
Abstract Thinking Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"Your body will turn that abstract thought into lived experience... it's actually really quite extraordinary."
"Abstract mathematical thinking can help us achieve...understanding each other rather than competing all the time and trying to prove other people wrong."
"The best place to keep this theory appears to be in the abstract, a matter of relative probability and a means to provoke sympathy and thought."
"The Sun may have given you a mind to think abstractly with, but learning facts and skills to fill that mind are sadly not just beamed down to us from above."
"The first step for abstract thinking is making categories."
"This discovery truly established Cole as an abstract thinker and a problem solver."
"Human beings are creators of worlds because the universe is a dream. Any physicist will tell you this. The universe is made of abstracts, not of matter."
"Whenever I'm doing anything abstract, I'm just trying to look for ideas on how to do things."
"It makes me sad that Soldier Boy was a diddler."
"The point is, it's not necessarily where it occurs, but when it occurs."
"It's not the thing, it's the thing behind the thing."
"Stage turquoise is tapping into the creativity of reality."
"What do you consider it because it's very unique it's very playful I guess but it's not really like I don't know it looks like nothing else."
"It's like almost like little puzzles we're like modeling these little puzzles but with your what we're actually doing is mastering the meta puzzle right."
"Time isn't made out of lines, it's made of circles."
"Our rules and logic simply do not apply here."
"People who are high in openness are comfortable with abstract ideas."
"I'm not saying a time period. I'm saying a step function."
"Abstract is fun. It gets you thinking outside of the box and flexing those creative muscles."
"The primary function of consciousness is the ability to transmit abstractions between minds."
"There'll be a point where people live in virtual reality."
"What is real anymore? How abstract this all is."
"Humans are very good at inventing new schemes for meaning."
"Connecting galaxies, connecting all of our own galaxies."
"Category theory provides a language to help you identify when two things are really the same."
"Who's to even discuss the mechanisms by which an individual universe selects these parameters? I mean, we're just getting so abstract that it's complete speculation after a certain point."
"Knives look for something to cut while chairs look for a person to whom they can offer themselves as a seat."
"It's all about the philosophical point of view."
"The speed of thought... faster than the speed of light."
"I love thinking about the theoretic of this obviously."
"It's just a sign of intelligence, yes, because you're connecting ideas that shouldn't connect to make a larger point."
"I like this a lot, some people struggle with the abstractness of this, actually like it."
"Time is just a f*cking... It's a human construct."
"The essence is more important than the form."
"We're moving beyond matter. I just can't imagine what... can you try to talk a little bit more about that?"
"What is money? Money is the highest form of energy that human beings can channel."
"Can we all agree that the color blue and math have the same vibe?"
"Infinity is not a number. It's more a process. Infinity never ends."
"Living in a world that just exists because it does, and I utterly adore that."
"It's always good to take a step back from the kind of mundane, the tangible, The Logical, and the real and to kind of dive more into what's Fantastical."
"It's very metaphysical but beyond what normal metaphysical even does it has its own logic."
"Numbers are just one kind of way to measure."
"Abstract objects like numbers and moral values exist."
"The takeaway that I got from that book was that there's this meta intelligence."
"It's less about what it is, but what it means."
"This reality is kind of like a big internet for example if you want to create a website a website is not actually a real thing it's just an organization of symbols."
"We're the ones pretending that symbolism has a concrete numerical value."
"This is the only time I know of that Disney was aiming directly at the adult crowd. Walt Disney had high expectations of his audience. He expected the viewers to think abstractly and challenged them with a new form of entertainment."
"Rather than referring to the chord progression by specific notes, we can describe them abstracted from the key they're in."
"These are all fractals of each other. Each one of them grows out of one of the others."
"You are one derivative away from your current reality."
"I like those ones where you can't really see what's going on but you know what's going on and you get the vibe."
"The shortest distance between two points is not a line, it's a thought."
"Being an American is an abstract intellectual thing... it forces you to become a philosopher."
"What is that? Whatever name we give it creates some sort of idea in the mind."
"So the world exists. The physical world exists, right?"
"There is a kind of inspired nonsense which is Divine, magical nonsense."
"We don't only operate in levels but also in realms."
"I deal a lot more with concepts than I do with specifics because that's really important."
"Being informed is not impressive to me. I like somebody that takes what they read and then they come up with some abstracts on their own. That's impressive."
"Intelligence is literally sensitivity to abstract analogies."
"Flexibility is helping to build abstract thinking skills."
"...you have a way of thinking physically about physics."
"...work environment, or I should say there's a way that you can place yourself into certain environments that will allow abstract thinking, creative thinking, and indeed expansive thinking to emerge."
"Reasoning in the abstract, the mind cannot stop short of an extreme, but everything takes a different shape when we pass from abstractions to reality."
"I’m always super hesitant to answer questions that are so abstract."
"If you can wrangle irony, you can think really high-level abstract thoughts and sharpen your skills of empathy and human understanding like never before."
"Abstract principles aren't always just listed out in very careful ways and outlines and kind of logically they're often we're just given things to do or visuals to ponder."
"Philosophy is also essentially non-literal."
"Abstract reasoning, even if the specific skills acquired are not immediately useful in later life."
"The movie doesn't operate on traditional logic."
"Mathematics is not just about proving theorems, but finding imaginative and productive ways to think about abstract reasoning."
"Children have an abstract way of viewing the world."
"Especially today, in the 21st century, the world needs creative problem-solvers and abstract thinkers."
"Ideas are generated by a positive human ego in the spirit substance of the region of abstract thought."
"A taste for the abstract sciences in general, and above all the mysteries of numbers, is excessively rare."
"Metaphysics is a fascinating phoenix - we kill it and it rises from the ashes."
"The formal operational stage... emerges in adolescence, in which children can finally think abstractly and reason hypothetically."
"I've always been into profound deep abstract ideas."
"Embrace the Triangular ways of our Overlord."
"I'm always in deep thought about a lot of abstract subjects that don't help me financially, but I'm a person that loves to know and learn things more than anything else."
"You have to be beyond good and evil to define good and evil."
"We're thinking in the fifth dimension."
"When you get an idea, you really do see the whole tree, but it's in an abstract form."
"Our capacity for sophisticated abstract and symbolic thought... enables us to do some spectacular things."
"Choosing a topic can get you into trouble if you choose a very abstract, big, important question."
"Thought is unlimited; it is also always perfect."
"Either you get the pattern or you don't."
"I love talking philosophy, I love talking more abstract ideas."
"It's come to be widely believed that it's the particular power of abstract thinking, made possible to us by language, that enables us to conceptualize and cope with innumerable aspects of reality which are not present to us."
"Learning math is about seeing connections between the abstract and the concrete."
"We begin to develop abstract thought and can begin to develop hypothetical situations."
"Life is filled with abstractions, and the way we make heads or tails of it is through intuition."
"Being an intuitive is feeling like you're a floating head that is just ideas."
"It's interesting to just think about."
"What makes human beings different from monkeys or baboons or rhinos is the fact that we can collaborate on an abstract idea, a company, travel, an idea out on a large scale."
"You do not possess the capability to have an abstract conversation and evaluate somebody else's position."
"Imagination is a power which allows comprehension of certain aspects of tangible things."
"We are rational beings; we think abstractly."
"They had great intelligence and they shared their abstract ideas with everyone."
"They provide a visual for the kinds of abstract thinking that they're doing when they're organizing text in order to understand it."
"Function theory is pretty interesting because we don't think about functions usually in the abstract."
"We use our visualization power to understand and to represent abstract concepts."
"A bright child understands humor; a gifted learner creates complex abstract humor."
"Time is not what you think it is."
"The ability for abstract reasoning is now there and occurring."
"It takes a lot of work to be happy, a lot of work in a lot of different difficult areas that are more mental and a lot more abstract and not tangible."
"Power is not negative or positive, it just is what it is."
"I take shape like the third dimension, into fourth dimension then I bend time."
"Storytelling is going to be a better approach to helping and understanding a human being flourishing than abstractions."
"It's a representation of a relation between things... one and two and more steps removed from the concrete physical doing and the concrete emotional feeling."
"The way to think about this is really what I'm doing when I write something like this is writing a tree."
"There's no exact science to visualization."
"Through abstract thinking, you may be able to solve problems and find solutions which could be very beneficial in your career."
"There's always like some other thing that doesn't quite makes literal sense but it makes emotional sense."