
Life Application Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Critical thinking will allow you to solve many of the problems in your life that you have."
"In many cases, he's a storyteller. He can distill lessons from stories... and derive lessons that you can apply to your life."
"The Bible is the book of life. And it doesn't become the book of life by studying it. It becomes the book of life by living it."
"We're really interested in what the story... how do these words transcend time and situation into my life."
"The task of breaching what we learn in the psychedelic experience into changes that actually have an influence in our physical and daily life, that is the part that it's for me extremely important."
"You're not victims, you're victors. And it's perfect. That same mentality works in every area of your life."
"Wisdom and knowledge is two different things. Knowledge is like what you get, wisdom is how you apply it."
"Books are knowledge, but life is in the acting."
"Embrace these teachings, apply them in your lives, and be doers of the word."
"Passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law and of life."
"I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law and of life."
"John found a way to not lose what the wilderness taught him."
"I think this type of deeper thinking has great benefits not just with investing or health but with all areas of your life."
"You get to pick and choose what you want to apply to your life."
"It's not just about the history of Neville, you've taken what Neville has taught you and you've applied it in your life."
"Read for 15 minutes read for 30 minutes ponder it think on it apply it in your life."
"How much of your personal wisdom and testimony are you applying to your life?"
"You can apply this almost everywhere in your life and it's super helpful to think about the places where you can put in 20 of the effort to get eighty percent of the results."
"Details are probably the most important thing in business, work, sports, art, and life in general."
"Strength endurance is probably more important than max strength when it comes to general performance in life and sports."
"Faith has to have material realities for my life."
"These teachings are unearthing the spiritual laws that you can apply to your life."
"That's what I love about reading, you can skim, grab a little nugget, try it out in your life."
"Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk and live in your truth. Direct and unite my heart solely reverently to fear and honor your name, O God."
"Foundational skills from the basis of everything you do in your career and in your life."
"Start practicing the entrepreneurial mindset now, no matter where you're at in life."
"The Witness is a game that conditions you to think in ways you hadn't before and apply that to your life."
"What a man is immediately becomes not only practical but of the first practicality."
"Find what resonates with you and apply it to your life."
"You inspired me to be more creative not only in City Skylines but in life."
"Vision is God's view. What he does is come up a little higher, and then he asks you to come down and live like that vision is very vivid."
"The Book of Mormon wasn't just something to be read or studied, but something to be lived."
"Applying this information to your life at a minimum gives you a 1% improvement. And if you stack that 1% better every day, it compounds very quickly."
"Apply it to your life but like I said it is something that you have been working on for quite a while."
"I like taking something from a book and like being able to apply to my life or just understand the world differently from something"
"Spirituality is not just some pie-in-the-sky realization, but it actually has nitty-gritty implications in terms of one's life."
"Your soulmate's imagination is limitless, and they will teach you how to apply this to your life as well."
"Faith matters in every area of your life."
"That's really the goal of what we're trying to do is to really build up the strength and the muscle of the mindfulness muscle so that we can bring mindfulness to all aspects of our life."
"What you do in the ring, if you win a fight, you should do one outside the ring, isn't it?"
"Utilize that work ethic that you're learning from sport to apply to the rest of your life."
"We should have a philosophy that we could see, feel, and act upon in our lives."
"The spiritual life is not a theory; you have to live it."
"We need to explain to people in a different way what compassion is so that they can put it into effect in their lives."
"What if I could use these similar principles to apply them in different areas of life?"
"I always try to point out something from the daf that has to do with day-to-day life."
"God's not impressed by that; be impressed by the man who applies it to his life."
"I love learning as a tool for growth... all of these can be applied to later life."
"I will apply these things to life, and I'ma push myself past my limits to... better myself and improve as an individual."
"Allowing the strength that you found to come with you off your mat and into your life."
"You've got to think about it and perhaps write about it, apply it to every moment of your life, and that just takes discipline."
"A person of conscience... grounded in psychic qualities who make use of them in their life."
"That's what this is supposed to be about, you know? Introduce a few concepts and then they intersect with your life more than just in the classroom."
"Psychology is so interesting, and I think it relates to everything you do in life."
"A person who has studied philosophy, hopefully, has learned philosophy and has absorbed philosophy."
"God has prepared me for this moment, and now it's just time for me to apply everything that I've learned."
"Everyone should read The Art of War; it's applicable in various areas of life."
"If somebody doesn't bring their beliefs to bear in their lives, then you start worrying that they haven't really got any beliefs."
"And when we practice having and experiencing an open mind on the yoga mat, then we know what it feels like to maintain that or have that or create that experience off the yoga mat."
"We are to apply to our earthly lives what we observe in the time between two incarnations."
"Wisdom is achieved slowly and is the active expression of knowledge in your everyday life."
"It simplifies philosophy and makes it applicable to real life."
"Everyone who hears my teaching and applies it to his life can be compared to a wise man who built his house on an unshakable foundation."
"I found God's greatness to be true in my marriage, in my job, in ministry, in every area of my life."
"What would be more fitting than First Corinthians 13:13."
"My friend emphasized the absolute necessity of demonstrating these principles in all my affairs."
"It educates and raises men to the highest moral, intellectual, and social level when they strive to comprehend it and apply its teaching to life."
"80/20 is a law of nature and it's all over your life."
"Maybe that kind of an ethos can really take hold and become effective in people's lives."
"With boxing, it's discipline and hard work, so if you can do that and put yourself in and have that same mentality what boxing gives you and pull it into other aspects of your life, then it works wonders."
"Wisdom is profitable in all things."
"The way you live what you believe is you start with corresponding action."
"The wise say that samadhi is the control resulting from the application of the experienced truth to the practical affairs of life."
"Embrace the grace of God in your life, in your relationships, in your business issue, and the stuff at work."
"This study Bible helps readers of all ages understand the language of the Bible and gives advice on how to apply its teachings to the ups and downs of everyday life."
"Allow us to take what we learn from our mat, our best teacher, and take that out into the rest of our lives."
"It also enables us to go the other way, to use quantitative tools in order to gain insights that are helpful in our lives."
"The Holy Spirit causes it to apply to something that is happening in your life."
"You're strong right now in this workout, let's take this strength and apply it in all areas of your life."
"Project-based learning doesn't belong just in the classroom; it belongs in life."
"You're going to see your gifts work in your real life."
"All the skills you learn cold approaching are usable in other parts of your life."
"Zentangle practice helps you find mindfulness in other areas of your life."
"We've got to really dissect it, pay attention, absorb it, so that then we can apply it to our life personally."
"The kingdom agenda is the visible manifestation of the comprehensive rule of God over every area of life."
"It's about what you're talking about, but he's telling you for you to really listen and there's a possibility of applying it to your life."
"It's the spiritual journey, your path is great, but until you actually apply it to life, there is no lesson."