
Critical Analysis Quotes

There are 523 quotes

"Be an independent thinker, be a critical thinker."
"Who benefits from this divide and conquer, this divided nation, everyone being on one side and arguing, like, who benefits from that at the end of the day?"
"You can't look at the United States or capitalism or free markets in a vacuum; if you do, you're doing it wrong."
"Remakes are meant to redefine their source material, but if you take Africa out of RE5, is it even RE5 anymore?"
"The world's getting better in many aspects, but we must also consider the parts of the picture that are still missing."
"Someone whose narrative is so riveting that people don't bother looking for the holes in it."
"I'm not saying it wasn't successful; I'm saying that the drop in the homicide rate in Australia cannot be solely because of the gun buyback program."
"His critique is well reasoned, and you have to unpack the nuances of it."
"Although I absolutely believe bad design can completely ruin a book, in this case, it really doesn't matter and shouldn't have any impact on your decision whether to get the book or not, when compared to just how strong the content of the text is."
"It's a matter of acknowledging the game's impact and influence but also accepting its shortcomings."
"In conclusion, the argument as it stands now is considerably flawed due to its reliance on several unwarranted assumptions."
"Study them carefully because there's no second chance to make that first impression."
"If you want to understand capitalism, you need to look at and learn from those who think about it and analyze it from a celebratory perspective and those who analyze it from a critical perspective."
"We are embracing the poison rather than seeking the solution."
"Well, stay tuned. I'm going to be breaking down every Disney World hotel today and judging them relentlessly—for the sake of science, of course."
"How can the country that created modern democracy and free market enterprise do such a poor job essentially of both of those?"
"Sure, there are elements in the Bible that are historical, but when you stop and actually critically examine the archaeological evidence, you discover that especially the earlier stories in the Bible cannot be taken literally."
"The course guides students in the close reading and critical analysis of classic works of literature and helps them appreciate the text and the context in which the works were written."
"The point is, we have to be able to look at historical artifacts that are compromised by things like racism and be able to say, yes, that was 1942, that was 1928."
"How did we allow all of the supply destruction to happen, and now we need to unwind it?"
"Let us be united by our appreciation for nuance and our refusal to blindly accept dogma and to explore the issues and decide for ourselves."
"It's about questioning everything. Why do I believe this? And then, is what I believe valid? Are there other explanations? Are there other ways of looking at things?"
"The impact that the Frankfurt School had on how we critically analyze the world around us is undeniable."
"Do not dis intersectionality or intersectional analysis just because the terms associated with it get misused."
"It's important to make sure that information is credible. Always take a minute to step back, look at the information that you're consuming, check to see if it's real."
"Numerous studies have shown that the Scared Straight method can actually do more harm than good."
"10 out of 10 does not mean a game was perfect. Nothing is perfect."
"Why this movie didn't work as an adaptation of a Broadway musical and what it can tell us about other adaptations and the task of doing that in general."
"But knowing that it's not I I I would like to look at countries that I don't want to be like and say what do they do and if they do that then maybe we don't do that."
"A critical analysis of power. A critical analysis of history. Of society. Of justice, and equity."
"According to Dobb, there were three decisive moments in the process of transition from feudalism to capitalism."
"On the surface of them, they seem like largely decent plans."
"No matter the outside talent you bring in to change your broken movie down the line, there are some things a simple superficial band-aid just won't fix."
"Did he feature any of my actual points from any of the video? No, he took one phrase, kind of twisted it, and then was like, 'See, we're right.' The end."
"There's a lot I still think a lot to be learned from the way celebrity impacted the police investigation in this case."
"Could there be a political bias? Yes, I think that's absolutely obvious."
"Because she looks more likely to submit to your will. That is what you like about it, and that is a massive, massive example of the fetishization and sexualization of femininity."
"Just because all we knew was a rather quick and dirty formula at a certain stage, it wasn't enough to dismiss hugely important questions."
"Going clear: Scientology and the prison of belief."
"I think you can simultaneously criticize the BLM riots and the damage cost in cities while also acknowledging that January 6 was a uniquely horrible event in U.S history."
"I don't experience that as often because if it isn't in the realm of being like so bad then I will always try to consider its artistic merit."
"So okay, the information here wasn't wrong but rather misleading because they didn't have the proper context."
"By taking a step and looking at the problems in Loki's world building and exploring ways in which it can be fixed, we can learn a lot about world building."
"Believe all women narrative of the left breaks apart in this story."
"We have to be very careful when we're looking at this research or even being presented with research, how we let it affect our everyday lives."
"Every doctor... if it's a doctor in the 0.02 percent of doctors saying some [stuff] maybe bring a little bit of skepticism to it."
"You gotta start analyzing things higher than what is presented to you."
"Evolution is an indisputable fact of phylogeny, a body of knowledge with profound explanatory power that has withstood more and harsher critical analysis than any other theory."
"We're trying to reform our minds, critically think independently, not follow the herd but actually look beneath the surface of things."
"I'm looking forward to you coming back in six months and basically saying everything that I've said today but about the further insane things that you've wrote in."
"I think it's just so obvious that, you know, we need new thinking."
"Proving the skid mark belonged to the Secret Service car was one of two critical issues."
"Cryptocurrency expert says Elon Musk knows nothing about crypto."
"Everything is stunning but some poems are things that I've already read before within the collection."
"Once you know what has actually happened, you start to apply that to everything."
"I think I've learned here that anime style makes it look like someone in middle school or high school's drawing this."
"This is all really good news as well but let me explain the nuance of it and this is important to understand."
"While the franchise may have taken a slight stumble with Absolution's more story-driven experience, it emerged better than ever building on the freedom of choice and experimentation that made the series such a hit to begin with."
"If you're not using those tools with your North Star being how to most accurately assess and disseminate truth those tools actually become clubs against the truth."
"Everything they criticize throughout this special has a root cause in laziness."
"Remember when Star Trek films actually dealt with mature themes and characters in a clever, thought-provoking manner?"
"Their negative bias now alleviated of ignorance still took precedence over objective reality."
"When you're in a situation, you lose the ability to gauge and really see what's happening unless you have an ability to step out and go into the bird's eye view."
"Always good to check the conclusions of a research paper. See what the experts in the field are saying about the data."
"I hate misinformation based on using sexism or whatever as some sort of weird straw man argument to excuse the failures of certain individuals."
"Please, please, please, if somebody tells you something, including me, don't just take it at face value."
"Look who's telling you, look where they're coming from, look what else they've said, and look where that data came from."
"You'll get the typical leftist response, but it's easily debunked."
"Mitch McConnell's proposal leaves out massive things: eviction protections, rental relief, stimulus checks, state and local government funding." - Analysis
"And I would contend that that's the point that's being missed if you're treating this as only a simple case of one character making the wrong call at the wrong time."
"Knowing saves half the battle. Got it? It's not hard. Analyze, think independently, be informed, find the data and you'll know a lot that no one else does."
"Any example of police overreach is critical to parse regardless of circumstance."
"Move and counter move, calculation and desperation."
"If you didn't fix the thing that needs to be fixed, I don't care what kind of law you passed. So let's just look at a few little charts really quickly."
"Do your own research, make up your own minds."
"I try very hard to make sure to understand the person or group that I'm critiquing, that's why my videos are so long and heavily edited, and my hands are broken."
"Hold that information to a higher degree of scrutiny than you normally would."
"Forget the traditions, all you have to do is read the account."
"The utterly broken script was bleeding errors with every second of screen time that passed, and stating the conclusion at the end of the analysis is only natural."
"How do you get someone to be in power and actually help the base? That's the nut you gotta crack."
"Replica is broken on a deep fundamental level, and it's not for the reasons the general public seems to believe."
"Why should we praise it?" - Questioning the quality and marketing strategy of certain movies.
"A systemic weakness within the entire structure of the system." - Andrew Axelrod
"From geopolitical tensions to global conflict: the world on the brink."
"Cruel optimism is where you take something with really big causes like attention crisis and you offer a really small solution... it's so small it will almost certainly fail it might give them some boost but it won't solve the problem."
"It all kind of starts to paint honestly like an uncomfortable picture."
"Don't just identify it, make sure you go a step further and talk about the 'so what' of that."
"I love once upon a time and their takes on all of like the Disney characters but yeah it did uh once it started to try and keep up with whatever was new and releasing from Disney."
"Common sense hat: Does it seem like Amanda was helped or does it seem more like Lima was helped?"
"But here's the thing. In the most high-level economic view, there is no real reason that this had to happen."
"Voting for Trump to stem the rising tide of liberalism is about as pure an example of cutting off your nose despite your face as political life can afford."
"There would be a lack of military, political, and economic resources, but what is more important is that the very model isn't workable because..."
"I think it's much more useful to look at the impact that it's having, rather than the intentions around them."
"Take it under advisement but don't take it as gospel."
"I was very critical based on the empirical data."
"If the only difference you see between a kyle written house and this is race you're a racist and this is the prime"
"We need more hard data from China and they're shutting down completely and you know why we don't have more hard data from China? Do you know why? That's why."
"I mean you know this is a country that's obviously seriously regressed."
"America is either built on sand or built on a lie. But I don't think it is. And if you listen to Martin Luther King's speeches, neither did he."
"Here's the big succession of gestures that for me denotes, okay, we've got to really look at this one."
"It's the binary thinking about sides like 'there's either systemic sexism, racism, or there's none,' and the people that say there's none, are you out of your mind?"
"Casters definitely should be allowed to criticize."
"Intuition is completely worthless when understanding disruption."
"If we don't make an analysis of what went wrong then the only analysis that will be out there is by those who are enemies."
"We're living in almost like an abusive relationship with society."
"I think his question is just flawed at its heart from the get-go... it wasn't a full-baked thought."
"If you watch that and it does not emotionally impact you, you should analyze what you have been indoctrinated to believe."
"No, Democrats are deplorable: Why 9 million Obama voters ditch the Democrats and embrace Donald Trump."
"It's important at least to raise the possibility that you can criticize something which everybody has accepted as uncritical."
"If you test them under some sort of bottleneck scenario or you don't look at those edge cases that Tim talked about then you don't have all the information you can't make an informed decision."
"The freestyles in particular go hard as hell. If you listen to the freestyles on this album and you say that Megan doesn't have a great flow, I want some of the crack you were smoking my friend."
"When presented with any new form of information, the question you need to ask always is, 'But is this really the case?'"
"It's critical analysis, it's educational, and it's transformative in the usage of that IP."
"I can't see it, I don't think there's enough consistency from the teams behind to be honest."
"So look we're actually going to the worst parts there cuz I think all that is a crock of crap okay I don't I think that's the the worst part of his memo."
"You've got to have a differential diagnosis and knowledge is the greatest purifier."
"A three-eyed crow should have three eyes. He has only one, and that one red."
"Those points for me are more than enough to show that it's a garbage argument."
"These are probably the most damaging because it's obvious that there is censorship."
"Here are clear-cut examples of Trump attacking pretty basic constitutional freedoms."
"There's just too many things here that don't add up."
"We're at an interesting point in our relationship with technology where it's gone beyond functionality and it's moved into more intimate spaces."
"The best way to fight the problematic elements of religion is to look at holy texts through the lens of literature and mythology."
"Did AOC exaggerate the danger she was in during the Capitol riot?"
"Talking about genre is complicated because people have very different ideas of whether genre matters."
"Attention to detail is very critical in this case."
"The overall deconstruction of Star Trek is a necessary part of keeping the franchise alive."
"Rob Zombie's Halloween 2: A misunderstood masterpiece of pure genius or a bad movie with an incoherent lazy script?"
"I know that the internet tends to prefer happy silly game reviews with jokes and light-hearted jabs but I have a lot of respect for this series."
"Bits of media by no means create these power structures. They were created BY these power structures."
"You need to specifically deal with the evidence that they are citing, you need to tell us why they're misinterpreting it, why it's wrong, you need to provide counter evidence."
"Enough time has passed where we can take a look at this game with a more critical eye instead of just going, 'Oh, it's different therefore it's bad.'"
"By pointing out the dishonesty of dave rubin the gatekeeper the profiteer and the apologist in chief for these ideologies my hope is that we might catch some people before they get to that point of no return."
"Let's start looking at these games seriously: Roblox might be worse than Fortnite."
"Courage is a virtue, my friends, and what could be more courageous than challenging to show why Muhammad most certainly is not the noble pattern of conduct the Quran says he is?" - David Wood
"This whole interview is an excuse for inaction and saying oh anyone who's talking bad about us or criticizing us must be acting in bad faith."
"The point about whether the economy is working for most people, I think that is a valid point."
"I just can't let these abominations of escapes go without a wonderful and hilarious debunk video."
"He can't make this go away." - Frank Figliuzzi on Trump's legal troubles.
"He's caught... he's very much cornered." - Frank Figliuzzi on Trump's legal position.
"It's important to remember the background of each bad video game before taking them to task."
"The two most important parts of any game is the beginning and how it ends."
"Critical race theory is a worldview, it has central tenets, and everything that it does is seen through the lens of this worldview and these central tenets."
"This really exposes the weaknesses in our global system."
"What a Finish First Time unbelievable that's the error Lifeline for Arsenal can they Salvage a point let me say now as well Arsenal haven't woken up all game you've been given something here come on now come on."
"That's the whole thing about the channel too is never listen to me i present something i'll give you the links you chase it down if it resonates with you in your telescopic view or your microscopic view whatever great if it doesn't then move on."
"Has that ever happened in the United States ever? That is the definition of police state behavior."
"You gotta see farest through the trees can't get into the group think."
"It's how effective are you at killing, destroying, pillaging, and plundering."
"Honest, direct, brave, real leadership of the kind the president of the United States should have provided."
"The perfect storm of multiple concurrent crises."
"This is going to either be a clinic on defensive line pass rush or it's going to be a big mistake by the 49ers. That's where the game's going to come down to."
"Control the narrative if this does not explain to you how the left operates."
"Now even in a perfect balanced media world... stories that are going to reach national attention are going to be selected by someone for some reason."
"There will be possibly some unrest but this is a positive arrest because mercury is very emma analyzes everything very well and when people see the truth of course there will be some murmuring as they say."
"Let me know your thoughts, let me know what things you absolutely loved in the film, what things you didn't love, and whether or not you agree with me."
"Education should train you to analyze, reach your own conclusions, but defend other people's rights to reach their conclusions."
"Islamic scholars and apologists must recognize that merely asserting the perfection of the Uthmanic tradition proves nothing."
"Free your mind... be a free thinker, use the facts, look at logic, look at statistics."
"The logic behind these moves is crucial; it's not about spoon-feeding but understanding."
"Socialism has been put in a box with the label bad on it so that people won't bother to look inside. But I looked inside that box and I found that the problem is not that people fundamentally disagree with socialist principles."
"Reviews are changing with Hogwarts Legacy, we saw overwhelmingly positive reviews but here are some of the recent ones that just came about in the last number of hours."
"I made a note because I just had to see it: seven minutes into the film, there are 10 vitally important questions that have been raised."
"This is what you call really solid evidence, not just claims."
"The entire fact that we are now talking in rational terms about the lab leak possibility... is the result of very hard work on the part of people who have been very careful not to overstate the case."
"The first two acts are a mixed bag of pros and cons but the final hour is an absolute magnificent geek wet dream."
"It is an incredibly good weapon only held back by having a 1.5 critical multiplier or else it would probably overtake the Lex Prime for that number three slot."
"The purpose of criticism is to effectuate change."
"Actually, some of the old sexual norms were there for a reason and actually there is a lot to be learned from them in a critical way."
"That man made some very good points. There's a lot of unanswered questions around this tragedy." - Silver Joystick
"Overall I'm feeling solid seven it's a good lesson I just think that they have better probably the weakest thing I've heard from them so far."
"Let's lay out all the anecdotal evidence and you can come to your own conclusions."
"I like this trilogy. I like it a lot. And it's got its faults, but I'm sorry, so do the prequels."
"The Mueller report is one of the most important legal documents so far in this century."
"You really have to dig into it to find out you know is this actually the case you have this this comment here for escalan as well which I think follows a similar type of story."
"I really enjoyed this movie too I know we started off talking about a lot of the negatives but I think this has some of the best sequences of all the x-men movies."
"The people who can't pay their bills are going to have some regrets."
"It actually looks good, it does, analyzing serious."
"There is now mounting evidence that when you weigh the negative consequences and side effects of lockdown up against its negligible benefits, the whole thing was an error."
"You don't start from facts and work your way to Crazy, you have to somewhere along the way put a wall up."
"Delaney brought up a lot of very good challenges to the progressive side of the argument tonight."
"The net effect of the drug industry in the last two decades on society has been a negative one."
"In life, sometimes things aren't good... you need to have a balanced and healthy view analyzing all of these different subjects."
"You will not find anywhere a more critical and objective sifting of the evidence than in Dale Allison's work on the resurrection."
"Many of the predictions from supposedly credible sources regarding electric vehicle sales adoption... have been catastrophically off the mark."
"Batman's ability to kill enhances the strength of the adaptation rather than hindering it."
"Caffeine is 100% addictive. Is heroin addictive? Yes, okay, it is addictive. So both caffeine and heroin are addictive, are they the same? There it is, apples and oranges."
"This is not a thing anybody will want to go through, and I really think that we need to understand that and actually be extremely empathetic here."
"It is fair to criticize the arc so far but we can't come to a conclusion because the arc hasn't come to its conclusion."
"There's just too much good within nearly every frame of force awakens to discount it for its flaws."
"If a highly anticipated film isn't received as a work of utter perfection it's considered a bad movie... there's so much good happening within them."
"The most infamous scene of the movie... problematic AF."
"Once we got to the new class, but I also, you know, in the last two years, have been watching Zack Morris is trash on YouTube and boy does that reshape that show for you."
"I really think a lot of people have to think much deeper about why your theory is scientific."
"I thought this video did a really nice job of highlighting those moments."
"Failure was an intrinsic part of the system."
"Just because a female movie character has a special skill doesn't mean that moviemakers are saying all women have those skills."
"At the end of any empire, there are always a handful of chroniclers who see clearly the looming disintegration of empire." - Chris Hedges
"Liberal religion buffers criticism of more fundamental religions."