
Generational Quotes

There are 975 quotes

"It's like the proton packs, the lightsabers, the DeLorean... what nowadays is the new iconic movie thing?"
"Every thought that you think has generational impact."
"Every generation before us has had to fight for what they believe in, and it's just our turn now."
"For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."
"All Millennials must be sent to the bad place."
"We have to do it together. We have to do it together for generations to come."
"Abortion may be the slavery issue of our generation."
"I think even for your generation I think you're seeing now more engagement... maybe it took Trump to engage both the working class and in this young generation..."
"This union may never be perfect, but generation after generation has shown that it can always be perfected."
"Art style isn't really a matter of you being an older viewer or a younger viewer. It's actually just an art style from way, way back in the day."
"Liberty is never more than one generation away from being lost."
"I was selected to break generational curses that need to be healed."
"Improving the quality of life for future generations."
"Every generation faces its problems, but we've made progress."
"Isn't it amazing that, in a global sense, relatively short scale, how quickly that can flip within a single generation?"
"We're not the first generation of the church, nor will we be the last."
"Every so often an author comes along whose work defines a generation."
"Mr. Claxton popularly known as Jawa is not your average Grandpa."
"God's word stays true generation after generation after generation."
"The popularity of the Nahanni legends seems to wax and wane over time, and to change with every generation."
"This is the definition of a generational player"
"You know, some generations just take that, they just take the loss for the next one, ya know?"
"We have to have some sort of comedy, some sort of laughter in this generation."
"When I think about social security I think about my grandparents I think about my parents I think about so many other retired Americans who paid into a system who deserve to retire with some dignity and respect." - Mandela Barnes
"This isn't about me, this isn't about my generation, this is about our."
"Generational wealth is creating a catalog to take care of your family for the rest of their lives."
"Most people who are 20-something or 30-something will come across the Antichrist in their life."
"You are literally going to be healing your family line as well as generations to come."
"Roe v Wade being overturned is the biggest story of our generation."
"I wanted to see more from their generation, not some kids who have never seen, nor cared about, Voldemort."
"Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is the kind of game that comes once every generation."
"This generation will not pass away. This generation, all these things upon this generation. You when you see when you see this is going to happen to you."
"This is not a book we believe that this is a word for a generation."
"This is what I call generational innovation."
"He did things to these folks who are 15 to 25 years younger than him that I can't even imagine."
"Abductions happen within Family Lines... if your parents are abductees, then you also are going to be an abductee."
"Every generation makes it better for the next."
"We're the generation that will experience this event once again."
"It's a friendship that will define an animal generation."
"We become inflicted with the very same wound that made our parents unworkable."
"The fate of the world would soon be in the hands of a new generation."
"This is really Niche but anyone who's my age..."
"We're thrilled to be delivering this once in a generation fight."
"Resistance is a lifelong effort that spans across many generations. It'll never look like a happily ever after."
"A Goofy Movie: Today, it is still gaining fans, retroactively elevating its profile as those kids pass it on to their kids."
"It's a story of star wars, one generation stealing the discarded junk from the past generation and wearing it like armor."
"The future of people is going to be in your hands."
"My understanding is that the last two myself and one of my sons last two in our series of four of generations are the ones who've had this uh particular threefold education."
"We are living in epic times, the revelation generation."
"It's going to stay with me and my family and hopefully I can pass it down as well. Absolutely."
"We need something together that could create generational wealth."
"When you heal yourself, you heal the line behind you—your family, your ancestors."
"God wants this generation back and they are turning back to him heart and soul."
"Despite the common belief that Orcs are way stronger than humans, they're called the Golden generation for nothing, man."
"I just always say, pass it on, you know? Pass on all this knowledge to the next generation."
"You don't have to be young to relate to it, because there's so many amazing messages in the actual movie that is very inspiring."
"We want to be free to live our lives in the same fashion our parents did before us."
"Family is important, both younger and older people working together."
"We all have so much to learn, the older girls about social media, the new girls about performing."
"You heal each other from generations of wounding and heartbreak."
"May His favor be upon you and a thousand generations, and your family, and your children, and their children, and their children."
"Our generation has spent too little time with the younger generation."
"I still see this as being one of the strongest opportunities to create generational wealth."
"We close the generational curse of the spirit spouse over this bloodline."
"How fitting is this as well? The elder ape that recovered one of the next generation has actually walked. Oh, you know this is Caesar."
"Your parents may not have broken every generational curse, but they did break some."
"Every generation writes their own history."
"This really does define a generational shift in the approach."
"Things are changing the time may be approaching when we have to move over for the younger generation."
"...this improved 10th generation model though is the fact that its appeal has broadened so far."
"We inherit trauma, we inherit unhealthy cycles, and it's up to us, our generation, breaking all generational curses."
"Every generation should see clearer and farther than the previous."
"I'm trying to be better than my parents; my son, I want him to be better than me."
"We're not the same people as our elders were prior to World War II. This is a different world."
"A new generation is getting into this, and that makes me really happy."
"You get a chance to expand and maybe even learn those things yourself but also teach the next generation as well."
"If K is a substitute for okay, could K-pop be a substitute for okay boomer?"
"The younger generations are going to require that you bring something to the table more than swag, more than your nice personality, more than your sense of humor."
"Every generation has a reason to have fear, but every generation has a reason to have hope."
"Every generation needs its gateway bands."
"It defines a whole generation, defined a nation."
"You've created the life that you want to live and now you get to share that with the next generation."
"The politics of inevitability is where you've been... it's completely unbelievable now and I hope you understand but that's sort of been the mistake I think the previous generation has made with yours."
"The biggest problem in the west is if our young people aren't doing as well as their parents, then what's the point of any of this?"
"Something happened in the early 2010s; mental health fell off a cliff for those born after 1996."
"It's funny as the generations go on, everyone seems to change their mind."
"I want to have certain things that I pass on to my son or my grandson."
"Magic is old enough that there are people who played the game when they were younger who are sharing it with their younger generation."
"This is the most Boomer agendered point I can think of."
"You're like a millennial comedian, right?"
"He's been the guy, every single record that they've had, this guy is generational."
"We're not going deep, and we never will. It's going to be our children's children that finally decide that this is messed up."
"The generation before us forgot about the fight; we're picking it back up."
"Dang millennials, you guys are always trying to get everything done so fast."
"The adventures of Twilight Sparkle and friends have crossed generational boundaries."
"If there's one opinion that makes someone look like a casual basketball fan more than anything else, it's when people are quick to belittle an entire generation of basketball players simply because they appear to be 'less athletic'."
"God's dream for you: generational blessings, increase that goes to your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren."
"Every church, every Ministry is one generation away from the end of their work for the Lord."
"He's very close with his 96-year-old grandmother."
"You're part of the we Generation."
"Your father's altar is stronger than your own. Now you have to raise up your own altar to overthrow his altar."
"Every generational curse and blessing is an invitation to the next generation for participation. You get to choose whether you accept the invitation or deny it."
"Very few great commercial enterprises get built in one generation. It is children that fuel a man's ambition to drive himself beyond the needs of his own lifetime."
"The film exposed existentialism of being Santa and what that legacy means to each generation."
"Generational questions like that are very interesting."
"It's a big purchase, but it's a one-time purchase. If you do it right, you'll have it forever. You'll pass it down generation to generation."
"Beach House, yes, they've had a whole generation of kids fall in love with them again."
"I'm proud to see you guys playing amapiano. Those were desires we had in our era."
"That's it, it's good though, it's literally our generation."
"Two generations away and you already have Christians leaving their first love."
"Curses are passed down to the third and fourth generations, so are blessings."
"Is this something that I can pass down to my children or grandchildren, god willing I have them?"
"We're not going to be the generation that inherited a great country and blew it."
"Some wars are never truly won, they linger in the shadows waiting for the next generation to stand against the darkness."
"...one generation doing better than the next."
"I pulled this when I was a kid and now I get to see my kid pull this."
"Is it cringe and weird that a six-year-old and 54-year-old are at Coachella or are music festivals by definition a little cringe."
"His mother's family had lived there for generations."
"Oh, and by generations of children."
"Every generation seems to forget that they were shitty to the generation before them."
"Slang has existed since forever, kids are going to use slang."
"...residual placement in prime time on Monday nights has made the show appointment TV for generations of fans, both die-hard and casual."
"Their involvement with the dark side became a generational trend."
"It's history now, it's gonna keep going. People gonna grow up and then not even know why they mad at that hood."
"Every generation thinks they're living in the end times, right?"
"The point is this, if you don't deal with an issue in your family, it can become a generational curse."
"I love what I love most about Pride. It's not so much for me anymore, but for the younger crowd."
"It's not tearing down the older generation by choosing to do something different."
"it's not so much to me about what team someone is on it's about the fact that i do know that especially a lot of mothers and daughters grew up watching that show"
"Millennials want an ordered world again they want corporations that can actually guarantee jobs and guarantee stuff because they have no security."
"Generational trauma is real healing will be complicated."
"I love that how you hear these songs as a kid and you love them and then your kids, you don't even have to force it on them, they actually find it themselves."
"Oh no, it will always be this way. Someday I'll be 80, my dad'll be 114. He'll still be sitting up there on the porch: 'You're not doing it right, you never did anything right.' And I'll be out there behind the mower, 'I just want your approval, why can't you just love me?'"
"Because whatever is not healed gets handed down."
"Mom, grandma, even let's say your grandma at this point, how do we help your child and your grandchild not be in that same number and same boat?"
"...this is a generational blessing."
"Older people, especially those whose parents or grandparents went through the Great Depression, do not trust the system."
"For every successful man, wants to work for three generations."
"Intergenerational trauma occurs when a family's prolonged stress, suffering, or unresolved traumas get transferred across generational lines."
"For the younger Kiwi Indian generation, there can be a delicate balance between modern life and the expectation to maintain long-standing cultural customs."
"The science of turning on and tuning in is nothing new to our generation. Every generation in every historical era in the past has had its visionary voyagers."
"As a millennial, I want the Brad Pitt masculinity days back ASAP."
"In praising God and knowing how great he is, we want to be able to declare his mighty works from one generation to the next."
"He had the sort of confidence that came with the generations of being told, the world is yours."
"Yesterday my three-year-old granddaughter Mila asked me if I was nervous about today."
"Are you guys the best generation?"
"Real Financial generational wealth like almost implants into your DNA."
"I might not see it in my lifetime but these are things that can be generational."
"Intergenerational trauma goes from one generation to the next."
"Look at these angels breaking these cycles of generational trauma as it comes to wealth."
"That's crazy, though, the reality that it takes generations to create peace."
"Every generation of tattoos had their era where it was super cool. For us, it might be uncool, but for them, it's just another way to express themselves."
"If you are not doing it for this generation, it should be for the next generation to come."
"It's crazy to think how this is so generational."
"It's been almost 40 years since the series began. 40 years! Some kids who watched us back then are still watching but with their grandchildren."
"It's important to mention here that these characters, they're part of the Old Guard, they're part of the previous generation."
"Your generation will make Camel cigarettes disappear."
"What's the struggle that your generation is having? Vaping."
"It sounds like a bit of a free thinker for her generation."
"There's some type of generational curse that has been broken here."
"I know that I'm the first in my family to do it. I'm the first generation like me and you're the first generation that has to do it, that has to do and also have the opportunity to do it because they didn't have no chance."
"This just might be the watch that I hold on to to pass down to my kids or grandkids."
"I feel like for our generation, it feels big, it feels real, like yeah, there's something about TV even if no one's actually watching in comparison, right?"
"I think it's crazy to think about the fact that we've been in it long enough to be OG to the next generation. I'm still in my 20s."
"Seeing her granddaughter happy, grandmother was also happy."
"These pans are forever pans. They will last you the rest of your life, your children's and your grandchildren's."
"I am a woman of the born in the 70s."
"Intergenerational trauma is when the effects of trauma transmit to the children of those who have suffered traumatic experiences."
"There's a whole new generation of young people growing up with Little House out there, and I think they love it as much as the last generation did."
"The people who offer help and offer advice and parts, it's just... well, that's what's fun. I think people like my age love to see people your age interested in this kind of thing. You know, it's just sort of a fun thing."
"you guys aren't ready for that yet but your kids your kids will like it."
"This is absolutely generational inspirational talent that we are witnessing."
"Our Generation was AOL we invented the BRB gtgs the LOL ASL right yeah every time a gen Z person writes LOL they're thanking their ancestors."
"And they become angry and they become like the mother and it goes on from generation to generation until somebody forgive and then god will forgive them and they'll start a new generation of love and not of hate."
"Superman is the bridge stretching across generations."
"Sweet and Low: a sugar substitute success that has become a staple in the lives of baby boomers."
"If your mother was free, you can be free."
"Indie animation is connecting with younger Generations in a way that Hollywood and traditional Publishers have been unable to do."
"Just because older Generations suffered in silence does not mean that we have to."
"Look at the kids, best educated, least prejudiced, most giving generation in American history."
"It's interesting because you hear all the time that these things continue from generation to generation. If this is how your mom was treated, you expect to be treated this way, but you obviously have nailed the problem."
"The money story is really understanding and understanding the generational money stories that are."
"We just bring our kids and our grandchildren out here. That's what we've always done from right from the start."
"Is Gen Z the funniest generation to have ever lived?"
"It's cool to see like the last few CKY shows like you know Dad's bringing their kids you know like yeah the dad will be oh I caught you guys with Deftones in 2001 now I have an 18 year old like she said it's cool to see like the generation thing happening."
"It's not just for fans anymore, it's for us to pass down to our kids."
"Generationally, when you pass that down, and you pass it down, and you pass it down, you are building up like a machine that's generating people who don't have a stake in society."
"You want your grandkids to be healthy, wealthy, and happy, and the king also wants your grandkids to be healthy, wealthy, and happy."
"Some of these students that rode with my bus had become parents themselves, and now I also fetch their children."
"I think Star Wars uniquely in its mythology is about cycles of life and teachers mentors parents children, it's got that generational aspect to it."
"Seek to stop the pattern of generational curses."
"Some people would call it a generational curse or a generational blessing."
"Chances are you're probably earning more than your parents did even when adjusted for inflation, which sounds great, but when you begin to ask yourself why, a different narrative emerges."
"Living in your parents' basement has become less of a meme and more of a practical reality for most Millennials and Gen Z."
"The fun of celebrating the return of these characters that we know is certainly a part of this movie but I never felt like we were telling a story about Leia Luke or Han necessarily it felt like a story about a generational handoff."
"The main goal for next year is to solidify something that's going to eventually bring us generational wealth."
"Wrestling's never ended. It's a generational thing."
"I see you all. It's an emotional day. You're dealing with the legacy of your father, you're dealing with things that adults created, situations adults created, and now you, the children, are living it out in the next generation."
"To keep it going the way it is, to have generations come back, is a wonderful thing."
"Thank you to the 90s babies in the chat and Gen Z for attending this course in 90s. It was an iconic time that deserves an iconic moment in history and our memory."