
Exam Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"How would a real economist respond? That- that is an actual exam question."
"Your exam is gonna think wow you are incredible."
"Tiny update: I'm gonna take an exam right after this video records."
"Close your book, close your laptop, pack up everything away, and just have a nice night of sleep."
"Good advice for the exam: never pick the first right answer."
"Passing this exam is not just about knowledge; it's only about 50% knowledge."
"My last brain cell questioning whether two plus two is actually four during an exam."
"Always focus on the exam objectives, even if nobody else does. Ultimately, that's all your exam is going to be anyway."
"Stick to the objectives. Study what's on the objectives. You're going to do fine on the exam if you do that. So very much my recommendation for you. I really don't understand a lot about going outside the scope of the objectives."
"Try not to leave things blank because it just decreases your chances of getting a good grade."
"The more past papers you do, the more prepared you'll be for the exam."
"Practice papers! Oh my, I could do hours and hours of revision, but if you don't do practice questions before you go into that exam, I'm telling you... it's, it's... you'll do so much better, easier, by doing practice questions."
"...our exam oh my gosh it was bad like we are not confident in our answers this is the one I was taking with Cammy."
"The 701 exam is newer. I wouldn't say it's more up to date, but obviously, it is a newer exam."
"Good luck for your exam, thank you."
"Don't forget to ace that test—those tests are no joke."
"No longer do we have to talk about the one pass method or two pass method or anything like that because now there is no reviewing the question, there's no marking it for review and going back later, you hit submit, it's gone."
"How unfortunate that you failed that exam."
"Before the finals, the entire class was in a panic state, trying to study enough to at least pass the class."
"I passed my security plus exam yesterday thanks to your videos notes and practice exams."
"You find a way that works for you. Whatever it takes for you to pass the exam, do it that way. That's the important part."
"That's a really good exam hack, is using that flag box. It can make the difference between you having points and not having points on the exam."
"If you're ready for them, they won't take a lot of time. But if you've never seen these before, you're unprepared. You've been blindsided when you start the exam because you weren't expecting this. It's going to take longer than it should."
"All you have to renew is your Security Plus and it will automatically renew any lower level certs which begs the question what is a lower level cert."
"You don't prepare for the final exam the night before the exam."
"Just finished my exam, I think it went pretty well honestly, I'm feeling really good about it."
"Low performance on the FRQ section is what holds so many students back from passing this exam."
"If you know everything listed in the exam objectives, you're going to pass your exam with no problem. That's how tight that's how close these exams are to the objectives."
"For those of you asking, the SY-0501 expires on July 31st. If you're planning to take the 501 exam, you should do the math."
"This open book or open note experience is designed to help you, but it is by no means designed to allow you to look up every answer to every question on the exam."
"Every answer has documented whether it's right or wrong why that answer is right or why that answer is wrong."
"Eventually, you may find yourself wanting to answer questions that are very similar to what you would find on an actual exam."
"...many of the CompTIA questions are multi-step answers... two or three topics that you had to know just to answer that question."
"...even though it's a single question, there were two or three topics that you had to know just to answer that question."
"...there were a couple steps you had to go through to answer that question whether you realize that or not."
"Now it doesn't matter when you take these two exams, you just need to pass both of them before the exam series is retired, and if you do that, your exam is now over."
"Every time I walk into the door to take an exam, anxiety through the roof. I think it was last month or the month before we talked about anxiety on the exam and how things you can do in the exam itself to bring down the anxiety level."
"Nobody's dying, nobody's life is at risk if you fail a certification exam."
"The worst feeling would be looking stupid in the actual exam."
"Good luck for the exam! Thank you!"
"You may fail a bunch of questions and still pass the exam."
"There's no way to memorize a bunch of facts for the exam and then sort of hope to pass. You have to actually understand the material."
"Class B successfully defeated Class A on the special exam."
"This is an exam that really tests your ability to make good business decisions based on the information in the question."
"Two things will happen when you take your CISSP exam: either you'll pass it or you'll have taken the most expensive and most realistic practice exam question set there is."
"And there you have it: an overview of networking within Domain 4, covering the most critical concepts to know for the exam."
"We're gonna get you an A in history if you do this all the time from here until the exam. There's still a chance, beginning I need to put this room."
"Go take the exam again, the worst thing that could happen is you don't pass it, and you just study some more and schedule another one."
"Not everything on the exam is multiple choice. In fact, the first handful of questions are anything but multiple choice."
"Congratulations! Just came home from the 007 exam and passed it. Fantastic!"
"There's a whiteboard that you can use for the exam, so it's almost like having something you can write on."
"We only need the one there only needs to be one single intent zero zero eight exam."
"Don't worry so much about subnetting, that's their biggest issue on the exam, don't worry about subnetting."
"Service Control Policy (SCP) is a big topic in the AWS Solution Architect Pro exam."
"This should be a perfect video to use the day before or the morning of the exam as we're going to run through one question on every single topic on the GCSE."
"I is an exam that is meant to be passed."
"It's not too repetitive; you're showing the examiner you get what the question is asking of you."
"For the next five days, practice tests, quick facts, and then the day before your test, nothing. Whatever you don't know before your exam, you just won't know. That's it."
"And then dive into the next part which is where we're really going to spend a lot of our time today which is your free response questions 55 of your total score on this ap exam is coming from your free response questions you will have two hours to complete three essays."
"Listening to the tips of someone who scored high might help you ace your exam."
"The purpose here is to understand the main things and pass the exam, not get a high score."
"Breathing is the most important part of the exam."
"We have to cheat. That is the aim of the first exam," he thought as it finally clicked. Smirking a little to himself, he first answered the questions he did know."
"...exam technique is just as important so please please practice your exam technique..."
"Well these are the worst jokes in the world but this one always made me laugh the last thing you want to hear during that type of exam look ma no hands."
"Hello. Hello. And welcome to this practice exam."
"If you're able to schedule your exam with the voucher you're used, I am suspecting that if you bought the voucher in Asia, that when you scheduled the exam, your contact information was your old address. Can you take the exam? Yeah, I think you're gonna."
"There is no version of your exam, you are either Network Plus certified or you are not, Network Plus certified. That's it, those are your only two choices."
"Don't worry about which version of the exam you're taking, nobody cares. The only thing they care is if you passed it."
"So I know that can sound a little bit daunting especially because you have up to 90 questions and the exam itself is only 90 minutes long however another thing to note is that there are multiple choice questions as well as Performance Based questions."
"Make sure you only use study materials that are specifically written for the version of the exam that you're planning to take. That is probably the most important takeaway from this."
"Good luck in your u-cat and it's not the end of the world if you end up not doing well."
"If you have different questions that you have about the exam different questions about technology or anything else I will add them into this list and we will we will have a look at what questions you might have."
"The MCAT tests your ability to take the MCAT."
"You can go into that exam feeling confident and prepared."
"The variety of questions on practice exams mirrors the actual exam."
"If you are following the timings, by the time you get to the end of question number four, you would have spent 45 minutes of your exam."
"Ensure you understand the question before looking at the answers. Don't let your head convert the question into an answer you focused on."
"...I hope now the forgotten middle child of English literature is no longer the forgotten child, and now you're able to answer this question in your exam on May the 21st, 4th."
"Try have fun in the exam and just do your best."
"Now, if you remember nothing else from this video, remember nu times 100. That's new minus old all over old times 100. That's the percent change formula and you're almost guaranteed to see percent change on the APES exam."
"Take this exam. Do not get lazy and just not take it because you think that some schools are test optional."
FRQ types: "You usually get a graph where they give you some graphs of f prime and you have to relate it to f of x."
"Lots of exam success tips for you."
"Relax. Often people say hey I'm terrified of taking the exam, I don't want to take it. What do you lose if you take the exam and you fail? You've gained experience."
"There's no question about it, the multi-state bar exam."
"There are a ton of great resources out there but none of them quite fit the type of EOR exam-based review I was looking for so I decided to create one."
"Free response questions are probably the most intimidating part of the exam."
"It's not a very hard exam. It's not a very complicated exam. It is a very straightforward exam and studying for it, putting in the work will definitely get you to pass it."
"I have nominated you for the tuning selection exams."
"Answer your easy questions first and bookmark questions to come back to later."
"Bottom line is you should be signing up for prep agent if you haven't passed the exam."
"The exam will end after 24 hours so try your best."
"So we have gone ahead and applied the laws of indices, the division law in this case, and we subtracted our index, guys, I hope that you are ready for your exam and you are relaxing at home."
"You've got 10 days for this exam you've got a lot of time and make the most of it allocate all that you can for this because you you got to be creative and Innovative and you have to be thinking and you have to be with it."
"last bit of advice while you're taking the exam if you feel like it's not getting harder it's okay"
"During the exam relax take deep breaths it will be okay I promise."
"A good math exam will anticipate your mistakes."
"If that is you which 99% of people don't throw in the comment box yeah that's me just put yeah that's me so I know what you're talking about right because nothing in the god is gonna look exactly like your exam."
"So today's Sunday we're headed back from the cottage today I've got my exam in just over a week now so I'm getting a little bit stressed."
"I swear I was writing more about chemistry than actually biology in the test."
"Good luck with the LNAT and I hope you smash it."
"Lord, I ask that you please help them on the exam."
"I'm basically going to give you all the answers to the exam, so you're welcome."
"I do wish you the best of luck in this final exam."
"I'm really excited to get this exam over and done with."
"A person is never completely the same after taking the tuning exam for the first time as they were before."
"Whatever happens on that last exam, good or bad, I'm flying out."
"Everything in this video is something that people found difficult; they're all good things to refresh your memory about right before the exam."
"Life is like an exam, people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that each one has a different question paper."
"This is more than just an exam, you need to work together."
"I passed my veterinary license exam, it was amazing."
"These are your in utero resuscitation measures, and you can commit these to memory because these will be on the test."
"All the best for your exam, may God bless you all."
"I can't wait to congratulate you on passing your exam."
"Really good luck tomorrow, I hope you have a great exam."
"If you can answer all of these questions, you are ready for your exam."
"Good luck for your REx-PN exam, and I know you're gonna nail it."
"I wish you the best of luck with your OET exam."
"Best of luck, you're going to crush it and I wish you a great test tomorrow."
"Keep studying, keep working hard, you're going to crush this New York state Regents exam."
"Good luck on the exam, kids. Goodbye."
"It's not difficult to crack PT if you are determined."
"I'm gonna pass this exam no matter what."
"Next time you see me talking about this exam, it'll already be in the past, and hopefully, I'll have some good news."