
Euphoria Quotes

There are 833 quotes

"Sweating helps flush out heavy metals and other toxins, and the infrared heat elevates your heart rate while relaxing, which releases endorphins and can leave you feeling euphoric after your session."
"That feeling of satisfaction is just like euphoric."
"The entire song is a euphoric feeling of like uh like the vibe is incredible here."
"I literally felt like what it feels like to win the lottery because it literally felt like that. It was like the most insane high I've ever felt in my life."
"When we rise to the occasion, there's a level of euphoric response, a reaction that can be defined as rewarding."
"So, ASMR signifies the subjective experience of low-grade euphoria characterized by a combination of positive feelings and distinct static-like tingling sensations on the skin."
"I remember when I first learned about Buddhism and the laws of the universe, my mind was on such a high, and I just felt so euphoric."
"The euphoric moment when everything clicks and you complete the encounter is so triumphant."
"The flooding of serotonin causes this euphoria, makes people feel better, getting them out of that depression for that momentary period of time."
"That moment right there was better and bigger than any rush any high any moment I've really ever had."
"It was just such a euphoric utopia, it was unbelievable what that felt like and I'll probably never have that feeling again for the rest of my life."
"There's a sense of speed, there's almost a euphoria of speed that you just can't get in any other vehicle." - David Edwards
"Finding a way to feel comfortable and euphoric in ways that works best for you."
"Everybody wanting to be in a euphoria and, you know, a pleasant experience."
"Accept ecstasy, bliss, and belief; embrace the euphoria awaiting you."
"They enjoy it you know it's like there's something like the same sort of hit people high people get off of like a hit of cocaine or meth or whatever their drug of choices."
"It's like an unreal feeling that you just have to experience once in your life. It's amazing."
"Some nights you will feel like there's a thousand galaxies exploding in every inch of you."
"This connection is deeply spiritual and feels euphoric."
"Car of the year first place. I hope I have died and that driving this car is the afterlife because nothing could be closer to heaven."
"It was euphoric, simply put it was euphoric."
"Magic mushrooms are the nickname because psychologically, the experience feels magical."
"This is nuts dude I can't I like I'm so happy I just said hype and happy and the same thing."
"I sold some things... the market's been somewhat euphoric."
"I just died and went to heaven. That is delicious."
"Oh my god it feels amazing... that feeling lasts forever."
"So it's like there's this flash and then suddenly everything works the way it's supposed to. You're talking to people, the ideas are going, you're productive, you're focused, you're witty, you're having a good time, you're feeling good."
"It feels like this crazy combination or smoothie of golden elixir that you're drinking."
"It's just like an unbeatable feeling, you know? It's like an unbeatable feeling."
"I'll never forget the Liberation that I felt. Oh my God, I'll never forget. I was like high for like two months. It felt like because I experienced so low that like when I felt normal or above holy [ __ ] like it was just like freedom, freedom."
"This is insane, dude. She's running, this is wild."
"There is something about the air on Halloween night... it's nostalgic and can almost give you a euphoric feeling."
"It was such a euphoria of like my whole life compounded into this one accomplishment."
"It was like scoring a touchdown, it was like winning the NBA championship, it was like sleeping with the girl of your dreams and looking in the mirror like Christian Bale in American Psycho."
"I think couples have a fallout a lot of the time because you get this euphoric high from the beginnings of a relationship."
"Absolute contentment, happiness to the highest level, having reached a level of euphoria where you feel like you are flung into the heavens."
"You cannot look at candles like the one we had last night and not feel euphoric... but this euphoria is going to lead to dumb decisions."
"Everything is perfect. You feel floaty and full of energy. You see beautiful shiny lights and you feel connected to everyone."
"And then on New Year's when I took the drugs, I felt great."
"They feel euphoria, knowing that your connection is fated."
"There's joy, and then there's Euphoria which is like joy to the 10th power."
"Hey, you know, some of these blow off tops, they create a lot of euphoria."
"It was cool because it was on camera and I wouldn't have remembered, I'm literally like, yeah, it was like euphoria time to the max of like literally it was that moment in life."
"Feelings of euphoria may awaken as we realize we've set ourselves free from the past."
"Our money-making is at its peak and my goodness is it incredible."
"It was the most euphoric experience I think I've ever had in my life."
"The euphoria in the market is the craziest thing I've ever seen in my career."
"Among the potential positive effects are dissociation, euphoria, anxiolysis, mood lift, sedation, analgesia, laughter, and a dream-like state."
"This is the coolest shit that's ever happened."
"It was like I had been waiting for that moment my whole life, euphoria, complete euphoria."
"I love it, just imagine me running around topless, just going crazy."
"It was pure ecstasy, you can feel one with nature and on top of the world."
"I feel so happy, my brain's getting fried bro, like some french fries bro."
"Chevrolet was the first manufacturer to introduce a mass-market affordable long-range EV."
"There's no high like the feeling of winning. The feeling of victory."
"The XRP advance hits euphoria with Stellar XLM following suit."
"You're kind of on top of your game right now and you're feeling kind of on top of the world."
"I have this feeling of euphoria right now I'm so happy to be here I don't know about you guys but I'm happy to be here."
"Undeniably, cardio just makes me feel great—literally euphoric."
"I will forever fast because it gives me that sense of euphoria that I've never had before in my life."
"Cocaine makes you happy, excited, wide awake, and confident. It can also make your heartbeat faster and raise your body temperature."
"Let's pack the drag away, you take the luncheon to you, I'll take the ecstasy."
"Having seen it happen through the lens and knowing that you were getting those photos that you were dreaming of was one of the most euphoric experiences I've had ever."
"They feel this intense obsession, all these fantasies, this euphoria, they feel intoxicated by this connection and this love."
"I just felt such a sense of euphoria... even though my baby had passed away."
"I have died and gone to heaven, there's even a sign that says seeds."
"It's that almost like euphoric feeling and I forgot about that, that travel does that to me where you're just like you realize how small your problems are."
"Euphoria, a feeling of well-being or elation."
"I must have died and gone to heaven."
"I am high off life, can't nobody tell me nothing."
"I never felt better... I feel almost euphoric."
"I feel euphoric, oh, I feel great, what is happening to me? I feel great, oh, I love everybody."
"I am on Cloud Nine because I've had the most amazing day."
"And every time we kiss, I swear I can fly."
"It felt like the world was lifted."
"The system congratulates him for completing a training that surpasses his limits."
"It just feels so good, it's euphoric really."
"Euphoria now a feeling of well-being or elation."
"The runner's high is better than sex and it even lasts."
"When everything's going great, it's top of the world; it's a great feeling."
"I feel alive, that's the high I need."
"This is the greatest moment of my life."
"You are coming through as being quite euphoric to your person."
"I feel good, it ought to be a crime just to feel this good."
"I feel like I am riding on a cloud."
"I feel so like glowy and blushy and stun."
"This feels too good to be true, like pinch me."
"When you win, it's like enlightenment, you know, and you feel this euphoria."
"I'm so grateful, honestly, I'm on cloud nine."
"It's like rapturous, it's like intense pleasure, it's euphoric, it's soulful, it's everything."
"The simple act of donning the dress fills Esther with a euphoric sensation, as if she's floating on air."
"I feel like I'm living in a dream right now."
"Undescribable feeling, you just feel like you're on top of the world."
"That feeling when you are in love with life or another person or nature or spring or whatever, that is where you are dancing inside and bubbling over."
"It felt like days upon days of walking and finding absolutely nothing before the drug's sense of euphoria wore off and I collapsed onto the ground."
"It was so euphoric and such an incredible moment."
"Feeling the transformation, it feels so goddamn good."
"I'm so happy I went to the gym. It's like the best euphoric feeling once you finish your workout."
"You probably feel like that all the time just living up there or just like being in heaven, damn."
"I trusted him and I went further into the light and this resulted in me feeling more and more euphoric."
"Wow, I'm on top of the world now."
"Another album highlight, Awaiting on You All, is just euphoric jubilation and simply impossible to resist."
"What's gotten into you? I don't know, but it sure feels great."
"What a feeling that is, the rush of endorphins to your head."
"I feel great, man. I feel like I honestly like doesn't even feel like there's anything on me right now."
"It's like going to heaven, coming back, going to heaven, coming back."
"It was crazy high on life in that moment. It's a lot to take in."
"Oh, bliss bliss and Heaven! Oh, it was gorgeousness and gorgeousity made flesh."
"I felt waves of euphoria passing through my body."
"I've never felt so high in my life."
"That moment is the most euphoric moment in sports. It's the moment when you know you just want a title."
"That was honestly heaven, heaven on Earth."
"This connection may have you feeling like you're on top of the world. The vibes are so high that you may even feel like the luckiest person in the world."
"It was the best feeling I could ever describe."
"Absolute freedom. It was the best feeling I've ever had."
"I love the euphoria feeling and the clarity that Frank Ocean has. It feels like he woke up on a cloud and he's just [__] flying in the sky."
"It was literally the best feeling ever. It was such a huge relief."
"I am sound like I'm high but I'm completely sober. High on life."
"My heart is pounding in the best way possible and it tends to be the default case when I am around this Majestic gift of a human."
"It's just like honestly next level, like a dream feeling."
"It's like a feeling of euphoria, like you know, like you lay with someone and you have that moment and you're like, you're like, you know, you're like a mountain range maybe, your honeymoon, your wife, and you're like, you're married and I love this moment."
"It's going down. This is such a high right now, wow."
"For me, that feeling is like something that I actively strive for in my life now. Like, the sweaty, in a group of people, euphoric, close your eyes, listen to music."
"Tell the truth. Truth gets you high. Tell the truth."
"I was also very euphoric and realized my parents were home."
"When we beat Australia it is a joy that you cannot possibly transmit or communicate to others. It is so intense it radiates your whole being and you skip on air for weeks."
"You will feel so satisfied, like you're literally floating."
"It's like bringing a little bit of heaven down to Earth."
"It was the happiest place in the universe and the Euphoria I felt just by existing and it was impossible to describe."
"Feeling good is the same as feeling god."
"I've never been so high when I get high."
"It starts stirring in you and then it's so overwhelming and euphoric that you can feel people describe it as dragon breath, it feels like you're just breathing fire and ice out, just all at once."
"Trans Joy Euphoria. Yeah, it's a likable feeling."
"There's something here about this energy where it's like it brings them to a place of straight euphoric energy right it brings them to a complete different dimension."
"Last night was crazy. You're telling me. I'm still on cloud nine."
"You're putting people into an enthusiastic state, you're making them feel euphoric."
"It hit me in the shower, and when I first thought of it, I just started laughing to myself, and it all, like, all this joy came over my body, through my soul, and I could just, I, I just felt that energy, I felt that spirit."
"It's just the best feeling, makes me feel a bit emotional, heaven on earth."
"I think I'm in heaven. I think... I didn't think it could get any better, but this is amazing. This is amazing."
"I literally felt like I was on top of the world."
"I literally felt like I was on top of the world, and speaking of travel, it seems like I had so many things going."
"That is heaven. I don't have any other words."
"Euphoria, chasing thrills, joy, laughter."
"That feeling right there, it's like I took a handful of gummy edibles, Jack, I was high boy off that crowd."
"Watermelon sugar high, watermelon sugar high, watermelon sugar high."
"It's euphoric, it's sacred, it's amazing, it's hard to explain everything that goes and leads up to a start day."
"Imagine the most amazing thing you've ever eaten coupled with the most euphoric you've ever felt and that would get you close to what the experience of tasting that jam was for me."
"You're gonna be feeling so good like there's new money there's no abundance is gonna make you feel like you're like high off life without any drugs."
"It's a goddamn rainbow, hmm, and it feels so good."
"A feeling I will always chase is this feeling of running on trail and just gliding through it."
"Life would never feel this good again."
"Could there be a more euphoric Human Experience? I don't know."
"You can never get used to winning trophies, this feeling's amazing."
"I'm beyond my low that I'm floating right now."
"I felt on top of the world that day."
"You can't get used to winning trophies, this feeling's amazing."
"I feel like I've been touched by an angel."
"If for instance La Knight wins the men's Money in the Bank, the wave of euphoria for everybody in the crowd is going to be something chronic."
"Exercise and a job well done is the best high you can get."
"I was in the zone, I was in a moment, and I kind of felt drunk in love."
"Do not be mistaken this is a definite number one activity to do in Japan visiting Mount Fuji or at least spotting her was one of the most important things on my list and when I did see her I was euphoric."
"...all of a sudden, you've got a room with hundreds and hundreds of tires that you designed. It's, uh, I mean, that's euphoria."
"I feel euphoric for no reason about five times every day... that same rush of euphoria that I once turned to alcohol for... can be achieved through other methods... you just have to rewire your brain... sense of wonder at the world can be achieved without alcohol."
"It really was one of those euphoric moments."
"Oh, this is literally the Garden of Eden. It is actually insane."
"I feel [expletive] incredible. I feel so freaking good. That's how I feel."
"I've been on a high for the last two months. It's just unbelievable, you know, just walking on cloud nine."
"I think it's a collective really of a load of old friends that make this amazingly kind of euphoric music."
"I love that feeling you know the magic overdub man."
"I literally don't know that my feet touched the ground at all that night."
"oh my gosh I'm so happy I feel like a million dollars"
"I feel so high, so high in love with your face."
"I literally can't even describe how happy I feel right now."
"The Euphoria she had felt after the proposal was fading to be replaced by a vague feeling of panic."
"I'm sure she's in the clouds right now saying, 'Oh my God, this is like phenomenal.'"
"Honestly on cloud nine right now."
"...just makes me feel on top of the world."
"What a night, I just feel like I'm on cloud nine right now."
"I'm so excited, I'm ecstatic, overjoyed."
"I feel like I'm on cloud nine at the moment. I feel really good."
"If Cassie's bag was not heavy, especially season two Euphoria, then I don't know."
"Exercise is crack to me. It gives me that euphoric feeling."
"It's euphoria... getting to that place that you didn't think you could get to necessarily."
"It's astounding the stress that the body can endure when you're in the right headspace. If you've never experienced it, I recommend that you do. It's one of the greatest drug-free highs out there."
"I had this intense euphoria come over my body."
"I just felt so, so good right then."
"Feels amazing, I mean it feels so good."
"I'm literally snorting the sunlight."
"He killed so many and he loved it. It was euphoric."
"Euphoria. There's no win that feels better than the close ones."
"It's like you're walking on clouds."
"The best drug that I've ever, ever taken in my life is music."
"It's euphoric. It's the only thing that we're meant to do like all the corniness in this answer of like it's literally all we're meant to do is love so just like don't what just do it just [ __ ] do it just do it."
"I feel like I'm on cloud nine. It's just dissociation."
"All that euphoria, the joy comes from within."
"I've noticed that when I'm eating really well, I get a certain high."
"I feel amazing like I've just emerged from the most vivid, wonderful, life-changing dream."
"I don't want to come back down from this cloud. It's usually because I end this show with that. It's like, you know, from 15,000 people with their phones out and like people going crazy and I'm just like, what a life, you know, what a life, what a life."
"You feel a state of pure bliss, lying, drifting"
"It’s like a sensation of euphoria, if that makes sense, almost like a really, really big achievement."