
Racial Bias Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Why is the white male Republican's judgment good enough but the black female Democrat's not?"
"When you have a strong woman, especially a strong woman of color, in a position of power, the standards and the analysis are such a double standard."
"Implicit bias against black skin is a thing. There are numerous studies that show people see black people as less trustworthy, less hardworking, etc., just on appearance."
"I just want everybody to read this... you cannot deny racial bias."
"If the girl with the knife was a white girl, does she get shot five times?"
"The darker the skin, the more likely the conviction... that is what we call implicit bias."
"A black man in this state doesn't stand a chance. That's already a strike against him."
"Resumes with white-sounding names get twice as many callbacks as identical resumes with black-sounding names."
"I started asking what he meant and he said to me that he was like, 'You're black, I'm assuming you had decent grades, you could have just attached a smiley face and you would have gotten into the university.' So I was livid by that."
"The real problem in America is obvious policing, it's obviously racist police shootings."
"Overwhelmingly that there is a racial bias even when accounting for other factors."
"A proper apology for this would have involved admitting to racial biases, however unconscious."
"A lot of curriculums are inherently based around the literature and work of particular white artists, writers, and thinkers."
"AI itself isn't racist, it's just often the product of source data that is racially biased."
"Algorithms favoring white creators over POC... it's just wrong and it's just horrible."
"People who scored relatively high on racial prejudice mentioned the race of the suspects more often than did people low in racial prejudice."
"The real problem here is white immunity prosecution."
"McCowen had a criminal history and restraining orders against him."
"Just jumped on Chris immediately like yeah yeah and well whether it was racially motivated or not I mean it's just it's so obvious that there is definitely some bias place on Chris because of who he was."
"Statistically, there have been more acts of terrorism committed by white supremacists than Muslims."
"Is it because these are white men mainly... that they did not take it seriously?" - Michelle Martin
"The media handling of this case is basically missing white woman syndrome."
"The clearest evidence of racism is when researcher sends out identical emails to a professor and gets a 70% hit rate if it's a black sounding name versus a 90% hit rate if it's a white sounding name."
"White people aren't always racially biased, but you can never be a hundred percent sure you're acting like perks crazy for bringing it up. That's what's crazy, this is America Jack."
"The war on drugs needs to end... it's a war on a certain ethnicity."
"It's about discrediting the political participation of people of color and also I'm sorry like half the time and someone goes oh we're that person doesn't speak English it just means that they have an accent a lot of the time right."
"Fraternities were literally founded on the basis of white supremacy."
"Blaming someone's perceived religious or cultural background for bad behavior for no other reason except that they aren't white and Christians she said is the definition of bigotry."
"If someone says, 'All black males are unattractive,' they'd be like, 'Yeah, no.'"
"Even if someone doesn't think they're racist, who they may point to as the authority figures still makes a difference."
"Black respondents were more sympathetic to the victim of police brutality when that victim was black."
"White respondents were more likely to suggest a maximum sentence for an officer who assaulted a black motorist than they were for an officer who assaulted a white motorist."
"There is a major exception to this trend however in the form of black people with high faith in the system who instead are seemingly less sympathetic towards black victims."
"Black respondents were nearly twice as likely to strongly oppose the death penalty than were whites."
"This legacy-based admissions allows mediocre mostly white but not all to get into high places with doing the least amount."
"Library collections continue to promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence."
"There is a huge double standard and she's right if you are white and you shoot up a school everybody's going to know about it everybody's going to hear about it if you're black nobody's going to hear about it."
"The racial bias that we're seeing here and the prevailance of upholding white voices over others is pretty much everywhere it's on book talk it's in the publishing industry from the agents to the editors to the authors."
"There is also a two-tiered system of justice when it comes to people who are accused of crimes in blue cities who are white versus people who are accused of crimes in blue cities who are black."
"A significant bias in the killing of unarmed black Americans."
"We decided to put David's name because he's a white man and we have a greater chance of this grant being approved."
"So yeah I've researched it I've talked to professionals I know what I'm talking about so maybe get past my skin color and realize that positive constructive and genuinely helpful information can come from an assortment of locations..."
"How many NBA owners do you think feel the same way Donald Sterling feels? They just haven't been exposed. Here's what I would say: they're mostly all billionaires and mostly all white."
"Implicit bias: black children seen as older, less innocent."
"The most racist thing a person could tell me is that I'm supposed to choose something based on my race."
"Dark-skinned women do get a bad rap in this country."
"Her heart was woven with threads of kindness and dedication, qualities that her customers often failed to notice beneath the color of her skin."
"Studies have already shown that dark-skinned women are the least to be chosen for marriage. That's not made up, it's real."
"If that had been a white woman in a ditch with no personal shoes you better believe that's going to be a suspicious death."
"What is criminalized has historically been based on race and power."
"Black women are also dealing with those same exact biases."
"People have this insane narrative that white is better."
"Racially motivated 911 calls are such a problem in America that some city and state governments are now passing laws to get it under control."
"They really do not care about black people, black women in the medical establishment."
"The lack of media paying any attention is a consistent issue, whether we're talking about Africa, what's happening in American communities in this country, when you have a mainstream media led by white folks decision makers in position."
"Fetishizing black male virility not only perpetuates racial biases but also reinforces a harmful power dynamic."
"What happens if a jury hears the case and you wonder why the jury comes back not guilty it's because the jury has a mindset that has been informed by racist white media."
"The Supreme Court is a white supremacy court."
"Black families say they have a difficult time getting police to take their cases seriously."
"It's the same thing they always did going and policing poor black neighborhoods but now they just have data that tells them to do it."
"It's mainly dark-skinned black women that are colorists."
"The punitive impulse towards kids of color and urban schools stems from precisely the same kinds of attitudes."
"You can automatically assume you're guilty of racism based on your political positions."
"Technology is not neutral, and when we're seeing the rise of this AI, there is a danger to black people being misidentified."
"Police are not here to protect people, especially not black people."
"Jeremy Lin was always overlooked because he was Asian... call it flat-out racism."
"86% of black teens who experience discrimination state they have experienced discrimination based on their hair by the age of 12."
"The closer you are to European beauty standards, the more likely people will treat you with a modicum of decency."
"You can have plenty of black friends and still hold racist beliefs."
"Black men who commit the same crimes as white men receive federal prisons that are on average almost 20% longer."
"If you're afraid of black people if you're afraid of any kind of person or gender or race don't be a police officer."
"There's a clear bias in how the young black female was treated when she reported this crime that happened to her."
"The justice system is like Clorox—it works well for whites but not so much for colors."
"It really sends the message going forward that I can now engage in that behavior with impunity. But here's the rub, don't try that if you're black or brown."
"They lust black death... but when it's one of them, all the ridiculing goes out the window."
"If you are an Asian American or even if you simply have an Asian or Asian sounding surname, you need to be careful about what you do and don't say in your application." - Princeton Review
"When it's pain it's easy, but then it's like... Lovecraft Country was amazing and they were like man no awards and also no more seasons."
"We are harsher to dark-skinned and brown-skinned black women than to multiracial or lighter-complexioned ones."
"They understand that the laws are actually political weapons at least in the hands of white supremacy."
"I'm not surprised that the blacks blame the cop and not the addict"
"White men are not really eligible to serve on juries in Richmond, Virginia."
"African-American women have a harder time on dating apps than white women do, and it was just, he was just showing the numbers and was totally canceled, lost his tenure, was kicked out for saying something that was actually true."
"It's easy to use like, 'Oh, they don't like me because I'm Asian' or say even auditions now like, 'They didn't cast me because I'm Asian.' That might be true sometimes but you can't think that way because it's not positive."
"We are raised from the time where infants to believe that white is superior and black is inferior. Everywhere. It's in our literature, the bad guys wear black, it's everywhere."
"You need to be very careful because obviously you being black automatically you're seen as a bad guy, yeah, automatically."
"It's the culture that defends the cop for doing the wrong thing against the black or brown person that got killed."
"The oppressors work overtime when they're not taught about their own racial biases."
"You can walk around with two knives these days and get more trouble with black face."
"It's not a liberal take, bro. If you meet a person and in your head, you're more worried that they're going to commit a crime, you have racial stereotypes."
"White people never really had to see racial bias because everywhere they go they are accepted, they are the standard."
"They always try to tarnish the Jackson name in that way because they don't want to give you that hope, you know? That the kids, those that hope, the worst thing for them would be black kids singing and being talented in that way."
"When I hear combativeness, I think of how it often, you know, they make black women seem combative when you come to work or you're telling them, 'Oh well, you did this,' and you're like, 'No, I didn't,' I actually."
"There was this idea that the justice system is rigged against African-Americans."
"It became a rallying cry for justice and an urgent call to address the deep-rooted issues of police brutality and racial bias within law enforcement."
"Brayan King's arrest was a wakeup call for the community and the nation, shedding light on the systemic issues of racial bias and excessive force within law enforcement."
"This is the danger of racial biases, of systemic, deeply rooted racism."
"We see children of color as older than they are."
"Missing White Woman Syndrome, the term coined by the late and great Gwen Ifill."
"For many people, I don't think that they think that they're racist, but they fail to recognize that the system is still pretty racist."
"The Equal Justice Initiative believes that racial bias remains a serious problem and is a direct and lasting legacy of American slavery."
"When a black man says exactly the same thing word for word, he is judged a criminal and treated like one."
"Labor market discrimination is alive and well. It affects black and Latino job applicants anywhere between 30 to 50% of the time."
"We have seen significant problems -- racial bias, uneven application of the death penalty."
"Self-report studies challenge the stereotype of black people as being more likely to offend than whites."
"He admitted that his thoughts were based in racial bias and apologized."
"There was no evidence against Mr. McMillan, no evidence except that he was an African-American man involved in an adulterous interracial affair."
"Image equity... is to deliver fair and accurate and authentic experiences that fight racial bias in our camera and imaging tools."