
Domestication Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"Feral cats will bury their food and stuff. It's a very positive sign that it is feeling at home in your house. Yay, he's feeling like he's at home."
"Animals that are domesticated for a long period of time by humans become more accustomed to human companionship and a lot more receptive to things like names."
"Cats domesticated themselves: This is a popular theory on how wild cats were domesticated into house pets."
"We humans didn't domesticate cats, instead they domesticated themselves."
"Sand cats are wild animals that can't be tamed, even if you adopt one as a kitten."
"The Savannah Cat...has the look of a real wild cat with the behavior of a domestic cat."
"SeaWorld is full of domesticated wild creatures that are better off born and raised in the wilderness, obviously."
"The studies suggest that the birds were domesticated in Southeast Asia around 3,500 years ago in rice fields."
"So have we also had this pressure against reactive aggression, have we somehow domesticated ourselves by perhaps slowly removing the most violent amongst us from the gene pool?"
"Humans have domesticated dogs for centuries, and while their uses have pivoted throughout the years, one thing stays the same: we know dogs to be a man's best friend."
"There's definitely a nostalgia for thinking of them as kind of wild wolves hunting to survive... but actually the domesticated dog is quite different to that."
"Due to selective breeding by humans, domestic cattle are actually the best in the game at milk production."
"It's an integral part of human history, the domestication of plants and animals."
"Humans do take animals and have for millennia."
"It's the one where we respect the animals enough to bring them into our home and have an understanding and learn from them."
"The domestication of dogs was a revolutionary achievement."
"The domestic pigeon is actually the oldest domesticated bird."
"Instead, they show that felines began to live peacefully among humans and at some point began benefiting from us, leading to their eventual domestication."
"The exact story of the domestication of the chicken is history that deserves to be remembered."
"Life will get better, just control your Johnson."
"I'm always impressed at how cats could have domesticated their humans."
"We're almost ready to domesticate horses, that'll be very good."
"The Pastoral period: domesticated cattle and stone monuments."
"Dogs were domesticated as a partner in hunting, modifying them deeply."
"The populations remaining in West Africa began domesticating oil palm and Rafia Palm as early as 11,000 years ago."
"Even the most intimidating predators on earth can become domesticated like little kitties."
"We see the domestication happening with locally available plants."
"We've spent so long domesticating dogs to get dogs that work as pets for us, companions for us, and then some dudes come in there, they're like I want a wolf again, like what's wrong with you?"
"The whole thing around horse domestication is interesting because, as has been pointed out by other people, in order to domesticate horses, in order to corral horses, you need to do that from horseback."
"Dogs have been bred for tameness. People have tended to breed from puppies that are friendly as it happens."
"Domestication modifies wild species to make them more suitable for humans."
"She decided to free a domesticated rat."
"Wolves are very different from dogs because they're wild."
"A powerful thing like the Nile was domesticated properly. Domesticated in a way that took advantage of all the good things it could bring and eliminated the bad."
"A return to the state of nature is impossible for us for the same reason it would be like returning a domestic animal back to the wild."
"Dogs are like, 'I'm so sick of living out here. What can we do to get inside those homes?'."
"These deer on these big pieces are freaking like tame pets."
"The working theory is that because we have domesticated the majority of our food supply and have selectively bred for hyper palatable and easily chewed Foods."
"I try to make things as natural as I possibly can, even though they're domesticated. I want to try to do what I can within my power to just let them be horses and not bubble wrap them."
"Self-domestication is most evident in Upper Paleolithic humans rather than early modern humans."
"Domestication began with social selection, which means that dogs who are more social towards humans benefited more than those that were more introverted and wary."
"There are at least 10 independent centers of domestication scattered all over the world."
"Domestication refers to the sustained relationship between an organism and a Sapient species wherein the Sapient species has assumed a significant degree of control over the reproduction and care of the other organism."
"Feralization is the opposite of domestication."
"I came up being very domesticated."
"I'd like to suggest an explanation for their domestication using occult knowledge instead of standard mainstream science. I think cats habituated themselves to people because cats serve as a repository for the souls of the dead."
"When horses were domesticated 6,000 years ago, it began a relationship that changed the world for people."
"Dahlias were originally domesticated by the Aztecs."
"From wolf to dog: unraveling the mysteries of domestication through multiple scenarios."
"Animals that are bonded to humans do things that they never do in the wild."
"You can't just release a lion into the wild if it's been with people since it was a cub."
"The virus leaps from the wild to the domestic, and from the domestic to the domesticator."
"What they did was they just simply selected for the next generation, the wild foxes that were the ones that were most receptive to humans, the ones that might come closest to a human, the one that might take a little bit of food."
"The domestication of plants allowed for a much more reliable food source."
"This course of domestication, it's of intellectual interest, it's academic, but it also is really practical."
"They're the reason why our ancestors domesticated ruminants in the first place."
"Rescue Puma can't be released into the wild, so he lives as a spoiled house cat."
"Bengals are house cats. Now guys, if you have ever owned a bangal cat, you know they are absolutely wild."
"In the beginning, domesticated dogs looked like wolves, but over time, they started changing and were developed into dogs of many different breeds."
"When a horse is well trained, it's going to stick in its home."
"More than 30,000 years ago people and wolves started living together; this was the beginning of dogs as we know them today."
"Grains are what got us over the hump from an evolutionary perspective and they were the first crops to be domesticated, staple food throughout the millennia."
"Exotic animals aren't pets. They're not domesticated for a reason."
"Since the beginning of time, dogs have worked for us. It now seems we work for them."
"Humans behave in many ways like domesticated animals because we're so unviolent."
"Apparently Ethiopian baboons are starting to domesticate wolves, which is giving scientists new insights about what it might have been like when early humans did that. But that's cool. Pretty cool."
"The zebra, tiger, and lion are all wild animals and only the horse can be domesticated."
"It was from this last species that the domestic cat evolved, probably around 10,000 years ago."
"Nowadays, scientists think that domestic cattle descended from an ancient wild ox called the aurochs."
"After they were domesticated, horses evolved to have sturdier spines, making it more comfortable for people to ride them."
"In order to keep horses as domesticated animals, proper care and training are necessities."
"They're only wild because we haven't domesticated them."
"These animals we call them wild, but it's only because we don't give them the attention that we give other animals."
"If you bring one in and give it a life that it'll never have outside the house, that animal is going to be the most grateful animal ever."
"We've spent thousands of years domesticating them to trust us."
"All animals can be pets, and little pets are domesticated."
"Raccoons can live for 20 years domesticated. They are very neat creatures."
"It is quite amazing that not only did we evolve, but also in a symbiotic way with our dairy producing animals."
"Alpacas were domesticated over 6,000 years ago and raised for their exquisite fleece."
"The domestication of the horse... allowed large empires and kingdoms with complex trade networks to flourish across the Eurasian region, giving shape to the world of today in more ways than we can count."
"Cats were in essence a key technology in the most important event ever in human culture."
"Once humans domesticated cows nearly 10,000 years ago, cow's milk started being consumed by humans."
"Pigeons are possibly the first birds domesticated by people; they are also experts in navigation."
"The message that I read the clearest from Lek is that these are not animals that can be domesticated."
"With cats, it really came down to this mutually beneficial relationship starting 12,000 years ago."
"Cats and dogs living in our homes are starting to meet in the middle."
"He who created man knew that man would need domestic animals that would respond to the touch of love."
"If you could domesticate any animal, and it'd be safe to live with you, what wild animal are you putting in your house?"
"It seems a bit scary to have a wild animal as a pet because they remain wild by nature, even if they are domesticated."
"These people dare to make choices to take wild animals like wolves, bears, and crocodiles as pets."
"The domestication of the horse would have given nomadic groups more mobility, allowing them to go greater distances."
"Living with humans has been so amazing for dogs; it's made them a very successful species."
"Ethiopian baboons are starting to domesticate wolves, which is giving scientists new insight about what it might have been like when early humans did that."
"Long before any of us were born, our shared ancestors all around the globe hunted the most dangerous animals to extinction while domesticating the useful and friendly ones."
"The dog tooth seems to be direct evidence that humans brought domestic dogs with them when they migrated to North America."
"The domestication of the modern house cat is a little understood phenomenon."
"Evidence suggests that people and cats became closer over time."
"Cats are very independent but have been with us humans for thousands of years."
"Cats began to cohabitate peacefully with us and benefit from us, eventually leading to their domestication."
"Getting close to humans has been a major bonus for cats."
"Born wild, today they are essentially domestic and utterly dependent on us, a lot like our cats and dogs, but without a permanent address."
"We've bred dogs, we've conditioned dogs, and evolved dogs for thousands and thousands of years to be man's best friend."
"We've bred dogs to be highly social. We've bred dogs to really tune into our emotional states."
"Bananas were possibly domesticated at approximately the same time as rice and potatoes, predating the domestication of apples by millennia."
"The cat is a carnivorous mammal which has long been kept by man in a domestic state."
"The dog was domesticated and this meant they became part of our culture, our stories, and our mythology."
"The final direction of evolution of domestic animals is the same: this is the transformation into a real dragon."
"The ants domesticated the fungus 50 million years ago; they're the first farmers."
"That selection for friendly behavior has a lot of hanger-on characteristics like floppy ears and a tail that wags."
"We get educated, we get civilized, get domesticated."
"We might have evolved and domesticated the wolf, making him into a dog, but the wolf might have domesticated us."
"It seems crazy to us, right? But long time ago, somebody looked at a wolf and was like, 'You know what? I'll make that thing my pet.'"
"To be domesticated means to be tamed and to create dependency."
"Pigeons are actually fully domesticated, one of the oldest domesticated bird species that exist."
"Scientists agree the domestic dog has been a trusted pet for around 15,000 years."
"The friendliest were bred or encouraged to breed by the humans, and something new and exciting began to take place."
"We earn their respect, and we've done that when humans, like emperors of empires, this is how emperors have domesticated their empires."
"The oldest evidence we have of domesticated cats dates up to 12,000 years ago."
"Barking is really special vocalization in dogs because wolves rarely bark, and you know, dogs bark all the time."
"A domesticated snake... you can see how calm this animal is, just kind of hanging out, not squeezing too hard, not trying to get away, just calmly inquisitively exploring."
"We have domesticated them; it is our responsibility to make sure that they're in the community safe and healthy."
"If anything were to self-domesticate, I think it would be some kind of bird, possibly a corvid."
"The domesticated hamster was developed pretty quickly; the Syrian hamster first brought to the U.S. in 1938 by Whiting Willauer."
"The earliest human attempts at plant domestication occurred in Southwestern Asia around 11,000 BC."
"What makes dogs so attractive to human beings is that adult dog breeds tend to retain far more baby features than do their ancestors, the wolves."
"It's what makes dogs so attractive to human beings, is that they are adult dog breeds tend to retain far more baby features than do their ancestors, the wolves."
"All crops we grow today were once wild plants; they were selected, domesticated, and developed by humans."
"The domestication of crops was linked with the development and evolution of human societies."
"The genetics of crop domestication is a pretty simple study; theoretically, domestication could occur quite rapidly."
"Cats were domesticated in at least two areas of the earth completely independently."
"We are still arguing whether we have tamed cats or maybe they have tamed us."
"As soon as a person switched from a nomadic life to settled agriculture, they almost immediately domesticated the cat."
"Cats came into our lives because we create pests, and we allowed it because they removed pests."
"To domesticate an animal means, through directed selection over more than ten generations, to bring out a special species that does not exist in nature."
"The cultivation of crops and the husbandry of livestock brought about changes in people's lifestyle."
"The chicken that lived today are those that approached humans and they're using us to pursue their reproduction."
"The practice of cattle domestication and pastoralism and the rise in this mutations correlate really well with the archaeological data."
"Domesticated dogs, for the most part, are docile animals by nature; they're obedient, submissive, and yielding to humans."
"We tamed them, we rode horses in the name of speed."
"Corn started off as a grass, it was teosinte, and it was just a grain on top of a grass."
"The African Wildcat is the ancestor of the domestic cat, it is what the ancient Egyptians first domesticated."