
Universal Appeal Quotes

There are 673 quotes

"Now, you could argue that any day in Disney World is the best day ever, and I would totally agree with you."
"This is one of those that really lands for all ages and demographics."
"Cameron has managed to make the most universal and compassionate blockbuster of our time."
"That's exactly what makes Over the Garden Wall so awesome. It really isn't a children's show; it is a show for all ages."
"Good music is going to be good music regardless."
"Everybody on this planet loves music, everybody on this planet enjoys scents."
"This kind of scent profile is universally loved, I mean loved by women."
"Portal is something that I think everyone should play regardless of whether or not they even care about video games in the first place."
"Video games were definitely a kid's thing, even if everyone could enjoy a romp of Super Mario Brothers or Sonic the Hedgehog."
"It's not just because I have a connection to it, but also because I wanted it to feel like anywhere, anytime America."
"Animation could appeal to all ages and future strong characters instead of relying on cheap gags."
"Execution is perfect. Everybody, I don't care your taste, everybody wanted these sneakers."
"I think most Disney movies have a way of appealing to both adults and children."
"It's a show I can watch with just about anybody, always sharing a laugh and feeling like a child again."
"Vegetable tier list: Potatoes are a free S tier. Everyone likes potatoes."
"Even if you're not a college basketball fan, you can't help but get wrapped up in it."
"Euro Disneyland is dedicated to the young and the young at heart, with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration for all the world."
"I think that the desire to find great characters and great stories transcends things like political ideology or things like that."
"At its core, it's a story about mothers and sons, and those themes are so universal."
"Every single person could go, 'Yeah, I listen to Johnny Cash,' and nobody would go, 'Johnny Cash?' They go, 'Cool.'"
"overall goes without saying that this is a must own album for any music lover regardless if you're a fan of the Beatles or not"
"He appeals to everybody. This kind of performer comes once in a generation."
"Anyone can be a hero. It's awesome, beautiful, and resonates."
"Able to do a million art styles means everybody sees something they love."
"It's one of those shows that you can watch with anybody of any age... and the humor is so good."
"The two things that this show hinges on are money and death, those two things are universally understandable."
"It's a story that speaks to people across the globe."
"Buddha like everyone, it just touches everyone."
"Mario Odyssey has something for everyone and you will feel lost in it for hours and hours."
"These songs are too universal to not bring a smile to your face."
"Music, especially falls into that category of being something that anyone can love if they try hard enough."
"He's very easily marketable to literally everyone."
"This is the type of movie on my list that I'm comfortable recommending to pretty much anybody."
"You don't have to know anything about boxing to enjoy Rocky because it's not about boxing, it's about life."
"Star Wars has always appealed to people from every walk of life."
"You could put on a record by David Bowie and it was accepted as a dance record, it was accepted as a song that could make people move."
"Food is awesome, let's not pretend that deep down we don't love food."
"We broke records not once but twice, and it was just that sort of a film that appeals to every person whatever class they belong to."
"Pop music is designed to be liked by everyone."
"This book is the type of book where if everybody in the world read it the world would be a better place for it."
"Tintin is one of those comics where you don't have to be a kid to enjoy it."
"Molière, like Shakespeare, is a universal writer."
"Disney, regardless of how old you are... it's just a good place."
"The great achievement of the MCU in its better days was in telling Universal stories that could be and were all but universally loved."
"There's something about this man that everybody from all age groups absolutely loves."
"I honestly believe it's the one thing that everyone can come together with."
"It's a human story for sure, a person from anywhere in the world did connect to the film."
"Great fighters are like great beers, it doesn't matter where you come from, it matters what you're made of."
"The most universal album because not only does it have rich messages but it's also the most accessible album."
"Merch is always, always an easy gift that people are gonna love."
"You cannot go wrong with getting somebody a nice blanket."
"The magic of animation is something that everyone can enjoy."
"There's something in this world that excites everyone."
"It's just an interesting concept that's relatable to everyone... it's just a lightning in the bottle perfect film."
"Higher education needs to put more weight on practical skills rather than just test taking and essay writing."
"Maryam is the mythical pied piper of Hamelin. When I hear it, even the soil, plants, and animals listen and get attracted towards it."
"Different things appeal to different people."
"The fun thing about a great car is it appeals to everybody from all walks of life."
"The ability to have a character that's just suited for absolutely everyone is something very special."
"Glad Tidings of great joy to all people... Heaven is sending a message."
"Legos are severely underrated like I think we're just not giving them enough love everybody loves Legos no matter what age you are."
"A good movie is a good movie is a good movie, a good story is a good story is a good story."
"Spyro Year of the Dragon... was one of those rare gems that's perfect for boys and girls, young and old."
"Everyone likes a good waterfall, I think that's a rule in life."
"Parasite is phenomenal... it's barrels of fun, this is the kind of movie that literally anyone can enjoy."
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder's Revenge... absolutely everyone loves it."
"A universal basic income appeals immeasurably across demographics."
"Burgers are for the people, burgers are the common denominator that unites us all."
"People love it no matter where you're 8 years old or you're 80 years old they love it to see what is ordinary boy two boys play such beautiful music."
"Cookies in general, you ever met a human being that was like no, I don't like cookies? You can't trust that person."
"Pedro Pascal has charisma, probably with everyone across all genders, all spectrums."
"If there's a lesson, it's that there are no dull stories. People are full of wonder."
"Regardless of what game you're playing, what genre, you won't be disappointed."
"Confidence is the sexiest thing in females and males."
"Blush is one of those things that, like, I don't know if you guys agree with me, but they're kind of like universally good."
"People like things that give them a sense of belonging."
"Pumpkin pie - the one food that crosses borders."
"I've never met anyone cynical about music and that's really something."
"I think virtually everyone likes which is having pride in his product and his work."
"Comics appeal to that young at heart I think in all of us. Stories just in general appeal to that. You have to be emotionally dead inside for stories not to move you."
"For my Star Wars fans that I consider universally good, and I don't get to say that about Star Wars often."
"Literally anyone would love this and wear it all the time."
"That's how you know it's a good song because even if you can't relate to it you feel it so deeply."
"A powerful experience regardless of your age and taste."
"Illumination's minions have mastered mediocrity, and it's something absolutely everybody can enjoy."
"Games are universal, and appeal across ideological backgrounds, at least in the West."
"Viewers young and old can find value and entertainment in it."
"Dororo so far feels like a show with universal appeal, it hasn’t really made any mistakes and there’s so much promise with where it can take these characters and this story."
"Everyone loves a good candle... you can never go wrong getting a candle as a gift."
"Messi is for everybody at the end of the day."
"The true power of Tetris is the universal nature of its game. It's just simple and satisfying."
"Certain songs have a vibration that no matter what age like you can [ __ ] with this [ __ ] kind of like boys to men like end of the road comes on people."
"Harry's special allure appeals to both men and women."
"These movies are for kids and adults, appealing to both."
"A great story is a great story and if a great story is well told you got to give it up it doesn't matter what the story is about or who the protagonists are."
"For him, for her, for kids... possibilities are truly endless."
"I wish I could recommend this for people who aren't gamers. Like if you're just like, 'I wish it was so good, so fucking good that I could just recommend it to anyone.'"
"Everyone loves presents, correct me if I'm wrong."
"It makes everyone of every age smile and say 'He's [ __ ] Batman.'"
"This is shaping up to be a universal success."
"I mean, who doesn't love Ray? I think everyone loves Ray."
"This is one of the films that all audiences can enjoy."
"It's just this nudey pink that is going to be universally flattering."
"Every man, woman, and child will be tripping over themselves to play your video games."
"Yes, I feel like this is something people would absolutely love."
"There's very few people in this world who don't like birthday cake, especially since it comes in so many varieties."
"You have crossed genres, borders of all kinds, to touch lives around the globe."
"No matter what kind of art you make, there's somebody out there who would like to appreciate it."
"These stories are aged so incredibly well because they were created with a level-headed self-awareness which means that they can and should be enjoyed by everyone."
"It's every single person out there almost every single adult out there understands at least the core premise of this."
"A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike where fantasy and fun come to life."
"I feel like everyone can appreciate this film on and on and on the critics are basically uniformly saying this film is hilarious and it's charming and it's got heart."
"That's hilarious. I don't care who you are, if you don't find the humor in that, go back to the Jeff Foxworthy schools."
"Adults, people of all ages love their animated content."
"This is an album for humans because anyone can actually connect to it and see the genius behind it."
"Hugs are very important. And everybody likes to be hugged."
"So many people who aren't even Christian know this verse."
"Being the best you you could be is for everybody and surviving."
"It's a poetic message that's sure to resonate with a lot of people."
"People love the OXO Salad Spinner. People who don't eat salad love the OXO Salad Spinner."
"It's very, very difficult to find somebody that's going to smell Blue de Chanel and think it smells bad."
"A good movie is a good movie is a good movie."
"This is just completely rejecting universalism. Anybody can just pick up a Superman comic and go like 'wow' and imagine yourself in that position."
"Music really does... It's just, it's a universal language. It literally does, like, just translate to anybody."
"There is just really not much to not like about it."
"Everyone loves everything man, hey you know what it's all for you Joe."
"No matter what skin type you are, there are three colors that are considered to be universally flattering."
"Unicorns are unicorns. It doesn't matter the gender. It is a magic horse with a stabbing horn on its head. What is not to love?"
"it's just a universally good song that appeals to all races and ages"
"It looks like a game that anybody will be able to enjoy."
"It's also just a really fun game for literally anybody."
"The ride is intense but it's not too intense; every visitor of Universal should be able to experience this attraction."
"It's a universal palette that the everyday woman, boy, and girl can use."
"Kirby's story throughout the series is about growth..."
"I love this series and I think it's just a great thing for people of all ages, old generations, all backgrounds."
"Through this film, we are shown that true love can happen to anyone regardless of background. True love will come to anyone who believes in its existence in this world."
"Nintendo wanted the Switch to appeal to everybody."
"Manchester United is more than a football club. It's more than a football club and it doesn't matter where you're from or how old you are. This is our club."
"Terry might be the most well-received DLC character in Smash history, incredibly fun, powerful, flashy, complex, and even funny."
"No matter what I think everybody can agree that the music is amazing."
"What ultimately is gonna sell this guitar to just about anybody is just how beautiful this example is."
"Who can help but like cute things? It's normal."
"Real music is timeless, no age, no none of that, it's timeless."
"The main power of sports is the fact that it touches the heart, the mind, the souls of its fans."
"Everybody likes pretty women, everywhere you go. That's just a fact."
"I feel that if the story is universal emotionally, it touches the hearts of a larger group of people who watch it."
"This will make people feel good. It's such a classic, everyone loves the underdog story."
"Even if you're not a Star Wars fan, this ride is really impressive."
"Oh look at it steam up I don't care who you are I don't care where you come from this is food that can speak to anybody."
"Pink is Universal. Pink is fun. Pink is love."
"It's a great sounding mic. It's a pleasing sort of balanced sound which sounds good on most voices."
"French fries are foods at large's best friend, they are the accompaniment to nearly everything."
"What's more inspiring and universal than a smile?"
"It wasn't about him, you know what I'm saying? It wasn't about him, I'm on the Block doing this and this and that but he and he made songs that appeal to everybody no matter where you were you know it was just it was just good music."
"Father Yah, pour out your spirit on all flesh."
"We want to go after games with universal themes, big worlds, and high production values."
"It is the most beautiful piece of music, I think we have all probably ever heard."
"Inner confidence is what radiates and is sexy to men and women alike."
"You know what else everybody likes? Parfait. Have you ever met a person you say 'Hey, let me get some parfait,' they say 'Hell no, I don't like no parfait'?"
"Everybody loves jewelry, you can't go wrong with it."
"The desire to watch guys beat the hell out of each other like animals is damn near Universal."
"Toys are not just for kids; they're for everyone."
"These are stories that people from all different backgrounds, genders, ethnicities, sexualities, disabilities — all walks of life — can find something special and human that relates to them and their struggles."
"I could put this on and show it to anyone and be super proud of it. I think it could touch just about anyone that listens to it and go, 'Okay, I get what you're doing. I haven't really heard much like that. It's unique, it's different.'"
"You just can't go wrong with any one, male, female, young or old, anyone would love this."
"A good cozy robe is just a great gift to give honestly anyone in your life."
"Ownership of JPEGS, ownership of art, ownership of culture is something that is broadly appealing to all humans across the world."
"Soup you can't go wrong with, it never tastes bad."
"Anyone who likes video games should love Halo across the board."
"To pop was the kind of person that appeal his message across to all races."
"Everybody likes Pizza, what's not to love about it?"
"Honestly, I would say this is a great present for anyone."
"I like all desserts but like chocolates just like you never can go wrong with."
"George loves castles. Everyone loves castles."
"Even if it's in a different language, it can touch you in a way that no other art form can."
"Bean literally has hundreds of Millions honestly easy to see why it doesn't matter your age background or even what language you speak anyone can watch Mr. Bean and find something funny."
"Now in an open-world game that players of any age can enjoy."
"It's just this universal theme and the goodness that you feel."
"It's not just a young person's song, it's for everybody."
"TV watching should be an enjoyable experience no matter what you're watching."
"Everybody loves steaks, God, everybody loves steaks!"
"How about some cookies? Everyone likes cookies!"
"Same color story, just tweaked a little bit to make sure that it looks beautiful on everybody."
"It's just a story that resonates with people on a deeply human level."
"Across all cultures and demographics, everyone can appreciate it."
"This is a universal product that I feel like everybody should get and you guys see it's staying."
"Funny is funny. Things that make you laugh make you laugh."
"It gives this soft radiant skin-like finish that looks beautiful on all skin types."
"The Omega Speedmaster Professional Moonwatch is a universally appealing watch for a variety of reasons."
"Whether you're a weenie boy scout or a bad boy like big Snoop, everyone will agree, this pie is fire."
"Everyone in the world would enjoy having this in their living room."
"Everybody loves Grand Theft Auto. Like you don't often hear people say I can't stand it."
"This is a ride that many have described as a modern classic, fun for every age and universally entertaining."
"Just make a Star Wars show that everybody could enjoy."
"As far as we know, there's not a single human being on planet earth who doesn't like memes."
"This watch is universal wear, certainly a reason why this is probably one of the best-selling ZINN watches out there."
"I think it's a great product it's a cream formula love the stick format and the color is pretty universal."
"The humor and drama weren't written to a specific audience; the series was meant to be enjoyed by all ages."
"Slapstick, it's the universal form of comedy."