
Scientific Evidence Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"The evidence at present is poor for transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in mammals."
"Wisdom teeth are actually remnants of our ancient diet and our proof of science-backed evolution, not baseless theories."
"There is a difference between the opinion of a scientist and scientific evidence."
"Massive amounts of scientific evidence show that hitting children, that spanking, actually does way more harm than it could ever do good."
"Unfortunately, there is a blatant disconnect between the evidence-based scientific knowledge and current dietary recommendations, which contributes to increasing rates of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune diseases around the world."
"I do not make any determinations about what sport can or should be played... I answer questions based on scientific evidence and public health judgment."
"Any treatments that we use for coronavirus should be scientifically demonstrated to be effective."
"The truth is that we did evolve, and we can prove that."
"There is great evidence about how it improves your cognitive function during perimenopause and menopause and that's a big deal."
"If the dating of this site is legitimate and as I hope I explained I think there are very good reasons to say that it is it proves that humans were in the Americas during the lgm."
"The smash mouth realities of climate change are here if you don't believe in science believe your own eyes."
"Evolution is based on evidence instead of faith."
"Supernova 1987A showed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the massive iron core of a very massive star collapsed and formed a neutron star, because in that process, a lot of neutrinos should be emitted."
"There's not a jot of evidence that these genetically antigens and messenger RNA vaccines are any better than the traditional ones."
"Molten iron in the rubble, molten iron and these iron spheres being formed unambiguously indicate that thermite must have been there."
"Thank you, Monarch, but you're out. A new system of democratic rule, you're in. And you're going to be paired with scientific evidence in this protocol, this continuous feedback loop."
"Animals changing from one kind to another... we have every link necessary in either lineage."
"I would not be fulfilling my obligation as an animal health care professional if I chose to ignore the scientific evidence."
"The evidence is there, the scientific evidence is there, and yet it's being ignored."
"Once the evidence is conclusive, that will convince even the skeptic. That's the beauty of science."
"You both prepared absolutely stunning three-course meals."
"There’s been growing evidence over the past year that makes a lab leak look much more likely."
"Arcane is one of the best-looking TV shows I've ever watched, telling such an incredible story with its blend of 2D and 3D animation."
"It happened again and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy."
"If you're gonna tell us that we're on a ball, just show me a picture of the earth. Don't show me fudging stuff through your window, don't show me CGI, show me the earth."
"There's just no evidence of soy having any feminizing effect on people."
"The science says that mask mandates or mask wearing will decrease the spread of COVID-19 by up to 90 percent."
"Repeated muon scans with a greater than 99.9999 confidence prove that an empty corridor-like space exists behind the layer one chevrons."
"We have science and evidence and right and fact on our side. That's how we win."
"It's not one study, it's the majority of studies... scores of studies showing dramatic reduction in cardiovascular mortality."
"So I had come a long way and I felt like you know I have all this information just share and look at all the science look at all the references."
"Perhaps the most direct evidence of quantum gravity would be the observation of a graviton."
"The things that made you weird when you were a kid are often the things that serve you as an adult."
"Human beings are hardwired for kindness and compassion, with scientific evidence showing neural connections and hormonal responses to acts of generosity."
"Evolution is a fact, a thing that happens and can be shown to happen in lots of ways."
"Carl Sagan was right. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. But now we have the proof."
"We have scientific evidence that you can in fact save money."
"All the evidence points to the fact that Retin-A does some significant alteration to the upper dermis of the skin."
"Conclusively all three laboratories demonstrated a 95% confidence."
"Humans evolved and now we have all of this evidence that Darwin didn't have."
"Not one shred of evidence so far points to even a trace of an Ice Age civilization."
"Men are logical, women are emotional, nope, research does not support that."
"There is a lot of misinformation out there, but we have a lot of science that's on our side."
"The existence of a stable order of nature counts as evidence against miracles."
"The satellite data absolutely show that the planet is heating up."
"A study brings the receipts. It is not supposition, it is not opinion, it is hard evidence."
"The longer, larger the sample, the stronger the case for it actually happening."
"I 100% believe in extraterrestrials. There is no doubt. Anyone who doesn't think that there isn't life somewhere else in the universe is, at this point, it's a really hard argument to make. I mean the data just shows that."
"Cladistic phylogenetics is the strongest evidence there is of evolution from common ancestry."
"There's evidence that the Sun was playing a role."
"NSE's mechanisms are scientifically proven for its effectiveness."
"Not proven doesn't mean it doesn't work just means it hasn't been proven."
"I understand why it feels wrong, but the actual amount of evidence for evolution may exceed any other Theory."
"Birds are living dinosaurs... evidence of evolution in progress."
"The evidence for mask wearing is overwhelming."
"Evidence is unifying; opinions and theories divide."
"Is it possible that suddenly without intending to, we have stumbled onto proof, scientific proof, of the existence of a supreme being?"
"The fine-tuning evidence is really critical."
"The majority of evidence from the decade and a half of microbiome research certainly points to that possibility and to that direction."
"Thankfully, the argument has long been put to rest by countless hours of video footage, photos, and astronaut trips to space."
"If you've got uncontested scientific evidence, the acceptance I've got no problem with that."
"Evidence suggests this type of climate change has happened before."
"The scientific research is overwhelmingly in favor of gender being biological and binary."
"It's probably true even though right now a lot of the evidence backing it up isn't the strongest."
"The science is overwhelming at how much more effective it is."
"Extraordinary claims must have extraordinary evidence, and I'm here to show you that that extraordinary evidence definitely exists."
"Life most probably does exist on Mars, or at least did in the past. The evidence to support it is overwhelming."
"It's not our imaginations we're not making it up the data is quantifiable."
"Remarkable claims require remarkable proof." - Carl Sagan
"There's overwhelming scientific evidence that meditating improves attention, concentration, and memory."
"Start to notice how this stigma around psychedelics just starts to dissolve in light of all the hard scientific evidence."
"There's literally no credible and accurate scientific research that correlates in real life violence and gaming."
"Evolution is backed up by mountains of evidence."
"We have data and proof now that we can create sustainable production of dopamine or well-being."
"This separation is considered to be direct evidence that dark matter exists."
"Proof of panspermia: Microscopic phytoplankton found inside a meteorite."
"Hope was raised that the tea link was causing effect when the randomized trial found an improvement of bone turnover markers."
"We urge the Prime Minister to commit... only if the scientific evidence is absolutely clear that this is safe."
"The evidence points unfailingly to the diversification of species being the result of a gradual evolutionary process."
"The data behind magnesium is so unbelievably strong... it's just fundamentally important."
"The evidence and the data shows the vaccine is phenomenally effective."
"Just the fact that the dating, multiple dating methods all point to that is just really cool."
"It provided compelling evidence that Africa was the birthplace of humankind supporting the Out of Africa Theory."
"But the most convincing evidence is all the crazy dates they get with radioisotope methods."
"Mask mandates decrease COVID. That's the science."
"Trace fossils get to tell us things that the bones don't."
"Modern evidence shows that FIC is a stress-induced disorder."
"The highest quality ones, the mendelian ones, are showing higher LDL is associated with higher strokes associated with higher mortality."
"It's important to base your nutrition choices on scientific evidence and to be skeptical of diets or eating patterns that are not supported by credible research."
"I cannot ignore the lack of reliable and testable evidence."
"I would believe in a flat earth in a heartbeat if there was actual evidence to support that model of how the earth and the solar system worked."
"There is no doubt that evolution has occurred. It's in the molecular biological record, it's in the fossil record."
"This study tells us hands down flat out no question about it that natural immunity gives you an extraordinary benefit of protection."
"Our species is doomed for extinction here's proof."
"I believe it because the data says it's real."
"Retinoids are single-handedly the most evidence-based ingredient for improving the visible signs of photoaging."
"Evidence of a theory can accumulate from observations in our universe and that allows us to take seriously predictions for things that we can't yet see."
"This is about children and medicine and evidence." - [Speaker not specified]
"Isochron dating proves that these layers of rock and fossils are way older than 6,000 years."
"Is this finally solid proof of extraterrestrial life on Earth?"
"There's good reasons why this medicine should work we've already known of the general nonspecific antiviral properties of hydroxychloroquine since the 60s."
"The science is so clear that the risk of death or hospitalization for children is set so low."
"Soon we're going to see weather events unlike anything we've ever witnessed thus far."
"I've never been anti-vax. I just wanted good science and I wanted to get the Mercury out of the vaccine."
"Pasta makes you happier. It's scientifically proven."
"By practicing this type of meditation, studies show that it literally changes your non-verbal cues to become more pro-social."
"One of the most important pieces of evidence for it comes from what is referred to as microwave background radiation."
"Every single human study ever conducted on soy and breast cancer shows a definitive 30 to 60 percent drop in occurrence, recurrence and death."
"Supplements have significant benefits, supported by science."
"Wouldn't it be amazing if Darwin were here today to see the amazing evidence that people like Johannes Haile Selassie have been finding in the Ethiopian desert?"
"And finally, the real stuff, the meat of the talk, the evidence why evolution is true."
"Evidence for an extraterrestrial impact 12,900 years ago that contributed to the megafauna extinctions and the Younger Dryas Cooling."
"Now that we have the sense that tdcs really does something in the brain."
"There has been some promising evidence on intermittent fasting."
"We conclude that this is evidence for early life on Mars."
"Experimental studies do not support the hypothesis that red meat increases colorectal cancer risk."
"The science is there, guys. We have it."
"We have a really excellent temperature proxies from ice cores."
"I've proven the existence of God. I have the scientific evidence. I have the moral logic to prove it. I have the rational justification."
"There's more and more good evidence that hotspots begin at the very base of the mantle, basically at the boundary between the liquid outer core and the solid lower mantle."
"Access to scientific expertise is a problem in guilty pleas just as it is at trial."
"To a reasonable degree of scientific certainty."
"If genes play an integral role, we have a lot of data supporting that."
"Both of these views are often voiced, but what is much less often brought up is what scientific evidence we have on this question."
"There is very hardcore scientific evidence now that it works and that's obviously made it more popular."
"One of the most amazing and compelling pieces of observational evidence that shows us that the Big Bang actually occurred is the Cosmic Microwave Background."
"You can't just say something has numerous wellness benefits and that's the proof; that's not how that works."
"Anxiety, the distress evoked by life's pressures, is perhaps the emotion with the greatest weight of scientific evidence connecting it to the onset of sickness."
"131 peer-reviewed and published research papers prove that these recommendations are the best way for the vast majority of individuals to optimize muscle growth and muscle strength."
"The data to support this hypothesis are not particularly compelling."
"We don't just factor the science in, we also factor in our experience."
"Meta-analysis allows you to sum up all the published material; it gives you the evidence."
"The experiment gives us very strong evidence for what's causing the outcomes in our respondents."
"Bupropion has the most scientific evidence for low treatment emergent sexual dysfunction and can also improve sexual function."
"The only possible explanation for these fossils are the same fossils occurring on different continents in rocks of the same age is to say the continents were once joined together."
"There are three conclusively proven benefits from cannabis: treatment of chronic pain, treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea, and treating symptoms of multiple sclerosis."
"There's plenty of compelling evidence for scientific discoveries that we've made."
"The evidence linking childhood adversity, trauma to adult mental health conditions is as clear as the evidence linking cigarettes smoking to lung cancer."
"Hierarchy of evidence... at the bottom is usually mechanistic evidence... above that, we get into the human data... and then above that, you have the randomized control trials and then the large collections of data, the meta-analyses, and the systematic reviews."
"Evolution is indicated and vindicated at various levels and myriad ways."
"Sorry dude, can't argue with science."
"Granites around the world contain these dark uranium radial halos, so that means all of these granites thus contain observable physical evidence of abundant nuclear decay."
"The older view that said that the appearance of design was illusory is to many of us no longer credible on scientific grounds."
"It's crucial to rely on scientific evidence rather than discredited theories to combat HIV/AIDS effectively."
"The evidence points to strong evidence that lineage B jumped before lineage A."
"We need specific evidence showing the causation that that hypothesis is proposing, the causal order, chronology is very important."
"It's not a smoking gun, as we said in our paper. We have not found proof of living biogenic activity in this Martian sample, but we have a trail of evidence."
"Orange juice improves endothelial function, lowers levels of oxidized LDL, attenuates many oxidative stress cascades."
"I'm pretty sure that meditation is scientifically proven."
"The science is clear, not only does Nala make people smile, she also physically improves a patient's health."
"Evolution is supported by an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence."
"We have solid evidence that exercise does in fact help you fall asleep more quickly and improve sleep quality."
"It's scientifically proven you need to do more weight-bearing exercise."
"Scientists use three main pieces of evidence to establish Earth's temperature and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere over the past 800,000 years."
"If we ever encountered evidence of what is commonly referred to as a supernatural entity... that would not be scientific evidence of the supernatural."
"The oxygen isotopes in their shells suggest that the 631,000 year ago super-eruption cooled the oceans by 3 degrees Celsius."
"The scientific evidence supports a natural origin for COVID-19 from a bat to human spillover, not a lab release."
"The distinction in physics and speculation is precisely when you have evidence and you can rule out models."
"Only if in the words of J.B. Phillips your God is too small are you going to become confused or frightened by scientific evidence."
"The tide has shifted, and the evidence from science for God is mind-blowing."
"Apigenin reduces tumor volume, tumor weight, tumor number, and tumor load, significantly in all of the study scientific studies done."
"Once again these papers prove that the dark matter seems to exist."
"I think the scientific evidence today suggests very strongly that a divine agent ordered the way the world is ordered, the structure of the world, for our existence."
"Have excellent evidence that there has been 50 degrees of clockwise rotation over the last 50 million years."
"It's 100% bootstrap support for that split."
"Follow the science. It's a phrase we hear so often today, and there's no hiding from DNA evidence."
"And when scientists dissected the insects, they found even more evidence of their affinity to butterflies."
"By staring at this plot, you can convince yourself that neutrinos must have mass."
"Is there any scientific evidence that proves that a tall man is a better husband or father? That's a physical preference, though. That doesn't mean that it's a necessity."
"The evidence is there for all who have eyes to see, or at least go looking for the information."
"It proves that human evolution is a clear fact."
"It's scientific fact that COVID is a real virus."
"If you're not happy with the scientific evidence, that doesn't mean it's not true."
"We do have an overwhelming amount of evidence for the Big Bang."
"Jenner produced a very clear record, and scientific evidence, that using this procedure could protect a population of people from the disease."
"The Mediterranean diet is the one diet that there is very strong scientific evidence for that it is healthy."
"There is scientific evidence that long working hours is related to stress."
"We clearly know the Earth isn't flat because we've gone outside the Earth and we can see the Earth rotating on its own axis and it's like a sphere."