
Movie Experience Quotes

There are 384 quotes

"This movie is a wild ride. A wild ride. Unbelievable."
"There's something really beautiful about being in a movie theater where no one else is there so you can laugh at the inopportune moments and you can cry at parts and really feel this very fully, emotionally cathartic environment."
"This movie is nearly perfect. It's a slow burn for sure, I wanted every single second of it."
"Can you take your girl to see it and it will give you an excuse to hold each other's hand?"
"I didn't know that I was gonna cry. What a good movie."
"That was the most fun I've had in a movie theater all year."
"I really liked it and I felt this way about a movie probably since 'Under the Skin.'"
"Everyone was like like literally you know when she does the force blow through spent run goes what and when the movie was over no one everyone's kind of got up and what started walking out like no one was excited it was it was hilarious laughing."
"Even movies like 'The Mummy' looked perfection, especially Rachel Vice's skin."
"There's never been a Schwarzenegger movie that I have not enjoyed watching."
"I loved it. It was so whimsical and silly and fun. It was beautiful. I had a good time."
"You become a part of this movie almost, you know, live your own Star Wars adventure."
"This movie hit so hard I was supposed to watch a movie after it but I just felt the need to sit with the story."
"Honestly, I left the movie theater with absolutely no idea what I'd just seen."
"Yeah, I would, yeah, I mean, I honestly left feeling like I don't need to see another superhero movie because they won't be better."
"I can hear the shouts now as everybody slowly making their way to head inside I think that no one is gonna walk out disappointed at all this is such an incredible movie everyone is gonna get what they want out of it."
"I enjoyed my experience watching this movie overall."
"This movie is super intense and suspenseful."
"This is a movie where you feel like absolutely anything could happen."
"You go to the movie first, you watch the movie together, you laugh together, you have some jump scares together."
"I think all in all, Jurassic World Dominion really did deliver a Jurassic Park experience that we hadn't seen before."
"Bring some hankies or tissues. You're gonna maybe sob like I did, probably sob like I didn't."
"The first time I was very spoiler free, and I really enjoyed the film."
"This movie blew me away, I was on the edge of my seat for a two hour and 20 minute movie that flew by."
"It's not just about the film. It's about the quality of the experience."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home, a fun movie that doesn't necessarily need to be watched in the theater."
"I don't know what happened there, but I was so terrified like I was already terrified because of the movie But but god damn it. It doesn't have to also be in real life. You know what I'm saying?"
"Dark of the Moon does offer a truly epic blockbuster experience."
"Pennsylvania will be lean Republican so there's a few States left here I want to get to actually."
"That's the end of Holiday Hell. This was sort of like holiday hell for me. I sort of felt like I've been in holiday hell ever since this movie started and I'm really sad that I watched it."
"I wish that I hadn't seen it because when I saw it in theaters these little extended scares would have been far more effective."
"The movie was so good that grown ass people at the end of the movie were cursing and upset that it ended the way it did."
"As long as you come out of a movie having had that experience, that's all that counts."
"I guarantee you almost 90 percent of you are going to finish this movie and go, 'I'm glad I saw it but I ain't watching that again.'"
"Once you left the cinema, well those Horrors could stay there and you could go on your merry way."
"If you've ever gotten a little high, muted a kung fu movie and provided the dialogue with your friends, then this movie is for you."
"I've never seen a movie that hits me the way Koko hit me."
"Damn, we starting early. Hulk been ruining everything already, this is the movie just started, you ruined it already."
"The creep factor on this one is definitely going to get you."
"God, when I saw this in the theater I was like, 'oh I see what you've done here.'"
"It's when the audience is so enraptured with us what's going on on screen that we just react with the movie."
"Let's say your friend and you decided to go see a movie and, after the movie, your friend said, 'Oh, that was a great movie. I really liked it.' You could say, 'Oh, for sure. I liked it too.'"
"It's a three-hour movie, but you don't feel it."
"If you're just a casual viewer who's seen some of the movies mostly just the avenger core stuff, you're not a big fan of some of the characters then this is not going to be a very emotional movie for you but it is going to be a fun movie."
"Movies nowadays, a lot of them, I don't even notice the score. But this, it's so perfect."
"A movie where you can cry, laugh, you know, just have a lot of emotions to it."
"I have never laughed harder or longer or as consistently over the years at any one single moment in a movie in my life than that one."
"I don't mind spending money on a movie, but I don't like the idea of dropping 30 bucks and not getting a theatrical experience."
"I watched it twice because honestly it's because it's so real."
"Imagine your life changing so fast to the point that you can retire comfortably and never work again a day in your life."
"I just saw 'No Way Home' Thursday afternoon, blew my mind. I thought it was strange that they showed the first Morbius from two years ago and not the newest one before the movie."
"I felt like such an idiot leaving this movie with this giant memorable feel."
"If you can go in and get some popcorn, it's just something about movie theater popcorn unless it's hot, it doesn't taste that good to me."
"But to be honest, and this is no fault of the movies, I find the more we get closer to it, all of the arguing and off-camera drama and the fan spatting and all this stuff, honestly, is turning me off."
"Movies are experiential events, and if I walk out of the movie with a great experience, that's all that really matters to me, and I had a great experience."
"Within five minutes of this movie starting you could feel it."
"Nothing matters. You're watching a movie, put popcorn in your mouth and the end."
"I loved every second of this movie... I found myself clapping my hands a couple of times throughout the thing, feeling really excited." - John Campea
"It definitely kept me on the edge of my seat."
"It's a movie where you buy a big popcorn and enjoy yourself."
"This is a movie, I've said it 15 million times, this is basically like watching a movie."
"You could either just sit there and watch us watch a movie and shoot the [ __ ] and react to what we're seeing or you can go ahead and rent the movie and then we're gonna do a countdown on the live stream so we can all press play at the same time."
"The payoff at the end of the movie with the mothership was worth it."
"This movie is a marvelous wonderful experience at the movies and I think people are dying for this and they're going to go again."
"If somebody who was considering therapy came to you and said I'm considering therapy, what would you say? Do it. Yes, I highly recommend."
"I think [the communal movie experience] always will be [important]."
"Violence Voyager, it's like a fever dream, the pieces don't make sense."
"It was like coming downstairs this morning and watching a blockbuster movie."
"The movie was amazing, I definitely teared up a few times."
"Just got tickets to see The Flash with my husband."
"I also really love when a movie is a totally different experience the second time you watch it and this is one of those movies that you're gonna want to watch twice."
"It definitely caught me by surprise I went in there with no expectations really neither high nor low but I was intrigued by the idea of Patrick Stewart being a bad guy in this movie."
"'Old' is the type of movie that you gather a bunch of your friends together to hate-watch."
"I want these Marvel films to make me go, 'That was amazing, it was different, it was cool.'"
"It feels like anything can happen in this movie and that's what you call fun."
"Sometimes it does drag a little bit and maybe sometimes feels a little bit boring but you've just gotta stick it through and you'll be happy you got through the Amityville Horror by the end of the movie."
"This movie will piss you off, it's kind of guaranteed fun."
"I recommend everyone travel alone at some point in your life."
"I thought the movie was wrapping up, but then I realized there's another half hour left."
"I mean, we all wanted that. And when you not... if you're going to not go to school, the way Ferris Bueller takes Sloan and Cameron around Chicago and just has a... it's just a life-affirming, very buoyant, very fun movie."
"I woke up ready to hate this movie, but I just can't quite feel the dark side in my heart for this."
"Moms be like 'I'll take you to see Aquaman' now this happened organically."
"I gotta feel like I got hit by a [ __ ] bus. I cried so hard in that theater."
"Soul to me, what if it resonates the way say up does... I think Soul is going to be one of the better movie-going experiences of 2020."
"When an entire auditorium goes dead silent for the duration of an entire movie, that's special."
"But I have this exact same reaction for like two hours afterwards, I'm just like."
"The movie was bad, but the experience was fun."
"The best part of the movie is right before it starts."
"I loved it, it was one of the greatest popcorn films you could possibly see." - Jon Schnepp
"One of the best third acts of the movies that I've watched up to this point."
"Just see this wacky what the fuck Hollywood shit in the theater, do it."
"These movies are driven on emotion and heart by how they make us feel and it's why years later when I've sat down to watch them again for the first time in a long while I was still reduced to tears."
"It almost feels like an 80s action movie so far and I've got to say I like what I see."
"Watch it in the dark, get scared as hell, and when it's done be left with that feeling that you might have permanently damaged your soul. How's that for an endorsement?"
"I'm sitting there jumping up and I'm hyped the whole movie and then y'all just bring me down to earth I'm like I don't I don't want this."
"I went and saw Kiss Kiss Bang Bang for the first time. You could just tell that movie was gonna be something I wanted to see."
"I will rent out an entire movie theater just so we can all experience this this scene right here in beautiful 16 K I need to be in a theater I need to experience this the way that the cinematographer intended me to see it."
"Die Hard is a movie that you could watch today for the very first time and be just as impacted by it as somebody who watched it for the first time thirty years ago."
"If the movie makes you feel good, it makes you feel good."
"Avengers Endgame is entertaining from beginning to end, tears, laughter, cheering, a lot of cheering." - Wendy Lee
"That movie was awesome and I will admit I was wrong."
"You'll remember where you were you'll be telling your grandchildren where you were when this movie came out"
"It may have been a failed attempt but it was still a movie made with heart and passion and sometimes when watching it now a part of me still finds the joy that it gave me as a kid."
"This movie is an emotional roller coaster yeah man."
"I highly recommend you go out and see it. Really good lines."
"There's something magical about the moment when the lights turn off, the intro is done, and you hear like some people drinking eating their popcorn like right before the movie starts and the whole theater is silent."
"This movie genuinely brought such happiness to me and made me feel so good."
"This movie feels like the feeling you get when you're with family and friends and everybody is making jokes one after the other."
"I knew a movie was good when my dad didn't fall asleep in it."
"We're halfway into the movie through a whole discography."
"It's like Jaws except with alligators and so it's them trying to get out this crawl space with these alligators in there and slowly the water levels rising. It was crazy and I loved it."
"A Ghost Story - It was one of the most emotional experiences I had at the theater last year."
"I was the fans in the audience watching me on the screen for the first time with like the three the three spider-man across universes are sharing a frame together and like your hair your little head just explodes."
"I feel like this is the first film where I felt like I was inside the film instead of watching it."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home is one of my all-time favorite movies now, timeless watch."
"I still have yet to recover from this movie, I bought tickets to see it again."
"This is a movie that I want to go into the theater, I want to be scared out of my mind, I want to scream, I want to yelp, I want other people to scream, I want people cheering."
"I like when I heard that, I was like, 'Corny, dude, this is so good. I'm in the theater, I'm like, oh my god, they'll be throwing hands.'"
"I walked in expecting a movie for 13-somethings and walked out feeling challenged and satisfied."
"I went in clean, yeah, and I went in and enjoyed the movie like I said I cried I laugh I cheered I cheered and nobody was cheering around me and I went oh yes because there are moments that got me in my Star Wars ever-loving heart."
"Sitting there we're drinking wine, we went he got tickets to see the uh with a sneak peek of the Irishman and I was like this is a happy [ __ ] this is a [ __ ] happy guy."
"It definitely feels like a movie to watch again... satisfying to capture all the things that we missed."
"The drama aspect of this movie doesn't leave a dry eye in the theater or watching it."
"This is the greatest feeling ever. I get to hold it over you guys. I saw what Ethan Hunt did in Mission Impossible 7. It's [ __ ] fantastic."
"If it could have just been that I think I would have enjoyed this so much more."
"This roller coaster that this movie is doing is so good..."
"I had less than zero expectations going into this movie and it just wowed me."
"Wow, Andrew. This is the second movie we're watching together that involves monkey S#!*."
"Wow, I am really sorry if you were someone out there who got the end credit scene spoiled for you."
"I've never seen a Tyler Perry movie where I did not have fun."
"It's probably the most I have been emotionally engaged with a movie ever." - Ted
"Every time characters jumped in, people were cheering."
"I cried three times during this and just wait till you get to the end because that's when they really get you."
"I left that movie like completely satisfied and happy."
"This was just an amazing movie I'm glad I decided to check out."
"This movie was incredible, I think once he saw the DeLorean he's like, 'Alright!'"
"People in the cinema cheering and whooping, this movie did that."
"Why does it feel like it's a different movie all the sudden there was three credited ID directors, I didn't say anything in the yet see this, no this is."
"From the minute the movie started, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much."
"We're literally watching a Sonic movie with you guys right here."
"It might be the best double feature in recent memory because you can get really scared and tense, then you can just let all that emotion out with Blockers."
"It's perfect, it's one of the best uses of a film soundtrack."
"I actually cried a couple of times, I got weepy a couple of times during the 13-minute preview and I just thought it was really, really exciting."
"I just watched it and I was like okay then I got to the end and I was just like bawling and it was very cathartic."
"I woke up and I didn't want to move but once I got into the theater and Star was playing I was like hmm I'm happy."
"That ending is why I paid to see this movie in theaters three times."
"I walked out of that movie on opening weekend in a date of absolute certainty."
"It wasn't at all the voice we were expecting from him and then it became one of my favorite voices in the movie."
"Back to the Future... most fun cinematic experience you can possibly have."
"It may not be a good ride but it's definitely a fun one with the Right audience."
"Would you like to know what the end of the movie is before the ending happens?"
"When the ending credits started to roll, I was left with so many emotions: joy, sadness, and even emptiness to a certain degree."
"Every time I've been to the movie theater in Vancouver and not gotten the popcorn I have left disappointed."
"Give me a good experience, and I don't give two squirts of piss whether it's as good as another movie."
"This movie delivered everything that I wanted and even more."
"It's like watching a movie with that horrible little twat who tells you everything."
"There is nothing I enjoy more as a movie fan than watching a movie I love with somebody who's never seen it yet."
"It completely blew my mind, especially when it went from black and white to color."
"The tension in the movie was heavy. My heart was racing."
"I had a great time with them and as bad as the rest of the movie got part of me feels like it was all worth it for that very last shot."
"I already know I'm going to freaking cry like 10 times."
"I felt really happy during that movie."
"This movie can be so many things. It can be a simple night out with the girls to giggle and see some sexy actors sing some tunes."
"This movie brought tears and brought laughter and smiles."
"It works as a movie and sure there's some fun parts."
"It's funny though, whatever gets us out of the theater faster."
"It's a movie that simply happens. You experience it and then you forget everything about the movie."
"Dune was beautiful. It wasn't even a movie for me, it felt like it was more of an experience."
"The flying and the sounds... oh the sound would have been amazing incredible in the theater absolutely incredible."
"I walked out of this movie feeling like I could uppercut a [ __ ] bear"
"Sometimes a movie, it has, you know, directing, performances, dialogue, story, all those things work so seamlessly and effortlessly together that I notice none of it and I lose myself in the experience. And that was this."
"I saw it in the cinema and you know NE Marshall movies I set myself up to have a good time and that's usually what I get."
"There was something that was refreshing about this feeling like such a standalone experience that I enjoyed this more than most of the comic book films this year."
"Why is genre so important? Well, think of your own moviegoing experiences."
"I'm so glad I didn't know anything about this movie coming in. I feel like that made it so much better."
"I love being able to go into a movie not having any idea what the hell we were watching because we went in with zero expectation."
"If Steven Spielberg met someone who has never seen Jaws, right? How great would it be to say, 'Come with?' Oh my God, and watch Jaws for your first time? Yeah, I'd love to see your reaction."
"When you just watch a really good movie, and afterwards you're just like, I don't know what to do with life anymore right now."
"But my God, the idea of sleep-deprived Dave at this... about a half-hour into this movie, I haven't slept more than 20 minutes a sit in the last week. Do it, but you ain't going to get any sleep in that [__] movie theater."
"I love attending the movie where my cheeks hurt from smiling so much, and I feel like this is gonna be one of those movies."
"Godzilla: King of the Monsters is one of the best Dolby Atmos experiences I've had at home."
"In your first viewing of The Shawshank Redemption, I think it's impossible not to cry, not to laugh, not to smile."
"I didn't feel like it was a movie. I was in there with them, solving them."
"It's just it takes you that extra step toward being utterly transported. I love it as a moviegoer and of course I always strive for it as a director."
"One of my biggest concerns that this is going to be too cg heavy and there's gonna be like alright I'm a gamer I'm used to seeing you know CG and playing it this way and this way and that way but it's so seamless in this movie you really can't tell."
"When you see a movie and you realize it's a movie, do you stop seeing a movie? No."
"I swear I didn't breathe the entire movie. I was just like so like nervous."
"You leave the theater still constantly thinking about the movie."
"It's a movie that shocked and surprised me at every single turn which is an experience that I rarely if ever have."
"I found myself valuing movie experiences much more this year that made some kind of emotional impact on me or made some kind of an impact in getting me to think and having something that stuck with me in some way."
"For like, I remembered mostly the Ben Stiller stuff. So, when I watched this the other day, it felt like I was watching it for like, the first time really."
"It's been great. I've really loved these movies. There isn't one that I've been disappointed in, like regardless of how long they are because I get fidgety after like an hour but these have been great."
"It felt good to laugh at a movie and have a good time."
"I won't remember this movie in 20 years I won't even remember it tomorrow in fact but I had a blast watching it 1,000% would watch it again."
"That's the fun aspect of going to the movies to just watch a big spectacle."
"I was telling you that I went to go see 'Honor for Jesus' in the movies, and I haven't been to the movie theater since before the pandemic, so it was a great experience to go. And for that to be like the first movie I went back to see, it felt good."
"Nearly everyone who saw a Jurassic Park in theaters can recall with remarkable detail how they felt watching a giant and graceful CGI Brachiosaurus walk across a 15 plus meter screen."
"I'm exhausted watching this movie, not because I hated it or anything, not because I felt this movie was dragging on, but because of just how epic this movie is."
"If you want to give the audience an entertaining movie experience, take them for a ride on the emotional roller coaster."
"The stakes are so high in this movie, I am sweating."