
Wholesomeness Quotes

There are 479 quotes

"The moment of respect represented here is so wholesome."
"This is pure unbridled wholesomeness and happiness."
"This too wholesome for me. I'm not used to this. I have no way to handle these emotions. They're incredible."
"Purify the mind with wholesome thoughts, calmness arises."
"The Guardians have moved into the farm which is oddly wholesome."
"This is a very wholesome scene that reflects Eighth's loving and pure nature."
"The blessing is not in the material; it is being whole."
"The concept of this moon is Mario just sitting next to this lonely guy in New Donk City to make friends with him and make him feel better. It's just super wholesome."
"I appreciate the wholesome and chill nature that it has."
"I love stuff that's so wholesome and again my goal is always to just make people laugh and feel happy."
"When I was little, Disney was wholesome as heck."
"He is one of the most wholesome people in the entire scene."
"I don't really see a problem...seems kind of wholesome actually."
"The relationship between Rin and Shiru is just really heckin wholesome."
"It's just a very nice movie... it's cute, it's sweet, it's wholesome as heck."
"Sometimes you just need a dose of wholesomeness to brighten up your day."
"There's just something very likable about this movie and a dash of purity and wholesomeness is much appreciated."
"I love wholesome videos like that that are kind of exploring a topic but doing so in a way that's just like fun open wholesome conversation."
"That is the most wholesome thing I've ever heard."
"There is something so wholesome about Professor Hulk... being a hero to the common people."
"Life is full of drama but also full of wholesomeness."
"Animal Crossing: widely recognized as one of the most relaxing and wholesome games out there."
"Is there anything more wholesome than apple pie?"
"Being wholesome is actually sort of edgy at this point."
"Casper: 'For a flick about a child ghost, this comedy drama based on the Harvey Comics character of the same name was surprisingly wholesome.'"
"This is more wholesome than my usual content, but I figured it's a nice change of pace."
"Not about beating the game as fast as possible, it's about being as wholesome as possible as quick as possible."
"Wholesome in a way that makes you feel okay about the world."
"I mean, everyone likes Keanu Reeves. He's pretty wholesome."
"I'm just over here shocked at how wholesome I find it watching her slowly becoming more and more at ease around her friends and in an environment that she truly used to hate so much."
"Raditz and Goku reconciling is a very wholesome moment to be had."
"304 is a little nostalgic for me because it takes me back to a more wholesome time."
"Literally just the community. It's so damn friendly and wholesome."
"I loved what they did there, it was so sweet and wholesome."
"Many small things make a whole, and just the beauty and detail that you find in nature."
"There's kind of a universal wholesomeness in the online G community that you don't see every day."
"The shout is hi have a good day, and that's really wholesome."
"I genuinely love this story usually I'm Pro revenge you get stories of people like ruining other people's lives but this is actually bizarrely wholesome."
"The outdoor boys do the most wholesome camping and outdoor content."
"Oh, that is so wholesome, look at that cute little smile. Oh, he's going back on his belly. Oh, thanks Jimmy."
"So we're just like, 'We're not gonna do either of those things, let's just stay out of that world altogether and make content that you know, is mostly wholesome.'"
"Trump is not starting a new party. He never was. The whole notion of Trump starting a patriot or MAGA party, this was essentially a divide and conquer strategy by the media and the left."
"It's weirdly wholesome if indeed a morbid spider movie, an unforgettable watch."
"I just think Club Penguin is just one of the most wholesome things out there."
"It felt so lived in, so authentic, and yeah, it was wholesome."
"I'm telling you, 17 were just literally the most wholesome talented guys ever."
"The most refined stuff ever, wholesome kind of."
"I mean, definitely there's nothing more wholesome than a swamp."
"You'll eat your food with your whole heart because you know it's healthy."
"No kissing in detention! That was such a wholesome story."
"They're not just trying to create a means to an end. They are trying to perfect every aspect of pretty much everything to be as wholesome as possible."
"At this point, yes, I am very wholesome. I have mastered."
"I paused my game to be here. 100% wholesome."
"They're a fun group of people. I like that. That was nice. It was super wholesome."
"This is goals. I love that. That's like so wholesome."
"It's the most wholesome show ever."
"I really feel this person is genuine and wholesome."
"That was surprisingly wholesome in a sea full of terrible videos that we've been watching all day."
"You are good. You are happy. You are wholesome like homemade bread."
"They're losers but like it's so wholesome, it's like how can you not possibly love this?"
"The iron golem giving a rose is the most wholesome thing in Minecraft change my mind."
"I just feel like it's cute, wholesome vibes. Like, I'd rather that than go on a night out."
"Sometimes being wholesome is just the ultimate Uno reverse card."
"Just saying, that's so wholesome. I'm so happy she had a good time."
"This was your random dose of wholesome nucks and or for today. Okay, you won't have much more of him, so I hope you're not, don't get used to it or anything. Baka."
"I liked seeing this family kind of coming back together; it was very wholesome and very sweet."
"Okay, it's surreal but so wholesome."
"That day was so wholesome. It made us remember why we do this."
"That is just such a nice story, so wholesome."
"Name a more wholesome couple. I'll wait."
"I just feel so warm inside I feel kind of bad because I feel like I don't even have that much to say it was just really good really wholesome."
"Wholesome moment of characters: Evie smart as [__]."
"She doesn't have bad aspects, she's like a totally wholesome, I mean she's a little dorky but yeah."
"It's going to be the most happy and wholesome day."
"Papa Smurf is one of the most wholesome cartoon characters ever created."
"What a wholesome sequence of events."
"It was very good, very wholesome actually."
"What a wonderfully wholesome story, guys."
"Let's try to end this on a wholesome note."
"Homer and Flanders are chaotic, dysfunctional and occasionally wholesome, and I wouldn’t have it any other way."
"It’s such a pure, wholesome moment of love."
"This is the most wholesome one here to be completely honest."
"Belladonna and Sunflower are oddly complementary and feel a lot like wholesome old friends who have known each other forever."
"You need to watch Rocky and not feel good afterwards, it's just got that effect. It's simple in so many ways, but it's elegant and it's heartfelt and it's wholesome."
"It's a very sweet, very wholesome kind of story."
"You know what I noticed about you? You're straightforward, it's very intimidating, and then you're like, 'Ask me a question,' and all your answers are super wholesome and [ __ ]."
"This sort of radical acceptance and love, and I feel like that's what these characters have and it's just so wholesome and lovely to read about. It really makes me happy."
"I love them together. They're like the most wholesome couple of all time."
"I love wholesomeness celebrations like having everybody around."
"This entire sequence is really wholesome."
"Oh my God, infinitely more wholesome."
"Maybe it's time for some wholesomeness."
"Don't you know it's just so wholesome and precious?"
"The Kung Fu Panda franchise is filled with some really great and really wholesome relationships."
"It was just so wholesome and so amazing."
"These stories are just... so much comfort in them, they're so wholesome, they're so beautiful."
"Last night was so cute guys, it was so fun, it was so wholesome."
"The wholesomeness of the main relationship generates a strong response in viewers who are forced to consider themselves or their relatives in a similar position."
"I feel like the most wholesome looks come out of spring."
"You could just say, 'Virgin.' So I can't even say, 'That you're sharing her to the world is weird,' because across the board, you do a whole set of wholesome stuff."
"It's like a really wholesome activity."
"Out of all of the absolute Madness of this season, this is quite a wholesome moment."
"Honestly, guys, once in a while you need a wholesome story like this."
"I love their dynamic, it is extremely wholesome."
"We must be toxic to toxic people and wholesome to wholesome ones."
"The scene in the attic where Henry tries to brighten up Sam’s mood was very wholesome and instantly makes you love them."
"It's wholesome without being corny somehow."
"I hope this makes you smile." - Wholesome vibes
"Some of the best ones are the most wholesome ones like this one."
"You are a star of your day, it was lovely, it's so wholesome."
"I just want to talk about how wholesome that was and how beautiful that was and how happy it made me."
"Cheesy things that you think are cheesy are really wholesome and that is good."
"Surely this event will mark a wholesome moment conspicuously free of cynicism and depravity."
"It literally becomes so wholesome."
"It was so beautiful it brings you to tears it was that good it was just so wholesome that one moment you know."
"Innocence and wholesomeness aren't always synonymous."
"This show is one of the most refreshingly happy optimistic and wholesome shows that I've ever watched."
"The fact that he has that remote control car plus GoPro plus Hungry Cat equals the most wholesome video."
"This is Velma we're talking about and Daphne and Fred Jones. They were never mean or nasty. They were wholesome and kind to each other and they were each talented and charming in their own unique ways."
"I liked how surprisingly wholesome they were."
"I think there's a real wholesomeness to Peter Sam that just isn't present in any other characters."
"This little bit of the movie is so sweet and wholesome."
"This movie had no right being this damn wholesome."
"It's just a really cute wholesome moment."
"It's just so satisfying if you've never watched that program watch it because it's also just really wholesome."
"This is so hilarious and wholesome."
"That was literally the most wholesome thing I've ever seen in my life"
"Isn't that just the most wholesome feeling ever?"
"...God that's so wholesome really."
"This is one of the coziest most wholesome stories I've ever read."
"This was way more wholesome than anticipated."
"Just trying to capture a wholesome moment."
"It was just so perfect, and then I got home in the evening and I cuddled up in bed and I was like, 'Oh my god, it feels so wholesome!'"
"Wholesome stuff that just puts the warmth back in your heart."
"This is honestly so cute, so wholesome."
"10 months it's nice to be part of such a wholesome community"
"he's just too much of a wholesome guy"
"Why is the only wholesome character in this whole show the 17-year-old girl that's getting groomed by the main character?"
"Anita had always shown kindness, generosity, and an altogether wholesome spirit."
"This is a beautiful wholesome one, a nice contrast to the last one. I hope the thread has a ton of these."
"Everything about it is dark, it's gritty, but it's also bizarrely wholesome and endearing. It's pretty comforting."
"They tell the sweetest, most wholesome story of Toby."
"there's a reason there's something that's really nice and wholesome about being able to walk down the street and wave at your neighbor"
"I kind of just see it as being wholesome and having a lot of heart"
"This is one of the more wholesome threads."
"The ending and twist on who sent the threats is actually pretty wholesome."
"I'm so glad he's alive, thanks for the encouragement. I'm glad I saved the fish. Thank you, you are the hero we didn't know we needed. This is such a wholesome story, 5 out of 5 so far."
"The journeys that our little adventure goes through have driven much of what makes watching Hilda fun and wholesome."
"This movie is very wholesome, the action is not as much as previous movies, but you enjoy it when you watch."
"Don't say hi, cheers. Basically, we had a really wholesome day out."
"His ultimate wish is to create a world where humans and robots live and work as equals, which is just... incredibly wholesome."
"Bad boy halo is the most wholesome man on planet earth."
"At one point, you see this old lady who's on the rooftop, like immediately adjacent to them, just like leaning over, watching them intently and just like jamming out by herself. It was just, oh gosh, the most wholesome moment. It was so good."
"A meal with fresh bread and fresh veggies makes for a really good wholesome meal."
"It was just so wholesome and so needed."
"It's so wholesome and I love him so much."
"And it's this funny, yet so wholesome and sweet, situation. This family situation that we're in."
"There's enough bad there's enough stupid you know crap going on out there that's all mean and bad why not have some wholesome [ __ ] wholesome animals"
"It's just that wholesome, painfully wholesome."
"It's kind of a broad spectrum. It appeals to a lot of people and it's wholesome."
"With all of that in mind, I'd say Miss Kobayashi Dragon Maid is a bit more special compared to other gimmicky shows. The characters are wholesome, their interactions and reactions are memorable, and their loving nature tends to rub off on you."
"Oh, that's so sweet, it's so wholesome."
"That was so wholesome, that was so sweet."
"I feel so uplifted. What a wholesome story."
"Just some good old-fashioned wholesomeness that gave my parents a break from me from time to time."
"This just looks good to me, this is such a wholesome just small town any town USA look."
"He's absolutely, I just, I love the group of people they chose. I feel like it's so wholesome, it's almost like the real world but less like crazy."
"LinkedIn is more wholesome than typical social media."
"It was literally the most wholesome thing I think I've ever seen."
"There's nothing cuter than like people that can't sing in my book, singing over Christmas. It's so wholesome."
"Sometimes teenage boys can be wholesome too. It's for my grandma."
"...it's kind of bad but ultimately it's wholesome at its core, it's cutting down trees which I guess we don't stand but it is also fighting fire."
"Nana... one of the most wholesome characters of the show"
"She seems like a very wholesome individual."
"It doesn't really get more wholesome than that."
"I think she's the most wholesome of the bunch."
"It's very sweet, it's very wholesome."
"I really like frog lady. I really like their mission. It's so wholesome."
"I'm really enjoying it; it's just a really cute and wholesome romance."
"I want to do everything in my power to create good, wholesome content that affects people's lives."
"Make sure your speech is wholesome, make sure your actions are wholesome, your thoughts are wholesome."
"How lovely and wholesome is that?"
"I was struck by how peaceful and celebratory and wholesome this all was."
"I like wholesome, like to be fulfilled, I like good people in my life."
"It was very fun, very cute, very wholesome, very innocent."
"All wholesome factors eventually converge in this beautiful, pristine, refined condition of equanimity."
"That's nice. What a wholesome thing."
"It was super wholesome, super beautiful."
"It's so cute how into it everyone's gotten. I think it's super wholesome."
"It was an incredibly wholesome movie."
"That's the most wholesome thing I've ever been a part of."
"That moment, it's just so sweet and it's just so wholesome."
"This is so wholesome, man, my heart."
"I had the most wholesome morning this morning."
"After all the pain, we needed a little bit of wholesome to end this out."
"I guarantee it's going to be androgynous, I like that, I think it's wholesome."
"Zoro somehow, there all right, here we go, some wholesome content."
"There's something supremely wholesome and nostalgic about a toy train set."
"The Bedtime sequence is perhaps the most wholesome of them all."
"It's cozy, it's wholesome. Yes, there are some dramatic moments, but it's not drama."