
Hazards Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Respectability politics is one of the most enduring hazards of black political thought."
"If the oxygenator breaks down, I'll suffocate. If the water reclaimer breaks down, I'll die of thirst. If the Hab breaches, I'll just kind of explode."
"The Elephant's Foot: a lethal mass of nuclear material that caused the worst nuclear disaster in history."
"Ever since I started using the village teleports to get here I keep getting poisoned by tribesmen every single time."
"Lithium battery safety is no joke because it is true that when a lithium battery lights on fire the results can be absolutely catastrophic."
"The amount of things that can damage or hurt you in the Amazon is second only to how amazing and beautiful the Amazon really is."
"This takes the one hit KO stage hazard to the next level with a clap trap that's almost always present at the bottom of the stage."
"The real threat here is this slow-moving but persistent lava along with that dangerous sulfuric JSO2 gas, so it is still a very dangerous situation."
"Don't stick your hand in liquid oxygen. Don't try and drink it. It would be bad."
"The desire to have information about hazards is very, very ancient."
"Looks like this vessel was refitted for asteroid mining. The crew probably died due to instant radiation burns. Ouch."
"The dark mud is the most important environmental hazard that we've seen so far."
"Fans serve no work-related purpose and pose hazards."
"The ancients were very good at paying attention to the sky, we ourselves have amazing tech to study the sky but for some reason we're ignoring this problem of cosmic impacts."
"The biggest hazard is fire and explosion; this can take away the entire capital, it can wipe out your entire investment and more."
"This thing can be used to ionize gases to plasma from a distance, heat up anything with water in it, and a bunch of other weird and possibly dangerous things."
"It's no pipe dream that the element is harmful as it is helpful will continue to surround us with its many dimensions."
"I would actually, I would class that as a household hazard. Yeah, I think so."
"Recreation sports like kayaking and River surfing can be hazardous in these areas."
"People live around volcanoes largely because of the things that they give much more than the things that they take away."
"Rapids and portages such as these serve to give the one a deep disgust for great hazards and the other a fiery text on the true romance of adventure."
"Florida also has giant African snails and mosquitoes carrying malaria."
"Blackmailing people is really asking for some terrible consequences and is very hazardous to your health."
"Even if we don't get tornadoes today, damaging winds and hail are still going to be a big problem."
"'Surprisingly, human waste isn't the only thing these workers need to be wary of...'"
"Stagnant water creates an environmental hazard. Without motion, the water doesn’t mix, and so it loses dissolved oxygen that is needed for fish and bacteria that eat organic material."
"We do, however, believe that he wasn’t prepared for the hazards of the world because he is navigating it without proper context."
"Ultimate choice for countering both lethal and non-lethal hazards."
"No matter where a planet arises, the process of its birth is fought with danger."
"We can never insure one hundred percent of the population against one hundred percent of the hazards and vicissitudes of life."
"If you ever go surf Bull Bay or other spots, kind of around south coast of Jamaica, there's a lot of sea urchins."
"Simply Safe offers comprehensive protection not only against intruders and burglary, but against expensive home hazards from flooding to fires."
"A thunderstorm packs just about every weather hazard known to aviation into one vicious bundle."
"You saw how it smoked, you saw how it gave off horrible smelling fumes, we saw how it could be hazardous to your health. You don't want to do it."
"The hazards of the atlantic were once described as 'a seasonal catalog from hell,' but as ships grew larger and more powerful, an illusion of invulnerability flourished aboard them."
"The display gives you front, middle, and back; it also then displays hazards as well."
"Space debris is a real problem for us."
"Dangerous roads: watch for potholes, sinkholes, Ace holes."
"Ground level ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide are especially harmful to senior citizens, children, and people with health and lung conditions."
"It's dangerous to go outside in strong winds. Signs can drop, trees may fall down, and you can get hurt by all kinds of flying stuff."
"There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet. Its hazards are hostile to us all."
"Dust can keep gears from turning properly, dust can make appliances overheat, and if dust gets onto electric contacts, it can create a short circuit that can even cause a fire."
"Be aware of all potential hazards when you're using a hedge trimmer."
"Exposure has different meanings for different hazards; for inhalation, exposure means concentration of a substance in the air."
"Different types of respirators protect against different hazards and offer different levels of protection."
"The whole concept of functional safety is you identify hazards that you want to protect against."
"Large hail and damaging wind gusts are the main threats."
"The big difference between rural roads and built-up areas is obviously the amount of hazards."
"Many veterans are exposed to chemical or environmental hazards during their military service, which can lead to a variety of skin conditions."
"You must be careful of sharp or pointed things like screwdrivers or penknives."
"Electricity and water should never mix."
"The threat of tornadoes, just a slew of hazards with these supercell, very powerful potent thunderstorms."
"Confined space activities in the facility could lead to asphyxiation, exposure to biological contamination, entanglement with the machines, and ergonomic injuries."
"You need to cover five different categories of hazards to come up with 10 total hazards to be used in the risk assessment report."
"Hazards include, but are not limited to, reduced visibility, high accumulations of snowfall, wind gusts in excess of 35 miles per hour, and black ice."