
War Consequences Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Russia understands what the cost of War really is."
"The fact of the matter is, you're killing civilians."
"We have to assess as individuals and as a culture whether or not we want to continue escalating and prolonging a conflict in which it has privately already been admitted that they will not get any of that territory back if all it's going to lead to is more death and more violence."
"The civilian casualties... it's tragic. Everyone who has been killed since October 7th would still be alive if Hamas had not declared war."
"Nobody wants to actually be in a situation where we're going to war. We shouldn't want that. We should never want that."
"War can only beget more war, giving way to an endless spiral of violence."
"If you perpetuate a cycle of war, it will ultimately lead to the apocalypse."
"It was his decision to go to war; it's our choice to make him pay a price."
"Walking around the wards of the Children's Hospital in Lviv and seeing children with traumatic amputees..."
"There will be no winners in this type of War."
"The aftermath of warfare should be part of how we think about the cost of War."
"War is killing hundreds of thousands of young men."
"War would be devastating, and China would have to know that."
"War with Iran would be far from Swift but very terrible... If Donald Trump is having second thoughts, it's time he sacked John Bolton."
"This land never flowed with milk and honey… but now it flows with blood." - Ambassador Var Attre
"Of all the enemies of true liberty, war's the most to be feared because it sows all these seeds that compromise liberty - compromises to civil liberties, debts, taxes, standing armies - and that's if you win."
"Who wins in a war? No one. There's only casualties on every side. No one wins."
"It's important not to grow another authoritarian aggressor out of this war."
"Russia is going to end up much weaker when this war stops than it was before it started."
"Language is a massive barrier, and we've seen how miscommunication has led to death in war."
"A United States war with Iran in Iran would be more costly, more deadly, more chaotic than any war that we have ever waged in the Middle East. That's scary. That's frightening."
"A long war is going to be a disaster for Germany."
"The Iraq War demonstrated that regime change is always fundamentally evil and will always fail."
"The Iraq War was a criminal disaster that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans and millions of Iraqis."
"The longer this war goes on, the less of Ukraine will be left."
"You're one vote out of 435 when you're talking about war. This is something that it's not like marginal tax rates. This is people dying, kids getting killed, women becoming widows at a young age. It's just absolutely horrific."
"Any war between the United States and Russia will end in the deaths of literally millions of people, pointlessly, for no reason whatsoever."
"The atomic bombings were directly responsible for the eventual Japanese capitulation."
"Avoid needless destruction and most of all avoid needless loss of life."
"Africa is already a collateral victim of the war."
"There's always good and bad to things... it creates war and that is just not what it's about."
"Stalin's armies now prepared to bring the war to Germany the consequences for Hitler and the German people would be deadly."
"There are times when the actions of a small group of brave soldiers can have consequences for an entire war."
"The wounds of war can be healed, but never hidden."
"The children of the billionaires don't see the effect of these wars; it's the working class who bear the brunt."
"More civilians died as a result of the war than people in uniform."
"War brings about the most brutal and tragic stories possible..."
"The number of lives saved by medical advances from war may surpass the number lost in war."
"You know, people don't realize most of the people that die in such a war are going to die not of directly of the blast and radiation effects, they're going to die because of basic infrastructure breakdown."
"Wondering if all this fighting was worth it."
"If it lands into like an area like a house or an apartment block and it kills civilians then that of course would be a huge deal."
"War not only kills men; it destroys history."
"Last thing about his video, but Churchill got his wish, and he was overjoyed with the deterioration in the Czech lands, which eventually led to the mass genocide of all Germans there at the end."
"A major war would be very, very bad news for the global economy."
"Who's lost more land in any War I think that's a pretty important factor."
"I don't think that war would be positive I mean I think it would be uh it would be something like world war II where you or your trade partners get really all discombobulated and all of a sudden everything gets messed up economically."
"That is the cost of war, that is the cost of invasion, that is why this is a morally abhorrent completely unacceptable act."
"Due to the Epic explosion by the Ultimate Weapon during the war, a parallel universe was created."
"This aggression into a sovereign neighbor, a land war in Europe, this is not gonna play out the way Russia was expecting."
"America just flattened the place, napalm Hiroshima Nagasaki."
"One on five babies are born with deformities in Fallujah. This is one of the most terrible consequences of the US invasion."
"You know the US has never cared if they destroy the world over these wars."
"Ukraine is losing across the board... if this War does not come to an end hundreds of thousands more will die."
"If we can't hold accountable the figures who led us into wars... then in what sense are we a democracy?"
"We should pay for it and we should make people well aware: this is the cost of war."
"The results of the war for ordinary Iranians were initially somewhat dire."
"I came back just hearing loss, a lot of people did not come back."
"If you think it's too expensive to take care of veterans don't send them to war..."
"Every bad thing you've ever heard America doing would pale in comparison to the consequences of a nuclear war. It wouldn't even be close."
"The biggest losers in this conflict are the soldiers dying on both sides and the civilians suffering in large numbers."
"Should the Legion manage to reanimate the Avatar’s armor, Heroes and let it gain full power, the Legion may finally be able to turn the tides of this war and fully consume our world in their burning crusade."
"Eventually when they seen Henron rolled up they ain't really want no issues and they squashed it."
"The economic Fallout from the war in their nation is already causing significant hardship for the Russian people."
"This war is hurting Russian people because of the sanctions... there's real suffering."
"Russia would be happy for those 500 million people to go hungry if they thought it would help them in any way win this war."
"Even though it's a big tragedy for every Ukrainian but it brought us some beautiful things like friends around the world."
"Every soldier has loved ones waiting for them at home, and so many just don't come back."
"At the end of the day, those who were pushing for war didn't want anything to do with it because it messed with their narrative."
"The alternative is war, the alternative is World War Three, and no one will win, and no one will survive. That's insane."
"This story ends with a stark reminder of the cost of war not only to those who lived through it but to the memory of those who lived before and to the knowledge of those who will come after."
"Anytime you open that Pandora's box of war, you don't control it, it controls you."
"History repeats itself, and the war has never ended."
"Even Once Upon a Time, these plains were covered with grass and it never grew back, never had a chance to. This is what continuous War has done to my home."
"Putin is simply making excuses at this point and he waged a war killing hundreds and thousands of people."
"Is a global war something that anybody wins from these days? I mean, what does anybody want that? Not sure."
"If we don't unite for peace, we're going to die in war."
"Putin's larger political Ambitions for the war appear to have completely Fallen apart."
"Is it possible that war, beyond its terrible consequences, can also be a catalyst for innovation and technological development?"
"There's no such thing as a limited nuclear war. I mean, the whole thing is just crazy."
"There are no winners in war, everyone suffers and usually there are no clear-cut good guys and bad guys either."
"You do that, and we are in a full-scale nuclear war that brings the end of the world."
"We don't want this war to be used to create a permanent cold war."
"World War two would accomplish that but with a terrible loss of life."
"Sometimes the goal that you have in a war ends up being the very thing that hurts you in the end."
"War will eventually bring destruction, and if people don't learn the lesson, the destruction will not stop."
"The purpose of US foreign policy today is to support the complex that we've created in the national security state that is fueled, funded, and powered by interminable war and the ramifications thereof."
"...ultimately War isn't about territory and gaining and losing territory it's about people and people are suffering as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine..."
"Collective punishment... punishing an entire population for a war their leaders made."
"Millions of people displaced, thousands of people dead, homes destroyed, all for what?"
"Sometimes the first world war made allies of old enemies."
"These wars produce only chaos and bloodshed."
"If we hadn't dropped the bombs, many more American lives would have been lost."
"If you go to war with North Korea, you are going to lose 30 million."
"What war has torn apart can never truly be made whole again."
"It's now or never; if Ukraine loses this war, Europe is next."
"The true scope of the war he had been fighting was only now becoming clear, and the stakes were higher than he had ever imagined."
"The grave consequences of this violence slowly began to reveal themselves as the months went on, as atrocities against one’s fellow countrymen became even more common on both sides."
"Washing away all that ignorance doesn't wash away the damage that each side suffered from the war."
"The aftermath is another interesting song that deals with the consequences of war and asks whether it's worthwhile considering the resulting atrocities."
"Ironically, the fate of the war that took more than 5 million German lives would not be decided in Germany, but on other fronts."
"This war that Putin embarked upon is not just the problem for Ukraine or for Russia, but for him as well personally."
"Each gain, even for a small piece of ground, came with a terrible price tag."
"A family lost a husband, father, home, and all their worldly possessions, all due to a raid that accomplished absolutely nothing."
"For us with a powerful fleet which we believe able to protect our commerce and protect our shores... if we are engaged in war we shall suffer but little more than we shall suffer even if we stand aside."
"I hope the experience in Vietnam serves as a sad reminder of the human cost of advancing political agendas."
"The global war on terror worldwide has provoked much more victims than terrorism itself."
"The consequences for innocent people are beyond comprehension."
"The price of war must be as high as possible, and the aggressors must be isolated."
"The Scouring of the Shire... shows the true consequences of the war."
"Peace would be very good because every day the war continues, hundreds, thousands of people get killed."