
Community Solidarity Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Stay informed, and stay strong. Fonnie Willis, stay strong; there's a lot of people out there that support you."
"Understanding that any problem that one of us is facing is a problem for all of us is the only way we're going to tackle these huge generational problems."
"Atrocities such as these simply reinforce our sense of community, our humanity, and our trust in the rule of law. That is the clear message from us all."
"We are doing this because April 2nd is World Autism Day, and we want kids to know that we stand with them."
"Watching my dad battle cancer has been terrible. It makes me happy to see everyone coming together to support such a great cause."
"When you fall on hard times, we will all, as one society, be there for you to take care of you until you are once again ready to take care of yourself and others."
"None of us are free from the pandemic until all of us are free from the pandemic."
"I refuse to let my Jewish identity be used as a tool to incite Islamophobia."
"I think it's about time that the African Community come together and make our voices heard about this situation."
"The truth is the truth. Let's stop complaining and start supporting each other. The colorism [expletive] is getting old, period."
"Lots to be thankful for. Keep praying, holding our nation up, our movement up to God, and ask for his blessing."
"The vast majority of people are cooperating fully and understand the necessity for the extreme measures that are being taken."
"This is an international incident, and I think that the international community's got to come together and back the protesters in Hong Kong."
"I just want to send that out there right now me and all the lads are behind the NHS so grateful for everything that you lot do."
"We are behind you and wishing for the very, very best."
"We just want the American people and the government to stand with us."
"The survival matrix that black Americans have been put in for a long time makes us think that we can't be together."
"Black men having black women's backs, black women having our backs, they know that's our strength."
"We got to understand how these white supremacists think. We gotta stop being ashamed and afraid to stand up for our group."
"It's crucial that by not stockpiling, by not selfishly shopping, we ensure our health workers can access essential supplies."
"Deaths will lag and so we really need to continue to unite and really, really, really support our health care providers who are still on the front lines."
"We as a people can stand and build together."
"No bots no shields no fud accepted when you address the apes and the different messages our favorite breakfast is a tasty dip every red candle always leaves a wick that consolidates for just a little bit we draw rocket ships."
"As long as we have you, we have nothing to fear and we don't need to denounce each other for the amusement of the SJWs in comics."
"Y'all want to see me go a little bit crazy? Ban heavy-duty boots."
"We need to move as one nation under God, we need to move as one community in our unity, we need to move as one America."
"All we can do is just hope that the Robinson family and Shankuala get the justice that they deserve."
"You cannot say to someone else who is also a descendant of those enslaved here in America that what they're doing is competing against you. Family, something's wrong with that."
"You have our love, you have our support. Stand strong."
"Refusing to let them be forgotten makes me feel like a hundred years from now, queer people like me won't be forgotten either."
"We're here, we're queer, we're kinky, get used to it."
"Liverpool fans do stick together and fight the good cause."
"This is a very new Hong Kong that we're seeing, this solidarity among the people."
"Sometimes in life we learn you have to take short-term pain in order to establish yourself as someone that isn't going to have these huge trade deficits where China is clearly taking the mickey out of America."
"The American people stand with Texas in our fight to protect our state and the union."
"You know, they've got to be seen, and you guys all stood behind me for that. It was such a great force of nature of these incredible women." - Nurses Stand Strong
"They cannot win if the black community, the Asian community, the Hispanic community, and other community women begin to stick together."
"We stand side by side with our communities around the world and we'll always find ways to stay connected because we're in this together."
"The Catholics are still solid throughout it."
"A super league where only a few are allowed to participate will be a breach of the community in solidarity."
"We will still support the artists who were abandoned."
"So if gay people are being murdered on the streets... I totally expect that gay people will come together."
"Keep supporting black media, we need to stay on the same page."
"It takes the white allies, or whatever word you want to use for that, to be the voices advocating in solidarity to the white community."
"It's incredibly important, your support, guys, of people like that umbrella guy, everybody out there doing this work."
"If you enjoy playing video games and don't want them to get banned...we're probably gonna be on the same team."
"It takes a village, it takes the community coming together to help these families and the word cancer and kids should never be in the same sentence."
"We are black first, be one. The black community matters more than any other community."
"You are not alone. The tide for reason is rising."
"Thank you Stonewall UK for allowing me to march with you again at pride in London today."
"We all need to be family and we only stick together because we are in this together."
"I find that unfortunate because then it just tries to pit two marginalized groups against each other who should be natural allies."
"We're all neighbors, we're all in this shit together."
"We have to leverage our money, numbers, and coalitions."
"I think it's incredibly impressive how we're still managing, you know, that still the vast majority of people is willing to abide by the rules and change their lifestyle quite radically to save as many lives as possible."
"I think that's, you know, that marching with Black Lives Matter, I would completely agree."
"I think it's possible to assert your lineage, your heritage, and what you are owed without necessarily tearing down or invalidating the traumas and the impressions of other black people who are in the Diaspora with you."
"We pledge to always support their brothers and sisters in blue. We stand firmly, strongly, and proudly with the incredible men and women of law enforcement."
"The Catholic Church is not our enemy. Many who recite the Creed are our brothers and sisters."
"Every tragedy brings people and communities much closer together."
"If black women want to get together to say that the George Zimmermans of the world can't take the life of a young black boy, we are allowed to say that."
"We need to form coalitions and be strong together."
"The moment your name went live, there was no other choice. Keep the faith, Patriot, you were never alone."
"Thank you, Tariq, and all of the New Black media for changing our way of thinking and acting on code."
"Peace and black power to you, my brother Sanchez."
"It is our duty as brothers and sisters to really come together during this time."
"Let's make some noise for Nipsey Hussle, brothers."
"There's an African proverb: 'Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable.' Alone, we are just sticks; in a bundle, we are unbreakable."
"We are all in this together, and with God's help, we will get through this and we will get through this together."
"God bless the United States of America and God bless each and every one of us here in the chat."
"None of us are alone in this. We're all sharing the same challenges, we share the same communities."
"When they show their ass we show ours, black first brother B1."
"This is a time where we need to stay strong together as a community."
"What happens to one of us happens to all of us." - Dr. Shauna
"We're not gonna have a movement if there's segments of our Black community that are refusing to stand in solidarity with the full totality of the community."
"Yes, this is these are my people. Mess with you, mess with one person, you mess with three people, you mess with the whole community."
"Black people still showed out and spoke up for Latino and Hispanic people getting called border jumpers, getting told they're from 'whole countries,' getting called rapists and murderers."
"Shout out to Key Glock, I'm a new fan, I'm praying for you, it's a hard time for all of us."
"We're all in this together, black men and black women."
"There's no 'me' without 'y'all.' We're in this together."
"We're standing on FBA business and we got to stand 10 toes down as a group on that one."
"I love that dude. And that's the thing that hurts about us black folks, you know what I'm saying, you know we can be in the same, we can be in the same atmosphere, and we can have a mutual benefit out of being together."
"I want everyone to know we are in this together and we're not taking no for an answer."
"The important part was not so much in the volume of goods destroyed but in the fact that the people were standing with Boston."
"What if the Jewish community fought alongside the black community, what if the white community fought alongside the black community rather than fighting against one another?"
"The purpose was to protest against discrimination and to demonstrate that the Italian community was united."
"We foundational Black Americans, we kind of look out for each other. We don't really have no gender war type of thing, man. We all look out for each other."
"A congregation that vows to stand shoulder to shoulder, even if space is limited."
"It's really difficult, if not impossible, to prevent people from trying to spoil things for everyone else, but it was really encouraging to see the fan base pull together and push back against it."
"There has been a show of solidarity for us, and we've greatly benefited from that."
"We were ambushed by COVID and waged a war of life and death, but we are New Yorkers, so we faced it head-on and we faced it together."