
Suspicion Quotes

There are 2821 quotes

"You have to look at the training history. Go look back. If the guy had a major leap in ability, not skill necessarily, but ability, then that's very suspect."
"My neighbor, Mr. Peterson, is acting very suspicious."
"For five years, the horror of what was happening was suspected, and yet time and time again, nothing was done."
"We're going to get in the rocket and travel to... Wow, that is not sus at all."
"I don't know if this is him trying to appear like a concerned neighbor, or if it's just him realizing that The Jig Is up."
"You're divorcing me because you're trying to go to Canada with him, aren't you?"
"Wherever there may be a reasonable suspicion of unfairness, it is best to disqualify."
"Administration of the law should be free from all temptation and suspicion."
"Nothing is adding up. Dave, Clay, and Ricky need and deserve justice."
"There's definitely smoke, but is there fire?"
"They booby-trapped the Mona Lisa, look at that smile; I should have never trusted her."
"We can choose to be defined by our differences, and give in to a future of suspicion and mistrust, or we can choose to do the hard work of forging common ground."
"We've picked up a blip moving toward the park. We don't know who it is, but it looks suspicious."
"But because you didn't know what to expect, you didn't- - No, it just came back with suspicion."
"Fear and suspicion have caused more bloodshed than anything else."
"I'm not doubting that teamu is not shady. In my opinion, it is a shady company based on who they are literally owned by."
"Viewing others with suspicion because they're different is xenophobia."
"The potential U.S. descent into violence: Mutual suspicion and even dissolution."
"Here comes this guy, I'm sure this git's gonna jump out and attack."
"Arrested: the boys found in the lecturer's house, suspected of cultism."
"Where there's smoke, there's fire. If we see something suspicious and we say it, it's not to be like spreading childship because I, that's my thing with conspiracies."
"You gotta kill him, how do we know she's telling the truth?"
"This isn't right, I have a bad feeling about this."
"The families and the police began to suspect that Foul Play might have been involved."
"Expressing disagreement with the lawfulness of an officer's actions may be used to create a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity."
"The fact that you have a hunch that something's going on does not rise to the level of probable cause."
"She killed her husband... she's a suspect in the husband's murder."
"If Stefan's enemies saw that he had disappeared and they had nothing to do with it why would they try and stop investigators from figuring out what exactly did happen?"
"Wouldn't you start wondering what's going on? What might be going on around you that you don't know about?"
"The U.S. inserting itself immediately into this unrest should be highly suspicious for everyone."
"Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action."
"I think he's looking to kill me. I think he's giving me the hardest ship possible in order to laugh and feel superior."
"This case screams either major incompetence or a cover-up to me."
"Well, I was gonna give you every ticket in the book but I think I smell some drugs."
"To me, it really feels like they're just pulling for division, and I hate to see that but it's making me really suspicious."
"Something is going on and this is the dead giveaway for me that things are not as they seem."
"He had done some messed up stuff. I have zero evidence of this other than he just gave off those vibes."
"How do you know where I am? You got cameras or something?"
"Someone with a dead body in the car doing all this back and forth. What does that tell you if that's what happened?"
"It wasn't any normal silence. It was the deafening silence of fear and suspicion."
"Seeing Linda and Jaclyn together at the lab was the first red flag."
"He's just blown a piece, no this is something, there's something funny going on with Ali Raza right now."
"Interesting that you would know that she's sick because that information hasn't been released to the public yet. That's right, I got you right where I want you, bucko."
"Most of the time our gut feeling that something is weird or wrong is usually correct."
"I think they're watching, Chuck. I do think they're watching."
"I'm starting to think that you guys are not bathroom inspectors. That's exactly what we are."
"The only person I saw anywhere near the vents that far, he was still vented to electric."
"He acted like he was one of them, allegedly."
"Every time we see something that's creepily, strangely regular, it's good that we have a corner of our brain that says, 'What if somebody meant that to happen?'"
"Get every person who is a potential witness or could be a witness, it's going to look too obvious if everybody just disappears."
"It just makes me wonder, was he behind that?"
"Our instincts were correct, and the connection to Cat is sinister in my eyes."
"Ellie knows what Joel did or suspects that he's not telling her the truth."
"Jake from State Farm is a sweet man, but he's up to something."
"I said to her, 'Carly, something is not right about this connection. Something doesn't feel right.'"
"It's pretty suspicious...they're just a no hearing."
"The evidence points to him... little things like that they brought forward, those are pretty weird and just sketchy."
"If you've got nothing to hide, why aren't statements being made?"
"Just because you're on the clear list doesn't mean you don't end up a suspect."
"I think we're experiencing it heavily with The Cult of the liberal establishment there's something going on that's for sure."
"Yeah, I have a feeling this is probably the drug dealers."
"Something is amiss here, something going on that doesn't make sense."
"Fingers started pointing at Tim as a suspect."
"Tim's strange voicemail messages raised suspicion."
"Chris's inaction made the majority of people working on the case believe that he had something to do with her disappearance."
"It seems like foul play for sure, but what exactly happened?"
"The suitcase is sussy. I repeat, the suitcase is sussy. We have found the imposter out of my house."
"Twitter removing controls on Chinese state media right as Musk is trying to get high-level meetings in China seems suspicious."
"If something doesn't seem right, if something doesn't smell right, intuitively you have to deal with it."
"Do you think that this was Shayna's plan all along?"
"Lori complained that that one million dollar life insurance policy was switched. Lori said I look like a suspect but I'm a good person."
"You have to ask yourself: Why is that? It's not coincidence that happened right when we were talking about this story."
"It's too much of a coincidence, there's too much going on."
"Maybe he has, like, the papers or something you want me to check his pockets."
"The person most likely to screw you over is the person you least suspect."
"The F.B.I. suspected Jimmy Hoffa’s estranged adopted son 'Chuckie' O’Brien as one of the men in the car that carried Jimmy Hoffa to his execution. He had a fish story of an alibi."
"I do think it's most likely she was targeted..."
"Every clumsy attempt to obfuscate the truth ends up making people more and more suspicious."
"'Those did not seem like the actions of someone whose daughter had died in a freaking tragic accident. They seemed like the actions of someone who wanted her daughter gone.'"
"When somebody is trying to instigate some type of beef and they're doing it in a very clumsy way that's some agent [__] right there."
"Assume infinite malice from the Republican party."
"Isn't that beautiful? And you know what? It coincides perfectly with the midterm elections. Funny how that works."
"In the midst of the conflict in Ukraine, suspicion immediately turned to potential culprits with fingers pointed at Russia."
"You think I don't know, but I do. You all want me gone."
"Why are they so dead set on keeping it secret and keeping others at bay?"
"I think there was foul play in Gino's death only because... somebody murdered him."
"I never once accused him of cheating on his most recent Mario record... I honestly don't know if there was any foul play involved and until hard evidence is revealed no one does."
"What we see here is somebody who's covering up something what we can tell about this person is they're not reacting normally."
"Steve's sad, desperate attempt to shift suspicion has failed."
"There are a lot of things suggesting that he did it."
"I think Brian did it. There were needles, alcohol, and roofies. Someone spiked a drink at the party, and then Brian... I don't trust this Brian. Gonna keep my eye on you."
"They're wondering how the footage has been scrubbed."
"The more I've learned about the case the more I'm thinking foul play."
"I've always been suspicious of the Paine's role in all of this."
"Gandalf at this stage had become increasingly suspicious of the Ring fearing that it may in fact be more than just a mere Ring of Power."
"Him deleting text messages from her right in front of you is really suspicious."
"Something doesn't add up, I have this feeling something's off."
"They said they didn't have evidence that he had murdered my daughter. But I just had a cold feeling he did."
"Something is definitely suspicious about Mushoku Tensei not even being a nomination."
"The letter is definitely suspicious. I think it is very strange that it was so specific about that car accident."
"Could there also be a more sinister explanation?"
"If you're dumb enough to believe that I would fake some well you know do some fraudulent ass review it for what this is all what you taught you about a break a story."
"It's hard to feel like there's not something malicious going on."
"The fact that the guy knew my name was very strange to me."
"I swear I saw something run past behind us, we thought there was somebody outside of the vehicle."
"The landlady noticed something very odd about this guy."
"That's really sus. It's just completely and utterly seized up."
"All of your suspicions about what's going on behind the scenes are probably pretty spot-on."
"Trust me, you won't be disappointed. She is expensive but trust me, it is worth it boys. Make sure to say hi YouTube so you guys can get involved as well."
"There's something up man, there's something up."
"It feels like they were already planning something against you, it's like they were already talking about you."
"He appeared to try to cry, but he couldn't really shed any tears, and I thought it was a little bit strange."
"Could that have been him and he also for the timing always to be in the middle of the night or the late night hours shows that he wasn't just in the area hanging out necessarily."
"If there had been express collusion, it wouldn't look any different from what actually happened."
"Why were tapes destroyed? There's only one reason why they were destroyed."
"When was the last time you saw three black vans open their back doors up to a bank? When we were gonna rob it."
"If a game can do that, you know it's a keeper."
"I thought he was kind of a nerdy guy... but there was something about him that isn't quite right."
"At this point, you ain't sold that many books, is you? Ain't been on that many tours to afford not one, but four luxury homes."
"Does being reimbursed mean buying four homes? Something ain't clean in the buttermilk."
"We definitely had the suspicion that if people were really trying to get close to you."
"All of this clearly paints a picture of something that is at least a little bit nefarious going on in Xinjiang."
"Seems like your subconscious is trying to tell me something," Lex quickly hangs up.
"Ronnie knew something just didn't quite add up."
"Have I committed a crime? Am I suspected of committing a crime?"
"The New World Airport Commission sounded uncannily like the New World Order."
"People absolutely think it's Marty but like it's unsolved because is this a cover-up or is it not."
"It's not always the family, but is there a statistical reason to be suspicious of the family? Yes."
"When someone's that [ __ ] up, it's probably not just... they might find like 30 dead cats in his backyard."
"All horror movies, all scary movies are an affirmation of life."
"He either concealed it hoping that no one would ever find it or he did ditch it."
"If you're left Winger... likely the person you're talking to is an informant it's very very likely."
"Why are you calling security unless there's something we're missing?"
"There's definitely some unnatural shenanigans going on with how quick you are."
"You cannot get more of a blatant indicator that something real shitty is going on."
"Not everyone believed him, not everyone believed that he wasn't really behind it because everyone else also thought to themselves well there's actually a good reason like there's a good case for Ben being the guy who's been turning him in."
"And maybe they haven't done anything physically you know I would hope not but..."
"I knew he was cheating but I hadn't really got any proof."
"If everything is perfect, something ain't right."
"I cannot for the life of me believe, ladies and gentlemen, that they do not have something planned for us very soon."
"The timing of this stinks... a lot of other people around the world smelling something rotten is happening here as well."
"Let's just say that he cannot examine my coochie no bro he looks like he's like he got like a secret cam set up"
"Something's being covered up here...it felt that way to me."
"There is something incredibly suspicious about what Deutsche Bank continues to do to this day."
"Why is James Lewis parked behind a delivery van like watching us and then the delivery van pulled away so he was still sitting there in his car like in plain sight."
"They were so shocked... maybe he was involved."
"Suspicious activity is not a reason to detain anybody."
"Husbands are always suspects when their wives disappear."
"You're gonna think you're gonna feel very sus like something something's not right here."
"It's freeing you, but it's like whatever is causing this to end is there's something there that's like shady."
"The camera man was a little bit sus there, I can't lie."
"No person is beyond the suspicion of the Inquisition, not even the great Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes."
"If the figure who emerges in Bolivia... anything like Bolsonaro... I will only increase my suspicions frankly of US involvement."
"What are you hiding from us, Tanner? I'm on to you."
"Paranoid personality disorder... a pervasive pattern of suspiciousness, distrust of others..."
"You think something's up unless you're doing something or you feel confident in the relationship."
"Where there's smoke, there's fire sometimes."
"There's something wrong here, something does not add up."
"The evidence is not only scathing but it's very suspicious as well."
"Once this happenstance twice as coincidence three time is enemy action."
"Catherine Clise, Jack's widow, believes he may have met some kind of targeted foul play."
"I suspect that there was probably foul play involved."
"There's no answer as to why fragments of your ex-wife should be in your backyard."
"Are you a cop? I'm not a cop, I'm helping Lester. Have you done it?"
"What the hell was Patton hiding… and what would show up if a detector was pointed at him?"
"Something does not feel right or something is simply not adding up."
"Claudia's mum believes very much that she was trafficked out of country."
"There were some folks suspicious of Robinette's methods, but they were no doubt effective."
"This seems like a pretty old, 'So do I pin it on him, the actual person who's the snitch? Where do I put it on Damon?'"
"You can't tell me there was not a conspiracy against Bill Cosby."
"There's one someone's telling on you oh definitely they're going to tell on you sooner or later."
"Anytime you're showering with your daughter you're suspect very suspect."
"He's hiding from me because at that point I maybe should be a bit more concerned about whether he's gonna turn out to be a bad guy."
"There's nothing involved in this case that doesn't have a sinister aspect."
"Where do you think the red flag was um where do you think things kind of uh picked up and he started blasting or just getting on whatever it is that you think you're going on what do you think the red flag is what do you think he's taking?"
"Numbers don't lie right so you know something's going on over there."
"Wherever there is smoke, there's fire, and from my position, I certainly can see a hell of a lot of smoke." - Leonard Stringfield
"It's very suspicious that there was this effort to get around one narrative quickly." - Bret Baer
"He is not one of them, he very well might be."
"Based on these searches, perhaps she may have been the target."
"The Russians only get in a room with someone with two reasons."
"It's all love Sketchy but it's a little suspicious you just got out of prison and came around here looking for experimental drugs."
"By then, the Shermans were starting to suspect that something wasn't quite right about the property."
"Something nefarious happened. Yes, absolutely."
"He never talks so the fact that he's over here blabbing his mouth makes me kind of suspicious."
"The main suspect in the case of Suzanne Jovin was her thesis adviser, James D. van Velde."
"Charles Rogers, the main suspect in this case."
"If anything sounds even slightly suspicious it probably is"
"Harris's failure to clear data from his devices raises questions about intent."
"I can already tell happening here is that this guy possibly didn't get paid or paid in full or satisfactory... so that's why there was maps of where they lived."
"I immediately think, 'Oh great, my ex has sent somebody.' Yeah, I knew he had private investigators following me."
"Who set up the meeting?" - Posing a question that invites curiosity and suspicion.
"But like something just doesn't feel right about it."
"If something doesn't smell right it probably isn't so you know definitely kind of like i feel this is more of an instinct that you have."
"Why would there be any clues about Tom's affair in the room that he's sharing with his wife?"
"Just because someone's friends with a Russian or worked with them doesn't mean they're working for the government. That's conspiracy-level insanity."
"Holy [ __ ], that was quick. No, I still kinda feel like it's Para. We'll find out. Yeah, I think it's Para. I think he killed him."
"She's either in on it, she knows who did it, or she's the one who did it."
"Diamond likely has a lot more information about what is going on not just to Justin but potentially other people that is just not being brought forward."
"It just feels like you're hiding something, Greg."