
Media Critique Quotes

There are 895 quotes

"Demo Reel wants to tell us that abuse is bad… except in this instance where a character’s sexual abuse by their uncle is played as a joke repeatedly."
"It's important for people to understand that these videos are being cut short to not show you that this is how it started."
"Death battle has recently released their video of Hulk vs Broly and you guys wanted to know what I thought about it. And to put it simply, straight off the bat, they messed up in quite a lot of ways."
"We have a media that questions peace more than they question war."
"Star Wars has never felt so grounded before."
"There's a lot that you don't see, and so that's what we try to cover here on the show."
"Critiquing the messaging in The Little Mermaid, as a mother of girls, I don't want my kids to think it's okay to give up your voice and your powers to love a man."
"Good on Joe Rogan and Tim Poole for exposing the insane hypocrisy and stupidity of the Twitter leadership."
"The dialogue is sharp and smart, the music was quite good, the cinematography was stunning at times, and it was very effective at establishing intrigue."
"This is probably the prime time for independent people to come forward and start putting their work out there because the bar is in hell at this point."
"Enjoy what you want, but acknowledge the flaws. Challenge them if you feel they're inaccurate, by all means."
"Darren Franich of Entertainment Weekly said, 'Howard thinks he's making an inspirational tale; he doesn't realize it's an American horror story.'"
"Sometimes propaganda can be bad propaganda, and that was the case in point."
"The film is trying to have its cake and eat it too, by humanizing Barbie to represent all women being humanized, yet still using that to symbolize women as an idea that we can then commodify conceptually to sell as a product."
"There's something you know about personally, let's say you're an expert in a field, and you see a news story about it, and you know that that's wrong, that news story."
"What really mattered to me is how this all unfolded. What was it that sparked it, etc. Good on them for admitting that they were wrong."
"Katakuri really has deliciously transcended what it is to be a One Piece antagonist."
"Bill Maher, one of the last good liberals, thank you for calling out the insanity."
"Mainstream media wasn't really representing what I thought most Indians actually felt."
"Activating the third eye brings out great power or possibly great pain if you are somehow caught unprepared." - Unknown
"They're desperate to try to bring some attention to their little tired-ass broadcasts."
"Ironically wokeness, a thing that's supposed to help women gain agency actually makes it so female characters all have to be flat boring uninteresting two-dimensional cardboard cutouts."
"I'm not out here reviewing a philosophy textbook, I'm an anime critic."
"His mainstream is undoubtedly pushing back against gatekeeping."
"Even there are many prominent YouTube personalities, independent uh, personalities who are progressive or liberal and it's remarkable how either they are completely incompetent or are just outright lying."
"We are more and more putting it in the religious category of history where you know I can read a piece about the history of lynching in the New York Times almost once every two or three months."
"Breaking Bad forces us to look without flinching at people who do evil things."
"Wikileaks embarrassed the media just as much as embarrassed politicians."
"The mandalorian is just the perfect example of disney actually making star wars media that puts story and character above all the other crap that we don't really like."
"It's not just carbon copy cut and paste generic mass media; it's doing something different, and it's doing it well so far."
"She didn't have to be a whistleblower...continue to cash Rupert Murdoch's check."
"Chris Rock's special, heterodox, challenging priors, anti-left, anti-right."
"Free from ad partnerships, free from paywalls, and free from the influence of the super rich."
"If Hank Green wants to say some [ __ ], just say it. We don't always have to frame everything around like... responding to online activism."
"It is my mission of this channel to expose the hypocrisy."
"Interviews should be the highlight. So many times I watch and it's like, when's this interview gonna end?"
"One piece has a lot to say about serious real world issues."
"Shining a light on these stories that the mainstream media just does not cover."
"The truth was perpetuated around the world before the truth could get up from bed and put its shoes on."
"Thankfully Sword Art Online Abridged comes through for me yet again by taking what was a fairly standard if decently-paced anime love story and turning it into a romance worth writing a video about."
"What's the bigger threat to America: a bunch of pro wrestlers dressed as snakes or a billionaire who thinks he's the hero forcing us to see reality through his virtual lens?"
"Our view on law enforcement is completely warped by the media and it's definitely time for a change."
"It's called propaganda. It's a piece we did about cop shows that have dominated TV for decades and how the portrayal of policing affects our understandings of law enforcement in the real world."
"The public began generating their own autonomous narratives about world events... cobbled together eclectically from reports by various news outlets but beholden to none of them."
"Military professionals should provide expert advice, not echo media predispositions."
"So yeah, I'm not here to say this is the greatest piece of television ever, just it's a promising start to House of the Dragon."
"Xavier's journey reflects a postmodern interest in self-reflection and the nature of the show itself."
"A feminist retelling of Hamlet starring Daisy Ridley who had seen early screenings publish 13 reviews, seven of them negative, which translated to 46 percent."
"We cover the stories the corporate media largely ignores, we try to get to the truth."
"Shows like this, shows like Joe Rogan and other shows, even conservative ones and even some left ones like Jimmy Dore, are eroding at the establishment narrative."
"Summer isn't a manic pixie dream girl; she's written like a real person."
"Kyle Rittenhouse famous only for killing a few people I mean quite literally that's the only thing that he is known for and providing medico he has launched an organization called the Media Accountability Project."
"I find this whole topic incredibly depressing, like family channels in general."
"It's the most horrifyingly breathtakingly cynical and inhumane thing that I've seen in my time in public life in the media."
"Behind every emotionally wrecked white person in the MCU, there is their black bestie."
"Media censorship of ideas and information has seeped into my own company." - Glenn Greenwald
"With a show like The Bachelor, if you look at the demographic of people, black women don't really stand a chance in that setting."
"So the questions are why aren't you angrier, what's wrong with Donald Trump's soul, and also why are you the greatest person who has ever lived? Job really tough stuff there from the media."
"This isn't just good by Yu-Gi-Oh standards, this is marvelous world-building, period."
"Fear of China, anger at Donald Trump, and a failing media, that's why the people weren't properly informed."
"I hate these media monopolies that are coming up and the people who only care about money."
"It's literal fact that's all I'm asking you for for you to do stop triple-a hits"
"He didn't look into it before he posted it because he just took CNN's word for it, he took liberal media's word for it."
"The fact that it's ending is kind of interesting, it's odd, you know, it's something that all along the way there were so many wrong horrible decisions, so many great decisions."
"There was a better version of this... I have zero doubt that if I ever do get to see the actual David AER cut of this movie I'm going to like it significantly more."
"A bad show for me is one I think where we've just made it what I consider to be a talk show anybody could have read those jokes done that despite ask those questions introduce that band and said good night."
"Fair use is what allows every movie review and critique and response video and commentary."
"Don Lemon's a snake dude, does Cuomo dirty, does Stelter dirty."
"They're literally a YouTube channel, but like an old heads YouTube channel."
"James O'Keefe over at Project Veritas has once again uncovered people in the media making asses of themselves."
"Last night was a night President Trump had himself quite a week... a real bad week for Democrats." - Ben Shapiro
"They thought headlines was my critique, but I'm still King."
"The first one just felt more real, visceral, and a lot creepier and more impactful."
"If you did like this, like it's perfectly fine, I'm really happy for you. I personally didn't like it."
"We want to be the kind of central place where people talk about these things. You want the polish of a National Review without the, for lack of a better word, cuckiness of National Review."
"The walls are closing in as has been said before... they've bitten off more than they can chew... this was designed to distract you."
"The damage that's being inflicted here to diverse storytelling is so sad."
"Nikki Haley is fighting back in this madness and she's saying what we've been saying all along."
"You should write about it... do something on CNN about it because it's the biggest single scandal of our time."
"Well, she's right isn't she? But the show wants us to think that the only reason people are listening to her now is because she's a man."
"I think it's easy right now to tell when it's fake because it's too on the nose, it's too improbable." - Greg Gutfeld
"A press conference is theater... The real journalism happens behind the scenes."
"Evil laughs in fiction have become heavily stigmatized, but Death Note pulls it off successfully."
"Mainstream video game journalists basically consider it the greatest game ever made but their opinions are worth about as much as the geopolitical views of your average dumb as [__] hollywood celebrity."
"It seems like this interview is not as candid as Alec and everyone wants to make you think."
"Just having some guy go on TV and say he's got an opinion, I got an opinion, okay, yours is the correct opinion, thank you, have a nice day."
"I hope that Fauci will be one of the greatest tools in waking people up to the lies of the establishment and the media."
"I give Brett Bear a lot of credit, he cross-examined Trump and held his feet to the fire."
"Leafy got absolutely screwed over and nobody really realizes it except for me."
"So let's jump into this article. This was published by the New York Post and it's titled 'Britney Spears's Family Has a Long Dark History of Locking Women Up,' which is pretty much an understatement."
"This is the show where we attempt to uncover the stories that the mainstream media largely won't cover, cut through the BS, and seek the truth."
"It's not just about having a one-off line or Snappy joke about the cliches of a genre, it's got a point, there's significant narrative relevance to it unlike anything I've seen in recent series."
"Why can't we create legitimate characters that represent and do a better job of representing than what is being kind of [ __ ] out now because turning a straight character gay isn't true inclusion all it really is is pandering."
"America still very much is pumping out white supremacist commentary."
"Maybe you should take a look at his sort of stories he propagates instead of lying about the people who are doing the very thing he accuses them of not doing."
"We live in an oligarchy. That media is there to manufacture consent."
"You've got less actual content... just more rips of that content..."
"White media's role in the destruction of the black community."
"The Kardashians have scammed the public... Let's analyze the Kardashian web of lies"
"This show is exceptionally well-paced with some excellent character development."
"Taking out the garbage is the icing on the cake, thanks for honest news and humor sorely needed."
"I'm enjoying it myself, I don't get to a masterpiece like IGN exactly the same boat here."
"Considering how strict tv censors can be, especially in children's shows, it's a wonder how some of these things got through."
"What really happened? Videos like this try to provoke this sort of sentiment that you see in America among some evangelical Christians."
"This is a parody thing, she's supposed to mimic how ridiculous Lara Croft is dressed."
"Say what you will about milking this franchise, drive we've milked that image dry if only every other character in this franchise was as clickable."
"I hate them both [__] probably ridiculousness there's a little moment yeah there's more parity."
"They are absolutely, positively sure to remove anything remotely considered traditional feminine. None of them are motherly."
"If I see that Mika live on pre-recorded footage I'm going to add 50 sins to this [ __ ] automatically."
"I don't want to hear from Donald Trump or any pundits on this [__], only hear from the doctors."
"Fox News is proving they are doing legit journalism... MSNBC has gone off the rails."
"They've put a huge mirror up to the British public talking about unconscious biases, this kind of toxic relationship with the media."
"Everything is not for you. That's the truth. Nobody wants to tell you guys this. I know we're in a space where everyone's like, 'I need to be seen, everybody needs to see myself everywhere.' Everything is not meant to be for you."
"Memes are actually an effective way to spread information and to subvert a mainstream media that is totally corrupt."
"Why are we watching your adaptation if it's just a remake of the old one?"
"They're trying to make these characters a lot more virtuous than they actually are."
"It's called YouTube, it's not called freaking sponsor brand tube or whatever. We're the ones that started it and created it bro."
"I think it's hilarious if the Queen said that at the Christmas speech this year. Like, 'Don't watch the Crown, it's all [ __ ], none of it's real.' But, but it is compelling, man."
"Thank you for watching and as always, [bleep] Dick Cheney and I'll see you next time."
"Observational jokes about 24/7 news coverage, obsessive courtroom recording, or a satellite interview from Vienna—it's like yeah, that's just how the news is now."
"It's good to see Disney Marvel attempting to write the ship by purging themselves of woke weirdos."
"Corporate media is literally a multi-billion dollar industry of public relations professionals for corporate America masquerading as journalists."
"There's a lot of absolute craziness happening in the news today."
"I would say myself and Vegan Gains are two of the only channels on YouTube that really expose the fitness industry for what it really is."
"I'm defending here today that suicide squad does not deserve all the hate."
"It could have been a commentary on parasocial relationships versus real-world ones."
"America stop being can we be real for a minute."
"No I'm not having it. This kind of fear-mongering is causing violent attacks on Asian-Americans."
"Your coverage of the trial put the entire corporate press to shame."
"The angry Joe show himself actually chimed in on Twitter about the decision by Netflix to just focus on the books."
"Original theory that Donald Trump was somehow in cahoots with Putin in 2016, that was a bunch of nonsense."
"The breaking news of the report is not that President Trump is a volatile human. The story was the media were proved to be what they are."
"From as early as the 1960s up to the present day, the fleeting black love interest has been a conspicuously persistent on-screen motif."
"There is some weird economic data that the media is not parsing through and it is telling a different story of reality than the politicians on either side want you to believe."
"Is it because these are white men mainly... that they did not take it seriously?" - Michelle Martin
"The illiteracy that exists in this country when it comes to evaluating policy or government or media is astounding."
"I can't stand the 'This is Us' ads. My real life is challenging enough. I don't need to get invested in 19 other storylines that are gonna just make me ball cry or feel bad about myself." - John Roach
"It's all false narratives all the way down." - Ben Shapiro
"These are these puppets that they put out there in front of a television camera we believe are running the show, but they're not these elected leaders, right?"
"With any fanservice in general, it can go terribly wrong."
"Instead of talking about automation and our future, we're up here with makeup on our faces and our rehearsed attack lines playing roles in this reality TV show."
"They called him evil, compared him to Bill Cosby."
"Now you know why journalism sucks in America."
"I tend to cringe when men try to claim what is or is not empowering to women especially on screen."
"It's really generic haves and have-nots here... but it's about the characters that hold it up just like arcane."
"if you're gonna be watching or re-watching this show, take a shot every time someone glorifies a war hero or disregards human life on very shaky evidence"
"Imagine if they approached this show with the reverence that Warner Brothers approached Dune. Imagine how good this show could have been."
"Was Star Wars ever pure, and is it okay if Disney makes like a million crappy Star Wars things as long as they make at least one decent one?"
"Women's bodies are dismembered in ads, in ad after ad, for all kinds of products."
"The storytelling and dialogue is very... it's okay, it's serviceable."
"One of the most ridiculous stories that came out was that Russian Bots were pounced after the Parkland shooting."
"We just make really great stuff, even our mediocre stuff is 15 times better than what's on the radio."
"Maybe it should be considered as a better representation than some of the ones we're getting today..."
"Celebrities are engineered personalities designed to either sell you a lie or distract you from the truth."
"We got to put the emasculated sports personalities network on notice."
"It leads one to think that there is something being covered up."
"Ultimately, I think the thing that is the most cringey about nostalgic media or nostalgia bait is just when people aren't able or willing to engage critically with that piece of media."
"This whole scene, there's the school shooter, he's in the background again, it's like the PSA."
"Simply put, one of the best scenes I've ever witnessed."
"That's what Ben Shapiro calls blabbing on for two minutes, she directly answered the question."
"The improved facial animations increase bone rigging and nuance of expressions."
"Rallying for our way of life. The American dream, against fake news."
"Here's the real dirty little secret she knows that but she's so beholden to the left that she's willing to provide them free cover."
"The visuals do not look the best on YouTube, which is what a lot of people seem to be judging the game off of. It looks best in 3D on a new 3DS."
"Rather than running the stuff that's actually significant to Americans, they play the outrage clip."
"It's funny I would have said this exact same thing I've done this exact same screen this rant about Fox News ten years ago but things have changed even now Trump is criticizing Fox News."
"I personally think that the Green New Deal is a potential good start, but you know, the what we're here to demonstrate about is that we have to start finding solutions and Fox News right now it's part of the problem."
"That’s a bold new direction, and, as I’ll talk about soon, they kind of pulled it off. But we’re not done yet."
"This show isn't a cash grant it's not YouTube read trying to use a franchise to finger your wallet."
"It's frustrating to see how they're still developers and journalists trying to push the uglification of women in media."
"I think it's the best documentary streaming service out there."
"Reviews like Red Letter Media will somehow both complain that the original movies were darker and make fun of how Revenge of the Sith isn't for kids because it's too dark."
"You're so [ __ ] transparent these people have been doing this for decades we've been exposed to it for years now on the internet in popular culture and you still sat now I like I'm gonna catch you being a crypto nazi no one is a crypto nazi."
"It's still manages to limbo its way under the incredibly low bar..."
"Two things can be true at once: the actual riots were really bad and the media blew January 6th out of proportion."
"The idea that democracy was ever in serious threat because of drunks and idiots breaking into the Capitol building is nonsense."
"I just really take issue with the premise of this show."
"This is a media campaign masquerading as a legal campaign until proven otherwise."
"I believe that this story is going to be fixed by people who are trying to shoot it down and say holy [__]."
"We cover the news that mainstream media arguably ignores, won't cover because we have no agenda."
"So the fact that Heroes managed to extract even the smallest bit of emotion out of me... I compliment it for that."
"Zombies are stupid and slow... nowadays zombies are kind of tired."
"The writing in this, at least to me, was spot-on."
"There is no ending of this show that makes me feel good about having watched this show."
"Both hustle culture generally, but also the personal finance media bubble, have been a bit of a breeding ground over the past 10 years for advice that isn't just bad on a technical level, but also profoundly damaging to us on a personal level."
"Hopefully I'm done reacting to this video because I just get a headache each time watching it."
"Anyone who strays outside of the normal talking points, there could only be one reason why they do it, and that is they're just being honest."
"Yeah, let's measure the Netflix MTG series on its own if it's just good for what it is and not in comparison to anything else I'll be happy."
"Derivative media recycles what we've seen before."
"So a lot of these instances may seem very patronizing to me but at the end of the day this is just a show real life oppression is still happening."
"The Harry Potter franchise... it's seen a bit of a downfall in recent years."
"Netflix could never, so top on my link in the description nebula . tv/ Forman to gain access to the smartest service in streaming nebula and top there to see some videos that I recommend more to understanding this topic."
"The soundtrack is great in its own unique way."
"I mean it's, this just all of this and the, you're right there is a lot of noise but, I'm here to tell you I, there's not a lot of good stuff."
"I don't think people realize the extent to which journalists under 40 years old casually consider themselves Democratic Party operatives."
"Tucker Carlson is one of the few, one of the last individuals actually doing real acts of journalism..."
"But references alone don't make a fight enjoyable or understandable."
"Of all the mainstream media journalists I've encountered, Taylor is one of the only, if only, who I've actually said, like, 'Hey, this thing is not true' or 'This thing is actually like this.' And she's been really great about it."
"The MCU is something that, believe it or not, I get criticized for once in a while."
"This is some of the most impressive animation recently I've seen."