
Black History Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"It represented an occasion for decades on end to teach little children the lessons of black history which, irrespective of what color hue you are, are in fact, in this country, your history."
"Why be afraid of your own greatness?... The history of black people is not merely suffering; it's resilience, it's struggle."
"The notion that that black history is somehow going to hurt your child is completely ridiculous. And black history is American history."
"We have been lied to and if you want to talk about black history, you have to talk about the real black history, which is the history of civilization."
"Black Americans, culturally, are as American as you can get. They've been here literally since before the beginning."
"I am truly honored to be with you as we have the opportunity to celebrate Black History but also to talk about the current conditions of Black people as well as to talk about how we engage and go forward for the future of this country as it relates to Black America."
"The unveiling of these black icons serves as a powerful reminder that history is often shrouded in darkness but truth has a way of shining through."
"At Black History 365, our goal is to equip our nation's inhabitants and the world at large with a more thorough, candid, and interwoven understanding of African American history and realities within the American and world historical context."
"Learning the powerful lessons of Black history will uplift the knowledge, confidence, and understanding of our nation's youth so they may all be inspired to achieve."
"Black history isn't just history. It's happening now and now and now. It's almost like it just keeps happening."
"I'm the first black man in the 50-year history of the Crips and Bloods."
"No black man alive has ever done that and lived with the confidence and the arrogance."
"Atlanta's spirit rose from the ashes of the Civil War and became a beacon for black liberation and culture in America." - Narrator
"This rich and very vital history of Black Wall Street will instill instant pride, multicultural awareness, improve self-esteem, and build strong character in our youth."
"Our whole existence as black people in America is fighting bigotry and hatred."
"Black history is so incredible... It's doing much more than just based negative aspects."
"Black history is American history. Black history is American history. Black history is American history."
"Black history 12 months a year... We really need to be talking to white people about black history and being comfortable with having that dialogue to eliminate racism."
"Black people were called to a better calling and a better purpose that we didn't know about at the time."
"There were black people here for thousands of years."
"I feel like it's gonna be a black history lesson, yes sir."
"Black people at the time I'm pretty sure were not fond of being enslaved."
"Percy Julian, overcoming discrimination, contributes to science and becomes one of the first black millionaires."
"May C. Jemison, the first black woman in space, inspires future generations with her achievements."
"Katherine Johnson, a NASA mathematician, plays a crucial role in space missions, leaving a lasting legacy."
"Gladys West, a hidden figure in GPS development, overcomes discrimination to shape modern technology."
"Marie M. Daly, the first black American woman to earn a PhD in chemistry, paves the way for future scientists."
"Edward Bouchet, the first African-American to earn a PhD in physics, breaks barriers in academia."
"Annie J. Easley, a NASA mathematician, defies discrimination to contribute to space exploration."
"Alexa Canady, the first female African-American neurosurgeon, breaks gender and racial barriers in medicine."
"Benjamin Banneker, a self-taught astronomer, challenges racial inequalities and contributes to science."
"Charles R. Drew, creator of the blood bank, pioneers medical advancements despite racial barriers."
"Daniel Hale Williams, performs one of the first successful open heart surgeries and opens the first interracial hospital, leaving a lasting impact on healthcare."
"Lonnie Johnson, inventor of popular toys like the Super Soaker, showcases black excellence in innovation."
"Yasuke: The African man who would come to be remembered as the only ever black samurai."
"I'm existing and creating black history just by being me."
"Black men have lost their lives for the right for them to live, and for you to live up here right now."
"They were unapologetically black. I think it's the proper term to use nowadays. They were busy when it was not cool to be black." - Bun B
"Black History should be celebrated every day we walk the face of this Earth."
"We're in a war to erase black history. The stakes are everything. Black is the future, and the future is uncompromising."
"Black history ain't got a [__] thing to do with the trajectory of who you are based on where you come from."
"Black people have had a stake in this country for a long time since the very beginning."
"We taking pride in recognizing the accomplishments that black people have done."
"For centuries black people have contributed inventions, science theories, music, life lessons, art, and more into American culture."
"Black history has been overlooked, minimized, or even worse, erased."
"The contributions of black people influence every part of how we live today."
"In 1992, Mae Jemison became the first African-American woman in space."
"Black folk in America have been under oppression, tyranny, terrorized for hundreds of years."
"Madam CJ Walker freed black women from that so they could look however they wanted to look."
"Throughout centuries, black people have faced systemic oppression, including cultural erasure and the distortion of their historical contributions."
"Part of that repair also has to be remembrance, right? So as I'm reading... what people don't know, we talk Black Wall Street Tulsa, Oklahoma, but there were a lot of Black thriving communities why? Because Black people built the country."
"The Black Power Movement redefined beauty, embracing the natural state of kinky curly hair."
"Many children aren't taught about major Black historical events in school."
"Black history is constantly getting censored. Children often get a simplified watered-down version of history that doesn't discuss the truth, the real raw truth."
"The first legally sanctioned free black town in Florida, Fort Mose, became the location of the earliest free black community in what is now the United States."
"I'm not sure why we need it... I'm not sure that in order for black people to overcome, all Americans need to understand what we've been through."
"I genuinely don't understand why the American public needs to be better informed about the history of black people than it is roughly now."
"Black history doesn't start with slavery, black history was interrupted by slavery."
"Click the Subscribe button and press the Bell icon we share the hidden rich and diverse Heritage of our black history."
"Happy Black History Month, everybody! Shout out to all the black kings and queens of the world."
"Our Holocaust has lasted longer than anybody else and somebody talk black to me, that is indisputable."
"Blacks acquiring 20 million acres post-slavery, a testament to their wisdom."
"Bash down the barriers and build Black Wall Street."
"Black people turned it up and liberated themselves."
"If anyone came away from this film filled with the inside that will repression and total self-control are the only answer to individual freedom, I would be highly surprised."
"Our history is rooted in the abuse of black people."
"Pharaohs from all periods unmistakably black, a strikingly undeniable truth."
"The legacy of ancient Egypt: a testament to the greatness of black civilization."
"Threads, a brand owned by a former teacher and black American freedmen, uses their apparel and more to teach Hidden Truths and black American history."
"Black people were still successful even before they had the right to vote."
"Why is it that every time black people succeed in something, they have to take 10 steps backward?"
"Reparations is an unpaid debt owed collectively to Black Americans."
"Negro history week... is about the recovery of black memory."
"Memorial Day was first commemorated by an organized group of black freed slaves less than a month after the confederacy surrendered."
"Black history is American history and American history is black history."
"This film set up Spike as a cinematic voice. I mean, if you want to talk about black excellence here, he's a big contributor to Black History Month."
"Garveyism articulated this idea that black people have arrived, that they're not going to apologize for anything, and that they're going to produce a culture that celebrates black history, black pride, and black beauty."
"She's a mogul, you know, she's one of the people in black history who doing some impactful powerful thing."
"Hip-hop only exists because of the [__] that black people have been through in this country, period. It doesn't exist without those struggles, that oppression, experience, the ongoing problems."
"Stories where black history is shown without only focusing on our trauma but instead our communities accomplishments and growth"
"Isabel Olvera: a remarkable influence in black history."
"Rastafari owes a lot to Bedward, whose speeches sought to empower black people."
"The Rosewood story is not the only buried story of black history that needs to be brought back to the fore."
"It's called 'The Ancestors,' black people in the Bible."
"Juneteenth is a potent reminder of the enduring strength of black people in finding and in celebrating our joy and our history despite the continued trauma we experience."
"I think it's everything. Black history is American history. It's not separate. It's just American history. It's Black history, it's white history."
"Black history is American history. It's not separate. It's just American history."
"Black people invented almost every single thing that you see in the US from the stoplight to the typewriter."
"Black history counters a narrative that is really a myth."
"About 3,000 Black Loyalists came north seeking a better life."
"...conservatives who most of them haven't read a single word in this anyway are opposed to the idea is it centers finally black people in the story of America instead of making us marginal and they're just not used to that..."
"These remarkable creations and a lot more wouldn't exist today if it weren't for the Brilliant Minds of black people."
"Isaac Johnson was the first black American to patent a bicycle frame that could be folded and taken apart."
"Black history is excellence, black history is me."
"Black history means to me the opportunity to learn and celebrate about all the contributions to my community."
"Black history goes back to the 17th century when slavery still existed in Canada."
"Historically and currently, there are several prominent black Canadians in music, art, literature, sports, political work, civil rights activism, education, and all walks of life."
"Black history is every day, and it's not only learning about our trauma, it's learning about our successes, our resilience, our empowerment, and our contribution to society."
"Black history is every month because I am living every month. Black history is every month because black people are living every month. Not only are we living, we're resisting, we're surviving, we're thriving."
"If people feel uncomfortable just for one month of the year focusing on black people's achievements, we've got a long history even in cinema and media."
"The whole reason Carter G Woodson set up was precisely so that we didn't reduce black people's history to a footnote of resisting racism and slavery."
"What's more important to me is uplifting black voices and that black history that is so important to what it means to be American."
"Join us on a journey as we spotlight the remarkable contributions these black stars have made to the industry."
"Culminating last week in our seminar panel discussion on embedding black history and archaeology in British schools, which was an absolutely extraordinary inspiring and exciting event."
"Most of the inventions that we enjoy today came from black minds."
"Although not always highlighted in the history books, black Americans made huge contributions to car design, racing, and manufacturing."
"Black history is American history as well, we're part of American History."
"Black Americans resisted by being resilient."
"To reconstruct the history of black people anywhere in the world you have to fight against a climate of great prejudice."
"We got the Hidden Colors series which changed the game, literally changed how black history is taught in schools around the world."
"Every month is Black History Month technically, we never stop acknowledging black history because world history is Black History."
"I've gone through my whole school career not hearing anything about what black people have done."
"It's really incredible, it kind of talks about like racial injustice, the black experience."
"Black history courses are not specifically just for black people because black history is American history."
"We don't often get to see or hear stories about black queens."
"For a group of black people, illiterate black people, a carpenter named George Bell and two others... came off of a plantation because that's how this country got built."
"She had nothing but black books on her bookshelves: Malcolm X, George Jackson, the Miseducation of the Negro, W.E.B. Du Bois, Huey Newton."
"He was the first black actor to be credited in motion pictures in the late 1920s and he paved the way for black actors and media."
"The surviving history of the black race has been established remarkably on several grounds."
"Black history forces us to say what kind of human being are we going to be in America, in the new world, or anywhere else."
"Slavery was an institution obviously that affected black people, affected enslaved people; it wasn't just the story of the whites who owned them."
"Black political activism that happened in the '70s has gone unchronicled in mainstream media and historical study."
"Among this man's marvelous contributions were to give eloquent voice to the aspirations of black America."
"Black news and history in the making; let's get up from the floor and take it all."
"There has been a black presence in Poland since at least the 1700s."
"We need to develop more programs that teach about our black history and black heroes."
"We're saying black history goes back to the time when we invented math, when we invented science, when we invented surgeries, when we invented surgical tools, when we invented geometry and deductive reasoning."
"Some of the smartest people in the world have been black people."
"We're celebrating Black History and the contribution African Americans have made to gospel music in general."
"It goes into the first black doctor, the first woman to get a degree."
"It's just such an important part of black history."
"If you are a black person living in America in 2018 and your relatives aren't the descendants of slaves, that means that you came from the strongest of the strong."
"Black history is Canadian history."
"Black women have for 200 years spoken again and again through the perspective of humanity."
"There are a lot of contributions that Black Americans have made to this country."
"We celebrate Black history every day."
"Black history is American history. Black people are really the most American people, and their culture is the most imitated in history."
"Greenwood represented all the best of what was possible for Black people in America."
"Rebuilt and rose from the ashes, it boasted the largest concentration of black-owned businesses in America."
"By all assessments and evaluation, the achievement of Black people by 1910 in their ownership of just over 15 million acres of land is remarkable."
"She wants people to remember the pain and she wants them to continue to study black history."
"We gotta let black kids know that black Americans have been on the forefront of every technological advance in American history."
"In some people's eyes, I am not equal, nor should I be free. This is why I celebrate Black history, Black Canadian history, every February, and throughout the year."
"A history of the blacks that is a history of blacks."
"We need to educate ourselves about the black history in all America, not only the United States but in other countries as well."