
Size Quotes

There are 5054 quotes

"Rebirth is a game that's almost too big for its own good, and I did have a few issues with it but it's easily a Game of the Year contender."
"Nessie's length is estimated to be between 33 and 43 feet, or 10-13 meters, and its weight is estimated to be around 5,070 pounds, or 2,300 kilograms."
"Chinese giant salamanders are notably larger than other amphibians, earning them the title of the world's largest."
"The religious pilgrimage known as 'Kumbh Mela' is the largest on the planet."
"Ligers are incredible animals because they are enormous, much larger than typical lions and tigers."
"That's the Death Star. Oh my God, a thousand feet. Yes, look at the pounds!"
"A good government is one that's small enough that you wouldn't have to talk about it all the time."
"Do you trust the government? And almost always they say no... So why on earth would you want to make that government bigger?"
"This map goes on for a very, very long time. Absolutely huge."
"But Dylan was more right than he could know for Thimble Lane was full of bitty folk, tiny, little, one-inch tall people."
"We are going against the most dangerous person alive who is under six inches tall. He has nearly unlimited resources."
"Just because I'm small doesn't mean I can't fight."
"The turn on the other side is absolutely massive."
"What a magnificent dog! Why, he's almost as big as I am!"
"Most siphonophores are like arm-length, but this one is over 360 feet long."
"Natalya Kuznetsova: world's biggest female bodybuilder."
"I love them to pieces and they were surprisingly valuable for how small they are."
"He's a freak, he's huge, he moves super well!"
"What a nice looking game, and it's only 98 megabytes which is ludicrous."
"It might be a small site but it holds a huge amount of influence."
"The figure itself is excellent. It's highly accurate to the source material, it's huge relatively speaking, and it articulates very well."
"It'll come back weighing right at six thousand pounds a little bit less but still fairly heavy nonetheless."
"You really get a sense of just how big and powerful these creatures are."
"The community around your town can actually be double or triple the people that live in the town."
"This back seat is comically big... I really appreciate how the seat is in my driving position and I could fit two of me back here."
"Just the sheer size and magnitude... mind-boggling."
"Slide wheel water slide: 80 feet tall and 100 feet wide."
"They have Lego versions of Buzz and Woody and then a Toy Story for Marky behind you all the way at the back right now they have this giant Bo Peep picture it's really interesting to have something so gigantic and just to see the detail up close"
"Mega yellowjacket nests: the size of cars and home to buzzing armies!" - [Narrator]
"Yo, these are so small, oh my gosh, these are kids size, holy bro I've never gotten like this small of a pair, like I've gotten some small pairs but not like actual kids size, I mean they're kind of cute you know."
"This giveaway is going to be actually a lot bigger than last time."
"It's amazing that we live in a time now where you can do that in something so heavy and big."
"The main city is big, it's also not all loaded onto one map." - Josh
"The reason for that is that it is really, really, really big." [Music]
"So big in here, one of the largest cave rooms open to the public."
"Asia is a massive continent and it's also the most populous continent in the entire world."
"The Beast was reportedly eight or nine feet tall with his shoulder lane for 4 to 5 feet."
"Don't ever let them tell you that we're too small to be big."
"The object was described as egg-shaped or oblong, about the size of an average car."
"The bigger you are the harder you fall... but it's not insurmountable... especially in Carl's case here."
"The giant oarfish, known to reach up to a ridiculous 110 feet long and weigh 600 pounds."
"The creature is impressive, clearly at least seven feet tall."
"Could you not scan for the Mosasaurus? It can't hide, the motherfucker is enormous."
"Look at this thing, it drives so well for such a huge vehicle."
"What the heck, it's like an actual like this thing is huge are you guys seeing this man what the heck do it has bouncers on the outsides of it that's actually dope."
"Look at the size of that meat, but he's got some loins, tasty little bugger."
"Independent of the opinions of many great authors, a free elective government cannot be extended over large territories."
"Are they too big to fall?" - A Chinese green card holder
"It's a very, very small restaurant but I think it packs an enormous punch."
"This thing at 129 inches long feels like a go-kart."
"It feels almost like a three-quarter size Miata."
"It's a little heavy given its size at least."
"The Sorento handles a little bit better than the Highlander hybrid because this is a little bit neater and tidier in terms of size."
"The lightning towers at 40 are roughly 90 meters tall."
"One of the largest canyon in the world really has to be seen to be properly appreciated."
"He was so big, the biggest Welk ever to exist, and he was going to cause more chaos and destruction than anyone could imagine."
"Irish Wolfhound... gentle giant despite the imposing size."
"I'm struck by the size of these craft. They're huge."
"So this is it this is the brand new secret sewer home playset its massive look at this thing I mean sure I've got it up on a table but even up on this table this thing is now taller than me."
"Bigger is not always better - Feedback gaming 2022."
"Atlas moth: Despite its significant size, it has no facility for eating."
"Hercules beetle: Can grow to the size of an adult man's hand."
"Certainly is large, this is about as big as the surface book tablet section."
"The universe sort of forgets how big it is. Not a crazy idea, of course, but that's the concept."
"This trunk is massive... it measures just under 17 cubic feet of space."
"I think it's a way better size for media consumption."
"That is the biggest behemoth of a video that I have ever made."
"You have the benefits of a big con with the heart of a small one."
"This literal giant stood before me, it was at least half the height of the 50-foot pine trees."
"It's a big screen so you got to give him credit for that."
"It's not about fetishizing small versus large, it's about saying that we need more Democratic control."
"Everything just needs to be gigantic, and it's so much better."
"Elephants can be a devastating combination of smart enough to do anything and big enough."
"Elephants are the largest land animals on the planet, twice as tall as a man and weighing 60 times as much. They are giant manifestations of nature's power."
"Whatever if these are craft up there they're massive."
"It's a big burger. I think this would fill you up."
"Their origin must be something very small in size."
"Government should be small enough to drown in the bathtub."
"Black python: the largest snake in the world with a coloration that shimmers in sunlight."
"That's amazing - I never knew that whales could be this big."
"At 205 inches long, the Odyssey is as big as a Toyota Sequoia, offering ample space."
"The PS5 console itself is definitely one of the largest ones out there."
"How big is a Clash of Clans village? Not asking for population, just want to know how huge."
"The size of the Hidden internet is estimated to be more than 500 times the size of the accessible internet."
"Look at him! Oh my god, look at how big he is. Holy shmoly, dude!"
"T-Rex is the largest land living meat-eating dinosaur we've ever discovered."
"The giant grouper: up to three meters long, the largest bony fish in the coral reef."
"Hey, at least tell your favorite your favorite fruit, that's true. But there's no, there's no actual um, inside of it there's nothing part and this is probably the largest Price, look at that it's the big one it's so Big."
"It's like huge, it is gigantic, it's like the entire block."
"Number 6: The Gigantopithecus. This genus of ape may have been quite large, but..."
"This is actually about the same size on the outside and bigger on the inside than the BMW 3 Series from 20 years ago."
"What is happening here? This place looks pretty huge."
"This bag is huge in a really good way because it makes the perfect weekend bag."
"Up to 27 feet long, weighing in at over 3 tons, stretch limousines are some of the longest, most luxurious, and imposing passenger cars on the road."
"Just imagine if it was just the size of that!"
"Look how big these are! There's freaking 4 drawers and they're ginormous like the handles are huge!"
"Enormous size Liv in the cre was so outsized."
"Yet, most experts agree that if a creature the size of the Megalodon was still around today, the world would know about it."
"The biggest dog in the world: The tallest dog living in the world is Zeus, an American Great Dane from Texas."
"Wow, look at that giant crazy statue, my god."
"My most favorite thing about this is that it just grabs everybody's attention because it's so freaking huge and that is what she said."
"Size can't determine the outcome of anything."
"One of these creatures was the woolly rhino, a fairly massive species that was able to reach lengths of over three meters."
"Let's not forget how big the Appalachian Trail is. It's like the longest trail in the country, it's absolutely massive."
"Look at this thing, it is absolutely massive."
"Gulper eel: monster with a huge mouth resembling a pelican's beak."
"Standing in the wake of the grocery store was a creature three times its size."
"We're 20 feet and then we're 40 feet long and we're 9 feet tall."
"Nature is truly amazing and sometimes it shows it to us by doing massive displays of its grandiosity like unbelievably big creatures."
"Animals take many shapes and forms and come in a great variety of sizes from microscopic to gigantic whether you measure in terms of weight, height, or length."
"The hippopotamus is one of the largest mammals on earth."
"The African elephant can reach 4 meters in height and weigh more than ."
"Bigger than usual, bigger than you ever imagined."
"Look at the size of these things! This looks like an 80s cell phone."
"The southern stingray can weigh as much as 300 pounds and measure 5 feet across the wings."
"Once we made our way into it, it was massive. It was completely humongous."
"Size isn't everything: even the smallest creatures can teach life's main lessons."
"Big cats startled by tiny opponents: size isn't always an advantage."
"Size versus bravery: sometimes, the smallest are the fiercest."
"Never underestimate the underdog: even small creatures have mighty spirits."
"Courage defies size: even small creatures stand up to giants."
"Fearlessness knows no size: even the smallest creatures fight bravely."
"If you are in the market for a truly colossal monitor, this one might be the best."
"The giant mekong catfish holds the record as the largest freshwater fish in the world and they can grow to 10 feet and more than 600 pounds."
"Honestly, I wanted KSI to win obviously, but I was worried when I saw the size of Logan."
"The gulper eel swims around near the deepest parts of the ocean using its net-like mouth to gather small crustaceans or even smaller fish and plankton."
"Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, a massive tiger capable of flight possessing both the size of a giant and the ability to soar through the air."
"I like a big coffee, big cup, bigger handle."
"The first thing that struck me about the Tenere 700 as I walked up to it and jumped on is actually the physical size of it."
"This thing is massive, it is absolutely huge."
"These sea chameleons are among the biggest cuttlefish species."
"The ocean sunfish also known as molas are the heaviest of all bony fish."
"The Caucasian Shepherd, also known as the Caucasian Mountain Dog, is an incredibly massive and ancient dog breed."
"Their big massive lumbering size... absolutely amazing."
"This bag goes really well with what I normally wear and I find it pretty casual this bag is not a big size bag or a tiny size it's like middle size back if it's a lot but it looks like small-sized hand back I find it so cute to carry around."
"I cannot get over those leaves, and this one is massive."
"Females have to be a lot bigger in order to reproduce."
"This is a massive country, and it's only going to get worse with global warming and climates."
"This car is 212 inches long, which makes it a foot longer than a Chevy Tahoe."
"It's perfect, it's like little but still very practical."
"Nothing wrong with small. It's great to be small."
"It's bigger than what it looked like, like right now it's very big."
"That is a 300 pound man-eating freaking monster the size of a tiger."
"This is definitely the biggest master bedroom I've ever seen in my entire life."
"Big things come in small packages."
"Look at the size of that tummy."
"When building a compost pile, one of the things you need to think about is the size of the compost pile."
"If you have the right materials to turn your pile, you can't have it too big."
"He said it was around seven to eight feet tall."
"This is like hologram, correct me if I, I mean this is like King Kong Godzilla like it's it's it's huge."
"Your faith doesn't have to be huge to be effective."
"It's a massive, massive vehicle; you can fit a lot of stuff in there."
"The creature was the largest snake to have ever existed."
"These are the biggest figs I've ever seen."
"I really appreciate it when the gin and tonic comes and it's in a giant glass."
"The largest among the Diquís spheres measures over six and a half feet in diameter and weighs more than 16 tons."
"Remarkably fast for the time, especially considering her size."
"With a seat that big, there's no way this thing's not comfortable, right?"
"It's a big bike, you can't get around that fact."
"It's not the size that counts, it's the motion of the ocean."
"Everything really is bigger in the US."
"One thing you don't get online is the scale of the car. When you see it in person, I mean look at this thing, it's taller than me, it's huge!"
"The first thing I've noticed that blew my mind was the scale of the car. This car is so much bigger in person."
"I'm 6'8" and 269 pounds, which means I am not tiny."
"You're so big, but your movement's crazy for your size."
"Mammals at that time were no larger than a mouse and had only flourished after the extinction of dinosaurs."
"The interesting point with these pterosaurs is that they have a size range which is simply unbelievable."
"This little drone is a Powerhouse for the size; it can rip through the air at nearly 37 miles an hour."
"The grandstand is so big that to build it they had to take into account the curvature of the earth."
"Here it is, it looks ridiculous, I forgot how wide that is."
"Paris is a massive place with a whole bunch of history."
"Wow, look at that black drum, it's bigger than the last one, Sii, what do you got to say, are you excited?"
"Admit it though, it's sizeable. Extremely comfortable."
"Some infinities were larger than other infinities."
"I think it's just... it's just massive."
"He's giant, bro, oh my God, he's huge, look at the freaking tank, bro."
"Wait until you see this master bedroom, it is huge."
"Behold the Great Republic, the biggest wooden ship in the world when it first launched in 1853."
"It's a little guitar that sounds like a big guitar, how did they do that?"
"This is the smallest gaming PC I've ever built that has a discret GPU."
"This is seriously a Texas size feast."
"With great size comes great responsibility."
"Is there any animal smaller than ants?"
"It's about that much longer I think than a modern-day Fiesta, but inside you will fit four adults in relative comfort, and the boot is enormous."
"It's like plenty of room for people 6'8"."
"Size doesn't matter when it comes to fries."
"...the 540k is beautiful and absolutely massive."
"You're going to need a bigger boat."
"Now Nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it."
"The garden is absolutely gigantic, so many pretty flowers."
"This literally feels like a 100-footer with its very interesting quirks and features."
"Eckl Stone's mansion is mindboggling in its size it dwarfs even the historic White House in size measuring 56,000 square ft."
"It's one big hunk of lead, weighs a ton."
"All of this though does sit inside of approximately 4,800 square feet and starts at approximately $710,000."
"Argentinosaurus was one of the biggest animals that ever lived."
"There's really no such thing as too big."
"Magic is the biggest now that it's ever been by a lot."
"The proximity of the beach works, the size of the home works, and it's got the lawn. It's like a perfect house for me."
"The size of Ukraine is practically the same as from Warsaw to Paris; that's how much of the country is under attack right now."
"The planet sure is a mammoth among its peers; it's 1.2 times as wide as the largest planet of the Solar System, Jupiter, and more than 12 times as heavy."