
Training Methods Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"What's the best way to get strong? That question is easily answered."
"Is there a method to effectively increase strength, muscular size, as well as flexibility at the same time?"
"Training methods are most effective when they focus on teaching the animal what to do rather than punishing them for unwanted behaviors."
"But the good thing is that if we retrain the remaining weights, the accuracy can fully recover here."
"She thought that breaking hamari's spirit now would make it easier to train her later on, but things have not gone that way."
"Listen, there's nothing wrong with doing sets of 10 to 15 for hypertrophy, but that doesn't mean that heavier sets are not going to build muscle."
"If you have the right coach, if you have the right atmosphere, if you have the right system of training, you can achieve anything."
"The idea of improving yourself as a runner with higher mileage training is key."
"Tempo has become something that's gotten a lot of attention as a way of training."
"Mechanical drop sets involve modifying your body positioning or technique so you can continue to push hard."
"We're not reinventing the wheel here, we're not really training any different than we would train with weights or machines."
"Romario seemed to revel in still being the best player on the planet... despite his unusual training regimes."
"A lot of the training that focuses on strength without adding size is often overlooked in modern training programs."
"It's the part that I can't stand about our space, is we tend to get in these camps, you know, like I'm the CrossFitter, I'm the bodybuilder, I'm the powerlifter, it's like, why wouldn't you use all the techniques from all of those?"
"Using airsoft guns for training to get used to gear, movement, and retention might work, but not for accuracy under stress."
"Dry fire training is really what's going to help you. You develop muscle memory, you sharpen target reaction speed."
"In all seriousness, you know, look at Mark Cavendish, he supports lots of servo training."
"If any trainer ever comes to you and says 'my style is better than everyone else's,' then they don't know what they're talking about."
"Footballers using VR to simulate training scenarios."
"Simple's training methods: flicking his op in every direction."
"I've had staff with me for like five years. I have a different method of training them and relating to them. People want to know what's your method."
"Using these mechanical drop sets is not only a great way to train everything to go past fatigue and to test yourself, whatever level you're at, but it's also a fantastic way to get variety in your training."
"An appropriate correction from an adult dog is brief, pointed, and with no attempt to harm."
"I think both [bro science and science] are very important for reaching your genetic max or just making the best gains possible."
"Touch training redirects the bird's focus, making stepping up less scary."
"You can always train hard while the other thing is resting."
"If whatever you're accomplishing, whatever result you're getting, if you're not enjoying it, that's not a result is it?"
"So, for those exercises, straight sets, down sets, and to some extent giant sets are absolutely the way to go."
"Mix it up, do some slow pace running, do some fast faster shorter runs, do some interval training, do some time trials."
"Octagon fighting basically, like all out MMA. Yeah, like I said, grew up wrestling, did jits and Muay Thai, but boxing is the easiest way to go, I think."
"All horses can learn using positive reinforcement."
"We want to make sure that if you're here we put you back over here that you're doing less volume but getting the same or even better growth. How do we go about intellectually examining that? We know it's a real thing in the world."
"A positive reinforcement approach actually gives some power to the dog as they brainstorm and mistakes are tolerated and then successes are rewarded."
"The reality of how most people build up the majority of their muscle mass by training hard in lower to more moderate rep ranges and focusing on adding weight to the bar over time."
"By training in a more chaotic and mixed-up manner, you actually improve skill acquisition and transference in the long term."
"Different means and methods, because of law accommodation and GAS syndrome theory on adaptation, was showing significantly greater effect than contemporary loading schemes when utilizing a variety training method."
"I think it's great. I don't think there's anything that beats it as far as training to do stuff."
"He follows more the Kenyan marathon training methods...he doesn't run quite as high volumes as some of the well-known Japanese Runners."
"Now I'd like you to go into a position you wouldn't normally be going into like maybe sit on the floor, close your eyes and ask your dog to do that cue and then open and see if the dog did it."
"The sport field is where all the ground-breaking methods of training were pioneered."
"Reinforcement means encouraging a behavior to be repeated, and punishment means preventing a behavior from being repeated."
"I'm very confident with my methods, and trust me, if there was another method that was easier or more effective, I would be using it."
"That's an extremely great way to train for hypertrophy."
"Isometric training at longer muscle lengths produced greater muscular hypertrophy when compared to equal volumes of shorter muscle length training."
"I'm just sharing some concepts that I found beneficial; they're flexible and they can be easily adapted to different training scenarios and situations."
"The American Veterinary Society for Animal Behavior recommends that only reward-based training methods be used for dog training."
"Research has time and time again shown that you can make comparable gains in muscle mass by using either lighter loads with your body weight or heavier weights in the gym."
"There is no one way to cycle, to eat, to train; these are different tools for different individuals at different times."
"I think the top set back off method is one of the best programming strategies for bodybuilders."
"I'm a big believer in talking to the dog in the poles."
"Can other methods be used? What are the limitations to muscle growth?"
"My advice would be to do your research and figure out what kind of training method you want to use."