
Personal Fears Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"For every person in life, just like that, let me tell you, there's always a person who's afraid of something in their life that pushes their fears onto you."
"Having the courage to break the patterns founded on your deepest fears is necessary for change."
"Fear of poverty, fear of criticism, fear of ill-health, fear of loss of love, fear of old age, and fear of death are the six basic fears that need to be eliminated."
"Apparently my fear of beetles is enough to trigger a meltdown, but performing as a stand-up comedian is not."
"And a lot of those fears still give me the heebie-jeebies."
"The fears you feel are simply your ego latching on."
"The only thing that I try I avoid in my life, the only thing that scares me, is regret."
"Our own personal monsters lie in wait, ravenous."
"You may find that your fears when it comes to vulnerability and opening up are being challenged."
"If I want to be a writer shouldn't I pursue that despite the fear that I'll end up broke and having to ask my parents for money?"
"You're telling me that the content cop himself, the king of drama and [__] flinging, was afraid of a fight with the star of his most successful video ever? How could it be?"
"My greatest fear is going deaf and blind at the same time."
"Your fears are trying to stop you from taking this leap of faith."
"My biggest thing I'd be like, so scared, like they'd see it, like what they would think, they don't care."
"The only reason you're even dating him is because you're afraid that no other guy is ever going to commit to you."
"There are three fears that we struggle with the most... Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of judgment."
"I'm actually scared of getting old and that's the truth."
"Everything's building up and then especially when Old Town Road blew up, I was like, 'I'm definitely dying soon.'"
"The only thing I fear besides the health and well being of my family, is regret."
"I think it's fear of failure. I think this was all driven by fear."
"This person is actually afraid of you walking away."
"It's kind of about everything, you know, everything that I'm scared of or everything that upsets me or excites me."
"There's fear-mongering that has its own thing that's like someone taking your fear of being alone and amplifying it."
"He's just scared of water and then he is awesome."
"This is my biggest fear, failing spectacularly in front of the world."
"They fear taking a leap of action right now."
"Ironically, he had taken the land route due to his fear of drowning in the sea!"
"My other fear is that the neighbors in the local area will blame me for this."
"All this did is made me be afraid of houses at night."
"Acknowledging the fear that you have of putting yourself out there in the world."
"Wilson, before he even reached Paris, wrote that he feared no matter what happened it might end in 'a tragedy of disappointment.'"
"She showed up super confident, but today's fear that we have to conquer is the fear of death. That's a big one."
"My biggest fear now is really just not spending enough time with the people that I love."
"Yeah, it really hits home. I'm a step away from that point at any moment. And I'm know that, and it scares me to death."
"Sora has always had this fear that maybe he isn't good enough."
"I think I'd rather run into a full-grown Grizzly before I would end up in a town filled with ghosts."
"Favorite Ghibli movie? Spirited Away, but Totoro scares me."
"I think that's my biggest fear, is that I'm not good enough."
"And what fear they fear judgment from people. That's it."
"The fear of being the sucker impacts personal choices."
"They're afraid you've moved on and they're afraid to reject you."
"I'm a little nervous. What if people don't like me?"
"I want to give you this new beginning that I know you asked of me and that we both desired, and yet there is this fear of not being enough for it or not being capable of providing it."
"You're afraid that if you actually try to give yourself rest and allow yourself to just receive, you're afraid that you will become a greedy individual."
"My biggest fear? Loneliness, spiders, failure."
"It's being open with yourself about what your fears are."
"I think if you haven't had that, or even if you have, that you still fear it because of the way your parents judged."
"I know it's kind of cliche at this point, but if there's one thing that absolutely terrifies me, it's the ocean... most of all, for me, it's the fear of the unknown."
"What are the things that you are most afraid of? What have you not done because I guarantee you everything you've done to this point has prepared you for this?"
"I honestly have no idea if I could even like how I'm gonna win or lose in this challenge I honestly I'm scared yeah I'm scared for the corners I don't want to like flip or anything."
"A small percentage of people have side effects and I was really, really scared."
"If he would walk into my life like I remember him I'm terribly afraid that I would fall in love with him again."
"I'm not gonna get nothing done. This is exactly what I was afraid of."
"It's kind of like the thing we fear the most."
"I got scared that I'm not going to be able to frame it."
"That's not my 40s and 50s, I don't want to die that way, I don't want to live that way."
"All the things would become a tragedy which he thought was really very scary."
"People imagine themselves into the future, and it can be terrifying."
"They wouldn't go within 10 feet of the water, she wouldn't even put her foot in the water when we were up in Hillsborough."
"This was even scarier when you consider that Josh had a young daughter of his own from a previous relationship."
"I really do feel freaked out just when I read things about like death."
"I think people are afraid of asking because they think it shows their flaws or weaknesses."
"Does my blindness, and has my blindness over the years, made you more fearful of me getting in trouble with dating and boys?"
"Everyone finding out the truth would most certainly be her biggest fear."
"I really love cake, but I'm really really scared of gaining weight."
"Yeah, I'm afraid of being that famous, that famous doesn't seem that fun."
"You always worry that you're gonna look back with regret."
"She admitted that she stopped having sex because she was terrified that I would stop finding her attractive after seeing her naked."
"I think a lot of us deal with those kinds of fears in a way, and we have to face our fears in a good way."
"My worst fear is losing someone I really care about."
"My dad's always telling me that if I don't meet someone, I'm going to be alone forever."
"I'm scared that she is going that she thinks bad things about me that is aren't true."
"Failing is my worst fear, I think that's the scariest thing."
"We've all got that secret fear that we don't want people to know about."
"Your fears are keeping you from being creative."
"Hopefully I can maintain the weight loss that's one of the major things I get fearful about."
"I don't fear the dark, I fear the cold. I don't fear the rain, I fear the wind. I don't fear pain, I fear exhaustion."
"I don't like the ocean, my real-life fears are translating into Minecraft right now."
"The only fear that I genuinely have is the idea of anything bad ever happening to Robin, Rosie, you, or your mom."
"The idea of coming face to face with random internet people absolutely terrified me at first."
"I was more terrified of being a missed opportunity than anything else."
"The moon can represent fears because... it can represent ideas that we have for our lives that we are too afraid to go after."
"Patient named Ryan. The heck? Imperfection to target fear of being alone."
"Everyone's got their own fears, I won't judge yours."
"It's like this person's long-term intentions right now is to hold back because there's too much fear or there's something here that's making them feel inadequate."
"Calvin always wanted to fly. I don't like how this is going."
"I don't want the same thing that happened to my husband to happen to me."
"Look forward to hearing what puts the fear into your own particular army or faction."
"Their fear is that they're gonna stay stuck in this energy when it comes to you guys."
"I hate runners, man, they actually do freak me out."
"Realize that their own fear is what's creating some type of blockage between the two of you."
"There will be no one way for people to grieve. You never meant to break me, and that's why I'm afraid. And no right way."
"My biggest fear is having regrets, that's my biggest fear."
"They had a fear of intimacy, a fear of being their true self."
"If you're a radio or your music starts talking to you I think that's scary to me."
"So maybe you shift the question, where are you scared today? What are you scared about today?"
"What fears or insecurities are preventing you from pursuing your goals?"
"Horror offers us that dark space, and we can read our own horrors into it."
"It's like Room 101... it's a room that contains everyone's worst nightmare."
"What do you fear most? Blindness."
"I'm afraid of not accomplishing what I want to."
"You can't make people see your fears. Nobody knows your fears at all."
"We're afraid to be ourselves because we don't think that we're good enough."
"A lot of people out there are discouraged, a lot of people want to do this, they want to do that, but they're scared of what people might think of them."
"What scares you the most? This is a time for you to open up and speak about that stuff."
"My greatest fear growing up here was that I would become a statistic."
"Nothing has scared me more than feeling like I'm running out of time to have a family."
"Court documents suggest that Holmes's fears about Tom Cruz's affiliation with Scientology played a role in the breakup."
"Commitment is one of the scariest things to me."
"My biggest fear for a while was dying without knowing how good I truly was, without knowing my true potential."