
Theological Belief Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Allah does not create us because He needs us; He creates us because He loves us."
"It was not possible for death to hold Jesus."
"What makes sense is that there's only one God...that is not begotten, does not beget, does not have children, he himself is not a child of anybody."
"Power is the special and distinctive prerogative of God, and God alone. Power belongs to God. God is God, and power belongs to Him."
"God became a human being in Jesus and suffered and died on the cross, shed His blood, so we could be forgiven."
"We're all here because of the grace and mercy of God."
"Salvation is primarily a work of God... He who begins the good work will finish it."
"The greatest act of love God ever gave us was giving us the ability to choose."
"Jesus Christ became weak and ugly so that when we believed in him his righteousness is imputed to us."
"The chastisement for our peace was placed upon Jesus."
"God says I've given you mankind authority in this earth. You run the show here."
"God is love right so too will the good of the other should be present in everything we ever do period period"
"The pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race, and language are willed by God in His wisdom..."
"Jesus died once for all, not to be sacrificed again and again."
"God chose to bear in himself the brunt of the suffering caused by our abuse of that freedom."
"God crushed his only begotten Son under the full force of his holy hatred against your evil."
"Jesus saves us not by our deeds, but by what Jesus has done for us."
"God can love us and still intend for us to suffer and weep with us."
"Christ comes during the last days so that all those who truly believe in him may be provided with life."
"God simply speaks these things into being. He just announces it: 'Let there be an expanse.'"
"God wants people to be happy and love one another."
"Only those who remain no part of the world will be viewed by Jesus as being sheep-like."
"I will defend the innocence of Jesus. The only two innocent people I know are babies and Jesus."
"The fact of Jesus being the Eucharist... outweighs so much of the esoteric things."
"Satan needs human beings to do his will. Without human beings giving him the authority, the devil can't do anything."
"Do you believe in a personal god? No father."
"The reign of Jesus Christ will be righteous, glorious, bountiful, gentle, kind, caring, joyful, peaceful, and everlasting."
"To be a Christian means to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, God from God, light from light, true God from true God."
"There is no question in my mind that God loves the people of Africa."
"God looks at you as a Christian today in the person of Jesus Christ."
"Works are not the cause of salvation; works are the evidence of salvation."
"The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the father do, that he will do."
"God is a just God, He has to judge every sin."
"Jesus did die for everyone, but it's only applied if and when you accept it."
"God did not create man for a perpetually busy life."
"God sits in heaven and does what He pleases."
"We all go back to Noah, which means we're all sinners in need of Jesus Christ."
"He created the earth with forests rivers mountains oceans and all living creatures each coming into existence with the appearance of age."
"Allah does not change the condition of people until they change the condition of themselves."
"I do believe Jesus is God, but he's not the father."
"I don't believe that God contradicts himself."
"Jesus Christ had to die because it's through the son."
"Jesus died on the cross for our sins, there's nothing we can do to have him turn his back away."
"God sees you as if you've never sinned. How do you beat that?"
"Denying the creation order means denying a fundamental part of Christianity."
"We were created in the image of God, male and female."
"This Grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time."
"God is not gonna contravene or he's not gonna contradict your free will."
"We are incredibly powerful creatures created in the image of God."
"Jannah is what you desire it to be, they shall have whatever they desire."
"He was still in heaven, always one but able to take human form."
"Christ redeemed Us by dead and destroyed death for those coming into Union with God through him."
"The Holy Spirit is the one who represents Jesus now and speaks for Him."
"We are the ones that represent God on this earth."
"Jesus Christ brings love. 1 John 4:16 says so we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us God is love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in him."
"No one is entering Jannah based on their actions."
"If you don't believe in restoration, you literally do not believe in anything the Bible teaches."
"God is omnipresent, he is everywhere and in everything."
"The Bible is plain and clear about one thing that every single one of us from birth is born a sinner."
"I think God loves us and wants the best for us."
"We shall see him as he is because we'll be like him."
"Jesus saves, and it's through his blood that we can find forgiveness of sins."
"We're actually traveling down a course that has been pre-written by God."
"Your life is being affected by what God has declared."
"Allah didn't send a disease except that He sent the cure."
"He is the visible representation of the invisible, the preeminent one, the sovereign and the originator of all creation."
"We will be made in the likeness of God receiving an eternal inheritance greater than that of the angels."
"God reversed a decision. Theologically, God took him; God gave him back."
"Through Jesus' sacrifice, God showed His love for us and granted us life over death."
"Jesus Christ's sacrifice is the only way to eradicate sin and appease God's wrath."
"Jesus Christ was God, that's who he was and that's who he is."
"The religious are going to inherit the earth."
"It is the blood of justification... justified by His blood."
"It is the blood of entrance... having therefore boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Christ."
"That's kind of the fundamental truth of what I believe as far as my faith, that Jesus died for everybody."
"He sent His only son, Jesus, God in the flesh."
"Remember, god is love. Everything else is not."
"Every human being is created in God's image."
"Jesus went to the cross because he knew what he would gain right our salvation."
"Salvation is purchased by the death and resurrection of Christ."
"Our faith in God is a reasonable faith. It is not an irrational leap in the dark."
"God permits what he hates to accomplish something that he loves."
"The pinnacle of God's creative activity was human beings made in the image of God."
"The point is that Christ took on flesh to give us his life through his flesh and so his his flesh and blood are life-giving."
"People are made in the image of God and should therefore be respected."
"There is a God. He has spoken. Fallen man does not get to disagree with the God who has spoken."
"The Messiah would crush the head of the serpent... defeat Satan and ultimately death."
"They refused Jesus, therefore God sends them a strong delusion so that they may believe what is false."
"Thank you, Jesus, that you are God with us, Emmanuel."
"He destroyed him who had the power, the fear of death."
"I saw how great is happiness in God, which spreads to all creatures."
"It's where a person has hardened their own heart so much that they not only reject the gospel but in the face of overwhelming miraculous proof they call it satanic."
"Healing comes to you out of God's compassion and love for you and if flows to you through the blood of Jesus."
"Vengeance is mine, I will repay, not you. Let Him take care of it. If there's any vengeance that needs to be dished out in this life or the next, the only one qualified to do it is God."
"God has placed a great demon as overseer of human souls, judging them based on the character they developed during their lifetime."
"God cannot leave his creation without purpose."
"God wants you well and God wants you to receive his grace."
"God loves the world, He doesn't just love people."
"Jesus did not operate with the keys of Adam because the keys of Adam are with Satan."
"God never intended for anyone to be poor. Poor, lack, poverty, and debt come from the curse... God wants you to have a surplus and be blessed to be a blessing."
"The grace of God is available right now... we get a clean start, a fresh start, we get to be seen as right 100% righteous 100% forgiven 100% clean in God's eyes when we choose to believe in what Jesus did for us at the cross."
"The Bible teaches very clearly that when a person dies that their next conscious thought is the resurrection."
"All things work to the good to them that love and serve the Lord."
"Salvation is found exclusively in Jesus Christ and his sacrificial work on the cross."
"Just because somebody is an unbeliever doesn't mean that the image of God has been erased in them."
"God never bypasses the mind on the way to the heart."
"God foreordained that we would be the ones alive at this time."
"Irresistible grace: one of the most humbling beliefs you can hold."
"There is nothing that you will experience in your life that has not first been vetted by God."
"The greatest lie the devil ever told was that he doesn't exist."
"Human beings are made in the image of God, beneficiaries of inalienable, god-given rights."
"I am so thankful for Jesus, as in God manifesting God itself in human form, and the punishment that Jesus suffered on Calvary's cross."
"The resurrection of the dead and eternal life which we profess in the symbol of baptism are therefore not grandiose promises."
"Human beings are made in the image of God and cannot be dehumanized."
"His love isn't cautious... it's a love that sent his own son to die a gruesome death on the cross."
"Humans are great by virtue of being created in God's image, and we're also fallen because of the reality of sin in human life."
"Jesus descended to gather the souls who believed in the prophets."
"The devil knows that if the church would actually begin to function by these gifts his heyday's over"
"It's not God's desire that anyone should perish, but that all should come to everlasting life."
"Nothing happens without the permission of Allah."
"We're not waiting for Jesus to do anything, he has already done everything."
"Hell was a place prepared for Satan and his angels."
"Every good and perfect gift comes from above... from the father of lights."
"The kingdoms of the world will become the kingdom of Our Lord."
"The one cannot be seen, for no one can envision it."
"He's the chosen one, he's going to bring balance to the force."
"God sees everything, everything is naked and open to Him."
"Human beings are special. We are made in the image of God."
"Our god came from heaven took on flesh and became the person of Jesus Christ for the specific reason of dying for our sins."
"When Jesus gave his life to save you and to save me, it was not just to save us eternally but to purify us, to sanctify us, and to lead us to the position of glorification."
"God is very real and He has a purpose for pain."
"God is the reason that any of us exist at all."
"Allah is all-knowing and all wise, he created human beings, he knows what is best for us."
"Only when the son reveals him do you really know who you are."
"The church can't be here during the second half of the tribulation."
"God actually is love. He is love. He can never stop being love."
"Ultimately, it's the most high's plan, right? Whatever he wants is what's going to happen, so we're gonna see the end no matter what."
"Humanity doesn't get to determine what is valuable, God gets to determine what is valuable."
"Died for all races, all people on the planet: Christ's unique atonement for our sins."
"When God gave Earth to humanity, it means that it lacked nothing."
"He paid the price for sin in hell not just on the cross but he had to go to hell completely and suffer in hell for three days for our sins."
"God uses even Satan to accomplish his ultimate goals."
"Jesus Christ, God in flesh, received the wrath of God on behalf of sinners."
"There is no other form of safety that is better, that is stronger than the blood of Jesus Christ."
"The resurrection of Jesus is the Divine receipt that all your sins are cleared."
"There's nothing random in the world, it's all by Design and it's all happening on God's perfect timing."
"The government shall rest upon His shoulders, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."
"God has a son, his name is Jesus Christ, died on the cross exactly as the Old Testament said he would die."
"In our Resurrection bodies we will experience life as we've never known it."
"Hell is something that... Satan loves to cause doubts about heaven."
"The trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised, and we will be changed."
"God always has deep meaning, and his gifts are never common."
"Never think for a moment that death was ever part of God's plan."
"For God so loved the world, he sent his one and only begotten son."
"Every single early church father who taught on the relationship between the church and the antichrist believed that the church would face the antichrist before Jesus returns."
"Heaven and earth will merge when the holy city New Jerusalem comes down."
"Through faith in Jesus we are credited his righteousness not because we're good not because we deserve it because of what he did."
"On that day we shall not all sleep, but everyone is going to be changed."
"God made every person for heaven, even if we don't choose Heaven."
"The fact that God was willing to die for the sins of man tells me that if I want to follow God I should be willing to die for the sake of others in love for them."
"They belong to Him because they were created through and for Him."
"You have no ability not to serve the Creator."
"Faith tells us that the reality of bread and wine becomes the reality of the body and blood of the Lord."
"He's perfect in everything, he have no flaws, he have no errors and God don't make any mistakes."
"The power that being will have will be unlimited, absolute power."
"The will which will be absolute as well, will of an almighty."
"We are blessed because of Jesus and what he did, not because of us and what we do."
"God has appointed a day to judge this world and everyone in it both the living and the dead."
"If you start from scripture, you understand that all people are made in God's image."
"Once saved, always saved is scriptural truth. You are saved and sealed by the blood of Christ."
"God loves us so much that he won't force us into heaven."
"The rapture of the church is one of the most merciful things God could do."
"It's not about dotting every I or crossing every T, but if you believe that the Word of God declares you are saved, then you are saved."
"The Rapture and the resurrection are one and the same."
"Jesus is going to come back literally bodily, physically, certainly, secretly."
"Humans on earth, God remains hidden to them unless and until God decides to show Himself."
"What we believe about Mary is essential to a saving faith in Jesus."
"Neither death nor life can separate us from the love of Christ."
"God is the one who gives this life, God is the one who takes it. No one can change it."
"God the Father is a spirit, always has been and always will be."
"God is love; all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them."
"You can have peace with God; you can have righteousness because your sins have been imputed to Christ."
"God is constantly always intervening in history."
"Everything that exists exists because God loves it into being."
"God made us knowing that we had the propensity to disobey, so He made a way for us to still be with Him. Now that's love."
"We're created in the image of God, so we want that justice."
"So that you can know that Allah has power over everything and that Allah has knowledge of you."
"We know that God causes all things to work together for good."
"God does according to His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth, and none can stay His hand or say to Him, 'What doest Thou?'"
"We have to die because we're sinners, but if we'll just simply believe the gospel, then Christ's death takes our place."
"Allah does not make exceptions or mistakes."
"Before Christ took on the flesh, do you believe that He was the word of God? Eternal the word of God?"
"I believe that Christ is the monogenes, a unique person that was born of a woman."
"The will of God on the earth is in Christ."
"One Lord, One Faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all who is over all and through all and in all."
"He is the perfect manifestation of God."
"It's impossible to be separate from God."