
Unease Quotes

There are 718 quotes

"That doesn't sit right with me, the fact that we just saw that. It gives me a really weird feeling."
"Smiling mouths full of teeth and meat, plastic, watching, and waiting patiently."
"When looking at someone causes your gut to cramp with unease, it's a signal to pay attention to your intuition."
"This place is oddly magical, but not the good kind of magic, you know."
"Portal incorporates a locked cell, countdown, ironic music, safety glass, and a glitchy sarcastic robot, combining for a sense of unease."
"Although the forest always creeps me out, that night was worse than usual. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching me."
"You can still sense that something is wrong, like there's something that just doesn't belong."
"The distorted soundscape and striking visuals create an uneasy feeling."
"A sensation which had accompanied him for days."
"There's just something unsettling about the idea of something being covered up right underneath your feet."
"Everyone can sense that something is not right."
"The film's atmosphere is one that contrasts romanticism with unease."
"What the hell, bro, like literally it's boarded up all the way around, there's cameras everywhere, yeah, there's cameras, they're wired, they're probably watching us honestly."
"I saw some weird cracks in the tiles above the kitchen counter... Now I was definitely creeped out."
"The more you play, the more things start to seem subtly off."
"Can't shake that silly pre-Enron pre-911 pre-Worldcom feeling."
"There's a palpable fear in America that I haven't felt before."
"This is the exact same case I used to have um and this cooler is the exact same cooler I used to have. This is actually really really creepy."
"Always feels like something's watching me in here."
"Living in that area my whole life, I've always heard birds and animals in our campsite. It was just oddly silent."
"Old medical equipment just gives you bad vibes, bro."
"This is a game that wants to scare you or at the very least make you incredibly uneasy."
"There are supernatural miracles that are beginning to happen everywhere."
"This experience has stuck with me. I still can't think of a rational or non-menacing reason why the guy was out there that night."
"I keep getting really strange vibes from this building."
"Something does not feel right, and you know it."
"Why is James Lewis parked behind a delivery van like watching us and then the delivery van pulled away so he was still sitting there in his car like in plain sight."
"Altitude strange because you have this sinking feeling."
"I posed as a buyer looking for the birds but a manager was clearly unsettled."
"Have you ever just got a worrying feeling from an object without really knowing why?"
"The design here is so simple yet so unnerving at the same time."
"The possible existence of extraterrestrial beings is a concept that's both fascinating and slightly creepy."
"By then, the Shermans were starting to suspect that something wasn't quite right about the property."
"It's a little spooky when you think about it."
"I never felt like this before and it was just something about the woods in my house that made me feel uncomfortable."
"Something wasn't right from the moment we arrived."
"Something doesn't make sense to me. Something doesn't feel right."
"Something keeps testing the door, rattling the knob."
"Videos like this remind us why these animals can spark a profound unease in some people."
"Feels like I'm watching something I shouldn't be watching."
"The school is actually kind of creepy as well."
"Everything regarding this Joe situation doesn't sit well with me."
"There was something not right with the situation."
"Cruise-ship incidents like this make me so incredibly unsettled."
"Something is just not quite right here, like a glitch in The Matrix."
"This place is creepy, this is creeper doing."
"Drones allow us to see things from a whole new perspective, including stuff we could never see before, and honestly not all of it is comforting. In fact, some of it's downright frightening."
"There's something strange going on here, something inhuman."
"Something just was really not right about that place."
"There's something strange, something peculiar that I feel is about to take place."
"Yo, why am I getting on edge right now, something feels really wrong about this."
"This really is starting to get very messed up."
"This is crazy, it's almost going too well. I don't like it."
"There's just something about it that is off and it's not sitting right and my gut's telling me that there's some sort of red flag present here."
"The board got every damn question correct, and that's when I started to feel a bit uneasy."
"Elon Musk's talk about AI, it's kind of creepy."
"The dark mirror is said to show some pretty unsettling images when you stare into it."
"This feeling intensified until I got to my car."
"There's something out there that sort of gnaws at them. It just sort of hangs in there."
"I feel sad, and there's this feeling in the pit of my stomach like something's not right."
"The creepy part was that he grinned at me and made his way towards me."
"Ever got the feeling that some things felt off after bringing in a new or sometimes antique object to your home."
"The media propagating this idea of Biden as a messiah is really creepy."
"Something feels very disturbing, Truman Show vibes."
"Something's not right and you can you can smell it."
"Something ain't right, that's what hits me. Goosebumps check, hair standing up like I've got a live wire under my hat, double check."
"The feeling of wrongness is the thing that bothers me the most."
"There was just something unnatural and ominous."
"People around the world are feeling that something is just off."
"It was deeply unsettling, but clearly, whatever disturbed hands had carved it had done so with incredible skill and finesse."
"He walked the seven miles home, unnerved and perplexed."
"I'm usually pretty rational and level-headed, but the further we went in, the more I was overcome with an uneasy feeling."
"Exhausted from the long day, Taejun couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right."
"It's getting dark, it's like you can feel the... it's just weird, a very subtle like shadowy feel to the whole atmosphere right now."
"I'm also armed, so for it to bug me at this level was just unsettling and highly unusual."
"I had that weird feeling that someone was watching me."
"Every aspect of the movie feeds into this core principle, providing the most genuine unease that could keep even a horror fanatic in suspense."
"There's something not right in this town."
"It was an odd night and I don't think either of us have slept well."
"It's a feeling more than anything, something is off."
"I'm uncomfortable with this; this is weird."
"I felt eyes on me, a feeling I had never even felt before."
"I felt fear suddenly, like when you're alone in the dark in your house and you run to your room for no good reason."
"There was a feeling of wrongness about the whole thing that's hard to describe."
"I've never had any place give me the heebie-jeebies like this place does."
"It was just a silhouette, but something about the way it was shaped just felt wrong."
"With most of our battle damage repaired, we're almost home. Yet, I feel uneasy."
"I felt as if I was being watched by some sinister presence."
"The prints were definitely from a deer. What made me feel uneasy was the zigzag pattern of the footprints, which were strikingly similar to the way a human walks."
"Super crazy, creepy, weird, unexplainable."
"I always kind of felt uneasy about that bedroom for some reason."
"I felt strangely light-headed, and the hairs on my arms rose up. I had an intense feeling of being watched."
"I don't like this," I finally muttered. "Something feels off."
"Every time I step over here, I start to feel kind of scared and uneasy just in this area over here."
"I suddenly felt as if someone was behind me watching me."
"It made me pause, flicker of unease threading through me."
"This is not sitting well with them."
"I'm literally scared still thinking about how weird this thing is bro like especially the mimics like don't let me see one."
"There’s something inexplicably scary about them, something about the way the pipes creak and the sound of the house settling."
"It's got such a weird feeling. I definitely don't think we're alone."
"Something touched me, something just touched me. What the hell was that?"
"Yo, something just touched me, did you guys get touched? I got touched, something just touched me on my neck."
"I'm starting to feel really weird in here."
"This is freaking creepy, man. Oh, my God."
"However to this day I swear that I heard scratching and Whispering from 3 am on to the morning."
"I feel very uncomfortable in here."
"I felt very uncomfortable with that."
"A shiver goes down your spine, you can't quite place it but something's wrong."
"I felt like I wanted to crawl out of my skin like that was the worst feeling I felt in a very long time."
"I just felt so uncomfortable laying in my skin I wanted to peel it off and put it on the counter."
"My father noticed that Giselle had been clinging to his arm very tightly ever since they entered the front gate and had been glancing around with clear unease."
"I always felt watched in there, it was a constant feeling that remained until I got into my car to leave for the night."
"That encounter, despite the fact nothing happened, has unsettled me ever so slightly."
"As he's talking, I start to feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up for no reason."
"...so whoever was in my host's house watching me, please let's never meet."
"...it was actually really creepy and like for the first time in forever, it actually scared me a little bit."
"It certainly left me with a lingering sense of dread."
"Hearing and seeing it open in the night was incredibly unnerving."
"Something was off, the birds that usually sang were quiet, even the wind seemed to be silenced."
"...a sense of unease started to creep in."
"It felt really weird, like that feeling you get when you're frightened and there's no reason to be paranoid but you still are."
"I kept it. I don't know why I kept it. It just gives me creeps just even thinking about it."
"I always made it a habit not to sit on that couch because the constant feeling of being watched unnerved me slightly."
"I don't know what was going on there but the whole time it gave me the creepiest vibe I've ever gotten"
"A sense of unease settled over us like a thick fog"
"I stepped to the side, and when no one passed me, I turned around to see if he actually just needed something, but there was no one there."
"I feel kind of scared. Kind of scary."
"Someone's a bit tetchy today. Yeah, I'm not sure what it is. I have been feeling rather uneasy lately and I can't figure out why."
"literally everything about this transformation just feels a little bit off"
"The weight of it all manifested itself as an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach."
"That's just creepy to me, man. Creepy."
"I couldn't ignore it. The lights were still flickering, my body still felt as if it were full of pins and needles, and the breathing was still there."
"Thankfully the break on the left was further up and that stare was back, vacant but intense with a creepy half-smile."
"The second I did, I could not shake the feeling of being watched."
"There's nothing about this that calms me down."
"There's something evil in my apartment."
"This thing didn't feel right. It didn't feel like it was just a person messing around. It felt... I remember at the time it really, really got to me."
"You feel like there's something fundamentally wrong right now."
"I've never forgotten this incident or that man, whoever he was. During the walk, I never saw anyone, but I have never been more terrified walking alone at night."
"I'm already getting weird feelings like I've got this tingling feeling on the back of my neck earlier when I walked in to the corridor I felt like something touched my neck"
"I was thoroughly creeped out and decided to take the stairs to my apartment on the ninth floor."
"This is the most sketchy setup I've ever been in my life."
"There was something in her tone, something in the almost cruel humor with which she spoke my name that made me stir uneasily."
"That sense of unease... every sense I had told me that this is unnatural stillness, this unthinkable emptiness."
"Turning things over in my mind," said Mr. Pck, "I felt more and more uneasy."
"The town looked like something straight out of a fairy tale, and yet the whole scene made Jacob feel nervous."
"That was spooky, I didn't like that."
"Something about that sound immediately put me ill at ease."
"But I gotta say, it's really strange not seeing water on the big drop, there's just something kind of uneasy about it, isn't there?"
"...the way they said this was so grounded, and there is so much mystery and hopelessness involved in this world, and the imagery itself is just so crazy, that, yeah, this is, this actually did kind of just make me feel uneasy and did terrify me, man."
"I keep feeling like there's someone behind me."
"...it was watching me it did not want me there"
"It felt like there were eyes like right next to me, like something was right next to me."
"Doors opening and closing on their own, near-constant electrical malfunctions, and the feeling of being watched, followed, or even touched by something unseen."
"Everything seems off without Claire here, and I've experienced a sense of mounting dread since I woke up."
"I've never felt jittery on the Keaton's property at night but I do now."
"What the hell is this, like, okay, well, I don't know why, but I feel like something really, really strange is going on right now."
"Cersei recalled suddenly. It was a disquieting thought."
"The unsettling movement and twisting of bodies."
"I'm crawling out of my skin, bro. I'm crawling out of my skin."
"For a few months afterward I continuously felt like I was being watched."
"...and I had the oddest feeling in my stomach as though I was standing on the edge of a great drop."
"'Yuya felt compelled to return it, this situation made him uneasy.'"
"That's creepy, I ain't trying to have no bed and breakfast there."
"Oh my god like uneasy just thinking about it and I didn't even I wasn't there."
"It felt like we were being watched."
"The fact that he looked exactly like my dad and turned back exactly when I turned back was unsettling."
"It was as if the air had become heavy and oppressive. Even though I was a kid, I knew that something strange was happening and it terrified me."
"Then I start seeing mattresses, not like one random mattress, lots of them all over the place, and they are dirty and have dark stains on them."
"I was shaking to my core. I felt something or someone look at me as I laid in bed."
"The gnawing sensation of something being amiss intensified."
"This still makes me shudder whenever I think about it."
"It was sort of a sickish sensation."
"...I remember getting really, really uncomfortable."
"Every time I played it back the noises were too faint to be picked up."
"It feels like something unspeakable happened there."
"I still had to stay in that house for the next three days nothing else odd happened and I didn't feel that."
"Something was off and very eerie."
"I couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong with him, like he wasn't entirely human."
"I picked up the bill and held it closer, trying to make sense of it. But the longer I looked at it, the more unsettled I felt."
"It was so peaceful, but that unsettling sound of footsteps in the snow outside returned."
"The movement had attracted what I could only describe as a thousand invisible eyes which all turned in unison as they noticed me."
"I kept checking behind me every few seconds, and that man was still standing there."
"Despite Hank's dismissive attitude, I couldn't shake off my unease."
"I was starting to get creeped out. I told my sister maybe we should try going into a completely different part of the store."
"The feeling to me was just unease, that feeling of being watched."
"It was a pretty unnerving and bizarre experience for sure."
"Sunday I saw a large black figure slip along the ceiling after my husband as he walked out of the room."
"I feel like a lot but it makes me uncomfortable."
"You ever wake up with a sense of wrongness? I'm talking about that tingle at the base of your spine, a ghostly finger tracing the vertebrae."
"I feel uneasy and an overwhelming sense of dread but I do not feel like I need to relocate at the moment since I feel like I'm strong enough to fight whatever this thing may be."
"It was just a really creepy situation to be in, laying there in the dark."
"I couldn't help but feel like the darkness had engulfed my vehicle was a little too thick."
"I'm not sure what it is but I feel like something doesn't want us here."
"So obviously that is just some real cause for concern."
"Jen felt off, she thought she was hearing twigs snap behind her."
"There was something off about him."
"...the sense of foreboding returned stronger than before."
"I was thoroughly creeped out and my boyfriend told me I needed to show someone."
"The maid's room was the last room in the house, next to the laundry room and the kitchen area. Since the first day of moving in, I got a cold vibe whenever I looked at the dim corridor leading to the maid's room."