
Screen Size Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"This is a $3,000 plus monitor where you put it on your head and you suddenly have access to massive screens."
"It has a nice size screen, it's powerful enough."
"Extra screen real estate lends itself to a lot of new additional features."
"I'd go to 12.9 and just, I'd say it's a similar debate buying like a 21 and a half inch display versus like a 27 inch display."
"22 feet wide screen that comes with the projector."
"I like having more screen real estate personally."
"So I think Apple you know is there I think the fragmentation is less of an issue so long as they preserve the aspect ratio which I'm sure they will so okay yeah."
"Definitely one of the best-looking displays I've ever used."
"That large screen is definitely nice to have."
"You're going to love this larger screen that everybody calls an iPad screen."
"The S8 has a larger screen and a sharper display."
"I mean just have a look at this 18 inch 16 by 10 so it's a little bit taller than your average 16 by nine it is an incredibly massive display."
"It genuinely feels expansive when you use it, almost like going from a 13 inch to a 15 inch laptop."
"It's the biggest truck Tesla's ever made and it's also the biggest screen they've ever put in a truck, it's 18 inches diagonally."
"By far the biggest factor in your purchase decision between these two base model devices is screen size."
"If you want either a smaller screen or bigger screen with the proven power of iOS then the iPhone is for you."
"The upgrade to a 34 inch ultrawide monitor kind of makes sense."
"Nothing I have ever experienced matches the sheer immersiveness of a screen this size."
"The iPhone 5 increased the screen size from 3.5 in to 4 which seems like maybe only a minor improvement but it felt far more drastic than the numbers imply."
"For those of you in the 2500 and up budget, I think the best thing you can do is upgrade your screen real estate and jump to the 16-inch option for the MacBook Pros."
"That screen is just really, really small."
"For me, when it comes to improving workflow, the bigger screen has made a huge difference because I have more space to work with."
"I wanted to watch this on a bigger screen."
"So any width less than 600, it will return the value one, that means the screen size is small, which is perfect for mobile devices."
"...the animation is actually filling the full screen..."
"The 14.2 in screen is large enough to get real work done and it is stunning."
"So, I hope you can see what I'm doing. Probably some of you watching this on your mobile device, probably your screen is too small."
"So not only is the screen in the X bigger, there's more real estate on the bigger screen."
"It's definitely an absolute winner with this massive screen."
"Warning: Objects on your screen may be smaller than they appear."
"Apple is giving us a true 13-inch iPad Air, so that is great to see."
"Once you've set it up on a desk, having that 18-inch screen is absolutely amazing for gaming."
"The bigger the better, and I love this massive 16x10 18-inch screen."
"The image clarity was a cut above what I'm used to, and the 120in window you look through was just that bit clearer, more impressive because the image was more TV-like in quality but more life-size in scale."
"It's a 12.3 inch screen and it's fully digital."
"Big faces are just more evocative than those viewed on a small screen."
"Screen size only means so much; when the lights go down, that's really what matters."
"You'll never regret having extra screen size, that's for sure."
"This thing is a very big and beautiful screen."
"The 6.1 inch screen is just a really nice comfortable size in my hand."
"I'm completely in love with consuming content on this huge screen."
"This is a killer value if you're looking for a larger screen laptop with an M2 Chip inside."
"For most people, a 15 inch laptop screen is really where you want to be."
"I love this watch, the big screen, I like the look, I love the battery life."
"I personally suggest giving it a try, and I very well think that 65 inches is enough for 90% of us."
"For learning music, rehearsing, and performing, the large screen really makes a night and day difference."
"Indeed, its measurements even match that of several 13 and 14-inch rivals, but its 17-inch screen offers pure real estate and a more comfortable experience."
"So my recommendation is if you're thinking about going to scope, you're going back and forth, do yourself a favor: get as wide as a viewing angle as you can in 16x9."
"We've all heard 'I wish I got the bigger screen,' but I doubt you've ever heard 'This screen is just too big for me.'"
"Flip phones are kind of the best of both worlds in portability and screen size."
"Quad HD for life, man. 2560 by 1440, best resolution, 27 inch, perfect, no scaling necessary, and it's just big enough."
"The screen experience with that big 16 plus inch OLED display is really very nice."
"If the max width is greater than 1200 pixels, then we return the desktop or the largest version of our app."
"I am a big advocate and a massive fan of larger screen handhelds."
"What an upgrade, the nice big 8-inch screen."
"The new screen size is definitely one of the best arguments for upgrading to the newest version of the Kindle."
"For me, I actually really like having the larger screen."
"A lot of people think a 16-inch screen sounds like it's not that much bigger than a 15.6, but it's actually quite a bit more because that taller aspect ratio doesn't mean it's just 0.6 inches longer, but it's actually quite a bit more screen real estate you're getting."
"Once we get down to 768 pixels, it's going to transform into the mobile version."
"Fluid design uses a layout in which elements can grow or shrink with the screen size."
"Once you get used to the big screen, typing is so nice and so awesome."
"Let's talk a little bit about multi-window on the Note 5 now; this is perfect because it does have a 5.7-inch screen."
"6.7 inch AMOLED display, LTPO3, so this will throttle all the way down to one Hertz and it'll go all the way up to 120 hertz for the refresh rate."
"The flat display is not only bigger, it feels like a big wide flat screen."
"Most people want a big screen phone and they're getting it here in one of the easiest to handle packages."
"The screen real estate... clearly you get a very big advantage with the Note 12.2."
"You are getting more screen real estate because the bezels are significantly smaller."
"OnePlus is giving you a bigger screen by 0.1 inch and a sharper screen and faster charging."