
Prerequisites Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Being a good husband is the prerequisite to being a great father."
"How could you make roti if you have no flour? And how could you make prasad if you don't have ghee?"
"Compatibility is a prerequisite to being successful."
"In order to be a Healer, you must come from a healed place."
"Before you can implement any kind of major social reform, you've got to weed out the corruption."
"You have to have it like that's a prerequisite if you don't have it you're really going to be in trouble but that isn't the thing that's allowed us to navigate through and get here."
"Before you watch this course, you should have some familiarity with HTML."
"You have to love yourself before you start loving everyone."
"Believe in yourself first before you do it otherwise it will never be enough."
"Liberation must precede the construction of a free society."
"I can't stream on Twitch until I plug it in a video so therefore I will not stream on Twitch until that video comes out."
"Electoral reform is a precondition for better political ideas."
"You can't love someone unless you love yourself."
"The first requisite of a good life is the correct belief."
"Wisdom has prerequisites: ignorance, knowledge, and understanding."
"There are certain things on one end that can't be changed until other things on the other end are fixed."
"If you have a dragon slayer, you got to have a dragon first for him to slay."
"You can only use machine learning when you actually know what the answers are."
"...some schools do have a lot more prerequisite courses available than other schools. There are some schools you can chase them and chase them and you never get these prerequisite courses."
"Architectural runway in place. Without the prerequisites, how will the teams be able to deliver value or complete the work?"
"Very Advanced and you know just like college you don't or even high school you don't come into you know physics 501 and um you know usually you've got prerequisites to attend that program."
"Any improvement of a process has a few prerequisites."
"There are prerequisites for His presence."
"One of the prerequisites of participation is hiddenness."
"I think as a producer I'm not comfortable working on something until I have that."
"You don't need any previous experience you don't need any educational background or prerequisites like a bachelor's degree or boot camp."
"You need to have a community and society and whole nation that is having at least some parts of these things before you can do change anything in education."
"Prerequisite: Microsoft Azure account with an active subscription."
"MDM push certificate set up is a prerequisite."
"But that's one of the prerequisites if we're gonna make any progress."
"Programming should not be a required prerequisite, but it should be no less of a prerequisite than mathematics."
"All you need is node.js installed on your machine and git as well."
"You can't book your driving test until you pass your theory test."
"To avoid feeling confused, to avoid feeling like a fish out of water, it's really important that you meet these three very, very important prerequisites."
"If they haven't had enough sleep, if they're not in the right frame of mind, if they haven't exercised, they're not going to learn."
"If you're not grounded, you can't graduate."
"Make sure you have your node and npm installed in your system."
"System modeling languages are a precondition or precursor to model-based system engineering."
"Every promise has a prerequisite, and it's usually something character-oriented."
"Women's economic empowerment is a prerequisite to political engagement."
"You need to have already installed Slicer for Fusion 360."
"You're going to have a very difficult time in calculus if you did not master pre-calculus."
"Health is not a prerequisite for safety."
"Before committing, the prerequisite for it is to stage the changes."
"Quran's first requirement, prerequisite, is attitude."
"Now at this point, I think we've got most of the prerequisites done."
"So what we want to do is these are all the classes you need to graduate. We need to come up with an order in which you can take them so that when you take a class, you took all the prerequisites."
"If you are familiar with what a function is, a variable is, what loops look like, and so on, this is the course for you."
"Respect the progressions, don't do dragonflies if you don't have at least 30 seconds of a hollow body hold."
"I'm assuming if you're interested in GSAP animations, you probably know about HTML and CSS already."
"Before we can do anything with a model, we need the application itself."
"Shameless self-confidence are prerequisites for success."
"Graphs can be used to resolve dependencies, like the prerequisites for university courses."
"If you haven't seen it, that's totally okay - not a prerequisite."