
Cautionary Advice Quotes

There are 605 quotes

"Magnifico has a point: granting every single wish could have untold consequences."
"This is one of the most dangerous stories that people can tell you: it's for your own good."
"Our eyes are yet to open. Fear the old blood."
"Be careful what you wish for, because sometimes you're going to get slapped right in the face. Well, metaphorically speaking."
"Get away while you can, because a happily ever after should never involve pain."
"You just end up making really, really bad decisions that can cost you for the rest of your life."
"Once you open Pandora's Box, you ain't never going to be able to close it."
"China should be a great concern of us. I think that the world should take lessons from the past."
"We are Ada, more and change things through love. We must take care lest we get more monsters on this earth."
"You should always be careful what you wish for because the grass isn't always greener on the other side."
"You have to arrive alive to have a successful drive."
"Please, please, please take this as a cautionary tale of never ever do that. Be very careful with where you're going after dark, and just really make sure that you're putting your safety first."
"Don't get deluded into thinking that oh there's nothing bad going on and nothing bad is going to happen."
"Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater."
"You kids never shave. Because this will happen here."
"I just don't want you, your friends, your family, or anyone you're acquaintances with to be scammed by someone unnecessarily."
"You gotta be careful who you follow and always double-check."
"If you remember -- let me absorb that for a moment. There's no education in the second kick of a mule."
"Be very very careful as you start to navigate."
"Overconfidence leads to accidents, okay? Simple."
"For those of you who have longed for this, let me caution you: the old adage is true, be careful what you wish for. When the gods are truly angry, they grant us our wishes."
"If you're at a school, a church, and someone told you, 'Let your angel guide,' run dude, run as fast as you could and don't look back."
"Let them alone, they be blind leaders of the Blind, and if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."
"But just because you can doesn't mean you should."
"If what you're suggesting can land someone in jail if true it's not an opinion it's serious and don't eff around when you do it."
"Be careful out there if you're talking trash anywhere on the internet. You never know when the gaming police might be listening."
"Don't blackmail a guy worth a hundred and seventy billion dollars who also has the capacity to create 2-day delivery for anything right and has drones like squads have drones that work for him."
"When it comes to politics, guys, you gotta be careful what you ask for because the pendulum always swings the other way."
"The devil can open doors in your life that look like blessings but are strategic Soul destroying schemes."
"It's not really the smartest thing you want to do anyways."
"A warning with chilling precision against the loss of history."
"If you're looking for a good survival experience... tread into DayZ with caution."
"By the time you figure that out, you're too close and you're already burned by the fire."
"Betting it's going to stop is not a good bet."
"Just remember one thing: You can stop, trains cannot."
"Chasing them down guarantees some sort of violent outcome."
"Police officers are not your friend. Period."
"Don't ignore the red flags. If it's not fun, run."
"Nobody plans to mess up their life, but people do it all the time."
"Be careful of who you pretend to be because you are who you pretend to be."
"Anyone that places themselves as the authority and the only one who understands the Father's will is deceiving you and slowly introducing you to Satan."
"Just because someone acts nice doesn't mean they are nice."
"It's always better to avoid falling in than have to contrive a way out."
"If you're eating something, swallow it right now 'cause it might come flying out of your mouth."
"Two things are very important: not to leap to conclusions about what means what and... the unvaccinated are going to be blamed for what is going to happen no matter what."
"I probably wouldn't press that. You can achieve financial stability in a lifetime."
"Negotiation with Devils should be taken very lightly; any deal with them could come back to bite you."
"The little mistakes end up being big mistakes."
"Word of advice: keep your nose clean in town. Courts aren't too friendly to our types, if you know what I mean."
"Just to say again and just to do this intermittently, my results are not typical."
"Risking more than you can afford to lose is the unintelligent speculator's error."
"Overconfidence, a slow and insidious killer."
"You wouldn't end up with... that would cause people cellular damage."
"You were warned, somebody opens the door for pleasure when they should have kept it closed because of their peace."
"Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should."
"If you make critical mistakes, you burn it all down. It's all for nothing. Remember that."
"Once you pulled the trigger, you can't actually stick the bullets back down the barrel."
"Be careful what you partake in, be careful of the monster you feed."
"Remember Lot's wife... do not backslide, do not look back, do not turn around."
"I'm just going to tell you not to join a cyber war because it is dangerous, it is scary, and if you don't know what you're doing, do not do it."
"If you ever see something that looks either like an Oreo cookie or an ancient coin with a quaint design, you better put on your glasses before touching it."
"Listen up, girls, if the hottest guy in your school is flirting with you, there's a very strong possibility that he just wants to make fun of you." - Kate
"If you're gonna lie, you've got to make sure there isn't any evidence out there because the evidence is going to show up at some point."
"Be careful when people clap for you... because when things go wrong they will shout crucify him."
"Don't do things that go to your state of mind."
"Before you rush to hate this video or mistakenly believe that this is going to help in making them ban kratom, you really do need to hear me out."
"Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do something."
"The problem with making a deal with the Devil is nobody ever negotiates."
"Be very careful when you read the Bible. Just because something is written in the Bible, it does not mean that God condones it."
"Underestimating your enemy is basically the worst mistake you can ever do in war."
"Thoughts are things folks. You've got to be careful what you put out there because what you're thinking will happen."
"Be careful what you put out there because what you're thinking will happen if you're thinking in a negative sense then negative will happen to you."
"Life ain't planned, if you're casual about your dream, it will end up a casualty."
"If the deal's too good to be true, sometimes it is."
"An encounter with this object or its creators could potentially result in the total extermination of life on our planet."
"Be careful what you wish for because at some point in this life journey, it's going to happen."
"There's nothing worse than a wolf before ending sheep. Avoid false friendships at all costs."
"Don't get too attached, don't get too many because it's making it seem like, you know, like women that I leave money bags in the car as a whole."
"I just gotta like, no, just don't, you shouldn't do that."
"I'm gonna go out on a bit of a limb here, some of you make good money and this person wants you for your money more than anything."
"It's a cold world, keep the heat under your seat."
"Don't go blindly wandering around strange places, you might just run into Leatherface."
"This is not a financial advice; always do your own homework and take 100 percent responsibility for your own personal finances."
"All that glitters is not gold, a lot of people have a lot of issues going on."
"Please don't tread on my roots. It would not be a wise decision."
"I guess it's true what they say, that you ought to be careful what you wish for, as it might come true."
"Be cautious of all these gloom and doom predictions."
"This incident serves as a good cautionary tale of the importance of preparation and foresight."
"Don't celebrate something that goes in your favor because it won't be long before it comes back and bites you on the ass."
"You have to be very, very careful in making that jump from 'oh this is a good cause' to 'oh therefore we have to make war to do something about it.'"
"If you don't like that legal situation, I fully encourage you to take some proactive steps to change it."
"They are in this sort of legal gray area that could change at any minute."
"The more you become successful the more it's going to bite you in the ass later on in life when you don't expect it."
"I'm not saying smoke a cigarette by any means, but it feels [expletive] awesome."
"This is one of those things where I was like 'don't get greedy.'"
"Don't get caught up in this, Mike. This is the wrong way."
"That's why I was not in favor of him taking that risk."
"Be careful what the [ __ ] you wish for because you might get it."
"Talking too much will get you into trouble; not everyone wants the best for you."
"There are many fences in the world that are worth tearing down but you damn well better understand why the fence was erected before you demolish it."
"Pride is one of the key ingredients for a crash in destiny."
"You have to be careful about making statements when you're too young."
"Keep away from it, lads. Don't make the mistake me and my brother made."
"Let's say map because down is a very deep hole."
"When you're faced with the whole of despair feeling as if justice has abandoned you and contemplating the step into the darkness, well, do not go in there."
"Once these lies take root you will never get rid of them and they will ruin your life."
"Beware what you wish for, grants your wish, protects your most valued possession."
"Be careful, it's easy to disappear out here."
"It's only a fool that wants to go to war, but it's a bigger fool that doesn't prepare for a war."
"You need to be very very careful about these weapons we have."
"Is it worth it? Is it worth your life? No, I don't think so, no, absolutely not."
"Don't lose yourself. Don't let it consume you and be to your detriment."
"She should have never been with him in the first place, she should have never gotten pregnant by him, she should have never even cross paths with somebody who was so beneath her."
"I just want this to be a cautionary tale for a lot of women."
"Let this be a cautionary tale for young women out there."
"Nobody wants to be the bag holder who's riding this thing all the way down."
"Don't get addicted to it, it is addictive and it will start showing on you."
"Don't write checks that your briefcase can't cash in."
"Don't click those links. Unless you're on a Mr. Beast video, you're never going to win money at the click of a button."
"Beware of leaning too hardcore into the darker side without educating yourself on the light."
"Be careful what you seek, you don't know what you'll find."
"I feel like you would literally be throwing away a very very good relationship."
"This game is really creative, but never do anything like this ever in real life."
"You're liable to get shot; just be careful of the side view."
"You don't get something for nothing, if it sounds too good to be true it is."
"Well, if divorce is the only answer, then we better find out what the question was and tell everybody to never, ever ask it."
"Putting the public in your business is almost never going to work out in your favor."
"Bad victories should be avoided like the plague."
"Your reputation is priceless. It takes decades to build. However, if not careful, you could ruin it overnight."
"Sometimes you can end up biting off way more than you can chew."
"I guess the moral of this story is to always do research."
"Be mindful of what you ask for because you just might get it."
"Life is risky. Wait till they hand you the bill for not trying."
"That's the thing... be careful when that because the pendulum always swings back."
"If you got a family member eager to put you in the game, watch them too. Some people are just clouded by the money."
"Everything is speeding up because of social media. You have to be conscious and careful of what's being shared."
"I'm gonna tell you guys up front, not to be the voice of doom and gloom, but this is going to pull back."
"Be careful what you wish for because the reality can be so much harder than what you think your dream scenario is going to be."
"There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death."
"Time is the enemy, the past addresses the fastest weapon."
"Avoid at all costs, Stanners the Danner bull runs."
"Certainly trying to dissuade you from using it."
"When someone starts looking like a demon, believe them."
"Stay off the dark web, don't go on any of these sites."
"We're going to let people know don't trust Colin Thompson of cast media."
"If you stand for nothing, you fall for everything."
"You should treat life preciously, you never know when something might happen."
"Let the one who thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall." - Samuel Hurd
"Please tell him that he must be careful of the powers that lie within him."
"Slow and steady may win the race, but it could also land you in a pool of quicksand."
"Be safe, friends. The internet is a scary place."
"But not all that glitters is gold apparently."
"You should never talk to police. Know your rights."
"Be careful with your sexual activities. It may lead to more than just a one-off thing."
"Just because you can, it doesn't mean you should."
"It would be like yelling into a newborn's ear at full volume their entire life you're likely to damage their hearing like right out of the gate."
"When somebody comes along and says, 'I know what the ayah means,' that's where the problem lies."
"Beware of the man who tells you that every woman he's ever broken up with was crazy."
"AI is the ultimate example of just because you can do something doesn't mean you should."
"Just look at it from a biblical standpoint. How long are you gonna live that life before you get caught from what's behind you when you got your whole life ahead of you?"
"The season of mercy runs out. So it is what it is, pay attention to your circle before they hurt you. We out."
"Don't get complacent because this second wave it's fittin to be worse than the first if you ask me."
"Once those things disappear, you're in real trouble."
"June 9th, if it don't work don't be mad at me."
"Welcome to What the Deck, folks. Don't try this on the ladder."
"Fernando Sanchez if you don't hold it you don't own it good look getting your metals back all right."
"Please do not do it like it is bad man just a quick little friendly reminder"
"Good thoughts you attract what you think of often times more often than not so be careful what you think folks."
"If somebody's saying that he's good and you should worship Him, run from that." - David
"PSA ladies, it's rarely ever going to turn out good for you to date a married man."
"You can make mistakes here that will definitely mess up your system, so be wary of running as root."
"Be careful what you wish for. If it's an apocalyptic event, I know exactly what direction I'm gonna go in."
"We're honored to give Psy a platform denied by compromised mainstream media."
"You can dig your own grave by your actions, oh yes be careful what you say."
"Just because it can go in the hole doesn't mean you should put it in the hole."
"Robots that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones."
"Just because you can doesn't mean you should with these tattoo machines."
"Prophecy is not fortune telling; it's a forewarning, an admonition of sorts."
"Strength card is positive, but when it's reversed, you want to take care of yourself."
"Dr. Anthony Fauci is now warning not to reopen too quickly."
"If you ignore red flags it's very, very possible to end up in a situation like I was in."
"Be careful what you wish for. The court is likely to deliver exactly what you're asking for."
"I've seen people's lives ruined by stuff like this."
"Fear-based actions may lead to fear-based results."
"It takes a lifetime to build a reputation but only seconds to destroy it."
"In every feeding environment, there's a snake."
"Don't let the tunnel that you use to get out become a trap that keeps you in underground."
"You definitely don't want to bin it and end up on an Auto Addiction video."
"It's okay to judge, just don't be a Stephen Anderson."
"I'm a little bit worried though that you are a little bit of a player."
"Brace yourself, that's all I'm going to say."
"Pride comes before destruction. Ask the right question, man."
"It takes one mistake and all it takes is one mistake."
"It's one of the biggest PSAs about just waiting until the facts come out."
"Beware of False Promises: Discern Truth from Fiction."
"Watch your back, Link Cara, someone out there may have it in for you."
"Don't underestimate this guy." - Michael Knowles
"Losing thousands of dollars before or during your Disney World vacation for things that you could have fixed is bound to leave a sour taste in your mouth."
"Let that be a lesson to those of you coming up."
"The first step in avoiding a trap is to know what that one exists. Amen brother, words and a mother absolute right."