
Media Commentary Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Like, yeah, you can argue that by doing this, Doug is raising awareness for serious issues. He’s both bringing attention to a very talented actress as well as giving commentary on how badly actresses, especially aging ones, can get treated in Hollywood."
"It talked about funny comments. I always think it's hilarious when people say, 'Why can't you just talk about sports?'" - Jamel Hill
"As pundits, we like to use hyperbole a lot. Mike just used some, I'm probably gonna use some."
"As far as I can tell, there's just about no way that Kyle Rittenhouse is getting cuckerinoed with the first degree reckless homicide, uh, the murder charges, uh, it just ain't happening."
"Fox seemed happy about that. I just love political scalps. Don't you love when one side just takes a scalp?"
"Yesterday was the most important day in American history." - Ben Shapiro
"When Jim Sterling calls his shot, he very rarely misses."
"I'm not even going to explain it 'cause the news is on, folks. Today is the long-awaited total solar Eclipse."
"Utter and complete crap. Ted Cruz slams Manhattan DA's political persecution of Donald Trump."
"Family Guy actually isn't afraid to make a statement every now and again"
"When you really understand what Bitcoin is, why you watch that Bill Maher thing over the weekend and you're like, 'This guy's an idiot, this guy doesn't understand Bitcoin.'"
"I thought the switch up for pornography was just kind of cool."
"Plagiarism is good again. Apparently, according to the New York Times, plagiarism is okay."
"This series is something exceedingly special."
"These attacks on people in the gay and queer community are all part of what Slate senior writer Mark Joseph Stern identified as the end of the tactical truths."
"So, Gemini Home Entertainment, which it has if you show it oh you have it on screen right now uh which says we're not going anywhere which is really interesting."
"This is an assault on the fundamental premise of democracy." - The Damage Report
"Rick and Morty is letting everybody know exactly what it is."
"As one prominent commentator Eli Honig said, 'After these allegations surfaced, Willis somehow made it even worse, and we were watching this train wreck in real time.'"
"The more I rewatch that clip I really think it is a kind of gospel for how the Book of Boba Fett actually resulted in some permanent change or at least his outlook of an optimistic future for this Star Wars universe on Tatooine."
"I don't think America is waiting with baited breath to hear whether Jim will call Jack deranged."
"Only the good stuff survives because only the good stuff is anything that people continue to play or continue to talk about."
"Speaking of bulging white men, I know all you Bann-nerds are out there wondering where my man Steven Bannon is at."
"Gen Z is questioning everything, and that's what we try to do here on this show."
"By pointing out the dishonesty of dave rubin the gatekeeper the profiteer and the apologist in chief for these ideologies my hope is that we might catch some people before they get to that point of no return."
"GTA V presents an all-out criticism of our media-driven world."
"Nope. Don't do it." - Commentary on Kelly Ripa joining the show.
"I know you get that a lot. It's unbelievable that it became a thing." - Rob Parker
"Edge was a piece of trash human being, but it just worked, bro."
"Messi dependencia was a term coined and used in the Spanish media around this time commenting on the club's dependence on their Argentine star."
"That is the world we live in, so for Stephen A. Smith to say that John Gruden shouldn't be held accountable for what he's done in the past, that's completely incorrect."
"Maybe it's time to cancel the cancel culture."
"And that's the sip we were on the money on that one whoa whoa."
"Honestly, rush limbaugh potentially has more of a racist icon background than david duke does."
"I just thought this was the most important news we've had in a while."
"This vindicates something that I mentioned on the show yesterday which is this idea of the Lindy effect."
"When the only journalist actually doing his job is Piers [ __ ] Morgan, you know the profession."
"You're not gonna see me talk about some shit just because it's happening now."
"I wrote a piece and talked on my show: Phil Mickelson is no different than LeBron James. He sold us out."
"If you do good, yeah, I'm gonna talk about you. If you do bad, yeah, I'm gonna talk about you. At the end of the day, there's a role for those kind of people." - Roland Martin
"I really do feel like he altered history and that event and that exchange that we just saw is such a clear illustration of not only Mike Pence's problem but our Collective political problem right now."
"Jake Paul, it's a win-win. Not sure if anyone out there watching had Jake Paul redemption arc on your 2022 bingo card, but the wheels are certainly in motion here." - Commentary
"The iPad has unlimited capacity to handle whatever you throw at it."
"In a moment of gut-wrenching Revelation, Tucker Carlson emerges as a Voice of Truth amidst the tumult."
"The court finds that as a part of the totality of the circumstances, the broad context weighs in favor of a finding that the allegedly defamatory statement is Maddow's opinion."
"We're back, we're ready to do what we do, talk about other people who accomplish things."
"Welcome back to Crystal Clear! I'm Awestruck Vox, and 'Together Forever' shows us what happens when a relatively healthy relationship is affected by struggling mental health."
"In an insane world, a remaster is the sanest choice."
"Let's non sarcastically do what this man says and move on from the Muller report for just a moment."
"You're going to get some of the best commentary and the best information... you are going to be as well informed and as sober about all of this as is humanly possible that I guarantee you."
"Mine's been weird. Today we're talking about YouTube drama, but not in the way you'd think, unless you read the title of the video, then yeah, it's exactly what you think."
"The industry is moving away from Marvel stuff." - Commentator
"I hope y'all don't take like you know my commentary on this and be like oh I actually sell out blah blah blah bro like again at the end of the day there's a bigger picture to this."
"We failed as a society, Guillermo, you had a big night."
"I'm sorry, Megan, please show me in here where Senator Tammy Duckworth said, 'Megan, pick somebody who doesn't have the skill set.'"
"Commentary is not a tale of death, it is a tale of survival."
"One minute you're the most influential woman in the world, next minute you're scrambled megs on toast."
"Jimmy Kimmel proves this point. They're salivating over the seizure of this property."
"The Phantom Menace of YouTube really is it's good I like that."
"Most copies of this video have some silly vacuum music so it's hard not to chuckle at the shenanigans going on."
"We now know we're in the middle of R-rated Watergate." - Lawrence
"There's definitely some convenient timing to this video coming in the wake of 2021's version of E3 that mostly convinced me that COVID was right to cancel last year's equivalent."
"Saban had just absolutely zero conscious about making billions using our faces because it was his idea and he owned it which is freaking nuts honestly."
"This is why everybody does not need to do commentary because they don't know how to think before they talk."
"This isn't history, it's happening live right now as you're watching this video."
"Stranger things really is strange. No, it's stranger than strange. I suppose that's what they call it. Stranger how abnormally strange of them."
"They're going to be constantly bombarded with questions which probably 99% of the time they can't comment on or any commentary needs to go through Elon anyway so personally I'm not sure exactly what purpose that would serve." - Rob Maurer
"At least for a little while, [Prey] is potentially one of the last of its kind."
"You have this very, very average comedian John Oliver trying to take him out. And that is a large part of the problem, we have average people who out of jealousy are trying to take out the good people."
"It's funny because obviously in this country quite rightly Martine Siler absolutely nailed it."
"What is it with people who've not actually been following this story chiming in and having the worst takes possible from Dreamcast guy to Jesse Cox to this jackass?"
"Trevor Noah says Omicron might not be so bad."
"What is this twilight zone era we live in right now?" - Nintendo Direct commentator
"It's a good point Ian Hislop. I think that answer by Robert generic was just absolutely disgraceful because it was so Misty."
"Are you on reality or you are on like, you know, a dark lord had the election stolen from him like what are we, are we okay?" - Francesca Fiorentini
"Every single member of the permanent political class is imploding and Donald J Trump is surging."
"Oh, well, oh, I have poison touch, I completely forgot."
"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the way the cookie crumbles."
"It's super easy to talk about the bad news. This is more fun."
"I promise you after this video most likely I'm not speaking on it again."
"It sucks to hear about technical issues particularly when they're not the wrestling company's fault." - Adam Wilborn
"They finally give us something nice and shiny and good and still there's somebody to [ __ ] on." - Kevin Smith
"I think that this is another, you know, way of Elon Musk in a meta way putting to bed mainstream media."
"For everyone that loves to complain about these shows, we've been right all along."
"I love that the show is basically like, 'Oh, this is coming from nobody.'"
"So it's time for commentators like me to stop being polite and start getting angry."
"It's so chock full of just madness like every aspect of it."
"I got to temper myself today Larsson I got to temper myself why because my initial reaction to our first story today because we're we got a lot to talk about today."
"Todd Moore making a statement on Charlie os's face veros know where to go."
"It's fast-paced, it's well-directed and its commentary on media, although blatant, was still interesting and fun to watch."
"I'm just happy I have this channel to talk about what I honestly genuinely think about dramas and stuff and whatever other people think is none of my business."