
Fluency Quotes

There are 622 quotes

"You have to put the work in if you expect to be fluent in English."
"Fluent does not mean perfect. You can be fluent and also make mistakes."
"Speaking practice improves fluency, coherence, and effectiveness in spoken English."
"Being able to speak without thinking is a sign of language mastery."
"Read aloud to practice pronunciation, intonation, and fluency."
"Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone; the further away you get from your native language, the closer you'll be to attaining fluency."
"I'm a big fan of reading aloud. I think it's an excellent practice that you can do to improve your pronunciation, your fluency."
"Linking phrases are very important to use and they add fluency and cohesion to your writing."
"You could become functionally fluent in a language like Spanish in 8 to 12 weeks without that much difficulty."
"Fluency is to be able to express yourself easily and accurately."
"This will be a good opportunity to learn new words and some specific vocabulary that is not so common to hear but that will definitely help you gain English fluency."
"If your grammar and your vocabulary and your fluency is good enough and you just answer the questions naturally these will take care of themselves."
"Pronunciation is important, and so is fluency. You need both of them."
"Day number five, your focus is going to be English sentence creation and fluency."
"If the conversation is about an experience you end the conversation smoothly like a native English speaker by following these three steps."
"Again, it can seem tricky but when you have a formula that you can follow you will definitely start speaking fluently if you just follow the formula."
"Collocations make you sound native. They're really, really important."
"Speaking like a native isn't just about pronunciation. It's about understanding the culture and nuances of the language."
"If people want to be a certain way or identify as a certain thing, leave them to it."
"English should sound almost like how water flows; language flows."
"Fluency allows you to maintain conversations comfortably."
"You know you're fluent when you speak automatically without translating in your head."
"Shifting the way that you think about fluency can make it seem more achievable."
"Fluency does not mean perfection. If you're fluent, you're conversationally fluent. It means you're fluent when you have a normal conversation. You're not perfect. You'll make mistakes."
"You just said it was such fluidity, Brandon."
"People seek fluency with just a tiny bit of disfluency to challenge them."
"Now is the time to develop your English to develop your fluency and your confidence in speaking more than ever because now more than ever the future requires English."
"Listen for the way that native speakers make those phrases."
"Your language will become much more fluent, and I guarantee that you will learn a ton of new vocabulary."
"I define fluency as the ability to carry on extended conversations with native speakers in real time."
"If you guys are learning a language and you want to reach fluency... then I highly recommend checking out Refold.la."
"Repetition is very, very important to become fluent."
"Once you could dream in English, that's when you could consider bilingual or like fluent."
"I am fluent in over 6 million forms of communication."
"It took me maybe two years to go from nothing to conversationally fluent."
"I was fully speaking like wow, conversations sentences it's fast fast."
"I could talk to people without a dictionary and at least explain myself, explain words that I didn't know using other words."
"I considered myself fluent fluent was after about three years."
"Fluency is about smooth, natural, clear communication with you in control."
"By the end of this master class, you're going to have all the vocabulary that you need to express your ideas fluently and confidently."
"Native speakers love using phrasal verbs, so knowing them will help you sound more fluent, more natural."
"I speak five languages now with varying degrees of fluency, and I have no intention of stopping."
"Immersion can take you from zero to fully fluent really quickly."
"Online language lessons using apps like italki or lingoda can actually take you from zero to fluent."
"I went from knowing zero Spanish to becoming fluent and passing the C2 Spanish Mastery exam last year."
"We all want to believe that there's a secret, we all want to believe that there is a hack. But the secret to speaking fluently is, my friend, speaking and doing an awful lot of it."
"At every level of proficiency, right from day one, there needs to be fluency development activities."
"Understanding a movie without subtitles is an excellent proxy for overall fluency."
"Language learning is ultimately fueled by passion for the language."
"Within 10 years you're going to have the same vocabulary as a native."
"Stories make the input interactive and help you speak more fluently."
"Reading to your brain is like exercise to your body."
"The key to True English fluency is being able to use the Expressions that native speakers use."
"So how do these free vocabulary lists increase your fluency?"
"Writing fluency improves enormously if you can draft without worrying about language."
"If you can separate thinking from writing, your fluency will improve enormously."
"Focusing on high frequency vocabulary is key."
"It's much easier just to talk to someone who maybe their grammar is not perfect but they're very fluent."
"Fluency is very different from comprehension... it's the basis of comprehension."
"If you want to achieve true fluency what you're after is acquisition."
"The ability to fluently articulate your thoughts and your ideas is very, very important."
"Either you speak it or you don't."
"Honestly, the best thing is being really good at having a real fluency with consent."
"Practicing English every day and speaking like a native English speaker go hand in hand."
"In a nutshell, fluency is the key to reading comprehension."
"...at this stage in my life, I've pretty much managed to be very fluent in both."
"The fastest way to get fluent is to get lots of naturally varied review."
"Understanding is the secret to fluency."
"One of the best ways to improve your English fluency is by reading."
"The english language which was not his own simply flowed from his pen as if he had been born its master."
"The truth is if you learn it like you learn your first language you become fluent in that language it doesn't matter."
"The point of this is more like an adventure where you're actually learning more about vocabulary and you're developing fluency as you do it rather than what people typically do with studying which is just repeating something again and again."
"The goal is not to just try to learn more and more and spend more time learning what you really should be doing is actually focusing on vocabulary because this is how people get fluent."
"The thing that's really stopping people from communicating it's not their vocabulary again you might have uh like a child that knows 100 words and an adult that knows 1 000 words but the better Communicator will be the one who knows that vocabulary really well all right."
"You get fluent when you know vocabulary extremely well."
"You don't get fluent in the vocabulary by repeating it."
"The point is to learn English the same way natives do and you can actually just get lots of input and that will help you become a fluent speaker."
"If you learn English this way then you will speak without hesitating or thinking about rules or translations or that kind of thing."
"You don't have to be fluent in one language to get fluent in another. You just get fluent in different languages."
"You need lots of different examples you need lots of different native speakers in order to develop fluency."
"Fluent for life teaches you how to have conversations like a native English speaker."
"That's how you get fluent, that's what little kids are doing when they're learning their native language."
"That's what it's all about, trying to help you improve your English fluency."
"If you can dedicate an hour a day, you can be fluent in a year."
"If you're trying to achieve fluency in a language, without discipline, you're going to struggle to get to your goal, so you have to have self-discipline."
"Bit by bit, you will continue to develop your overall English fluency."
"Recite until you're fluent and reading it well. You don't have to think about it."
"That's the level where you don't need to think about it. Yeah, you can be doing other things. You can be cooking or walking, getting on the bus, traveling, and you don't need to give 100% concentration yet you can still recite it confidently."
"Expressing an idea or a response or even having a thought in the language that you have acquired to a high level becomes an unconscious process."
"If your personality changes when you switch languages, that is the real fluency."
"Your identity is changing in that language—how cool is it, right?"
"The gift of jab is the ability to speak with eloquence and fluency at a high frequency."
"Most of them, you think they were native speakers, you almost literally can't tell a difference."
"The ability to speak a language well fluently and articulately comes from an excellent understanding of the language."
"Assuming that you're a fluent speaker of a language, you've absorbed the language into your subconscious so deeply that you can't help but correct any mistake that you hear or see."
"You don't get fluent by speaking. Speaking doesn't help you if you don't understand."
"There's something about that it just kind of rolls up the tongue."
"The more sentences you do, the more patterns that you see, the more you'll be able to just say things instantly, fluently, and accurately."
"Mastering English phrasal verbs is the best way to increase your vocabulary and become a fluent English speaker."
"If you want to understand native speakers you must practice daily English conversation regularly."
"One thing that makes people not speak fluently is thinking that you have to speak in a perfect way."
"Does trying to be a perfectionist kill your fluency? Definitely."
"Don't be overly focused on accuracy. Speak naturally and fluently."
"Without some level of fluency in the language of the spirit, you cannot know the foundational truths."
"It's all about the effort as we all often say and if you're someone who actually wants to learn a new language you want to become fluent maybe you took that Spanish or German class in high school or college."
"Fluency can be trained by reading independently."
"If you could eliminate the doubt quickly, you get fluent quickly."
"Make the problem manageable, focus on one thing at a time, and then get fluent in that."
"The trap that a lot of learners get in is they think they need to know more words to become fluent, but you don't become fluent by learning more words."
"You don't need to know more words to get fluent; you actually need just one word to be fluent."
"You become fluent one piece at a time."
"You don't become fluent by learning more words."
"That's the kind of thing that's actually going to help your fluency."
"You get fluent by eliminating the doubt."
"If speaking English with clarity, confidence, and fluency is a goal for you this year, then take that action step, get speaking practice with that."
"Natives speak without thinking about grammar, however, they do think about grammar in academic or professional situations."
"Speak fluent equals being addicted to the language."
"You get fluent by really knowing the language well."
"Fluency comes from how well you speak, not how much vocabulary you know."
"Understand the grammar or the rules like a native."
"So I could continue like this is one word one one one one one I'm continuing to learn more more and more and more but fluency is a different thing than vocabulary."
"So it's really that simple if you learn it as a second language."
"The only real important thing is: Do you understand what you hear? Do you have doubt about what you hear? If you have doubt, you're not going to communicate fluently. That's the basic idea."
"You become fluent when you start eliminating doubt. So remember, you become fluent in one year. Ha!"
"The most important idea in language learning: If you want to become a fluent speaker, eliminate the doubt."
"If you're trying to get fluent in English, watch content in English for native speakers but at your level."
"...yesterday's non-native is tomorrow's native."
"You don't need to have a native English-speaking friend or schedule speaking practice times. You just sit back and understand the language like a native, and that's how you get fluent."
"The first step is understanding it like a native."
"Understanding like a native is what gets you fluent."
"You don't have to find people to practice with. You don't need to live in an English-speaking country. You just need to understand like a native."
"Fluency is really a collection of different skills working together."
"We did this with just one word, 'lose'."
"Enough people in comments have said I look like Tom Hanks... It reveals something interesting about fluency."
"Fluency doesn't come from building a larger vocabulary."
"Vocabulary by itself is basically meaningless. It's the network that gets you fluent."
"You can learn and get fluent without speaking with anybody because fluency really comes from you understanding the language well."
"Make it fun, make it easy, that's how you get fluent."
"Fluency comes from becoming more familiar with and understanding the language."
"The real secret to fluency is just to understand the language well enough to have the confidence to speak."
"Fluency is very subjective... if you can change all of these sentences and transform them, then yeah, you've certainly achieved fluency."
"That's when we could say that you sort of become fluent, right? Because the connection becomes automatic rather than a process of translation."
"Even native speakers will mispronounce things or say whatever, making mistakes in grammar or pronunciation."
"The more you learn the language itself, the more fluently you will communicate."
"This whole thing together is an example of a fluency trigger."
"This is just another example of a fluency trigger."
"Because of all the things I mentioned, you got an H in your fluency and coherence which is a very good score."
"He gives the same thing over and over again so that by the time you start doing the work, all of these answers are going to come to you very naturally."
"Remember that along with content, you're being scored on pronunciation and oral fluency, so don't get too stressed about covering the content perfectly."
"If you understand like a native, you will speak like one."
"The goal is not to have a large vocabulary, the goal is to have a large vocabulary that you can use fluently."
"...do you think it's possible to become fluent in eloquent equivalent to your native language?"
"Vocabulary variety enhances fluency."
"You might not think the jokes are funny, but you can understand why they're supposed to be funny. That's great. That is a sign of fluency."
"The more that you, sort of, develop your listening capacity, your actual fluency in the language of music, the more transparent and open everything becomes."
"Pretty much fluent in Finnish now."
"The more we develop, expand, and sharpen our skills, the more fluent we become."
"Understanding how sounds flow from one word to the next and realizing how it impacts the rhythm and music of the language can help you sound more fluent and natural."
"This is how you understand in English; this is how you can learn to think without translating so you speak fluently."
"Reading with expression is essential."
"I don't want to say fluency to mean mastery, but comfort. You know, comfort."
"Understanding like a native is how you speak like a native."
"Fluency is a result of understanding like a native."
"Understanding like a native. Now, most people are in school, maybe they have to learn language, learn English or whatever for some kind of test. But in actual everyday conversation, this is how you learn. So you can speak."
"Understanding like a native solves every problem that you have about how to learn."
"Understanding like a native gets you fluent for life."
"...no one can reach fluency in two weeks or four weeks or 30 days or whatever silly number they are coming up with."
"You become completely fluent in four additional languages of your choice."
"Your goal should be to achieve flow, so you're giving the audience one picture, one routine where there's continuous movement and no hesitation."
"You want reading fluency, you gotta make sure they have a large sight vocabulary."
"Linguistics is about identifying how it is that we can speak as fluently and subconsciously and with as much Nuance as we do."
"It's amazing that the story in 48 hours feels so fluent and not like a jumbled mess."
"You know, it's very hard to sit in front of an audience, professionals, doctors, you know, people who spend the day out there at work, and if you sit there in the English language, it's very hard to waffle, I feel."
"So many parts of the world now are very fluent in English. It might be a different kind of English, but they're very fluent in it."
"Fluency is even more effective because you are automatic. Automatic word recognition is where we want the kids to be."
"Model fluency throughout your read-aloud. Show your students what proper reading and fluency look like."
"You need to understand the language like a native if you want to use the language like a native."
"The more it reflects reality, the more you will speak fluently."
"When people understand we're really trying to destroy doubt, kids become fluent faster, confident about what they know, and can start speaking faster."
"The whole process is to make this as short as possible so you don't get fluent just by repeating things again and again."
"Eliminate any doubt you have and do that as quickly as possible. That's how you can get quickly fluent very quickly without spending a lot of time studying rules and things like that."
"You don't have to be a native to get fluent like one."
"Practicing the fluency of moving from this topic to this topic to this topic like five or six or seven in a row and practicing that linguistic flexibility or that ability to switch from topic to topic actually might be a very useful strategy."
"So, the point is to remove the doubt, not to speak. You don't become fluent by repeating something again and again, you become fluent by understanding it better. That's what gives you the confidence to speak, because you use it correctly."
"You're not saying anything to me. I don't hear anyone speaking. But you can still become more fluent simply by understanding the language better. Isn't that cool?"
"You can get lots of examples or have everything organized for you to become fluent for life."
"You only need to know one word to speak fluent English because you can get fluent in that word."
"Fluency is not about knowing many words, it's about feeling confident in using them."
"Fluency is about mastering one situation at a time."
"Words become fluent when you feel confident about using them."
"You start combining words to make fluent sentences."
"You develop fluency, which just means you can do something automatically."
"Understanding is what lets you use something fluently."
"Fluency comes from understanding something very well."
"Fluency comes from understanding each of these individual words and phrases and grammar points."
"This is just how you got fluent in your native language."
"...so you don't you don't become fluent by translating from one language into English you get fluent by understanding English in English and really understanding that..."
"This is how natives get fluent in their native language."
"The practice is the understanding; it's not speaking that leads to fluency."
"It's much better to take a time uh and it's not like hours and hours of learning it's just like 15 20 30 minutes a day of like listening or watching or reading or writing something and over the course of the month you get fluent in that information."