will make you more hirable, it will get more people to listen to you, and it will help you attract higher quality people in your life."
"If your skin is nice, you know, it makes a difference when you do your makeup."
"Dressing well is not about vanity or superficiality; it's a crucial part of how the world perceives you."
"Style matters... it's your first impression on people."
"You don't have to be beautiful to be successful on YouTube."
"Look at you, you're so cute, your hair like Aaron's."
"Dad said you were really pretty, and you are."
"Reasonably priced clothes that fit you well will make you look better than expensive clothes that don't."
"The best colors are going to make you look alive and well, and the ones that are like washing you out or making you look a bit sick are not your color palette."
"First, we went from having a drawn picture of us, but I think Kendall and I looked like lego people."
"Etiquette is not only about what kind of bag to wear and how to hold it, but it's also a lot about hygiene."
"You shouldn't have to cover what you look like, that shows that you are a survivor."
"The first time i put on makeup in six months don't go anywhere everybody now it's time for announcements."
"Seeing an aesthetician, especially one that you like and who does a great job with your skin, will change your skin."
"Eight out of 10 times, it's your skin tone that is making you look more tired and aging you."
"It actually looks pretty good on me. Wow, I don't feel like I look crazy and shiny. It just looks really healthy."
"I don't need to blast a [ __ ] ton of gear and look a certain way just to have a career because longevity, man. Honestly, I could look like [ __ ] probably, yeah, but I don't want to look like [ __ ]."
"How are you so I know seriously you look 70."
"These people who take so much pride in a certain aspect of how they look while totally neglecting their physical health."
"Oh my God, it's over, I didn't even make it, I didn't even make it to door 50, there it is, there's the hair, he's not bald, I have hair."
"It's another one of those products that whenever I wear it, you guys always compliment my skin."
"Until you maximize your potential with your looks, you won't really know how warm and friendly women could potentially be to you."
"The better you look, the better responses you get. It's your first introduction, so you really want to look your best."
"You look good, okay? I'm gonna say it a million times. How many times I'm going to say it? Pile number six, you look good. Like, stop being insecure because you look good."
"Posture, posing, and a smile can make a world of difference."
"You absolutely do, and even when I say I don't, they fight me and say that I must have veneers."
"This is very important: get your confidence back. When you step outside looking good, you attract positivity."
"People can just eat food and look the way they look and it's fine. It doesn't matter."
"Fix yourself up, get yourself a nice suit... turn yourself into a person that you like."
"Younger men look better in casual clothing, older men look better in dressier clothing."
"Look at y'all, look look you can't even see his eye look."
"Well they say you are what you eat and she looks just spectacular so I am glad that there are people like you who understand this stuff really well."
"We'll be at Stan Efferding's booth at 1pm so make sure you guys pull up over there and say what's up to your boy man."
"You look good, man. You look healthy. You're like good wine, you get better with age."
"Roleplay games are the best games ever right and so to see people playing them gets me so excited"
"I'm kind of tempted to Ribery this up because it kind of looks bad."
"Well the joke is on you my friend because actually my eyes are normal-sized it's just that my head is absolutely massive I mean look at it."
"He's got a Lego nose. He's got a Lego piece on his nose."
"He looks damn good. Just because he looks different does not mean I'm saying he looks bad."
"She's always rocked the short blonde pixie cut and trendy hipster style, and that would probably all remain the same if we saw her in real life."
"Maybe attractive is the right word, but take all of that off and he looks like a completely different person."
"He looks almost as good as he does now, despite being at a point in his career where he was untested."
"They're giving this girl the business. They're giving this girl the business. I feel bad for this girl about her makeup."
"The wind's blowing my hair, I should've glued my wig down."
"Her look is just... she just keeps looking so stunning every time I see her."
"Elon Musk is in that phase where he's going all in."
"You're probably thinking, 'Well, your hair is really messed up.'"
"Michelle looks outstanding, like a Miss Universe Philippines."
"And dressing up looking nice and sharp and having all your stuff match."
"I can't even believe my hair is like this right now."
"Knowing she looks her best has given Diana increased confidence."
"That's it, you could be the most beat-up-looking [], but if you look good and take care of yourself, somebody's gonna [] you."
"The success of that photo was drastically correlated to your mustache and how majestic it is."
"He's 75, he looks about 50, and he exuded an air of genuine spiritual contentment."
"Dude, every time I see you, you look healthier."
"Your looks are going to be getting an upgrade as well, meaning like even if you don't do anything... because you're going to be exuding this victory confidence from whatever you're putting your energy into."
"I'm gonna choose my battles and be like, 'Hey, you respect me, you think I'm a good teacher regardless of what I put on my face, you and I are cool.'"
"I want to dress nicer all the time. I want to look my best."
"If you can't be happy with all your look and still good, that is power."
"Sometimes just a new haircut makes your face look so different."
"I get respected I get you know free stuff doors open um it's it's not even just about what I get but it's about having the respect"
"Your eyebrows should not be the size of KFC potato wedges. That's a fact check true."
"This streak is so pretty when you part your hair and that streak reveals itself."
"Don't give in into the unkempt and ungroomed culture... Presentation is very important."
"Short hairstyle looks fresher and more energetic."
"Short hairstyle will be more gender neutral."
"You look great, my man, you look absolutely fantastic and you're gonna go in there stuntin even harder than everybody else in that party."
"I wanted to make sure my makeup complemented my outfit."
"Nature is clear: women ought to have long hair and men short. Long hair on a woman is her glory, long hair on a man is a disgrace."
"Life is deeper than just this physical stuff, which is crazy because I got lashes weave and all that stuff but life is deeper."
"Confidence will always make you look your best."
"I would say a decade older Johnny Test, like Justin Bieber with baby beard. What is baby beard? Justin Bieber doesn't have, okay, we mean stubble."
"My immediate reaction to that is, aside from a little extra facial hair between now and then, that's a very slick performance."
"I was super super super super blonde like super blonde looking back I'm like sis that was not it you need some dimension in there"
"My appearance, as you can see, is quite charming."
"I don't dress up for my show anymore but I dress up for you. Thank you."
"Dream greenhouses do not happen by being frivolous with your budget."
"Nothing in life is perfect, okay? No matter how great our hair looks."
"I think makeup is just another sort of thing you may put on the tool belt that makes me think, oh, how I present myself and how I come off to other people does make a difference."
"By all means on this body, I think it looks really awesome."
"Looks do matter, but it's not everything. What really matters is if you're happy with how you look."
"Most people aren't hoping to look like a cat."
"People judging Simone based on that look, telling her it's not the occasion, she looked amazing."
"Damn it, but mustaches are fine. You're gonna look great."
"Well, you're going to have to try. How do I look? Wo, you look so cool!"
"The time has come when you can finally get your hairline back."
"I actually love the Debbie Harry vibes, like the Blondie vibes. I just think you're so beautiful and like I really love your makeup. Like, I would love for you to do my makeup."
"A sharp haircut means I'm going to be in business today."
"So we're keeping that length sitting behind the ear form."
"There's no such thing because there is no one look."
"Hair plays such a big role in your appearance."
"How far would you go to look like your favorite celebrity?"
"Remember guys when you trim the hedges the tree stands taller."
"This is the coolest Jim Neidhart has ever looked."
"How good you play might not be something you can guarantee, but how you look is something 100 percent under your control."
"My hair looks so cute though can I just say what the hell did I do how did I do that."
"Riley's always had a smile that only his girlfriend could love."
"It feels good to look good... and know that people notice that change."
"They say he has the hottest chin hair in all of crypto."
"Rice TVX has the hottest upper lip hair in all of the interwebs."
"I feel better about my impressions than how I look on any given day."
"You are turning heads... people admiring you from afar."
"Everyone likes to look at themselves. It's how you check your form."
"Man, that man has a beautiful smile, beautiful face."
"Vince McMahon, dude, he looks like a villain in every kids' movie. Like, you know what I mean? Like, just Vince, buddy, hear me out. If you're dying your eyebrows, it's time to let it go, my guy."
"It's always the first comment, is the height."
"Looks do matter, appearance does matter, sexual chemistry matters, game matters, body matters."
"I usually get compliments on my skin regardless, but with the Dior, I had at least like five to ten people come up to me like 'your skin is so pretty'."
"Just when you thought you would never see this guy again, look who shows up - EOS's back!"
"Listen, life comes at you fast, but you don't have to look like what you've been through."
"Hair, in particular, is an important and distinct aspect of appearance that plays a major role in self-perception."
"Veneers really did make a difference in the look of my face."
"Putting in more effort into my look was transformative for me because it made me feel at peace with myself."
"Don't let makeup and tight clothes strip away your dignity."
"Being teased for looking like a boy when you were younger doesn't mean you are one."
"Of course they are, I'm stunningly attractive."
"She looks like an enhanced version of herself, everything looks soft and romantic and well blended."
"I think I'm gonna look really good and I think I'm going to look the best I have in a long time."
"Neither does a woman's dress size her weight her hair her makeup none of that has to do anything with her character absolutely none of it."
"Why are you wearing makeup and can you fix that thing?"
"Your level is not socioeconomic. Your level is SMV - your looks and your figure initially."
"Cedric was showing up today, you know what I mean? How much how good could you feel about yourself?"
"Harley's beard is so dense, full, and thick, there's nothing I could even do in terms of offering him any style advice."
"It's kind of a sad reality that we live in that we can't just accept people's faces as they are."
"You look your best, feel your best. Let's go."
"I was shocked at the number of people looking at Becca, getting all dressed up."
"I really feel like she does look the same. It really is all about the angles."
"There's something about looking good that makes you feel good. Look at Dawn before and after. Wow!"
"One thing about fashion is, no matter how much money you got, if you got drip, you could always be fresh."
"I look ridiculous, but I also feel really good about myself at the same time."
"There's plenty of people out here that's balding and still got waves. Trust me."
"If I had just thinning hair right now, we would look way worse."
"We all have those days where we go out with janky looking eyebrows."
"Her reputation had never been questioned, and she was aware that her looks should be able to secure her a good husband."
"Having like nice hair and looking good on the outside makes you feel good on the inside as well."
"Also take the mirror test, guys. Ladies, it is terrific. Product is called foundation. You will love it. You will look better in the mirror in seven days. You have my word on that."
"Oh, did you lose your eyebrows? Do you still have your eyebrows at least?"
"The romantic and bright eyed optimist tells me that we can make it."
"Seeing how much better my skin looks has really boosted my confidence and made me less concerned about how I look on the video calls."
"Looks matter. Women want to be with an attractive guy. They want to be with a guy that looks good."
"It's the beard, she was intimidated by the beard."
"There's space for everybody in this music industry like stop acting like just because the girl do our bottom or her breast or wherever she did like that has nothing to do with her music."
"You're a big star, and yet you came to Club Random."
"I feel like when they're around you, they do try to look their best, they tried to be, you know, in their best outfit, in their best outfits, looking good because they want to impress you."
"Don't underestimate the power of a good haircut. Don't underestimate the charm of Matt Smith."
"If the words you spoke appeared on your skin, would you still be beautiful?"
"Looking good is very, very important. Don't underestimate that."
"I've just had a baby, so I look like I've just had a baby."
"Our appearance plays a huge role in our overall satisfaction with life."
"You must be standing 10 toes deep. You look fine."
"The only way that your hair can look exactly the same as your inspiration photo is if you were to literally stand in the exact same pose under the exact same lighting and take a photo of it with the exact same camera with the exact same background."
"It's not always a number on the scale, it's how you look, how you feel, and your body fat."
"I don't know why y'all change my hair every time."
"Self-consciousness makes even the prettiest face ugly."
"Well, well, well, how are we, everyone? Don't look at me too closely today, okay?"
"Change up the fit of one or several items in your look."
"Real men have beards, you two handsome Devils."
"It's the facial hair people want to see good facial hair out there people are curious like what is quarantine done to your face we all look like adults now."
"Nobody gives a fuck about the scar on your stomach, bro."
"My eyelashes look super long... I don't think they've ever looked this long ever."
"I like you as Zoglin. I think you look cool!"
"People can wear long hair, and this is true, but in Carol's specific situation, it's not that she can't wear long hair; it's that right now, with this particular shape, if you look at this picture, you'll see that her hair overwhelms her."
"I'm in love with my job, look how cute I look!"
"Even if I accidentally use magical remover potion on my Mane, I can look good on the outside as long as I feel good on the inside."
"I think he's a handsome devil, I think he's a beautiful man, I think he's Edinburgh as Wolverine right now with the beard he's got going on."
"You'll always be more motivated when you look good as hell."
"I've seen people get out of depression just by looking good."
"You definitely look like you love french fries."
"Your teeth and your smile are such a big part of you."
"You're so funny, by the way, and you look really good today."
"You know I am like you adorable with your little mustache your baby with your silly tweedly horrible mustache."
"Remember to challenge society's expectations of your appearance."
"She wanted to look her best to stand out and make an impression."
"Being pretty is not [__] education comes first."
"I'm surrounded by brokies guys I just had to give this one moment to look how damn good I look."
"Even Gossip Girl doesn't know: a great smile is one's best accessory."
"Wow, my skin looks so frickin good right now."
"I had bleach blonde hair, blue eyes, and clearly white."
"Ted Cruz oddly enough, he looks better than when he was butter face Ted Cruz there without the beard."
"If my appearance gets in the way of my experience, it's the appearance that has to make you uglier."
"Identify your best features and ensure your wardrobe showcases them, uplifting your mood."
"You look fantastic, you really, really trimmed down."
"Mascara definitely works wonders on eyes, it's impressive."
"I want to look as good as I can, have as much fun as I can."
"I feel good, I look good, my two favorite things. I hope you do too."
"You look better now than you did like 20 years ago."
"Can you let us get used to one face before you change it? Can you let the face settle, Chloe, before you move on? You do all that [ __ ] and it still ain't kept no man, looking lonely as hell in them Christmas pictures."
"Stay in the gym, keep your feminine shape together."
"There's nothing unkempt or embarrassing about the texture of her hair."
"90% of your attractiveness is dictated by your clothes."
"At the end of the day with hair or makeup or face, it really just comes down to how you feel confident, and then you're able to walk in a way where you stand tall."
"I feel like my face actually does look snatched. I'm really happy with that."
"The way you look shouldn't define how you live your life."
"I refuse to grow old and look like that, I refuse to grow old and my partner look like that."
"Your hair is a reflection of inner wellness."
"I feel like I was just like a disaster... I came home looking like a wreck."
"On the day of her leave, as Jinshi waits, Maomao walks towards him, all dolled up."
"When I'm looking and feeling cute I want to work out more."
"I know I look damn good now on with the show."
"Effort matters and the way that you choose to show up for yourself matters, including the way that you dress."