
Code Quotes

There are 394 quotes

"Lambda expressions are just a way of passing a block of code to a method."
"Code is way better way to model a software system than natural language."
"The code to get in was one three one two which is ACAB all cops are bastards."
"Protect code went live, code signals clean. We are moving up the timetable. -Q"
"If it's a code, no one can break it. If it's a language, no one can understand."
"We get one additional reference here as the authorization code that Picard uses to decrypt Beverly's message is Picard 47 Alpha Tango."
"This is the everything code and it's really important."
"The key to character recognition or copy is to build firm familiarity with the sound."
"The goal is quick, accurate, and effortless copy of code, what we call instant character recognition."
"All the information about life on Earth is contained inside it; it's the oldest code in the world: DNA."
"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand."
"We always want to make sure that we're refactoring as our code file gets more and more complex."
"With this, we can call its draw method."
"The Jedi are important in resolving conflict, and they can be doing so much more good, but their code is undoubtedly holding them back."
"Infrastructure as code allows us to take all of the learnings and the best practices that have been developed for software development and apply them to infrastructure."
"For the people that stay all the way to the outro, another code is going to be... What is it? TAR. But what does it stand for? Tunnels are roads."
"Use the code '50 Bento' at the checkout to get 50% off plus free shipping."
"...you can literally just copy and paste some piece of code in and regardless of how much you understand it, it's still going to work."
"I want to know that the code is open and people can audit and see it's doing what it says it's doing."
"It's not going to be very much code, it's just going to be a little web server."
"I think I've cracked the code and created the perfect commuter."
"Some of the pressures to regulate code put up a lot of requirements before you can open source software. I think that would be very damaging to Global Innovation."
"You know I got you a discount code. That's right. The code is 'magicfamily'. This means that you guys get money off, and it also means that I earn a little bit of money to help keep this channel running."
"Making less assumptions helps us write better code."
"The pirate lords Henry Morgan and Bartholomew establish the Pirates code in the Pirata codex."
"Hopefully this video provided some valuable insight about debugging code."
"WebAssembly is a web technology that allows code written in different languages to run in a browser."
"So give me like 20 minutes, the promo code will be ready to go."
"We want to basically create processes or create a streamlined process that takes our code changes, it testes it, it makes sure that we have no security vulnerabilities and issues in our code or in our artifacts."
"If you grab one, please punch in the code Boscoin."
"In order to be a successful pirate, you need to abide by this code."
"Whitebeard abided by the code. Shanks abides by the code."
"Secret code right use the casuals get your great Karma."
"Some people are like that I suppose. They need a code to keep them stable. But the actual code is secondary to the stability."
"If you're a solo programmer making a game or even a small team, a code first approach is often best as it is the simplest, most flexible, and fastest option both in developer time investment and in runtime performance."
"Pair programming fosters collaboration and code quality."
"Write tests before you actually implement code; rerun the test and do refactoring until all of the test cases are passed."
"I invited him to do so, quoting which parts of the code he should indicate I was violating."
"When I listen to music, I don't hear the music anymore. I hear the code."
"...grouping code together, even if the concerns aren't necessarily the same, is very good for the maintainability of software."
"Infrastructure as code principle in a modern microservices architecture is a must."
"Finally blocks contain code that you want to execute whether there was an exception or not. It will always execute, always always always."
"No new unknown code can be loaded at runtime, making your app more secure."
"Native image will eliminate everything that you are not using and only put the parts of your code that are actually functional."
"At some point in all three BioShock games, the player is quite to unlock a blocked door using some variation on the code for 5-1."
"This is beautiful. This is what I want my code to look like. It's natural, it's intuitive."
"Our code will help us to see that values are important but they are different from our ethics."
"I actually have a code page 10 p-a-i-g-e 10. You can apply that to any one of these options and it will give you 10% off your first purchase."
"Again, I point out, this is exactly what John Kopp meant with his promise. Code just becomes more beautiful, more readable."
"A function is just a section of reusable code, you write it once, reuse it whenever you need it."
"So as you can see when we're writing JavaScript, we first figure out what steps we need to do. This is called an algorithm and then we convert these steps or this algorithm into code."
"Functions are isolated blocks of code."
"Use my code zombie to save an extra 10 off at checkout."
"So here instead of 'Amigos code' we're going to say 'joke dot setup' and then by 'pi tts x3 dot speak' and then 'joke dot punch line'."
"So everything has code. That's the DevOps principle."
"Modularizing applications allows for easy maintenance and reusability of code, making it accessible for multiple team members."
"The code is executable. It can be used as a template for writing your real code."
"The code should always be in sync with the real world."
"The code does not age, you may feel like it's aged, but that's because you have changed."
"Neo didn't crack the code, he became the code."
"If you ever want to delete an entry that is also possible too if you are interested in the code it's available in my GitHub repo."
"If only there was a way you could represent infrastructure as code and then automatically deploy it via maybe an Azure DevOps pipeline or something like that. That would be a utopia to me. Only such a thing does exist."
"You're not very smart, aren't you? I'm not a thief. That's where you draw the line. And it's gotta have a code."
"This is just four lines of code, awesome."
"The best person to maintain the code is the person who wrote the code."
"If your code needs a comment to be understood, it would be better to rewrite it so it's easier to understand."
"Growth has told him the code by which he must live."
"To violate this code is to gradually disintegrate his own character."
"I've cracked the code. The gluten is in the flavor. The flavor carries the gluten."
"Code obfuscation is used when we don't want unauthorized people to understand how our code works and what it does."
"Syscalls must always be guarded with build tags."
"Looking at existing code bases and trying to clean them up."
"The Jedi have a code and structure that is reminiscent of this, and their devotion to the Light Side of the Force is analogous to the devotion to the Samurai’s code of Bushido."
"Code is a minimum standard. It is not solely responsible for the predictability that we seek."
"We're reducing the code duplicity across our application by using layouts. How cool is that?"
"Reading other people's code is so vital to programming."
"...if you take a deeper look at the code you can realize that using the task when all is fully Justified and it's okay and we have also the mechanism in place to handle the exception so we are aware about all the stuff that could potentially go wrong..."
"That's okay because that's the code."
"The Expression language allows us to write very minimalist code."
"One tiny change in the code enabled the whole scam."
"This is very beneficial because when you're scrolling through a lot of code, you can easily miss comments."
"So, um, here's the authorization code."
"To-do comments must either be done or deleted before I will check the code in because once you check it in it turns into 'don't do'."
"The proper use of a comment is to compensate for our failure to express ourselves in code."
"But you might be thinking is there anything even more exciting we can do and there is because if we go across to our third piece of code I'm sure some people are asking does it game and it does game."
"Everything you do to the production code makes the production code more general."
"One good news... a code printed right here."
"Parent class objects should be replaceable with objects of their derived classes without code breakage."
"The child class object should able to replace the parent class object without breaking that code."
"If you use micro-level components, it's easier to organize and understand the code."
"The concept of fair chase has been grounded into our code of moral principles for a very long time."
"I think that the vast majority of code written in the coming decades will be in general-purpose languages."
"Astrology is like this code or this language that's happening behind reality that's sort of like telling you what's going on at any given moment in time."
"Even if you are that Indie Dev or small startup, if you have a critical piece of code, something you know is not going to change, yeah, go and write unit tests just for that little bit."
"Functions are also very important because they help you to write reusable and readable code."
"You can move from writing code to writing low code."
"We are going to change the code in the data provider method in the login test."
"So follow the code, and everything's gonna be good."
"Seven left, three right, and all the way past zero to the right to four, and then eleven to the left, Scarlett."
"Charity can generate code snippets or even fully fledged programs, saving developers time and minimizing errors."
"It's important to comment your code as much as you can."
"ChatGPT has provided us with the perfect code. Hats off to ChatGPT!"
"Copying and pasting code is selfish."
"This gives us a pretty good starting point to make sure our code compiles."
"We've managed to crack the Germans code, turns out they were sending messages in German."
"The rule of the thumb should be to have your dac as a very simple and streamlined piece of code that delegates all of the work to individual tasks."
"Just like async await allows us to write asynchronous code in a synchronous-looking way, generators allow us to write effectful code in the same familiar manner."
"...it's not about a person, the source code speaks for itself."
"Having some understanding of what's happening underneath the surface of where your code is actually running is the most valuable skill I think you can have."
"Decouple the code which basically means to separate or to remove dependency onto components. When you remove dependency, it makes your life easier, makes it easier to test more flexible and easier to debug."
"If you do all the replacements in my slide deck, it'll narrow speed up your code quite a bit. It'll make it more maintainable and more beautiful."
"You had to follow Harry's code. Now you have to follow Deb's code. And her code is not killing people."
"...it’s so important that our code is organized, easy to understand and expandable."
"Our code is not adequately evolvable."
"Don't forget the codeword for this presentation is Triceratops."
"When you see code like this, who's your new best friend? List comprehensions."
"Use code, ratify it, learn it by heart."
"This is really helpful if you have some reusable code which is required by multiple components."
"He's a code talker. He has the ability to... I'm going to speak in a way where certain people in my audience know."
"Surge protection or lightning arresters or SPDs, surge protective devices, same thing, generally speaking, are all now required by code for dwellings, that's residential occupancies."
"...did you ever use the TV as code for the murder?"
"You can see that the code execution actually paused here. You can use the debugger mode to inspect the details of variables and the current state when the code gets to this line. It's a really useful tool for debugging."
"Integration testing focuses on how different pieces of code work together."
"It'll help us catch any last minute issues. Just make sure our code is passing, you know, validations and tests."
"And once you understand it, you also understand your code better because you start to put the pieces together and understand how things are made."
"...we're going to break some users' code somewhere without them having done anything wrong. It's not their fault they couldn't know that there was going to be a thing called 'field' in the future."
"A lot of developers actually reveal in their client-side code."
"The code 'CERTWEB50' is good for three days, allowing you to save 50% off any course on our website."
"There's no reason why that should be the case, it's just because we've collectively decided that it's okay for our dependencies to be a bundled ball of disk code that's generated from some typescript source."
"As your code gets longer as we start collaborating with other people as the problems we're trying to solve with code get more sophisticated you're going to find that your code gets messy quickly."
"I've actually got a code for 50% off, 'HANNAH99'."
"It's like a morse code but the easiest way to remember was 'All good moles stay young.'"
"We were nowhere near it. It's a good spread of ducks. All right, well there you go guys, use code I want to duck and you'll get a duck."
"There's a real code, and you talk about it in conversations we've had."
"I now have a discount code with them that gives you 15% off any sized order at any time. It's just REALLYBIGPLANT all one word. Enter that in at checkout and you'll get 15% off."
"Unit testing is done by developers to ensure that every piece of code works according to the requirements."
"Regression testing verifies that recent code changes haven't altered or destroyed already existing functionality of the system."
"I want the code that we write on the client side, the code that we actually write inside our game project, to just be beautiful. That's what I go for. That's what I aim for."
"If the code that you're writing just looks disgusting or just is hard to do things with or isn't concise enough, that's an issue."
"You might be one of those lucky winners if you use the code Barn talk."
"The don't repeat yourself principle advises to reduce duplication in order to simplify change."
"Design classes for easy change, the code itself should be easy, the code should be obvious, what it is doing, then it is easy to understand and change."
"Code isn't the point. The point is that we make something people can use."
"Virtual threads won't make your code go faster, but they will make it scale better."
"...keeping code just doing the one job that it needs to do."
"Serverless is all about focusing just on the code and effectively running that code."
"Serverless is really just focusing on the code. You deploy your code and then somebody else makes sure that all the systems scale up to meet the demand."
"The simplicity of synchronous code with all the power from asynchronicity."
"If you use the code Matt, I'm going to deduct £100 from Fab's salary."
"You only worry about your functional code and we will take care of the rest regardless of what we're using."
"This component while it does a lot of things the actual code for the logic of my component right here is fairly straightforward."
"Optimization: This philosophy is that we're actually going to do some optimization on the code."
"The Navajo code, it was clear that nobody understood, not the Marines, not the Baptist Church, not even the Navajos themselves, breaking the code."
"The code for round two is going to be 625-1047."
"Can it help you explore alternatives to your code"
"Can it help explain what some code you found does"
"Can it help suggest improvements to the code"
"Use the code 'FroKnowsPhoto' at checkout to get 10% off your first order."
"Just a few of the typescript benefits include self-documenting code, catching errors during development instead of while running an application, and it's great for teams."
"It's the little things that make your code easier to read."
"...the code that got executed today is available on GitHub and you can see that it's not a lot of code at all."
"Having a vocabulary that is more representative of code is much better for a code completion model."
"Men are absolutely like that, the guy code is, 'Oh you're done, okay cool, I'm gonna shoot my shot, like, at all times.'"
"How many times do you look at your code and think, 'In 50 years, people will still use this code or at least these ideas?'"
"This tutorial has really helped me understand the basics of the syntax within the code"
"Some key takeaways in vertical slice architecture vertical slices makes code super easy to add change and delete because I had that confidence to know that I'm changing one isolated part of my system"
"Exceptions do not slow down your code."
"We've now had built our immutable image. We've used Terraform using infrastructure's code to deploy and define how those things go out."
"Iterators make the code really clean and allows it to use operations of them like a map."
"So we're going to say result dot add to it whatever prefix dot get sum up to diff."
"It's the word for the number and then moved that amount through the alphabet."
"So everything that you write in your device tree, you expose to the C code using special bindings."
"All of the code for these automations will be in the description below."
"It's actually less code and it's easier to read."
"Ironborn must not spill the blood of ironborn."
"The real part of the Swelt Kit is that changes of your code will reflect on the browser instantaneously."
"Immutable infrastructure: first develop infrastructure as code, then deploy, and configure using tools like Cloud Init or configuration management tools."
"Remember that we aren't defined by the code that we write or the things that we built and as a result we don't have to have all the answers and that's okay."
"...write functional style code... immutability provides consistency."
"Every single piece of code is automatically locally sequential and easy just to plug in other bits and pieces."
"This opens the opportunity for us to start to make code part of the design process."
"Shipping first-time code is like going into debt: a little debt speeds development so long as it's paid back promptly with a rewrite."
"Closure programmers don't really think of code as lines in a text editor, but instead they usually think of it as shapes and as the s expressions themselves."
"Bushido, the code of the warrior, was born."
"How are they defined? Very good, digital, that's the word. Exactly the DNA is a three out of four digital code."
"I think the really cool thing here is that every time we changed our code, we got really fast feedback about what happened, and we got it in an aesthetically pleasing format."
"They are offering my viewers you guys a discount which is 20% off an order over $100. You guys can use my code 'sarah'."
"Using extension methods helps to declutter the main program file."
"You can break your complex code into smaller pieces and then invoke them as a generator."
"The vulnerable code starts out in a Ruby on Rails framework called Devise."
"You can just download the code and then look at it first off."
"Hiding complexity is always a good idea because the code becomes much easier to work with, but it's also a little bit more fragile."
"The code word for this presentation is Oreo."
"The final tip related to debugging I want to talk about is you can just type the word debugger anywhere in your code and when your code runs and hits this point this debugger point it's going to pause your script immediately."
"I've learned to read them, and that is the biggest thing, which is basically like reading code."
"I appreciate when you give me feedback on my code and when you suggest improvements."
"'Blind Pig'—the code word for a drink during Prohibition."
"The genetic code is coded information."
"Jackpot was the code word meaning they had captured the objective."
"Those flashing lights weren't random. It's Morse code."