
Business Education Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"I think with anything to do with business or tech, learning on the job is so much more useful."
"I'm in a business school, so it's a sort of an island of pragmatism in a larger sea of politicization."
"Cash flow statements deal with operating cash flows, investing cash flows, and financing cash flows."
"Doom meets Wharton School." - Forbes, The Business Magazine
"I don't think you've wasted your 80,000, and the reason I don't believe you have is because you've used that 80,000 to teach you about business."
"It's like an all-in-one stop shop where you can learn the business and the creative side of content creation."
"Owning a blue chip is a really, really good way to get an education in business."
"Business is a skill that must be learned... It can and must be learned."
"You don't study entrepreneurship, you do entrepreneurship."
"We are building our own empire, teaching people how to start their own businesses from scratch."
"Harvard Business School has become the West Point of capitalism, producing business mercenaries driven by self-interest, beholden to no one, believing in nothing."
"Business schools often talk a lot about the importance of relationships, innovation, social responsibility, but at the same time are still very intolerant of ideas that deviate from traditional business orthodoxy."
"This training is perfect for you if you are ready to learn how to launch a business successfully."
"If you're gonna go work your way up TD Bank or Royal Bank or Bank of America, they still value that. They still pride right the MBA. But in the entrepreneur world, I just don't think it makes sense."
"You should spend as much time studying business as you spent studying your art."
"The best business school that you can get is actually trying to launch a company and make it profitable."
"Take the job that pays one-third where you're going to learn the most. You're going to learn about the business. You're going to learn from the ground up."
"I literally learned in college while getting my business degree that Kim Kardashian is largely successful because she is an expert at self-marketing."
"What you're gonna learn today, it changes everything you may think you know about business."
"It's nobody's business to teach you business."
"I want to show you how to get a business up and running a passive income business in three days or less okay where you have to have zero products and zero experience."
"How do you study entrepreneurship? You do entrepreneurship."
"Skills that you have to build up, it's business principles that you have to learn and then apply to your business."
"I was able to acquire these things because I created a physical product business that added value, and I want to teach you how to do the same."
"You start learning all that stuff and you really start understanding how to really build a business."
"I want to do something for you personally as well. I'd like to put you on a path to learning more about the business side of Freshii."
"...people should learn in business school a little bit more about philanthropy and what to do with money once they get it."
"The best business school is actually being in business."
"It taught me about Equity, taught me about ownership, it taught me about like wait a second now I have to care about this company."
"Helping a younger generation learn about business."
"The education that you get from doing this business the way we've done it is priceless."
"Thank you for taking the time to be with us today, and I would like to extend a very warm welcome to this very first webinar of our M&A Academy program."
"On my channel, we teach you guys how to run real companies, real businesses."
"Now do you understand the importance of supply chain management?"
"You know it's my dream to get a business degree and take my father's business to the next level."
"While learning sales and distribution, you can get basic knowledge of finance and controlling, material management, and logistic execution."
"Booth is generally considered to be one of the best, if not the best MBA programs on the entire planet."
"As long as they educate themselves on the business, I think it's gonna continue to be prosperous."
"Business teaches people basic life skills that everyone should know."
"I think their investor day should be part of MBA courses all around the world."
"Studying a degree in Business will give you an opportunity to really get an insight into how the world works."
"Overall, my experience with the program itself is that it gave me a really great framework on business, finances, strategy, project management, everything like that."
"You'll be learning from world-class business leaders and participating in experiential learning opportunities."
"The main difference for the biz econ major is you're taking management accounting classes."
"Education and mentorship can really cut down your time to success."
"I'm going to study business at university and to go alongside that, the great courses plus has lectures on things such as critical decision making, entrepreneurship, how to best negotiate a deal."
"The more degrees in business administration we have, the more other people take over our business districts."
"We're not going to be able to cover every sort of business model in this video, but hopefully, after you watch you will have the skills to be able to ask the right questions and tackle more difficult scenarios as you encounter them."
"Lipscomb's College of Business has been preparing ethical business leaders for over a hundred years."
"The MSC International Business course is designed to enable the students to build, develop, and integrate International Business programs."
"I like to speak organized to give you the tools to conquer your clutter, live life with more purpose, and learn all about the business of tidying."
"Teach people the business, then do business with them."