
Socio-economics Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"I think socio-economics does play a huge role in determining... the potential course of someone's life."
"Monopolies inevitably happen with capitalism, and whether they got that status with the help of the state or 'on their own' doesn’t matter."
"Socio-economics is directly tied to criminality."
"I want you to take whatever preconceptions you have about wealth, about poverty, about income disparities, about what people earn and how they live, and reconsider them."
"The leading cause of death on the planet Earth is relative and absolute poverty. Period!"
"It's not an Islamic issue, certainly not just an Israeli issue; it's socioeconomic."
"When people don't have jobs, they don't have purpose and meaning...they're going to resort to violence."
"There are a lot of people, particularly people who are working low-wage jobs, who do not have the luxury of staying home."
"Any adult can make a choice, really. There's a reason why rich people don't go to payday loans."
"By the age of four years, the children in the professional families had heard 30 million more words directed to them than children in the welfare families."
"The success of a company does not trickle down."
"We have to understand something is going to rich people, better ask his questions, mmm-hmm."
"If you're not intelligent, you're more likely to be poor."
"More money means more power for your personal use."
"The vast majority of Chinese people did not benefit."
"Enslavement shaped every crucial aspect of the economy and politics of America."
"There's a difference between being rich and being wealthy."
"One of the best predictors of future wealth is not the wealth of your parents but it's the average wealth of the postcode that you grow up in."
"Every character is worth stopping to speak to; in fact, it is through our odyssey of discovery in this apartment complex that we learn a good deal about the wider world and the socio-economic system that these people are just trapped under."
"The average black person cannot afford to have children anymore."
"People associate hunger with homelessness. Homelessness is definitely ground zero for hunger, food insecurity, but the majority of people who actually suffer from food insecurity are the people who barely live above the poverty line."
"Most people would rather be equal and poor than better off and see some people way better off."
"The debtor will be the slave of the creditor."
"The black agenda is socio economics. They hate us because we are black but they're able to victimize us because we're poor."
"It's a luxury. People in this world have never even had lobster."
"Even the poorest in China would want a smartphone, and they would do almost anything to get their hands on one."
"Poor white person and a poor black person have more in common with the possibility space of their life than either of them have in common with a billionaire."
"I think we're kind of at this point of this late stage capitalism where the incomes don't match up with the work."
"Latino unemployment is now four point record-low four point seven percent it hit even in 2012 it was a ten percent that's why Democrats are are are absolutely petrified."
"I don't care if someone else has more than me so long as I have a system where I'm able to do okay."
"Let's get race out of public policy if we want to correct for disadvantages, let's do that on the basis of socioeconomics and class."
"I think that a lot of people they forgot or they they guess that we've all gone to like their most amazing schools and we had all this money but um it was probably exactly the opposite."
"The disappearance of this old guard also comes the disappearance of middle-class wages and security."
"These people are real people. They're not just rich people."
"Poverty is a mindset, poverty is not just about what's in your wallet or in your purse."
"A new Nigeria is possible... considering the rising unemployment, inflation, poverty, inequality, and other key socioeconomic variables."
"Black queer community, they're more likely to be poor than black heterosexuals."
"The middle class needs to get rich again or we're going to lose our country."
"Men who have value in terms of income, in terms of status, tend to do better with women."
"It seems to me hardly accidental that most of the people in the Senate are millionaires. I think all but one or two there are millionaires. Is that just an accident?"
"Black folks also have diminished opportunity to improve those outcomes compared to white people on average."
"Privilege exists, it's different and it's primarily socioeconomic."
"It really is the way this the fiat money system is set up that chooses the winners and the losers."
"Money in America is power. That's a good place to pause."
"Aggressive measures are needed... for improving the socio-economic situation."
"Stockwell was really quite a rundown working class area."
"Had there been better economic prospects in the hoods of Chicago, perhaps many of these young men wouldn't have been forced into a life of crime and violence."
"It's the Have Nots trying to be the Haves, finding their own way of getting what they need and what they want."
"The suburbs and the exurbs are now the new essentially ghettos in the United States of America."
"The cause of gun violence is usually correlated and tied to lack of economic opportunity or poverty."
"It's absolutely the case that if you are born into a family in which there is no working adult or in which there are no prospects for working adult your prospects are pretty grim."
"Perhaps we have to look at these technology choices to understand the recent inequality."
"The black upper middle class has quadrupled since the 1970s."
"I think a lot of that depends on the commitment of the community, even the educational background in the community and economic background."
"That's the poverty trap. It's the idea that there might be multiple steady states, that where you start from has an impact of where you end up."
"Almost everywhere, football is a working class or poor game."
"It's not a coincidence that the same communities dubbed 'high crime areas' are those most under-resourced and remain that way generation after generation."
"Just because they are struggling or like economically deprived doesn't necessarily mean that they are, uh, I don't know, just right or like ennobled in some way."
"All these hustlers who are able to kind of jump in and try to make something out of a system which has fundamentally failed them"
"What we seem to have here is evidence of a situation in which, for those who were doing least well in the circumstances of the time, life was too insecure, or living standards were too marginal, for them to be able to marry and establish independent households of their own."
"...if you use free School meals as a proxy for social deprivation... anyone receiving free School meals is already having significantly less attainment over time."
"50% of your life outcome is all determined by the ZIP code you're born in."
"Embryo selection favors upper-class people because it's expensive."
"It's the same feature of land abundance that leads to liberty for some and to slavery for others."
"If you're poor they're gonna stereotype you know what you saying what we're not in that flag he'd been talking about in all the member souls that's we need that"
"The only place it has got us to is a place where selection exists if you're wealthy — if you can afford to go private — but doesn't exist if you're not."
"Unless we reinvest in the middle class, it will correct, and the means of correction will either be war, famine, or revolution."
"Flint is the second most impoverished city in the nation."
"Things like a home, a good education, a job, the ability to hold a job, a little money in the bank or post office. These are ordinary things, and yet not everybody has them."
"A food transformation is necessary for our socio-economic future and for our climate future."
"Increasing inequality of wealth and income."
"Someone born in the south side of Chicago does not have the same level of access to adequate means of shelter safety, even food."
"History is driven by our socio-economic activity."
"It's economic empowerment, it's education."
"I think the problem is when gentrification creates cities for rich people only, like San Francisco right now."
"The forces behind money and our upbringing drive so much of who we are."
"I always knew what it was like to come up in a low-level income family."
"Every time you double the size of a city in any given urban system, all socio-economic metrics increase to the same degree by approximately 15% per capita."
"The Russian Revolution proved one thing: that it is possible to run a vast country of 150 million people without private bankers, capitalists, and landlords."
"China has held the distinction of having the world's largest middle-class population since 2015."
"The politics of a world with a collapsing middle class are not going to be pretty."
"The abandonment of Little Bay Islands, and the reason this small settlement existed in the first place, is enmeshed in the intertwined history, politics, and economics of the North Atlantic."
"Living a deliberate life is something anyone can benefit from, regardless of where they fall on the socio-economic scale."
"Lazy people soon become poor; people who work hard become prosperous."
"Those differences in success reflect underlying differences in ability and we forget about how much poverty, stupidity, and attitudes are far more important."
"Because if there's one thing that stabilizes a country, it's reducing wealth and income inequality."
"Having a dual parent household... is the single greatest socio-economic indicator of future wealth employment graduating college."
"Social mobility is so hard. That's why people that are poor stay poor."
"We've had a prolonged period of peace and prosperity, people are living longer, and poverty is on the decline."
"Tapestry Segmentation classifies neighborhoods into 67 unique segments based not only on demographics but also on socio-economic characteristics."
"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is a slave to the lender."
"If you're middle class in like a western country, you're already doing pretty well by global standards."
"Wealthy people do money different than poor people do it, period, end of story."
"He's swimming against the current, that current being the near invisible set of tricky circumstances that had resulted from his and his family's material situation."
"The American dream is disappearing, or has disappeared, for too many of our people."
"The problem is the opportunities and the sad thing about it is seeing this type of reality in countries that are supremely rich in resources."
"Migration is because people go to the places where they're going to find opportunities."
"Not everybody is born with a silver spoon; they can't start 50 million businesses."
"This decarbonized and equitable grid that serves all of our energy needs can't just be a physics problem, it has to have those socio-economic dimensions."
"No progress for African Americans on home ownership, unemployment, and incarceration in 50 years."
"The most difficult people to reach today are the most poverty-stricken people and those that are the richest."
"Natural disasters cannot be removed from the broader social, economic, and political context in which they occur."
"Where is his parents? Well, this baby can't afford Gucci; I can't even afford Gucci."
"That's some advice that rich people say to poor people without any idea what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck."
"Wouldn't it be great if everyone involved with policy making... really appreciate what lower income households are experiencing."
"Poverty means an uptick in violence, and it's not about ethnicity, it's about poverty."
"It's expensive to be poor in the United States."
"The social-economic disruption caused by the pandemic has had the devastating effects of billions of people in the loss of life of livelihood."
"The bottom line is this: the decline of the middle class in the United States is a political crisis masquerading as an economic crisis."
"Success largely depends on two factors: the first is your application in life, or how hard you work; the second is the socio-economic situation into which you were born."
"There is no doubt that the situation you are born into can make it easier to succeed in life; however, this is not always the case."
"The core periphery model is a model that tries to explain the economic, political, and social power that's spatially distributed across the world."
"We see clear recurring patterns of instability that lead to financial crises and the fall of brittle dictatorships."
"Mobility is very highly associated with socio-economic mobility."
"The poor and middle class get poorer because most of them do not want to study."