
Housework Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"On average, women spend more time than men doing housework and caring for kids and older family members."
"Hope this gave you some motivation to get some cleaning done around your house."
"What chore do I absolutely hate doing? Laundry, dishes."
"Housework isn't a project that we can finish. It's a series of messes that we make when we're home."
"Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family."
"Men who do housework get more sex than those who don't. There's a caveat: they're also more likely to be rushed to the emergency room with their penis stuck in the vacuum."
"Moving everything off the carpet, giving it a good vacuum."
"Marriages where men do more housework... are happier, higher marital satisfaction, lower divorce rates."
"I can't even do housework properly anymore, so you're no longer of any use to us. I agree, it's time to fire this housekeeper, right? Great! I can finally say goodbye to this old hag."
"What better time to work on your house and clean your house than when you're already a little sweaty and hyped up from your workout?"
"So I'm gonna go ahead now and straighten everything out, I'm gonna tuck all this behind my ironing board so that it stays nice and flat."
"The house is getting totally clean."
"It helped her mind relax it made her feel less stressed when she knew that if she pushed the broom against the floor it would pick up the crumbs."
"Now when we do our weekly home blessing hour we set the timer for 10 minutes and we spend 10 minutes vacuuming the whole house. And yes, you can do it in 10 minutes if you won't get stuck in your perfectionism I promise you you can get a whole lot done."
"...what if I told you you never had to vacuum again."
"Cleaning can be a very time-consuming process, but stay with it."
"I accidentally just deep cleaned my entire house."
"Always start with the dishes... knowing that that's where to start in and of itself is a stress reliever because you know what to do."
"I've looked at chores and just taking care of my house in general as a self-care task."
"That would be so handy. I could just wave my wand and clean the house."
"How did women do housework every day, 7 days a week, 52 goddamn weeks a year?"
"I have vacuumed the entire house, it was getting disgusting and driving me crazy."
"It's not a 'I'm more lovable when I'm on top of the laundry'; it's about quality of life."
"I've heard a lot of people say that we need to shift our mindsets from 'I have to clean' to 'I get to clean,' and I could not agree more."
"Craig is so efficient with the laundry and he only had to be taught once how to fold and he folds it right every time."
"I'm checking off things that need to be done in the house and it feels so good."
"You'd be surprised, you do burn calories by moving your body whether it's walking, running, jogging, or even just moving around the house and cleaning all day like me."
"I thought I was powerless, but once housework became my job, I realized the time I'd spent wasn't wasted, and now I'm living a fulfilling life."
"Wash, wipe, scrub, and clean; make the kitchen sparkle and gleam."
"I love it, it just makes me feel like I'm not alone in my cleaning."
"Chores get easier in every way, when we learn to organize, and put away."
"It's almost self-propelled; you'll be whizzing around your housework in no time."
"I just finished cleaning; like the house is next to spotless."
"Raising kids is hard, cleaning the house is hard, maintaining a home is hard, going out and making money is hard."
"A real man can allow themselves to break from tradition and do some housework."
"I have just finished cleaning the kitchen, doing all the dishes, and I'm really proud of myself."
"Sharing housework, we often think that housework is a woman's responsibility, but in reality, everyone needs to help each other to reduce the burden of work."
"Well, my wife never gets tired of housework because she doesn't do any."
"I see rooms like a jigsaw puzzle, so doing this for me is more like a game than it is a chore."
"Making vacuuming an experience instead of a chore."
"I remember years ago, back when I felt inclined to wash windows."
"If you really want to thank me, help me tidy up that new house now," Yun Meer asked.
"I'm over here cleaning, my house spotless."
"The appliance succeeded in greatly reducing the housework burden for Japanese women."
"All of us must help Mum by doing some of the housework and make her comfortable."
"I've been cleaning this house and organizing and doing things on my to-do list all freaking day long, but I feel so accomplished, what a productive day."
"I set my alarm for a certain amount of time, and that's where I dedicate to cleaning, doing things I'm supposed to be doing around the house."
"When you're cleaning, you're able to see your dirt, which is really a great thing."
"I cleaned up the whole house, got major props from my wife."
"It's been so productive. I got up early, did so much housework and cleaning."
"So let's start with the sheets in the wash first and get started on cleaning."
"We are going to wake up at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning to go to the house and help them work on the house a little bit more to finish everything."
"Well, if you've nothing better to do, you may as well do some housework," mum suggested.
"It's been a very productive afternoon. I ended up picking up my house, not completely, there's still a lot to do, but I did a lot of picking up."
"Everything is dusted, vacuumed, mopped, swiped, decluttered."
"I have done multiple loads of laundry, I have cleaned the kitchen, done dishes, I'm organized."
"Getting started to clean your house is the hardest part, but once you're up and once you just do it, that's what you got to do."
"You're going to feel those happy cleaning vibes and you're going to want to keep going."
"As soon as clothes come out of the dryer, I will immediately hang them up to prevent any wrinkles."
"My house isn't even that big, and yet I still can't manage to clean the whole house in a single day with two kids."
"Thank you for keeping me company and cleaning and unpacking with me."
"I feel like nesting is starting, wanting to get the house in order and clean."
"Cleaning this house is definitely a workout."
"We got some work done today at the house."