
Daily Activities Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Do tiny things every day that boost your mood."
"Do your daily activities in English to find little gaps in your knowledge."
"Daytime activities impact nighttime endocrine function, impact quality of sleep, impact daytime activities."
"She was going to make sure that she spent every day doing things she enjoyed."
"They're the kind of thing that you can do walking to your car."
"We are on a quest to have the healthiest day possible."
"It's a nice little activity to do each and every day."
"It felt like every day had something new to do."
"The importance of hobbies is a big part of my day."
"It's good for keeping the team connected but it's also nice to get a bit of accountability and a bit of community vibes around this idea of daily quests."
"It isn't artificial at all. It's helping you get real things done every day."
"Learn to appreciate little things you do more, today I made my bed, I'm gonna give myself an applause for that."
"I really enjoyed this one probably my favorite of the day super fun."
"I have a family that would be tight... Beer Olympics every day, man."
"Your productivity has nothing to do with whether it's a game or school or your cooking."
"Forget the horse's name that you killed, yeah, you just have a full day."
"I need to go and take this little one out because he is so clever he learns that when the green screen goes down it's time for a walkies."
"There are a lot of things you do usually right before you go to work or go to school if you leave the house."
"You are gonna like this person... this is mind-body soul sex like this is making me rethink my entire life."
"Literally enter battle, don't even play the battle, back out immediately and that consists of doing a battle of galactic war for the day."
"By the time third period rolled around, burn period is beginning now. Today will be another dungeon outing."
"Creating that white space allows you to say, 'Oh, I'm really interested in doing that today.'"
"It all boils down to what am I doing in my life every single day."
"You can't work, you can't go to school, you can't get on the plane, you can't do anything."
"There's literally some 10-year-old out there who gets home and every day plays with their best friend from school."
"I was busy today, had lunch with cutie, worked out, watched the Lakers play basketball, and did a second stream."
"I think I'm starting to understand how people pass time."
"It's always my fullest day and I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Do some grocery shopping and then do high knees with you."
"Make sure to check out some Tron today because you know I won't be."
"Reading is more than just reading a book: It goes from Facebook posts, blogs, recipes, labels, commands on your cell phone, signs on the road, and so on."
"But what I will say is that it is becoming fun for me to grocery shop."
"The streets of Hamburg seemed to be filled with countless people, walking, cycling, in carts, everywhere."
"Walking to the thermostat has never been the same."
"Every day in Stardew Valley brings with it two things: opportunities and progress."
"Sometimes it's kind of nice to have someone to actually do stuff with in the daytime on a consistent basis."
"I've never done daily before, but I've been loving it."
"I just want to be pumped about what I'm doing."
"Somebody parks a humvee in this same spot every single day."
"Move your body every day... as long as you are taking time out of your day to move it every day you're doing good."
"Let me just, I'll water this real quick no sweat let's go clean some poop now."
"It's kind of beautiful that everybody's in this together, the whole world is in this together."
"Take time to be creative, it can be a great uplifting part of the day."
"No matter what you do today, do try to make some time for fun too."
"If you like bingo, do it. There are races almost every day."
"What are you going to do for yourself today that will make you say thank you to yourself?"
"Overall, I definitely gained a more robust understanding of what we're gonna be doing day in, day out in Diablo 4."
"An understanding of how social movements are able to grow requires an examination of both huge moments of protest and rebellion and the smaller day-to-day activities which sustained and expanded social movements over time."
"A good amount of things we've got to get pulled packed and shipped today, figured we'd take you guys along for the ride."
"Nature's free, you know that Uzi, what'd you do today? I looked at a tree."
"Starting my day off with a good, solid morning routine has really helped shift my mental health."
"Lots of things going on in my life so we thought, hey why not do a day in the life."
"My happy place is just doing what I love each and every day."
"Practicing leaving my home and practicing going out and doing normal things is so crucial for your mental health."
"I hope that you guys have an amazing day or evening whatever the hell it is that you guys are doing."
"I think it's going to be a good day, so let's head in and see what I find."
"Time flies when you're doing chores at camp."
"Besides, naps are the entire point of retirement."
"The full life cycle of a day in the life of a Palantir analyst."
"Do things every day that align with that goal."
"If you enjoyed the livestream, then now you have to do anything. Enjoy the rest of your day or drink water. It's important, yo."
"One of my favorites is the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein who said he got his best ideas when he peeled potatoes."
"Transforming everyday chores into moments of joy."
"Meditation is something which really helps me focus my mind and do more things in a single day."
"I'd say this is a successful activity for the day, that's for sure."
"Yep, you can earn money online for free just by scanning your grocery receipts."
"Now I'm walking, I'm talking, and I'm eating my cereal. Wow, that's pretty cool though. This product is sick, man."
"A good life is one where what you do throughout the day adds to the quality of your existence."
"It's sort of just doing what you normally do but to extreme levels."
"I'm gonna finish my coffee and then I'm going to put a little timer on my phone of an hour."
"So, how was your day? Did you get all the Christmas shopping done that you need to get done?"
"Do something for yourself this week, do something every day."
"That's what they said their night consisted of, that was their night from start to finish."
"I've got volleyball training today gym and dining."
"Some of the best ideas come when a person's showering."
"I actually use it all the time. And each time I do, I laugh about how it takes takes me literally all day to eat out, but it's still fun."
"Brother Lawrence found that he was far more conscious of the divine presence while he was at work scouring greasy pots and pans than when in his cell for the express purpose of engaging in devotional exercises."
"Days 53 through 60: farming or making the new storage room, constantly going back and forth."
"You don't just sit around all day in prison; there are jobs, classes, and activities."
"I'm just obsessed with it, dude. I wake up and I just do this [expletive] all day long, every day."
"Take me to the toilet, no problem, I need to pee too, it's a hand, I'd like to go to the toilet too."
"Cooking is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable things you can do day to day."
"Right after I gave birth to Eleanor, I brought Avelina to her ballet class."
"I've been non-stop doing things since this morning."
"I had a really good day today. I had a lot of fun doing this. I'll get to do it enough."
"Swimming daily is great for your bones and muscles."
"I'm elected and get to actually be in that position I can't actually answer exactly what Andy Street does day-to-day."
"Energy is very precious, and you have a thing that you need to go to later tonight that you need to have energy for."
"I will never ever take chewing and talking for granted."
"Slowing down to cook, to garden, those things, it's being really present in whatever activity that you're doing."
"It's a fresh new day in the world of Warcraft, what are you gonna get up to today?"
"We're just gonna spend a lot of time in the kitchen today, which is my favorite."
"As the day continued, CG became incredibly thirsty."
"Welcome to the vlog y'all, we have so much going on today."
"Don't let any of this keep you from riding your bike having a ton of fun with it and using it on a daily basis."
"Every single day there's something new you can do, every single day there's something wonderful to try, but nothing makes us happy like a day we can say today'll be a party by Pinkie."
"Avoid being distracted while walking, biking, or driving."
"I'm gonna have a nice little productive day."
"Your home is the area we eat in, we sleep in, we play in, we relax in, we laugh in, and it needs to enable us to feel contentment while doing those things."
"You choose what you eat today, you choose what kind of activities you do each day."
"Everything occurs at the kitchen table."
"We want to attend family gatherings, engage in hobbies, play sports, work out, get through our days of work, have a great meal, talk with our kids, talk with our parents, talk with family, talk with neighbors, take a walk in the park, just do things."
"Chest and back may not be your star players when it comes to building strength, but these two muscle groups are super important for your everyday life activities."
"Everything we do is stuff that will assist you in your real-life movements, your activities, your sports, whatever you're doing."
"I feel extremely safe, they go to the mall all the time, they go to Uber, you know, they go wherever they need to go, and I feel perfectly safe."
"Strength in these areas will support activities of daily living including lifting and carrying as well as helping with general posture and alignment."
"Everything you do in the day builds up to how well you're going to sleep."
"It's very functional not only in mimicking what we do in daily life but also serving the different stabilizing muscles that we need to prevent injury in daily life."
"There are a few simple things you can do every day that'll make your dog really happy."
"We could literally be doing what we're already doing every day and converting that into revenue."
"A lot of my better ideas came when I was doing the washing up or going for a walk."
"I'm about to get ready to head out. I actually have a few other errands, so we're gonna have a really fun day today."
"Welcome back to my channel, today I've got a few things to do, so I'm gonna be taking you guys around with me."
"Each person needs his or her own customized blend of daily activity and that's what occupational science is about, human flourishing through engagement in everyday living."
"The key element of the school is the way everybody moves, the way everybody sits and stands and eats and does everything."
"We're doing all the classic things that you would do on a perfect day."
"Functional training is meant to make you stronger for your everyday activities."
"All of this means that you get to do more as you're doing what you already do today."
"Pretty much everything we do ends up releasing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere."
"It is a true city and it is large, so if you're looking at something outside of Metro Manila where you just want to have a lot of things to do on a daily basis, Cebu City certainly ticks all those boxes."
"When we're aware of what each planet signifies and what day that planet is correlated with, we can have a better idea of what to do on a given day."
"Scenes of farming, fishing, feasting, and wildlife can be seen on many of the mastaba's interior walls."
"I start and end my day with reading."
"For us, curriculum is everything that happens in the day."
"If you are driving, where are you going? If you are cooking, what are you cooking? And if you're eating, what are you eating?"
"Let's go onto the road, and I think I'm doing a few things today."
"30 videos in 30 days gives you a chance to come along and see what happens on the day to day on our ranch."
"The artificial light at night plays a very important role in our lives; it allows us to study, to work, to have fun."
"I'm just having a nice day, doing all the things I love to do."