
Racial Disparity Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"This suggests that being black in America today is essentially like having a felony conviction in terms of one's chances of finding employment."
"As soon as the opioid crisis really penetrated the suburbs and the white community, suddenly we look at it as a public health issue."
"Black male offenders receive about 20% longer federal sentences than similarly situated white male offenders."
"Black boys raised in America, even in the wealthiest families and living in some of the most well-to-do neighborhoods, still earn less in adulthood than white boys with similar backgrounds."
"If black folks had done the same thing, we'd have been mowed down like dogs."
"Hispanic money bounces six to seven times in their communities... Asian and Arab money bounces 12 to 13 times... Jewish money bounces 18 times. Black money doesn't bounce once."
"I hope this opens up a conversation of how little press coverage typically missing people of color get in the media."
"There's also a massive racial disparity when it comes to drug incarcerations."
"According to the CDC a young black man aged 10 to 43 is 13 times more likely to be murdered than a white male."
"The fact that black Americans are more than five times as likely to be incarcerated as white Americans is wrong."
"It was damn near 600,000 missing people in 2022. 57 were white including Hispanic, 39 were minorities."
"The war on cannabis is disproportionately targeting poor people and communities of color."
"Asian and African-American people were up to 100 times more likely to be misidentified by facial recognition technology than white people."
"Equal justice under law" is etched in stone over the Supreme Court, but that hasn't been the case for African-Americans throughout history.
"For African Americans who are being jailed disproportionately... it's not a curiosity."
"We must end the war on drugs that has disproportionately affected black and brown people."
"Studies show that student debt weighs heavier on graduates of color."
"For every dollar a white man makes, a black woman makes around 67-68 cents."
"The racial wealth gap is real and it's growing."
"In the black community, access to mental health care is lacking."
"We talk about how we overall US women earn 80 cents for every dollar paid to men, black women in America earn 63 cents, while Latinas earn 54 cents for every dollar paid to white men."
"Any disparity between black and white is the system at work."
"Black women suffer even greater despair treatment when it comes to gender pay than white women."
"Over 100,000 black girls go missing every year in America and we never get the coverage we need."
"Black people compromise nearly 20%, but serve 51% of the nights in jail."
"Black men only make up 4.1 percent of Toronto's population, yet they were a quarter of the complaints alleging sexual assault by police."
"Black women are underrepresented when it comes to the media and social outrage, even though statistically speaking, they are disproportionately affected."
"White people will fight harder for animals' rights than they will for black people."
"The disparity of police brutality is so flagrant that cops literally use it to calm down white people sometimes."
"Black workers amongst black workers the unemployment rate remains stubbornly high at 7.1 percent more than twice what it is for white workers."
"There is also a claim of racial disparity in wait times."
"The root of every major issue in Black society is an economic injustice and disparity."
"Why are black people in jail at higher rates than white people? That's the question, right?"
"There are issues about housing instability and insecurity if you black people in particular that important to look at."
"Lack of care and concern across racial lines is responsible for the crack versus powder cocaine disparity."
"The law still disproportionately affects Black people in Mississippi."
"Why are so many American women dying during childbirth? A look at a disturbing reality, especially for women of color."
"There's a disparity between armed and unarmed, and so a lot, the stat is like unarmed black men are more likely to be shot at by police, armed white men are more likely to be shot at by police."
"If college degrees matter, black women would be killing it economically and they're not."
"College is dope, but 57% of black people with master's degrees don't have a [__] job."
"The substantial disparity between the wealth of African-Americans and white individuals today can be primarily attributed to Federal housing policies."
"Black women are more likely to be victims of homicide than women of any other race in the US, and women involved in sex work or illegal drug use are even more likely to fall victim to violent crime."
"The solution is not a hundred thousand more cops... we now cage black people at six times the rate of South Africa at the height of apartheid."
"In Evanston, 71 percent of the marijuana arrests were in the black community, and we are only about 14-15 percent of the population."
"That Dragonball could be extended for years to come decades even maybe even after Toriyama's long since departed this world."
"17 years old. He is a young man, a kid. Black children do not get the same type of empathy and sympathy."
"Black men and boys are killed at an exponentially higher rate."
"You can expect for mostly white people to take away the awards."
"Black folks work very hard at their craft, but we don't get the views and the money like the white creators on all these platforms."
"We've got a greater percentage of black people in prison than did South Africa at the height of apartheid."
"Mass incarceration... they're all black."
"There's no white equivalent of 'buss to my name.' That's right, all right, Steve?"
"Our businesses go through the same thing. There's a uniquely painful experience that black business owners go through because unlike their white counterparts, they just don't get the support they deserve."
"There is a significant wealth gap between black and white communities."
"The typical white family in America has 20 times the net worth of the typical black family."
"The typical white family in America has 18 times that of the typical Latino family."
"400 white people... have more wealth than all 40 million African-Americans put together."
"One way is in the health care system where black women are constantly told they are fine, they are refused help unless they aggressively advocate for it."
"Of the 1982 men and women on death rows in 1987, 1,020 were white, 814 were black, 113 were Hispanic, 26 were American Indians, and nine were Asian."
"Obama's tax cuts that he was implementing we're going to cut more taxes for the average white person than John McCain's tax cut had he been elected."
"Last weekend, 17 people got shot in Chicago. 16 was black. 11 was under the age of 18. We're killing each other over nothing."
"It is also clear that racial and ethnic minority groups are at increased risk for COVID-19 hospitalization and deaths."
"Black households and business owners have historically faced challenges with home ownership and access to Capital and they're disproportionately impacted by the rate Heights."
"Black women are four times more likely to die during pregnancy and childbirth."
"Black women have a significantly higher rate of fibroids compared to other races."
"The homeownership rate prior to 1990 shows a huge gap between white homeownership and black homeownership."
"The reality of the prohibition of marijuana in the District of Columbia was disproportionately impacting African-Americans and poor people in the city."
"According to the Center for Disease Control, black women have abortions at five times the rate of white women."
"When black babies are delivered by black doctors, mortality rates cut in half."
"We need to be careful about encouraging the death penalty, especially when we look at the way black men are treated by the justice system."
"I actually really want to do more on people of color because... there's a lot less information on black people for missing persons than white people, which I think is kind of disgusting."
"For every dollar of wealth that whites have, blacks have $0.06 and Latinos have $0.07."
"The US imprisons a higher percentage of its black population than South Africa ever did during apartheid."
"By waging this drug war almost exclusively in the hood, we've managed to create a vast new racial undercast in an astonishingly short period of time."
"People be dying in birth, especially black women be dying in birth."
"Black men are six times more likely to go to jail as white people for the same crime."
"The rate of new HIV infections among black women is 10 times that of white women and four times that of Latina women."
"I think there are systemic issues that disproportionately affect black men, particularly in the criminal justice system."