
Futuristic Quotes

There are 415 quotes

"FaceTime is the most well thought out, like most futuristic Vision Pro experience. It just is."
"Hong Kong is very much the most impressive, futuristic, beautiful, imposing, amazing, classy place."
"This procedure feels futuristic. It uses a robot to place a computer chip into a human brain."
"Selina Turda, one of the oldest salt mines in the world, was converted into a futuristic sci-fi underground theme park."
"And uh, all of these people live underground in their own little studio apartments and whenever they need anything they ask the machine for it and the machine will provide it, whether it's food or anything else."
"The future is turning out to be even more sci-fi than we could have ever imagined."
"What if I told you we could outlive all these disasters and that we could do that by building a space megastructure bigger than the sun itself?"
"Bryan Singer came forward with an idea called Star Trek Federation set in the 30th century."
"This looks totally sci-fi. You walk in and some dude is making those adjustments."
"Her is one of my favorite representations of a strange love that might take place in the future."
"Welcome to 2030. I owe nothing, have no privacy, and have never been better."
"Very chunky, very squared off, very cyber-punky, love it!"
"Hooking your brain into a machine that allows it to do all the work for you is going to make you dumber."
"The future of the human race, like if we could figure out how to power our civilization through using the Earth as a battery."
"This technology is hundreds and hundreds of years in advance of us."
"Overwatch's bright, hopeful, inspirational future is a setting the developer is keen to explore."
"Two things, you know how to grow corn. No no, don't worry about it. You will owe nothing and you will be happy. You will live in the Pod and you will eat the bugs."
"We haven't heard of before, a story 100 years after the sequels."
"Aquarius wants to merge humans with machine."
"This car's as close to space age as any on the road today."
"They're making a skyscraper that's meant to be I mean I hope it looks futuristic."
"The toilet of the future will capture data to improve health and fitness."
"The Sim that they are playing is actually the real world London set in 2099."
"We're now living in a science fiction future."
"You just leave it in and you just have your cell phone in your eyeball."
"If you have the Avengers assembling in the year 2150 from beyond the grave, well, that's something that a lot of people would pay to see."
"Who needs that plane, dude? We're from the future, we have hoverboards."
"Despite the Titan Legions being a fraction of the strength they once held, the age of Titans is far from over. The God Engine still marched to war in the 41st millennium."
"We're here to become a galactic society again."
"Zero House: a futuristic home that generates its own power, processes its own waste, and collects and stores rainwater."
"In the distant future, people may outlaw driving cars."
"The only way to prevent the biochip from failing is to slot it into your head. It turns out it contains the digitized soul of Johnny Silverhand, a dead rocker boy with violence on his mind."
"Clean stitching, 100% waterproof material, and total cyberpunk futuristic vibes."
"This interior feels exactly like the future."
"Rooting for the robots to kill us all and then look back at our history."
"Peace, love, and supersonic jet packs."
"Eventually it'll be space hotels and huge space hubs, I don't see why not."
"Poland, you finally made it to space. This is the whole reason why you're trying to make it to space - to save all the creatures in the galaxy. Now this is epic."
"Elon will's going to be the first guy on the brain implant assembly line. Just stick him in a chair, put him through the conveyor, and upgrade that man. Get rid of this meat sack. Upgrade the man."
"Do you reckon that'll be the thing in the future? We just eat and never poo."
"Dr Vegapunk, he possesses the world's most brilliant mind! His scientific prowess is said to be 500 years ahead of mankind."
"You're in the future right now, I'm in the future for you guys."
"Forget your flying car, your invisible car is coming first."
"Contemplating a different futuristic setting."
"The story of an average guy who winds up in a stupid future."
"Prepare the mothership, that's what I'm talking about."
"I'm about to experience the most advanced futuristic technology in America. 3D printed food, drone delivery to your doorstep, 9ft tall exoskeleton robot suits."
"What can you expect from Night City in 2077?"
"65: A mix of futuristic tech, explosions, and Jurassic-sized chaos – buckle up for a wild ride!"
"I like the idea that we can turn Paris into a... weird cyberpunk futuristic thing."
"A giant holographic woman politely tells us the news."
"I saved trillions of years of my own life. I saved all the future good, and I will do for humanity."
"Honestly, I'm seeing videos every day of these guys on hoverboards whipping down New York, we're so close to the Green Goblin in real life."
"It's been just horrible, two centuries with no one to talk to, no one to serve. Who's charging the Zo batteries?"
"If you've got a 3D printer you can make almost anything including things that were not meant to exist jewelry that hangs in midair shining shimmering."
"This is one of the most futuristic things you could do on the quest to date."
"A trip to Dubai is like stepping into the future."
"Futurama provided a reflection of modern times through a futuristic lens."
"This lighting is so good, it's cyberpunk in the making."
"It will look like a drone is following the car behind you, mapping all the areas ahead and around your car."
"I've come from the year 2030. All right, I see how things are going, and I say this can't be good."
"That looks so cool with those different colors of glass! That looks great. That is super, super futuristic. And then combined with that, once you get the board around the bottom, honestly, that will make all the difference."
"We're getting one hell of an upgrade, a superhuman upgrade. Our DNA is going to change."
"Virgin Hyperloop successfully tests human travel in surreal six-second trip."
"Feels like we're in the future now, you know?"
"Yellow lightsabers are dope, so far in the future."
"Styling-wise, the ionic 5 definitely has a more futuristic and striking design."
"The cyberware just being awesome and badass and terrifying."
"We live lives straight out of science fiction."
"A futuristic racing game with a sharp difficulty curve would be amazing."
"It has this futuristic look and it's very comfortable to hold."
"The customized ride sports an iconic electric purple body adorned with brightly contrasting orange stripes that make it look like it's escaped straight out of 'Tron's' game grid."
"F Arrow was the future that we were promised but never had in the early 2000s."
"This is sci-fi, we are living in the future."
"The car could sense you, see you, so when you gesture, you're like Tony Stark."
"This is pre-crime for medicine which is horrifying."
"Imagine playing video games in a protege suit, that would be cool."
"The separation between Mike and the rest of the world was so big and so vast, it looked like he came from the future."
"Set it in the future where Earth is like fucked... Elon Musk is still alive... I told you you should've listened to me."
"This fabricator, it takes some molecules from one item and completely reorganizes them into a different item. It is magic."
"The team believes this feature will enhance the plancha quantum travel experience."
"The Cyber truck is a rolling sci-fi film prop from the dark recesses of Elon's brain that makes little sense but takes edgy and wedgie to a whole new level."
"Name something even close, you know when you were younger you thought 'oh flying cars you know maybe this and that', this is the actual next step."
"Spartans represent cutting-edge human augmentation technologies."
"Tesla's deployed this full self-driving beta software to 2000 of its users... I feel like I'm living in the future."
"The new age offers hope, Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and it's the planet of the future, they call it."
"You have a clock on your arm that says how much time you have left, and when you run outta time, you die."
"Phones, their computers, computers that can be phones. It's wizardry, man. Future's beautiful. You're beautiful. Never told you that."
"It's fantastic for fitting anything with high-end information into anything that you're working on where you kind of want a future retro sound."
"It has a very distinctive look... futuristic Tillet Aryan sci-fi retro look."
"Why not an army of AIs inhabiting flesh-stolen suits?"
"The singularity is the focus, not the timelines on the way to it."
"You know, 50,000 years of free energy... wouldn't that be nice?"
"I'm coming at you from the future, I just wanted to say... we're absolutely over the moon."
"The look is futuristic, definitely looks like a gaming phone."
"Routine access to space, welcome to the future."
"A thing like that doesn't exist today so it has to come from the future."
"That is some futuristic Back to the Future Blade Runner II stuff."
"The ultimate destination for AR gaming is when you don't need to look at your phone, you just walk around and interact."
"Brave New World: babies are born and conditioned in labs."
"It's officially 20 years in the future. Playoff bracket is okay."
"Robot companion as I live and breathe, it's really you."
"The answer is simple: the answer is robots. If you want money, simply bow to your robot overlords."
"Star Trek's vision of the future was timeless."
"This decade is going to be transformative but we're still too early to say exactly where this ends up or how quickly this goes."
"The first Neuralink product is called telepathy, enables control of your phone or computer and through them almost any device just by thinking."
"The ultimate harvester robots... they are just harvesting everything."
"At some point, we will have a bartender serving cosmic cocktails."
"Elon Musk said that Tesla's pressurized edition of the Cyber truck will be the official truck of Mars."
"The Running Man prognosticates a bleak dystopian world."
"We're gonna get to that Blade Runner point in our evolution where it's dystopia."
"In the Year 2525: a truly thought-provoking song delving into the theme of Technology's dominance over Humanity."
"Living on other planets, becoming multiple there you go, become a multi-planetary."
"A parallel reality display eliminates first world problems."
"Love the way they did the styling of the housings, very futuristic look."
"The dark future never looked more beautiful in honestly one of the biggest technological marvels such as 2077."
"Understanding frequencies like truly understanding them would open up this new form of technology to where we would be able to achieve that Utopia that we're all trying to get to."
"It's a galactic, intergalactic jacket, it's the most futuristic jacket I've seen."
"Y'all think you're so cool with your self-driving hover cars and your worldwide free wifi."
"You have so many ideas and visions, you're very progressive, perhaps futuristic."
"The future's already here; it's just not evenly distributed yet."
"We're already living in the future."
"21st century is rubbish where's the hovercrafts and the Jetsons cars"
"It's got that very futuristic overall look it's got the slight military reference as well with these little m65s pockets but updated of course."
"This technology feels like we're living with the Jetsons. It's amazing."
"You will hardly find a more futuristic respirator mask than air fly through created by Engineers from New Zealand."
"So if you're interested in a futuristic solo driving experience, the IMA Calibri mini EV is definitely a great option for you."
"The whole thing feels extremely futuristic and Next Generation."
"This is the all-new Tucson from Hyundai."
"Imagine a car that not only runs on water but also emits nothing but water vapor."
"I love the sound of electric cars. I used to call this the sound of the future."
"It is completely like some kind of alien spacecraft that has landed in the middle of a marina."
"...Cancun will also be home to one of the most advanced cities on the planet."
"I was promised flying cars on the ground. I knew the truckers union was trying to find some way to get around the 55 mile an hour speed limit, but this? Now I just want the inevitable remake of Smokey and the Bandit to feature flying trucks."
"Starck was a pretty Advanced animatronic that had a crystal ball where he could see the future."
"Megastructures might look if floating around the galaxy a billion years later."
"A futuristic take on family transport that instantly makes almost everything else in this sector look dull and derivative."
"If there's any suit that looks like it comes from the year 2099, it's got to be this one."
"SkyDrive, for example, is an emission-free ultra-quiet compact personal vehicle that looks so futuristic it looks like it belongs on another planet."
"An otherworldly supermarket and interactive art installations... a haven for those seeking a futuristic and surreal adventure."
"It's like someone took a time machine to the Future and brought back this Sleek futuristic machine."
"That's that futuristic right there."
"Flying cars is one of my favorite tropes of what the future is going to be like."
"Literally everything that you could even think of for what a futuristic city would have in your imagination, that's what Mohammed Salman wanted to make real."
"I think this is definitely the most futuristic thing I've ever played with."
"...I think it sounds pretty futuristic..."
"The new tail light design looks more futuristic."
"This feels very futuristic, you know, I mean, it's supercar levels of performance in a package that's livable day to day."
"Thanks Janet, you've just unleashed the 31st Century conquering man on every imaginable world."
"This brand new 2024 Kia ev9... looks extremely extremely lovely and futuristic in design."
"I definitely like the look of this compared to the other ones definitely looks a little futuristic it looks nice."
"I think it's powerful of a futuristic emergence."
"Espr Cafe offers a futuristic coffee experience with an all-in-one espresso machine."
"Chunky chokers and bracelets added emphasis to the futuristic look, resembling armor and creating the illusion of a capable and powerful space agent."
"This song feels like it comes from the future, like it actually felt like we've been like somewhat nostalgic with the rest of the album."
"Because of it requiring an exotic matter not currently known to exist in nature and permitting faster than light, or FTL travel, this technology is an example of Clarketech - technologies so advanced they are indistinguishable from magic..."
"A row of hover taxis waited in front of the main building."
"You know, it looks like futuristic, like somebody drew it in the back of a comic book or something, but it's actually for real on the earth."
"We're moving quickly from the harsh military aesthetic of a submarine to something that was previously only imaginable in science fiction."
"Space food sticks weren't just a snack, they were a symbol of futuristic fare inspired by NASA's quest for space sustenance."
"Personal flying, oh my God, finally some goddamn spence around here."
"One with self-lacing shoes, 19 Jaws movies, and flying cars."
"It looks like it's straight out of space."
"...I just couldn't believe how striking he was that mbu of sexuality was so bold and futuristic..."
"They are kind of futuristic, they're cutting edge, they're cool."
"Honestly, I'm not sure what sounds more futuristic, the jetpack or the API call to create a Treasury account."
"He controls time and space, so King is from like the 26th or 27th century or some [__] right?"
"A Batman of the future seems like an idea everybody can get behind."
"This looks like a sexy Future car that I'd want to drive."
"This design is both futuristic but also has this kind of retro vibe."
"The Lexus LC immediately got the attention it deserved, personifying futuristic culture."
"The interior feels cozy and gives a futuristic premium feel."
"The Honda e, I totally love its looks. I think it's so futuristic, funky."
"This Kia really is something from the future."
"A car that was so over engineered, beautiful, and so futuristic in design it would blow everything in existence out of the park for years to come."
"This is just the iconic. It's like afterburners. This is just like Space Age. It's just so cool."
"The Model X... especially when you turn on the autopilot feature, there's just something really cool about gliding along in a silent high riding spaceship on wheels."
"Blossoming Blade Runner-esque mega city."
"His orientation tilts towards shedding worn husks for glistening cyborg enhancement befitting space-faring civilizations."
"This is about how an EV should sound in my mind, a little bit sci-fi."
"Teleportation, this is very cool."
"Look at this place, it's like we're looking at like spaceships in the distance."
"He literally dresses from the future in every one of these."
"...since the doors go up, the car's low to the ground, it looks extremely futuristic, kind of like a spaceship."
"The ER modular home gym is a futuristic Fitness solution that redefines home workouts."
"I'm a time traveler from 17 years in the future."
"It's tight, it's so Nova dude, I feel so futuristic."
"Futuristic means it's extremely modern, extremely advanced. When you see this diner, you think of the future."
"It's a futuristic Chuck-E-Cheese if you will."
"I'm living in the future, so the present is my past, my present is a present, kiss my ass."
"Full-on stem City in the back of that tank."
"Hong Kong looks like a movie, almost futuristic, with its Western esteem."
"This is a classic anime, and this deals with bounty hunters and you could say an alternative future."
"This trailer is really, really cool-looking, very futuristic."
"The animation quality helps sell the shiny plastic future vibe with the characters and setting; most of the time are filled out, and the city looks pretty similar with the CGI bringing the aforementioned scene out of the metal buildings."
"Epic. Love the use of the sample here. This is like James Bond in the year 3000."
"I just love the silhouette of it. It hearkens back to classic designs but it's also sort of futuristic."
"The new sixth generation fighter jet is so powerful and has such capabilities that it qualifies as a science fiction development from the future"
"It's really like a futuristic VPN, it's on par with stuff like WireGuard and VXLAN."
"My favorite animatronic Sunny Eclipse ... I was raised in the entertainment capital of my Planet Zork."