
Movie Critique Quotes

There are 900 quotes

"Winter Soldier and Civil War are frequently praised for elevating the MCU, introducing more complex themes."
"Kind of like a cheesy movie that knows how cheesy it really is, so it's got free rein to do the most ridiculous stuff."
"Roger Ebert said it best: No good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough."
"This movie literally has no good guys, and that's a problem."
"It's actually much quicker to identify the bad things about this movie, of which there are two: the fact that Nick Cage is not in it, as well as the fact that it ends."
"The villain of this movie is trying to make electric cars good."
"This movie is not just a piece of... this movie is a flaming piece of dog... piled atop an entire dumpster on fire... pile atop a landfill filled with all it is one of the worst movies I've ever seen on every possible level."
"The storytelling of this movie is so incredible."
"This movie handles the topic of grief very well."
"Aliens, yeah aliens, this is basically the craziest thing that this movie can choose to do at this point."
"This train scene is probably the only fun scene in the movie."
"It distinguishes itself from every other movie coming out."
"The best Spider-Man performance we've ever gotten."
"Peter fights off the goblin, fights off Harry."
"Gwen makes her own choices and lives her own life, and Emma Stone absolutely slayed this role."
"Honestly, it's this green dress that carries the whole movie."
"Endgame has some absolutely stunning visuals."
"One of the most successful movies in history is good actually."
"Empire Strikes Back... stands as a great second part of a trilogy and it stands on its own is a great science fiction movie!" - Mark And Draco
"Days of Future Past is what I think is the best X-Men movie."
"I think Chronicle is a great movie... What makes Chronicle so good isn't all down to the special effects like The Covenant or to the lore."
"It's hard to make a movie that's timeless, and Iron Man absolutely is."
"I've gotta come clean, while Black Widow definitely lived up to the hype, there was one thing I was hoping for that did not come: a cameo by Clint Barton."
"This movie needed to deal with that because so many times... when you call them, no matter what you're talking about, they're already looking at you."
"It's like the movie is actively trying to do as many things to disappoint fans as it possibly can."
"The rise of Skywalker was plain and simple a poorly constructed movie."
"The problem with the entire movie being about that is that you then have to have a solution to that."
"Not too many people would argue with me when I say that the Wrath of Khan is the best Star Trek movie ever."
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Spies in Disguise is indeed a good movie in spite of its faults."
"It was BADASS. Not Country Bears, Pirates of the Caribbean."
"Other than the animation I can't come up with a single bit of praise for this as a movie or as an adaptation."
"The fantastic four franchise has never quite found a comfortable space within cinema."
"Damn near a perfect comic book film for me... this movie is phenomenal."
"The rise of Skywalker should be applauded for resisting the temptation to indulge its audience with fanservice."
"Applauding Interstellar for correctly displaying time dilation due to relativity but then getting mad at them for using a black hole for time travel, it's called fiction."
"That is the exact leg that just got rammed by the taxi, [___] I know everyone loves the action in these movies and it's great action, but why does he have to be so indestructible?"
"This has... it stands on its own. It's a very unique film while still being in the Thor universe and the Marvel Universe." - Clarke Wolf
"I want to see more of that world explored... plus Keanu Reeves doing all the head shots... the cool action had great style."
"Well, this has been 'The Good, the Bad, and the Brilliant'."
"It's because there's a level of like this is not supposed to be funny but it is and I just think Spider-Man 3 is a movie is one of the best superhero movies ever made not because it's great but it's I guess it's great in its own way."
"So yeah, there were a lot of just very gross things that were happening in the movie that I didn't expect and that I wasn't prepared for."
"I went to go see another terrible Hollywood movie so that you guys don't have to."
"It's the biggest problem in the movie solely because him being back is what influences every other insane and awful idea this movie throws at us."
"Honestly, this, to me is why Fellowship feels like the best movie."
"Movie sequels generally tend to never match their originals."
"It's actually a film with a vision and has good parts to it."
"It leaves you in a weird place, doesn't it? Because it's kind of the Dune problem."
"Looking back, these movies are just freakin perfect, they're original, they're smart, and honestly have a really beautiful and uplifting message."
"Desperado never forgets to do the one thing so many movies seem to completely forget today, and that is to be thoroughly entertaining."
"The first movie knew what it wanted to be, which is something the others did not."
"When your ending sucks, your movie is a waste of my time."
"That opening like thirty minutes of the movie is basically perfect."
"Every single scene in this movie is pretty much a climax. In every single scene, something epic happens."
"They have done an exceptional job with the Skrulls."
"The plot about the island is like a b-movie that's so bad it sometimes feels intentionally satirical."
"Scarlett Johansson is great and... the setup for this movie... is really incredible."
"Back to the Future, is a perfect film and though the actual action of creating a perfect film is incredibly rare and difficult, it's substantially less so."
"That movie didn't quite click for me, though, to be honest with you."
"What did you guys want? Oh no, there it turns out there's another Terminator."
"A bad Nicholas Cage movie is still a watchable movie."
"This movie is big and dumb and that's exactly what it needed to be."
"I consider sinister... one of the scariest horror movies out there."
"This movie is not punching me in the face with stupidity."
"This looks like a garbage man, this looks like District 9 and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Independence Day."
"Starship Troopers is a fun movie. I think they should reboot it and call it bugs and boobs in outer space."
"Now, if you didn't like Dune Part One, what's wrong with you? But I don't think Dune Part Two is going to completely change your mind."
"It delivers the fun that the premise promised—Eddie and Venom are a fun bromance rolling down the street like a turd in the wind."
"The truth is the original predator is a perfect standalone movie, tightly plotted, well acted, well scripted."
"The Force Awakens: the only one with any redeeming qualities."
"Psycho... I've never seen a movie this old kill off the main character in the middle of the film which I thought was a very ballsy move."
"It's kinda fucked up how relatable Cipher is."
"This is one of the most cringy and embarrassing movies that I saw of 2021."
"I think what the movie does really well is, I mean, it's the best movie sets I've ever seen in my life."
"I want to see characters that I can like identify with that I can like actually care about and that are interesting um some kind of emotional heart to the movie."
"Home Alone could never. Even Joe Pesci in Home Alone never said he would cut a kid."
"That's the end of Holiday Hell. This was sort of like holiday hell for me. I sort of felt like I've been in holiday hell ever since this movie started and I'm really sad that I watched it."
"For me, the main problem was the lack of motivation for Lex Luthor and for Superman."
"I can't imagine Batman V Superman being that big of a disappointment."
"This is the best stuff in the movie. Joel Kinnaman is fine here, he gets the job done, but of course, a stronger actor could have drawn us into Murphy's feelings much more."
"Everything about this movie... except for Chris Pratt's voice, is really doing it for me."
"Okay, so yeah, the movie is dumb as hell understood but it's also pretty entertaining."
"It makes for a very slow and sometimes tedious middle act to the movie."
"One of the big ones is of course the slapstick and juvenile humor, much of it coming from Jar Jar Binks."
"Weak scots but sturdy couch lets us know up front that this bond film might be a little bit more fun and a little less realistic than some of the other craig bonds."
"Easily the most beautiful movie on Netflix right now."
"That's what makes it the best part of the movie."
"I was impressed with Infinity War because it was able to deliver good jokes that didn't undermine the serious backbone of each scene."
"Infinity War spends all this time developing Thanos, and it does an incredible job."
"The way it balances sadness and lively moments feels just right."
"It's friggin great and anyone who gets into these kind of movies is gonna have a ball with how over-the-top bonkers it is."
"A movie that improved upon the first movie in nearly every way."
"It wasn’t surprising that the movie ended on another callback to A New Hope- the last trilogy ended the same way- but it did feel inevitable that the ultimate conclusion of the saga would be more nostalgic pandering."
"Nobody who has ever witnessed this batastrophe will ever forget its existence."
"I think the movie itself is a gem, it really is."
"How did Green Book win Best Picture? It's only evidence of who this movie was really made for."
"Perfect Blue is far superior, that's just my opinion."
"One of the absolute most unique scenes in Aquaman was the trench."
"Character, concept, plot - these three areas are what turn a movie into a must-see event."
"The end of the Jurassic world trilogy should learn from some of the mistakes that happened in this new Star Wars sequel trilogy."
"I'll be honest, after watching Dune for the first time, I didn't like it. But after all the research I had to do for this, I'm pretty sure I'm a fan of the franchise now."
"This movie is not woke at all, which is such a relief."
"I still get this kind of flash game feel from it."
"I actually bought into the chemistry between Lawrence and Pratt."
"But the rest of the movie was put together so much better that I'm not knocked out of the movie and I'm along for the ride."
"Wouldn't be a bad idea to retract the prequels and the sequel trilogy from canon."
"A Kung Fu Panda movie being safe is antithetical to why people love it in the first place."
"I love the Dark Knight, I love Wonder Woman, and stuff, but I don't think those movies... have sick, gooey, beating hearts that will thunder throughout time."
"Disturbingly effective: The portrayal of violence in 'Skinamarink'."
"It made no sense but it was worth the logical."
"Surf's Up meets World Wrestling: Penguins and World Wrestling? The sad part is that the original movie, Surf's Up, was a fairly creative, unique idea that looked like it had some actual affection put into it."
"The conflict between Caesar and Koba, the opposing forces and views, it's just such a great piece of work."
"It's what, it's like a perfect example of a movie that's done right for completely different demographics."
"Sorry, but Mystery Box storytelling, cringe-inducing dialogue, a plot that relies on pure luck and convenience, and CGI that ranges from Gray to oddly shitty isn't improving on something that's already considered a masterpiece."
"The movie tears down the idea of the chosen one."
"The movie was lousy because I hadn't seen it."
"The result really is unlike anything else in the MCU."
"That whole thing of like that's how we're introducing the Justice League really and it's certainly not the worst Justice League we could have be talking about."
"It's sophisticated, brash, violent, scary, but also one of the most authentic movies I have ever seen."
"That's pretty much what happened with the Percy Jackson movies. They were so bad compared to the books."
"I think this movie excels a lot beyond that."
"Movie tells me pretty early it's going to continue the series' assault on perspective in physics and I'm so thankful."
"It's time to stop now. The Force Awakens was the end of the saga for me."
"I kind of would've thought that would be so unbelievable, so I'm not as mad as some people at the fact that Laurie was not a big factor in this movie."
"Iron Man 2 is flawed, but it shows the growing pains of Marvel Studios in creating a cinematic universe."
"This is my favorite Coen Brothers movie by far."
"This movie can be best described as timeless."
"The cinematography was better, I feel like the story was better."
"This movie is so sluggishly paced until the point where all this [ __ ] has to be shoved in immediately."
"Finding Nemo is an emotional roller coaster."
"The directing is the big star of this movie."
"You actually get an incredible but kind of odd performance from Robert Pattinson in this movie."
"It sucks that it sucked because you can tell watching this movie that man seriously every frame of this movie screams best of intentions."
"Why is this movie called Attack of the Clones? The clones aren't really the ones on the attack."
"There's probably some campy fun to be had in there somewhere."
"This movie was actually nominated for Best Picture."
"Superior. The Super Mario Brothers movie is not great. That being said, it's perfect. I haven't felt like this for an animated movie since the 2014 Lego Movie. Stunning animation and music by Brian Tyler."
"A lot of the supporting cast felt a little bit BL, like in the previous movie."
"Arnold peaked at True Lies, I feel that movie should have been called big guns that shoot."
"If this movie were never released, if this movie were put in a vault, a tomb if you will, and it was released now, I think people would still enjoy it as an action movie."
"Empire Strikes Back is not a truly terrible movie... it's not as fresh and funny and surprising and witty but it is nice and inoffensive."
"Surprised by a lot that happens. I know that it seems like one of those trailers where it spills out the whole movie, no it doesn't, and I wish we'd said that."
"I think the sickest action of any MCU movie."
"It's honestly one of the most bizarre and real movies I've seen in a while."
"This is movie making and storytelling at its absolute finest."
"No Country for Old Men, like he's phenomenal."
"If they had competent security, that would kind of just slow the movie down."
"'Old' is the type of movie that you gather a bunch of your friends together to hate-watch."
"Even some of the usual Sandler tropes managed to be so absurd to the point where it becomes funny."
"Joker is the best comic book movie of the year."
"Marriage Story is one of these movies that just felt wild to watch because of the dynamics that were going on."
"Knives Out is a masterclass on how to make movies."
"What the hell is with this movie and the goddamn garbage chute?"
"This movie has spent its entire first 20 minutes on introducing characters with these insane montages."
"The only redeeming feature of the sequels in Star Wars is the fact they actually finally explained why Rey was such a Mary Sue."
"Have I ever failed you? Have I ever let you down with my astute analysis? I think that this is culturally relevant. I think it's something we need to talk about. This Barbie movie, it's disturbing."
"screwed now for the most part avengers infinity war looks spectacular and it better considering the 400 million dollar budget but there's one glaring"
"The t-rex is by far the star of Jurassic Park, and by gosh, did they get her wrong."
"Whiplash: not only is Miles Teller great but JK Simmons gives the performance of his career."
"I can't imagine why this movie wasn't a hit."
"Did he just talk in space? Oh yeah, how deep are we in this movie... four minutes too long."
"This movie will piss you off, it's kind of guaranteed fun."
"Every single frame is pure eye candy. You could literally skip to any moment in the movie and take a screenshot and frame it, and it's art."
"One of the most controversial aspects of Alien 3 is how the movie starts by killing off beloved characters."
"I didn't care because the action was so great."
"The Wakanda battle, while epic, lacked buildup and emotional stakes."
"It might be a decent FNAF movie to the fans but it is a horrible horror movie to everybody else."
"Overall, 'The Children' takes a concept that sounds like it would be a low-grade horror and tries to make an average film out of it, seemingly inadvertently, it actually winds up being very good."
"The Lego Movie 2: a cautionary tale of franchise fatigue and diminishing returns."
"It's definitely one of the better horror sequels I've ever seen."
"This movie proves my theory once and for all that unattended children are literally the worst."
"The end of this movie makes the five-story house seem super [ __ ] small."
"Why do I think that Man of Steel is one of the greatest comic book movies of all time?"
"It's profound, it's important, it's engrossing, entertaining."
"Every single thing about this movie was a total misfire."
"Parasite is a better movie than Joker in every regard honestly I think it's a great movie."
"Unlike Infinity War, Endgame doesn't feel like it's in any rush."
"It's ridiculous, they should call this movie Kicking Impossible."
"Surprisingly lean and mean sequel which amplifies the bloody thrills..." - Metro Game Central
"If someone ever tells you that this film sucked--then-------tell them to be quiet. They’re wrong."
"Maybe we don't have to compare Citizen Kane and The Dark Knight though I think The Dark Knight is way better."
"There were moments in this movie even today with the audience, a jaded bunch of genre pundits, even they were Ghibli too."
"I kind of love it, I kind of love it cuz this trailer keeps on giving it keeps on giving just when do you think you can't watch anymore they gift us with James middle name Corden in full cat CGI fur suit away he goes it's very funny."
"For a first trailer of a new James Bond movie I think it was perfect I mean this is the perfect trailer."
"Avengers Endgame is immensely satisfying, a payoff not just to Infinity War but to all the films that came before." - Angie, unknown affiliation
"You are a liar. You are feeding me nothing but falsity's. Movie, you sit upon a throne of lies."
"Just a bad follow-up to the first, yet somehow as the same screenwriter as the first and the director of the original Ringu."
"Death troopers are great new designs... they live up to their name in Rogue One."
"It seemed the special effects were also a little bit dodgy too."
"At least they were trying to make a Superman movie unlike Zack Snyder."
"Sometimes a bad movie is so nonsensical and weird that it's hilarious."
"It was like watching a dead man walking, then the Emoji movie."
"I think it's a mistake to take the approach of everyone else is a Philistine for not liking Speed Racer."
"Whoever directed this movie made it weird and creepy."
"The positives of Candyman: the script and the writing."
"Despite being entertained by the movie, a lot of people may be unfulfilled with the answers they're left with."
"This is such a bad movie that in the middle of the movie I kept standing up because me and Mrs. was watching it and I was like bro, this is bad, I can't watch it no more, I can't. I actually can't. I can't watch it no more."
"I would have to be paid a lot of money to watch Cats again, like I'm talking like five hundred dollars minimum to put myself through Cats."
"This movie was kind of like experimental in some way."
"The entire first half hour of the movie was a beautiful disaster."
"If the whole movie is like the first 13 minutes, this is going to be an amazing movie."